Topic: A hearty Question... | |
So you know someone who is somewhat crazy (LIKE ME FOR INSTANCE)...
You know this person has the capacity to get real pissed off and act on it. Now for as nice as they are you know this person has a sort of scary dark side. Is it better knowing that person is watching out for you or would you rather they not watch your back? Now I am not talking "super crazy ex BF" type stuff. Been there and homie found out some of us are crazier than others. Does anyone out there appreciate dangerous people? From this... ![]() to this... ![]() In under five second! |
people fear me.....
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Yeah it's nice when they are on your side, but what if they turn on you? Then what do you do?
Crazy is relative. It is the quite ones you have to worry about.......
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Yeah it's nice when they are on your side, but what if they turn on you? Then what do you do? Hey, it worked for me. |
Hell no, just back the **** up cause' this lil' girl can handle herself.
People with scary dark sides have been manning the ramparts of this country since the beginning.
People with scary dark sides have been manning the ramparts of this country since the beginning. that's probably why this place is so ****ed up too. |
people fear me..... ![]() not eskeerd....braided armpit hair or not |
Crazy is relative. It is the quite ones you have to worry about....... ![]() ![]() |
LOL @ manoffewords.
it's the truth |
If you are going to be around someone who is both dangerous and crazy, then it would help to also have with you a couple of friends who can protect you, preferably friends named Smith and Wesson.
Meet Smith and Wesson: ![]() |
Say hello to my little friend,
the .454 Casull ![]() This is the big dog dique that makes all others jealous! |
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![]() Jamie, if you're packing that, then you probably don't have any ex-boyfriends. Late boyfriends perhaps. |
![]() It does the job! Size does not matter when it can make a body spring leaks! My hat is off to you for being a diligent and self protecting sort of lady! America needs more women like you to help keep the animals in check! |
Edited by
Sun 08/15/10 10:30 PM
I'll gladly allow people to believe they know how crazy I am ...
I'll NEVER let them know how crazy I'm willing to be ... There's a huge difference between the two ... |
In this day and age we can't afford not be "aware" of our surroundings it always good to have a backup plan and it always good to look out for yourself cause' if we don't for ourselves who is going to. It's always good to look forward, always assume anything can happen if if it never does.
I do have one dark crazy person in my corner, a mad genius. He is a relative's ex, he has moved into a new relationship but she is not allowed to since he's still totally possessive of her and she knows how dangerous he can be. I know it sounds odd, but she has no desire to be in another relationship anyway. I believe she is obsessed with him, (they got together at 11yrs old, over 30 years ago.) He has always considered me her only relative worth a damn and would "take care of" anyone I asked him to. I'm not a vindictive or spiteful person and abhor fighting and violence, so I find it necessary to keep my woes and troubles to myself in his presence. People like that are few and far between, thankfully. I'm just glad I've always been on his good list.
Im the big gun in our family...I have this thing my kids call "mom eyes" when I go over the cliff. They claim it tramatized them for life! LOL Sooo one day my daughter, her friend and my self are driving along down here in Mex. When suddenly two Federales wave my daughters truck over. They try to Mordita her ( bribes) WELL!!! To hear the girls tell it: I whipped my sunglasses off, Went flyig over my daughter in the drivers seat. I was swearing my head off in Spanish! They said my hair looked electrified and my lips pulled back from my teeth. With glaring "Mom eyes" But it was when I made a move to open the side door to get out that suddenly they started saying "lo siento lo siento" like mad and hitting the truck and waving for my daughter to leave. They couldnt get us back on the road fast enough...they even stepped onto the highway to stop traffic and get us out of there. Once we were back on the road, my daughter started saying " Mom do you realize you just scared two Federales with mk47's? You could hear thier balls contract. With Mom eyes??? Its a family tale now....never underestimate a poe'd Mom!!! Ahahahahhha
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