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Topic: I hate my ex(my youngest son's dad)
Katertots37's photo
Sun 06/24/07 04:32 PM
He has the nerve to have his *cough**Choke* married g/f(the one that
broke us up) call me today and tell me that he needs me to bring our son
back to his house. Ok, no problem. The problem is when we got to his
sister's house(where he is staying at the moment until he gets his own
place...AGAIN) the house is locked. My son could not get in. I'm
thinking after not seeing his son for over a week he'd be home wanting
to see how camp was and if he had fun. He also should have checked to
see how our son was feeling since he was having some major asthma
attacks this past week. I waited around for over a half hour for him to
get home from being with his *choke* g/f at the bar.He told me on the
phone that I should just leave him there and he'd be ok for a few
minutes. Forget that...I will not abandon my son on a doorstep. He
refuses to give up custody because he wants his weekends free of kids.

ok, i'm off my rock..thanks for letting me vent.

Snugglesbyfire's photo
Sun 06/24/07 04:39 PM

Katertots37's photo
Sun 06/24/07 04:40 PM

Katertots37's photo
Sun 06/24/07 04:40 PM
I don't normally drink but i can use a stiff one right nowgrumble

LAMom's photo
Sun 06/24/07 04:41 PM
(((((((((((( Hugs )))))))))))))))
Sorry you have to deal with Crap like that,,, flowerforyou

Katertots37's photo
Sun 06/24/07 04:41 PM

Snugglesbyfire's photo
Sun 06/24/07 04:48 PM
Katie, keep track of those things in a notebook, this way when you go to
court for custody you have proof of what is going on.

Katertots37's photo
Sun 06/24/07 04:50 PM
i've got everything saved on my all i have to do is print it

oldsage's photo
Sun 06/24/07 05:13 PM
Be sure & have a backup file, just for saftey sake.
Stuff happens

Katertots37's photo
Sun 06/24/07 05:15 PM
i know it does sage

aredrosebaby's photo
Sun 06/24/07 05:52 PM
omg katers i wouldnt have left my son there either,keep notes about
avery thing .next time take someone with you for a witest:angry: cant
blame ya for being madflowerforyou

Katertots37's photo
Mon 06/25/07 12:24 AM
Beleive me other 2 kids were there with me. They saw me sitting
in the Walmart Parking lot crying after i got off the phone with my ex.
He claims he loves all 3 of his kids(he has 2 girls from a previous
marriage) but he doesn't. He won't even send his youngest daughter a
birthday card or christmas card unless someone goes out and gets it. I
told him I want my son on the weekdays and let him have him on the
weekends and he won't give him up..maybe for a few weeks while he finds
a place to live but after he does he wants my son back. I couldn't do

no photo
Mon 06/25/07 02:05 AM
hmmmm tatertots.....I HATE YOUR EX TOO!!!!! BUGGA!!!!grumble grumble
grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble

LittleFireCracker19's photo
Mon 06/25/07 05:52 AM
frown frown awww Kater frown frown Im sorry to hear
this....grumble i hte guys...he reminds me of my lil girls sperm
donorgrumble grumble piece of sh*t......flowerforyou
flowerforyou I hope he gets a brain soon

Alada's photo
Mon 06/25/07 07:30 AM
OMG, Kate...

Keeping a journal is good, but I am not quite sure if it would be
admissible in court. Maybe you can talk to a Social Worker or a Police
Officer and have one of them escort you everytime. Again, I don't know
if it would be possible. But you hve to have proof and witnesses,
otherwise it won't be enough and it can get dismissed as hearsay. Talk
to your case worker and see what the best strategy might be. Don't lose
faith. Your son is lucky to have you as his mother. He has half a dad,
but a 2 1/2 Mom. Chin up, girl!

Puffins1958's photo
Mon 06/25/07 10:23 AM

All I have to say is that your son is very lucky to have you in his
life. Just think what his life would be WITHOUT you, that should put a
smile on your face.

His father is obviously an IDIOT for not wanting to be a MAN in his
son's life. It sounds pathetic....if you ask me

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Mon 06/25/07 12:46 PM
a journal will hold up in court as long as you state the facts with out
any side opinions (like the asshole ex did this n that lol).I wouldn't
drive off either and leave my son.His ass should have been there at the
appointed time and not on a bar stool.What a loser.
I dont know how old your son is but here their testimony weighs heavy in
a custody case if they are 12 or over.
hugs to you and good luck.Asshole's never change.explode

Katertots37's photo
Mon 06/25/07 02:07 PM
He's 10 cute's....

According to Child Protective Services it's ok to leave him home alone
for several hours. It's ok to smoke pot in the same room as the kids as
long as you don't give it to them and it's ok to drink and drive with
the kids in the car and no seatbelts as long as they dont' get pulled other words they told me they won't do a damn thing(sorry mike
and van) until they are in the hospital or 6 feet under.explode
explode mad mad

carebear19622's photo
Mon 06/25/07 02:16 PM
that child service is not very protective. my dad was not very good
either. I know how you feel ((((((((kater))))))))

Katertots37's photo
Mon 06/25/07 02:21 PM
I know they aren't carebear..they really upsets me. It's sad when the
kid has to be dead before they step in...that's not protecting the

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