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TheLonelyWalker's photo
Wed 06/27/07 08:57 AM
BTW I have ur back baby
I'm always watching over u

ArtGurl's photo
Wed 06/27/07 09:30 AM
Thank you

Kat flowerforyou

Walker :heart:

scttrbrain's photo
Wed 06/27/07 09:37 AM
Haaaaaeeeeeee...LW, I'm decent.sad

ArtGurl's photo
Wed 06/27/07 09:40 AM
Oh lovely! Yes you are and you are not excluded. :heart:

scttrbrain's photo
Wed 06/27/07 09:59 AM
Artgurl: :heart: flowerforyou

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 06/27/07 11:12 AM
Hi all, Spider, I do read the posts and what I know of you comes only
from these posts. I know that you are not unlike anyone else who has
had their share of personal grief. I know that you have found a way,
that's right for you, to rise above your pain and continue to live. I
also know that your way is through your beliefs. You have become
knowledgeable in many aspects, but like many of us do, you seek to
support all your beliefs with any avenue that is most consistent with
them. Your belief is rigid, it includes a bias against many different
factions. One of those factions in homosexuality. To retain what you
believe you must find whatever backs up and upholds your values, your
belief. It is this that I see when you post information, and opinion
whose only saving grace is that it reinforces your ideal religion.

You do not even give credence to other information, always finding fault
therein. But Spider there is fault in ALL of them. To be fair, to be
honest you MUST look beyond the information, the opinion, and see the
world. Meet the people and when you do sir, with regards to the
HIV/AIDS issue, DO NOT LOOK in the gay communities. I know that is the
first place YOU would think to look. Try looking in your own back yard,
in any hospital, in any hospice, in any outpatient medical center.

AND YOU, did you read MY post, do you not have an answer for why 65% of
new AIDS cases are female heterosexuals, while only 11% are male? Or
why 59% have had male to male contact, but can not be listed as
homosexual? Because they are not, they do not live that lifestyle,
because it is human nature to experiment, because many of them are under
the age of 22.

KAT - was quite correct to bring up the education factor. As I also
stated in my post, it is those who refuse to allow tolerance to be a way
of life in their schools for the sake of all children. To be a topic
which allows the doors to be open for all students. For this they will
suffer as many of their children will not have the knowledge they need
to protect them, and to support the nature of a free society.

Spider spoke of the drug use, the alcohol abuse, the suicide rate among
the GLBT community, but he did not mention the percentages of those
under age 22 and offer a reason why, other than to point in a direction
that leads others to think that this is simply part of a perverted
nature of the homosexual.
This is simply not true, and I can only hope that there are open minded
people that can look beyond the surface and understand that growing up
in our society is difficult at best, but must be far more difficult for
anyone who faces a life that in any way handicaps them by the

Blow your horn little boy blue, I will remember you when there is a
clearer understanding of this disease, when there is a cure, and I still
will not lament having said anything within this post. However, I will
offer due respect to knowledge that one has struggled to achieve and
pass on. For your knowledge, without opinion, in many aspects of
religion, I respectfully submit an open mind.

Peace to all.

no photo
Wed 06/27/07 11:22 AM

"AND YOU, did you read MY post, do you not have an answer for why 65% of
new AIDS cases are female heterosexuals, while only 11% are male? "

Have you ever had a yeast infection? That's now a symptom of AIDS, it
was added a few years ago. Along with Cervical cancer. It was done in
an attempt to explain why most women with HIV don't ever get AIDS. They
flip flopped the numbers by taking various common female aliments and
adding them to the AIDS syndrome.

The rest of your post is personal attacks against me. I'm homophobic.
I'm indoctrinated. I'm rigid in my beliefs. "Blow your horn little boy
blue". I don't need to attack you, because I'm open to the possiblity
have HIV causes AIDS, I'm not a fanatic. I just want the see the
research done to prove or disprove the HIV / AIDS causality.

scttrbrain's photo
Wed 06/27/07 12:04 PM
AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) was first reported in the
United States in 1981 and has since become a major worldwide epidemic.
AIDS is caused by HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). By killing or
damaging cells of the body's immune system, HIV progressively destroys
the body's ability to fight infections and certain cancers. People
diagnosed with AIDS may get life-threatening diseases called
opportunistic infections, which are caused by microbes such as viruses
or bacteria that usually do not make healthy people sick.
More than 900,000 cases of AIDS have been reported in the United States
since 1981. As many as 950,000 Americans may be infected with HIV,
one-quarter of whom are unaware of their infection. The epidemic is
growing most rapidly among minority populations and is a leading killer
of African-American males ages 25 to 44. According to the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), AIDS affects nearly seven times
more African Americans and three times more Hispanics than whites. In
recent years, an increasing number of African-American women and
children are being affected by HIV/AIDS. In 2003, two-thirds of U.S.
AIDS cases in both women and children were among African-Americans.

Women can transmit HIV to their babies during pregnancy or birth.
Approximately one-quarter to one-third of all untreated pregnant women
infected with HIV will pass the infection to their babies. HIV also can
be spread to babies through the breast milk of mothers infected with the
virus. If the mother takes certain drugs during pregnancy, she can
significantly reduce the chances that her baby will get infected with
HIV. If health care providers treat HIV-infected pregnant women and
deliver their babies by cesarean section, the chances of the baby being
infected can be reduced to a rate of 1 percent. HIV infection of
newborns has been almost eradicated in the United States due to
appropriate treatment.

A study sponsored by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases (NIAID) in Uganda found a highly effective and safe drug for
preventing transmission of HIV from an infected mother to her newborn.
Independent studies have also confirmed this finding. This regimen is
more affordable and practical than any other examined to date. Results
from the study show that a single oral dose of the antiretroviral drug
nevirapine (NVP) given to an HIV-infected woman in labor and another to
her baby within 3 days of birth reduces the transmission rate of HIV by
half compared with a similar short course of AZT (Azidothymidine). For
more information on preventing transmission from mother to child, go to

If you have a sexually transmitted infection (STI) such as syphilis,
genital herpes, chlamydial infection, gonorrhea, or bacterial vaginosis
appears, you may be more susceptible to getting HIV infection during sex
with infected partners.

People with AIDS are also particularly prone to developing various
cancers, especially those caused by viruses such as Kaposi's sarcoma and
cervical cancer, or cancers of the immune system known as lymphomas.
These cancers are usually more aggressive and difficult to treat in
people with AIDS. Signs of Kaposi's sarcoma in light-skinned people are
round brown, reddish, or purple spots that develop in the skin or in the
mouth. In dark-skinned people, the spots are more pigmented.

A small number of people first infected with HIV 10 or more years ago
have not developed symptoms of AIDS. Scientists are trying to determine
what factors may account for their lack of progression to AIDS, such as

Whether their immune systems have particular characteristics
Whether they were infected with a less aggressive strain of the virus
If their genes may protect them from the effects of HIV
Scientists hope that understanding the body's natural method of
controlling infection may lead to ideas for protective HIV vaccines and
use of vaccines to prevent the disease from progressing.

Although some laboratory evidence shows that spermicides can kill HIV,
researchers have not found that these products can prevent you from
getting HIV.


Redykeulous's photo
Wed 06/27/07 12:28 PM
Spider, have you ever had a yeast infection? Men do get them you know.
Antibiotics can cause yeast infections too. Most women have had them at
one time or another, some of us have had to deal with some persistent
cases. But I have seen others, with diagnosed AIDS have a yeast
infection, and I want to tell you, it is not like dealing with the mild
cases of those whose immune system has not been compromised by the HIV

Cervical cancer is stoppable, in fact there is a vaccine for it now.
And in all the research I have done, and all the people I cancer was
considered a disease brought on by HIV. I'm not an expert and like you,
I have only research and experience of my own to identify with.

Do you know that there has been a push to have the vaccine, I mentioned,
available through the schools, to high school teens?
Do you know why it is being met with ambiguity? Because there are so
many parents out there, who refuse to accept that their child could
possibly have sex. Instead it is offered on many college campuses,
without much fanfare.

As for my attacking you? Perhaps a defensive hand was raised, but you
failed to see the other one outstretched and open.

let me explain, you wrote:
"""I'm open to the possiblity have HIV causes AIDS, I'm not a fanatic. I
just want the see the research done to prove or disprove the HIV / AIDS

The defensive hand closes because in this statement I see attached to
it, those faulty statistics that you hold to, that present a biased
representation of the gay community. I do not see in your words a desire
to help those who suffer. Therefore the hand closes and is obviously
defensive. For you seek only the link that bridges the HIV/AIDS gap.

The other hand remains outstretched and open, because you have shown
your ability to be an intelligent being. In that hand is the hope that
your desire is to help those who suffer, regardless of statistics. And
further, that you would, under any circumstances, regardless of the
light that the connecting bridge might shed, offer support for the
efforts that would finally, end this medical malady.

It's the human factor I refer to, that I give precedent to, not a
statistical one whose basis begins (at least in this country) with the
gay community.

Can you see now, why there can be offense taken from your words?

scttrbrain's photo
Wed 06/27/07 12:43 PM
The HPV virus is deadly (cervical cancer). I had it. oes that make me
more susceptable? Yes. I have had a few yeast infections. Does this make
me more septible? Yes. If I have any virus in my body it makes me more
suseptable to get infected. Anytime the immune system is weakened, one
is MORE suseptable to a more dangerous and deadly strain of any virus,
including aids.

Red, you are a wise and kind lady. Myself, I read you just

no photo
Wed 06/27/07 12:53 PM

Please get off the "Spider is a homophobe" kick, it's boring. You still
don't get it. I wasn't saying that they have AIDS because they are gay,
I said it's because of their lifestyle. I don't care what their sexual
orientation is, I was offering statistics to show that many homosexual
men lead a very stressful and self-destructive lifestyle. Stress, lack
of sleep, malnutrition, drug use, alcholism can all lead to a lowered
immune system. This lowered resistance to disease is assummed to be a
viral disease, but there is evidence that suggests it is a lifestyle
disease. If it's caused by lifestyle, then a change in lifestyle would
save many of the sick people.

"Can you see now, why there can be offense taken from your words?"

NO! Because you still don't understand my position. I keep telling you
to read the links, you haven't have you? Have you read the new thread I
posted? I am NOT attacking gay men. I am attacking the hedonistic
lifestyle that some gay men live in. There is a difference. Not all
gay men have 1000+ sexual partners in their lifetime, are addicted to
drugs and alchohol, spend all their time partying and contract dozens of
STDs in their lifetime. I'm talking about SOME gay men. Get off your
high horse and actually listen to what I'm saying without attacking me
over and over "Spider hates gays! Spider hates gays!" Ugh! Just let
it go, you don't know me and never will.

I'm the crazy science hatin' bible thumper who is just asking for an
actual causality study, like we do with all other diseases. I just want
the questions that the HIV dissenters have brought up answered. If HIV
turns out to cause AIDS, so be it. But if it doesn't and we can prove
it with a simple research study, isn't it worth it? If HIV does cause
AIDS, should we prove it for once and for all and get all the
researchers on the same side?

scttrbrain's photo
Wed 06/27/07 12:59 PM

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 06/27/07 01:48 PM
To your final paragraph, yes Spider.

oldsage's photo
Wed 06/27/07 01:57 PM
An interesting site to read research papers on HIV & Aids
These products have made massive differences all over the world.
The leading company in glyconutrients head of research was asked to
present info at the United Nations, due to all the work being done in
Africa, through an associated charity.
Want more info, mail me.

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