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Topic: What do you want?
FearandLoathing's photo
Thu 07/01/10 10:27 AM
What could you use in life right now? What kind of advice do you want that is hard to find? What is pertinent to you at this point in time, today, and will still be useful years from now?

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 07/01/10 10:29 AM
I want it all....for now I'll go climbing : )

PATSFAN's photo
Thu 07/01/10 10:30 AM
I just want extra cheese on my cheeseburger & a lil mayo.....Thankshappy

FearandLoathing's photo
Thu 07/01/10 10:31 AM

I want it all....for now I'll go climbing : )

Specifics! Haha. No, but really, I'm trying to get my hand in marketing right now and am building a website in the coming month so I kind of want an idea of what people would like that they really can't get out of any other website.

Climbing rocks. *smile*

Riding_Dubz's photo
Thu 07/01/10 10:39 AM
think im kopestic happy

LAMom's photo
Thu 07/01/10 10:46 AM
Well the way the economy is today and the uncertainty of whats to come next... I'd say tools to help us better understand

Unemployment tips and how to get the next job

Wall street,,, layed out in simple to understand Lingo

Tips on marketing ones-self

Money management

LAMom's photo
Thu 07/01/10 10:46 AM
Edited by LAMom on Thu 07/01/10 10:47 AM
Oooppppssss Double dribble


TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 07/01/10 11:13 AM
I want the winning lotto #'s would last me a life time and I could do many good things with it....bigsmile

no photo
Thu 07/01/10 11:27 AM

What could you use in life right now?

About 76,000,000 book sales, a car, a new place to live, some Brown Sugar-Cinnamon Pop-Tarts, and a girlfriend who is more interesting than the blank billboard over on Rte. 65.

What kind of advice do you want that is hard to find?

Advice that would tell me how to acquire the above.

What is pertinent to you at this point in time, today, and will still be useful years from now?

My unusual knowledge of Dr. Who trivia.

justme659's photo
Thu 07/01/10 11:57 AM
Edited by justme659 on Thu 07/01/10 11:57 AM
Boxes and bubble wrap.

j_mcmahon05's photo
Thu 07/01/10 12:03 PM
I want a genie lamp so I can make three wishes.....1)Millions of dollars.2)3 more wishes.3)A woman who I can spoil

thewaterbearer's photo
Thu 07/01/10 12:10 PM
My next car will be a chevy I dislike fordsofftopic :smile:

no photo
Thu 07/01/10 12:21 PM
Is advice really hard to find? There are so many people who offer advice even when not asked.

FearandLoathing's photo
Thu 07/01/10 12:39 PM

Is advice really hard to find? There are so many people who offer advice even when not asked.

Nice job, you completly ignored two parts of a three part question.

Beachfarmer's photo
Thu 07/01/10 12:41 PM
STOP BEING AN A$$!!!!!!!!!!

I love it (well...APPRECIATE it) when friends tell me this and I realize they are right.

Jess642's photo
Thu 07/01/10 12:57 PM

What could you use in life right now? What kind of advice do you want that is hard to find? What is pertinent to you at this point in time, today, and will still be useful years from now? extra pair of arms... to paint the inside of a giant house efficiently and expediently.. principles, values, experiential wisdom accumulated over 46 years...

no photo
Thu 07/01/10 01:02 PM

Is advice really hard to find? There are so many people who offer advice even when not asked.

Nice job, you completly ignored two parts of a three part question.

Didn't know there was a requirement to respond here.

Beachfarmer's photo
Thu 07/01/10 01:05 PM

What could you use in life right now? What kind of advice do you want that is hard to find? What is pertinent to you at this point in time, today, and will still be useful years from now? extra pair of arms... to paint the inside of a giant house efficiently and expediently.. principles, values, experiential wisdom accumulated over 46 years...

....dealing with MY OWN genetics

....wish I was there

....How bout a DEEP appreciation and AWE of said

SunnyMcleod's photo
Thu 07/01/10 01:13 PM

What could you use in life right now? What kind of advice do you want that is hard to find? What is pertinent to you at this point in time, today, and will still be useful years from now?

Right now? I'm focused on school. This internship will help me get a great job that'll make my future better.

Until I'm able to support myself I don't want anything else.

Except maybe a big fat J smokin laugh

hmlover's photo
Thu 07/01/10 01:15 PM
How to get along in life without love or money.

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