Topic: If God were really standing right in front of you... | |
it's pure karma that theists believe in and worship an Atheist God worships NO ONE. God is the ALPHA, the head hancho, the one in charge, the ruler, and much more. Well, if he worships no one, then he believes in no god higher than himself, which would make him an atheist.. yeah i guess he would be an atheist less since he's God and he believes in himself would make him a monotheist |
God worships NO ONE. God is the ALPHA, the head hancho, the one in charge, the ruler, and much more. Cowboy...that "God worships NO ONE" displays two things....that Jesus isn't God since Jesus did worshop the father and since the father worship NO ONE that makes the father an Atheist |
Edited by
Sat 07/10/10 08:10 AM
it's pure karma that theists believe in and worship an Atheist God worships NO ONE. God is the ALPHA, the head hancho, the one in charge, the ruler, and much more. Well, if he worships no one, then he believes in no god higher than himself, which would make him an atheist.. yeah i guess he would be an atheist less since he's God and he believes in himself would make him a monotheist that God "believes" in himself would indicate that God does not "know" himself ...that means God is a theist but not omniscient |
it's pure karma that theists believe in and worship an Atheist God worships NO ONE. God is the ALPHA, the head hancho, the one in charge, the ruler, and much more. Well, if he worships no one, then he believes in no god higher than himself, which would make him an atheist.. yeah i guess he would be an atheist less since he's God and he believes in himself would make him a monotheist that God "believes" in himself would indicate that God does not "know" himself ...that means God is a theist but not omniscient i know the sun will shine tomorrow and i believe it. anyone including god can know something and believe it too.... |
i know the sun will shine tomorrow and i believe it. in case no one told you...the sun doesn't stop shining ... anyone including god can know something and believe it too.... wow so God believes just like anyone else?...unfortunely a God that believes....does not know ...and therefore is not all-knowing ...and frankly not a God ...well not a true God |
i know the sun will shine tomorrow and i believe it. in case no one told you...the sun doesn't stop shining ... anyone including god can know something and believe it too.... wow so God believes just like anyone else?...unfortunely a God that believes....does not know ...and therefore is not all-knowing ...and frankly not a God ...well not a true God ah shines...sunshine i believe it is so... god knows and believes. god knows. truly. |
ah shines...sunshine i believe it is so... god knows and believes. god knows. truly. sounds like God can't make up his mind whether he believes or if he knows that case....he probably is a theist |
Which god?
actually my reply was to the previous assumption God must be atheist and the implication that such logic was a reasonable conclusion based on WHETHER he worshipped ANOTHER God. my question was directly to the poster,,, I am not speaking to God in this post(although possibly to some who think they are) you're double a supposed "theist" all you had to do was answer a simple question ....does the father worship any other Gods? ......didn't you make a claim that you read the bible ...if so, the answer should be in there .... or perhaps you being a Christian only read the New Testament and not the Old Testament did you ask me a question? did the rules about responding to posts change? I missed it, do you want to ask this question again specifically? |
Main Entry: be·lieve
Pronunciation: \bə-ˈlēv\ Function: verb Inflected Form(s): be·lieved; be·liev·ing Etymology: Middle English beleven, from Old English belēfan, from be- + lȳfan, lēfan to allow, believe; akin to Old High German gilouben to believe, Old English lēof dear — more at love Date: before 12th century intransitive verb 1 a : to have a firm religious faith b : to accept as true, genuine, or real <ideals we believe in> <believes in ghosts> 2 : to have a firm conviction as to the goodness, efficacy, or ability of something <believe in exercise> 3 : to hold an opinion : think <I believe so>transitive verb 1 a : to consider to be true or honest <believe the reports> <you wouldn't believe how long it took> b : to accept the word or evidence of <I believe you> <couldn't believe my ears> 2 : to hold as an opinion : suppose <I believe it will rain soon> — be·liev·er noun — not believe : to be astounded at <I couldn't believe my luck> Main Entry: 1know Pronunciation: \ˈnō\ Function: verb Inflected Form(s): knew \ˈnü also ˈnyü\; known \ˈnōn\; know·ing Etymology: Middle English, from Old English cnāwan; akin to Old High German bichnāan to recognize, Latin gnoscere, noscere to come to know, Greek gignōskein Date: before 12th century transitive verb 1 a (1) : to perceive directly : have direct cognition of (2) : to have understanding of <importance of knowing oneself> (3) : to recognize the nature of : discern b (1) : to recognize as being the same as something previously known (2) : to be acquainted or familiar with (3) : to have experience of 2 a : to be aware of the truth or factuality of : be convinced or certain of b : to have a practical understanding of <knows how to write> 3 archaic : to have sexual intercourse withintransitive verb 1 : to have knowledge 2 : to be or become cognizant —sometimes used interjectionally with you especially as a filler in informal speech |
Which god? The one that's standing right in front of you. The ones off to your right, left, up, or down, or behind you don't count. The OP is only concerned with the God that's standing right in front of you. If she's sitting, swimming, surfing, or doing anything other than standing then I guess she doesn't count. You'll have to turn and face another direction to see if you can find a god who'd actually standing right in front of you. Once you find one you're supposed to tag him and say, "Tat t'vam asi" and then run like hell looking for a hiding place. |
did you ask me a question? did the rules about responding to posts change? I missed it, do you want to ask this question again specifically? MsHarmony......if you go to the previous page and read post 11 you will notice that it was you that asked me a question ... |
Main Entry: be·lieve Pronunciation: \bə-ˈlēv\ Function: verb Inflected Form(s): be·lieved; be·liev·ing Etymology: Middle English beleven, from Old English belēfan, from be- + lȳfan, lēfan to allow, believe; akin to Old High German gilouben to believe, Old English lēof dear — more at love Date: before 12th century intransitive verb 1 a : to have a firm religious faith b : to accept as true, genuine, or real <ideals we believe in> <believes in ghosts> 2 : to have a firm conviction as to the goodness, efficacy, or ability of something <believe in exercise> 3 : to hold an opinion : think <I believe so>transitive verb 1 a : to consider to be true or honest <believe the reports> <you wouldn't believe how long it took> b : to accept the word or evidence of <I believe you> <couldn't believe my ears> 2 : to hold as an opinion : suppose <I believe it will rain soon> — be·liev·er noun — not believe : to be astounded at <I couldn't believe my luck> Main Entry: 1know Pronunciation: \ˈnō\ Function: verb Inflected Form(s): knew \ˈnü also ˈnyü\; known \ˈnōn\; know·ing Etymology: Middle English, from Old English cnāwan; akin to Old High German bichnāan to recognize, Latin gnoscere, noscere to come to know, Greek gignōskein Date: before 12th century transitive verb 1 a (1) : to perceive directly : have direct cognition of (2) : to have understanding of <importance of knowing oneself> (3) : to recognize the nature of : discern b (1) : to recognize as being the same as something previously known (2) : to be acquainted or familiar with (3) : to have experience of 2 a : to be aware of the truth or factuality of : be convinced or certain of b : to have a practical understanding of <knows how to write> 3 archaic : to have sexual intercourse withintransitive verb 1 : to have knowledge 2 : to be or become cognizant —sometimes used interjectionally with you especially as a filler in informal speech oh oh...instead of running to the bible for the answer "does God worship other Gods", you run to the dictionary to look up definitions you guys try every trick in the book instead of just admitting that you believe in and worship an Atheist God |
did you ask me a question? did the rules about responding to posts change? I missed it, do you want to ask this question again specifically? MsHarmony......if you go to the previous page and read post 11 you will notice that it was you that asked me a question ... ok, good , no question for me,,, have fun,,, |
I don't believe in fairy tales, myths or what I read in religious texts :P I believe in life, though. The act of being born, reproducing and dying.
...but once again...I've asked if God is not an Atheist then which God other than himself does God worship? .....
I'm still waiting on a theist that "knows" that God exist to answer that question ....who does God worship? Repeating the question ad nauseum does not a clever question make it, though you seem to somehow clutch to it as if ... Yeah, yeah, yeah ... We get it, we get it ... ... It's a legendary thought form in your mind only! It is actually quite a juvenile and flawed question ... It reminds me more of the film 'Toy Story' - where Woody is madly attempting to get Buzz to realize he is a toy and not a real astronaut on a space command mission ... Similarly, of the time in preschool when we visited the zoo and my entire class was wildly chatting away to a chattering parrot, an en masse cacophany ... All I could do was scratch my head at what I deemed as their unified stupidity and shout at the poor bird, "You're not really talking, you can't talk, you can't answer, you don't understand us, you just memorized all this, you ARE a bird!" Ooooo ... Did I ever feel lofty and superior in that rather dumb arse, ranting 'genius overview' ... At least I was 3 or 4 years of age ... ... ... I'm still patiently awaiting an all new, improved and brilliant question ... ... Not some leftover tripe, seemingly more founded in the trails of a psychtropically induced fog than an intellectual epiphany ... Besides, you KNOW you only await the answer you seek to rip to shreds ... Not edification! Dancere......sorry about your childhood trauma issues...especially the one about the talking bird...maybe they should have had you in the Garden of Eden to deal with the talking serpent beside you did all that ranting and venting and still didn't answer the question ..."Which God other than himself does God worship?" ... it's pure karma that theists believe in and worship an Atheist Dear me, no trauma in that recant, the furtherest thing from it in fact ... Immense amusement at myself and the world, more like ... My share was a FANTASTIC, informing memory that humbles - Reflection can determine one at times fights so hard to be clever and awaken 'sleepers', that the once lucid epiphany loses impact ... Perhaps the analogy I was making was lost on you, or perhaps you're pretending as much ... I can't decide if the cleverness you obviously deem the question to 'exude' ... or the times you renew it in repetition ... ... Makes you the parrot, the children attempting a question/answer session w/ the parrot, or me as a 3 year old attempting to alert the parrot and children as to their flawed thinking, so motivation ... Similarly, are you the toy telling another misguided toy that it is only a toy and not on a mission ... Or are you the toy programmed to believe you are on a mission in earnest ... Either way, good entertainment value that I'm convinced you'll continue to pursue ... If I don't choose to be amused, I'll feel pity instead and, well ... Carry on, I guess! NB ... At some point repetition and ripping becomes the old bait/troll equation in motion ... But, you know that - right!?! It is the reason so many intelligent, inquisitive, discussion based posters avoid the religion and politics threads, sadly, though they/we are ever so keen to join in ... In theory ONLY ... One who views any length of time realizes certain players only stay to debate and degrade ... Esp. those that never venture to other forums ... Makes it a veritable mine field that is not in the least uplifting, edifying, illuminating or remotely enjoyable ... It's a shame the respect and manners are so often pointedly discarded upon entry here ... |
Note - In THIS instance, alone ... ^^^ ... by DEBATE, I meant to argue points to the death, w/out any intention to consider/learn/grow/change/move in any minute way, regarding others heart felt views painstakingly put forth ... not healthy debate in the least ...
Edited by
Mon 07/12/10 02:07 AM
this whole debate is not really a debate, neither side is willing to give an inch.
I have decided that I don't know if there is or isn't a god, I know that I am alive and like being alive, i really don't care how it happened. I also know that I am a good person and i do not need some deity or religion telling me how to have morals or how to live a good life, I have figured out how to do that all on my own. Since no one has any way to prove or disprove the existance of a deity, be it christian, greek, japanese, norse or whatever deity you worship, this is an arguement that can not be won. I believe in my planet and the fact that I am alive. That is enough for me. I did ask once "What if, after you die, you find out that God or whichever deity it could be, is not the god you worship?" For instance what if you die and find out that Zeus is the actual god in charge? With all the religions out there one of them might be right...but which one? They all started with a story... |
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Mon 07/12/10 06:32 AM
Note - In THIS instance, alone ... ^^^ ... by DEBATE, I meant to argue points to the death, w/out any intention to consider/learn/grow/change/move in any minute way, regarding others heart felt views painstakingly put forth ... not healthy debate in the least ... Dancere....perhaps a healhty debate would be if you were to release your pent up frustrations by debating the issue at hand instead of constantly venting and whining about me's like we're married or something if you can't answer the question I posed ..."which God other than himself does God worship" ....then move need to shoot the messenger my aim was to show how ironic it was that believers who make it their mission to convert Athiests... in fact worship one and believe it to be all-knowing |