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Topic: What does God think about Gays?
msharmony's photo
Sat 06/26/10 12:05 AM

I preferr; "Judge not, least YOU be judged."

I have family members that chose an alternative life style, know many others, also. Preferr them to many "straight" people I have met.
Never been hit on, so what differance does it make, anyway.

Ditto. People that say gays are damned because it is sinful are in fact committing a sin by judging.

I agree, the final judgment will be the Lords and I feel it is at the very least a disrespect to judge the fate of anyone's soul, only God knows,

but he does give us a book as a map to salvation,,,

2sparrows's photo
Sat 06/26/10 01:28 AM

I preferr; "Judge not, least YOU be judged."

I have family members that chose an alternative life style, know many others, also. Preferr them to many "straight" people I have met.
Never been hit on, so what differance does it make, anyway.

Ditto. People that say gays are damned because it is sinful are in fact committing a sin by judging.

I agree, the final judgment will be the Lords and I feel it is at the very least a disrespect to judge the fate of anyone's soul, only God knows,

but he does give us a book as a map to salvation,,,

I agree with msharmony;

I cannot judge anothers soul or decide if they are truly "saved" or not.

But I can read what the Bible says about a action.

If the Bible says it is wrong to wear poka dot underware on tuesdays,

I can't judge a persons soul who wears poka dot underware on tuesdays

But I judge the action by what the Bible clearly says.

Now if one claims to be a Bible believing Christian

And Brags they wear poka dot underware on tuesdays

It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to know some thing is wrong

no photo
Sat 06/26/10 03:18 AM
There's nothing wrong of being a gay as long as he does not hurt anyone.What he is and what he likes to be (sexual preference) is not his fault. There are some factors we need to consider and this requires us to understand the way they are. But definitely, in the Bible, it is not considered as a good example. They continue to increase their population without getting pregnant! :)

no photo
Sat 06/26/10 03:19 AM
There's nothing wrong of being a gay as long as he does not hurt anyone.What he is and what he likes to be (sexual preference) is not his fault. There are some factors we need to consider and this requires us to understand the way they are. But definitely, in the Bible, it is not considered as a good example. They continue to increase their population without getting pregnant! :) The bible says, 'GO AND MULTIPLY' and so they did in todays generation.

msharmony's photo
Sat 06/26/10 10:38 AM
I think the bible is pretty clear that we are not to lie down with man the same as woman,,,so I guess one could say the activity is 'wrong'. Perhaps people 'can't help' how they feel but they have total authority of what they do.

Its kind of like lying and then saying you are proud that you lie because it doesnt really hurt anyone,,,Id say there is an issue there if trying to be a Christian.

It isnt in rather one is committing the sin,,because I truly believe that everyone has but it is in the INTENTION and EFFORT made to turn from those behaviors,,,if one is boasting about them instead,,Id say they may be on the wrong path

Mrmtz101's photo
Mon 06/28/10 03:32 PM
people just go to romans chapter 1 and 2 and find out by your self.

budster73's photo
Sun 08/22/10 05:54 AM
One of my mates put it this way. Love the sinner but hate the sin. God is Holy and he hates all evil. Men were created to have relations with women not men, so to go against Gods design is sin. You might not mind your frinds being Gay but God does, and God loves them so much that no one can understand it. So pray for them that they might repent.

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 08/27/10 03:07 PM
Edited by Dodo_David on Fri 08/27/10 03:25 PM

In the bible, it says we should kill homosexuals.
It also says we should stone our unruley kids to death, and never shave or cut our hair frustrated

You are referring to Mosaic Law, which, according to the Apostles, is something that Gentiles are not required to adhere to.

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 08/27/10 03:25 PM
In 1993 Dallas Theological Seminary professor David E. Malick wrote to two reports pertaining to the Apostle Paul’s teachings about sex between two people of the same gender.

In his report on Romans 1:26-27 Malick states the following:

“A plethora of explanations have been applied to Paul’s discussion of homosexual activity in Romans 1:26–27 in an attempt to ease or even erase any relevance to present day expressions of erotic, same-sex relationships. Some accuse Paul of imposing Jewish customs and rules on his readers. Others affirm that Paul was not presenting homosexuality as sinful but as punishment for idolatrous sin. But the most permissive view suggests that Paul was referring to abuse within the genus of healthy homosexuality. Those advocating this view affirm that Paul was addressing perverted homosexuality, either as unnatural homosexuality by heterosexuals, homosexuality combined with idolatry or with temple prostitution, or pederasty (men having relations with boys).”*

After examining each of the aforementioned claims, Malick makes the following conclusion:

“A contextual and exegetical examination of Romans 1:26–27 reveals that attempts by some contemporary writers to do away with Paul’s prohibitions against present-day same-sex relations are false. Paul did not impose Jewish customs and rules on his readers; instead he addressed same-sex relations from the transcultural perspective of God’s created order. God’s punishment for sin is rooted in a sinful reversal of the created order. Nor was homosexuality simply a sin practiced by idolaters in Paul’s day; it was a distorting consequence of the fall of the human race in the Garden of Eden. Neither did Paul describe homosexual acts by heterosexuals. Instead he wrote that homosexual activity was an exchange of the created order (heterosexuality) for a talionic perversion (homosexuality), which is never presented in Scripture as an acceptable norm for sexuality. Also Hellenistic pederasty does not fully account for the terms and logic of Romans 1:26–27 which refers to adult-adult mutuality. Therefore it is clear that in Romans 1:26–27 Paul condemned homosexuality as a perversion of God’s design for human sexual relations.”*

In his report on 1 Corinthians 6:9 Malick gives this summary:

“While Paul’s choice of the words αρσενοκοιτης and μαλακος allows for an application to the abuse of pederasty in his day, the words actually denote a broader field of reference including all men who have sexual relations with men. The illogical presuppositions that (a) all sexual relationships are equal before God, (b) Paul’s descriptions are of excessive practices, and (c) homosexuality is a biblically approved expression of sexuality, are necessary prerequisites to the popular conclusion that Paul was discussing only “abuses” in homosexual behavior. The Apostle Paul condemned all homosexual relationships in his vice-list in 1 Corinthians 6:9 as he addressed the need for the Corinthians to judge those within their midst.”**

If Malick is correct about Paul’s teachings, then Paul’s teachings are going to upset Christians who want to have sex with people of the same gender.

Sooner or later all Christians try to serve two masters, but not all Christians are willing to admit it. Sadly, it is not unusual for Christians to treat their sexual cravings as one of their masters. This problem inflicts heterosexual Christians as well as homosexual Christians.

If you do not consider yourself a Christian, then it doesn’t matter what Paul taught.
If you do consider yourself a Christian, then Paul’s teachings should matter because they are a part of orthodox Christian theology.

I am trying my best to be gentle here because I know that some Christians are in sexual relationships with people of the same gender, and those Christians are emotionally attached to their sex partners. I am not passing judgment on those particular Christians. I am here only to explain what the Apostle Paul taught. It is up to all Christians, regardless of sexual orientation, to decide whether or not they will accept the Apostle Paul’s teachings.

Finally, sex between two people of the same gender is not the unpardonable sin. If such sex is sinful, then it still should not cause a division within the universal Church. The Apostle Peter wrote, “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8).

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Thomas3474's photo
Fri 08/27/10 10:39 PM

In 1993 Dallas Theological Seminary professor David E. Malick wrote to two reports pertaining to the Apostle Paul’s teachings about sex between two people of the same gender.

In his report on Romans 1:26-27 Malick states the following:

“A plethora of explanations have been applied to Paul’s discussion of homosexual activity in Romans 1:26–27 in an attempt to ease or even erase any relevance to present day expressions of erotic, same-sex relationships. Some accuse Paul of imposing Jewish customs and rules on his readers. Others affirm that Paul was not presenting homosexuality as sinful but as punishment for idolatrous sin. But the most permissive view suggests that Paul was referring to abuse within the genus of healthy homosexuality. Those advocating this view affirm that Paul was addressing perverted homosexuality, either as unnatural homosexuality by heterosexuals, homosexuality combined with idolatry or with temple prostitution, or pederasty (men having relations with boys).”*

After examining each of the aforementioned claims, Malick makes the following conclusion:

“A contextual and exegetical examination of Romans 1:26–27 reveals that attempts by some contemporary writers to do away with Paul’s prohibitions against present-day same-sex relations are false. Paul did not impose Jewish customs and rules on his readers; instead he addressed same-sex relations from the transcultural perspective of God’s created order. God’s punishment for sin is rooted in a sinful reversal of the created order. Nor was homosexuality simply a sin practiced by idolaters in Paul’s day; it was a distorting consequence of the fall of the human race in the Garden of Eden. Neither did Paul describe homosexual acts by heterosexuals. Instead he wrote that homosexual activity was an exchange of the created order (heterosexuality) for a talionic perversion (homosexuality), which is never presented in Scripture as an acceptable norm for sexuality. Also Hellenistic pederasty does not fully account for the terms and logic of Romans 1:26–27 which refers to adult-adult mutuality. Therefore it is clear that in Romans 1:26–27 Paul condemned homosexuality as a perversion of God’s design for human sexual relations.”*

In his report on 1 Corinthians 6:9 Malick gives this summary:

“While Paul’s choice of the words αρσενοκοιτης and μαλακος allows for an application to the abuse of pederasty in his day, the words actually denote a broader field of reference including all men who have sexual relations with men. The illogical presuppositions that (a) all sexual relationships are equal before God, (b) Paul’s descriptions are of excessive practices, and (c) homosexuality is a biblically approved expression of sexuality, are necessary prerequisites to the popular conclusion that Paul was discussing only “abuses” in homosexual behavior. The Apostle Paul condemned all homosexual relationships in his vice-list in 1 Corinthians 6:9 as he addressed the need for the Corinthians to judge those within their midst.”**

If Malick is correct about Paul’s teachings, then Paul’s teachings are going to upset Christians who want to have sex with people of the same gender.

Sooner or later all Christians try to serve two masters, but not all Christians are willing to admit it. Sadly, it is not unusual for Christians to treat their sexual cravings as one of their masters. This problem inflicts heterosexual Christians as well as homosexual Christians.

If you do not consider yourself a Christian, then it doesn’t matter what Paul taught.
If you do consider yourself a Christian, then Paul’s teachings should matter because they are a part of orthodox Christian theology.

I am trying my best to be gentle here because I know that some Christians are in sexual relationships with people of the same gender, and those Christians are emotionally attached to their sex partners. I am not passing judgment on those particular Christians. I am here only to explain what the Apostle Paul taught. It is up to all Christians, regardless of sexual orientation, to decide whether or not they will accept the Apostle Paul’s teachings.

Finally, sex between two people of the same gender is not the unpardonable sin. If such sex is sinful, then it still should not cause a division within the universal Church. The Apostle Peter wrote, “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8).

*Quote Source #1
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Deep thinking but there is indeed a unforgivable sin and that is a blasphemy against the Holy spirit.There has been a great deal of debate on what this unforgivable sin is that Jesus spoke about...

Matthew 12:31-32, Jesus says to the Pharisees,

"Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come"

The majority of people who have debated this subject come to the conclusion that the unforgivable sin is geared towards people in high positions of the church(such as pastors and bishops)who either lie about what the bible says or know what the bible says and choose to disobey and urge others to do the same.The reason homosexuality is such a big issue is because you have people in high positions of the church supporting homosexuality and telling others they should support it also.Clearly telling a church full of people that homosexuality is not a sin and should be embraced is blasphemy against the Holy spirit and will do great damage to the church both in the present and the future.

Dodo_David's photo
Sat 08/28/10 12:00 PM

The majority of people who have debated this subject come to the conclusion that the unforgivable sin is geared towards people in high positions of the church(such as pastors and bishops)who either lie about what the bible says or know what the bible says and choose to disobey and urge others to do the same.The reason homosexuality is such a big issue is because you have people in high positions of the church supporting homosexuality and telling others they should support it also.Clearly telling a church full of people that homosexuality is not a sin and should be embraced is blasphemy against the Holy spirit and will do great damage to the church both in the present and the future.

I agree. In my commentary "Homosexuality and the Church" I state the following:

". . . it would be an error to tell homosexual Christians that God accepts same-gender sexual behavior, because the New Testament clearly teaches the opposite. Although we are supposed to love homosexuals, we are also supposed to remain true to what the Bible teaches."

joejealousy's photo
Sat 08/28/10 03:28 PM
lol, thats why god made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.

no photo
Wed 09/01/10 10:50 PM

...I was actually kicked out of sunday school, because I asked too many questions about the bible's contents. lol

That's awful. slaphead
They should have been better
prepared and ready to
answer your questions.
Now this is where the fruit of the
Spirit comes in handy
for those who feel called
to teach.

"But the fruit of the spirit

is love, joy, peace, patience,

kindness, goodness, faithfulness,

gentleness, and self control.

Galatians 5:22

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