Topic: What gets you goat about a profile???
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Sat 06/19/10 09:07 AM

Mos def it's the people who whine about games & drama who usually create most of it and have negative ulterior agendas - they usually hurt themselves ultimately. But I avoid them too - they r trouble makers mostly

ya, yanno we have all been hurt - blah blah blah

I agree completely with you, but then how do you put stuff in your profile to avoid meeting the sort of people you've had problems with in the past... ie. drug problems, violent ex-boyfriends/husbands, and outstanding custody issues... without sounding negative?

Why even mention those things in your profile at all? I don't know anyone who is actually looking for people with drug problems, violent people and who have outstanding custody issues. So not mentioning them is not saying that you're looking for those things. Keep the negativity out of the profile. When I see a negative profile, to me it says that person is still hung up on those past issues.
once again, I agree, and when it's time to move forward, the past has to become just that....and stay there

I want my new guy focused on me and where WE are going present & future, and I would expect to give him the same consideration

chelsea466's photo
Sat 06/19/10 10:00 AM
What I don't like is when people write "I'll enter something late" or "if you want to know just ask" and then they answer all the questions below as "No Answer" Honestly how do you start a conversation with someone like that?

Then the people don't have a single picture of them. I understand that you love your pets, garden, etc.. But it would be nice to know what the person looks like that I am talking to. Or when people use the peace sign in their pictures.

Spelling on the other hand doesn't bother me. Some people don't know how to spell or make silly errors. Let's face it no one is perfect. But what I do hate is run on sentences! Honestly to you talk like that??

mightymoe's photo
Sat 06/19/10 10:05 AM

i prefer the pic of a cat or a dog rather than a pic of someone that is totally not that person...i mean..y the fake pic? if it's a pic of an animal...i take it as it is ur pet or u r an animal lover...but if it's a pic of another person.. it shows that u r not happy to be born as who u r...:wink:

you have a good point, but we are hear to meet someone... i'de be more interested in the person, not their and also, i might add... ten year old pics dont seem very good to me either.frown

no photo
Sat 06/19/10 10:53 AM

i prefer the pic of a cat or a dog rather than a pic of someone that is totally not that person...i mean..y the fake pic? if it's a pic of an animal...i take it as it is ur pet or u r an animal lover...but if it's a pic of another person.. it shows that u r not happy to be born as who u r...:wink:

you have a good point, but we are hear to meet someone... i'de be more interested in the person, not their and also, i might add... ten year old pics dont seem very good to me either.frown

Your preference is they have a recent picture of themselves as their main picture. There's no problem with that. Others have the preference of having their pet as their picture. There's nothing wrong with that either. You just need to find someone who fits into your preferences, rather than trying to change others.

no photo
Sat 06/19/10 11:03 AM
well with the whole picture thing, I really am suspicious of anyone who does not post a recent (within 2 years) photo

careful out there....spock

and if it's a matter of not knowing how??? I'd never, never , ever in a million bazillion years be compatible with someone THAT computer illiterate anyway

no photo
Sat 06/19/10 11:07 AM
Some people will always have excuses for not having pictures. Either they don't know how, their job doesn't allow it, they're embarrassed to be here and so on. I don't put up with any excuses for no pictures. However, if they're just here to chat and nothing else, I don't see a problem with it. But if they want to meet, I expect them to have pictures in their profile.

74Drew's photo
Sat 06/19/10 11:16 AM


when i have to scroll through 6 screens of info to get to the bottom. for most people, a few paragraphs is all we really need in order to grab our attention. i'm not here to read your autobiography.

. . .

DARN! dagnabit and my autoB is so intersting - I'm crestfallen now

I thought if anyone would read it, Drew would....sad

sorry, i've got better things to do than spend a half hour reading someone's profile.

. . .

no photo
Sat 06/19/10 11:23 AM

when i have to scroll through 6 screens of info to get to the bottom. for most people, a few paragraphs is all we really need in order to grab our attention. i'm not here to read your autobiography.

. . .

I personally prefer longer profiles -- IF the writer has the skills to pull it off. Most of them don't, though.

But in general, I figure more information is better than less (or none).

MelodyGirl's photo
Sat 06/19/10 11:34 AM


when i have to scroll through 6 screens of info to get to the bottom. for most people, a few paragraphs is all we really need in order to grab our attention. i'm not here to read your autobiography.

. . .

DARN! dagnabit and my autoB is so intersting - I'm crestfallen now

I thought if anyone would read it, Drew would....sad

sorry, i've got better things to do than spend a half hour reading someone's profile.

. . .

What if they mention a "deal-breaker" in their essay you might not otherwise find out until you have wasted some time in chatting with them?

I'd rather invest a quick 3 minute read and know a little more about the person before I invest in them. I hate wasting my time and sure don't want to waste their time either.

I appreciate a more detailed essay and I appreciate those that take the time to read mine as well. At least I know he is a person that will show a little interest in me rather than brushing off the important stuff.

Drew, you know I dig you but saying you have more important things to do shows apathy. Do you think a person would be happy or reluctant to know you don’t have time for them even in the early stages?

no photo
Sat 06/19/10 11:36 AM


when i have to scroll through 6 screens of info to get to the bottom. for most people, a few paragraphs is all we really need in order to grab our attention. i'm not here to read your autobiography.

. . .

DARN! dagnabit and my autoB is so intersting - I'm crestfallen now

I thought if anyone would read it, Drew would....sad

sorry, i've got better things to do than spend a half hour reading someone's profile.

. . .

no photo
Sat 06/19/10 11:43 AM


when i have to scroll through 6 screens of info to get to the bottom. for most people, a few paragraphs is all we really need in order to grab our attention. i'm not here to read your autobiography.

. . .

DARN! dagnabit and my autoB is so intersting - I'm crestfallen now

I thought if anyone would read it, Drew would....sad

sorry, i've got better things to do than spend a half hour reading someone's profile.

. . .

What if they mention a "deal-breaker" in their essay you might not otherwise find out until you have wasted some time in chatting with them?

I'd rather invest a quick 3 minute read and know a little more about the person before I invest in them. I hate wasting my time and sure don't want to waste their time either.

I appreciate a more detailed essay and I appreciate those that take the time to read mine as well. At least I know he is a person that will show a little interest in me rather than brushing off the important stuff.

Drew, you know I dig you but saying you have more important things to do shows apathy. Do you think a person would be happy or reluctant to know you don’t have time for them even in the early stages?

I can kinda see both sides here - not joking now - I think Drew means ridiculously long profiles. There r only so many hours in a day - I also am skeptical about someone who can;t keep it concise & too the point. We r back to preferences I think again - what is too long of a read for Drew may not be for u or for me

I have passed over guys whose profiles were overly long because they were also boring

msharmony's photo
Sat 06/19/10 11:45 AM

What pet peeve do you have about any random profile? The cut and paste? The terribly misspelled words? Something else? Do tell!!!!

For me it's those that don't know the difference in they're and their and there! They were taught to us in elementary school! Also, it's and its!!!

well, I am a bit of a basic intelligence junky,,lol,,

I wouldnt say it gets my goat, but I do tend to pass over those without basic grasp of grammar and spelling,, and why do ALL the guys like to be outdoors,,why arent there cool, independent, strong, stable guys who just enjoy indoor activities like movies, concerts, dining, etc,,,,,

I mean its great to love nature, I love nature, but i just dont prefer to be a part of it,,,,,so sue me,,lol

no photo
Sat 06/19/10 11:53 AM


when i have to scroll through 6 screens of info to get to the bottom. for most people, a few paragraphs is all we really need in order to grab our attention. i'm not here to read your autobiography.

. . .

DARN! dagnabit and my autoB is so intersting - I'm crestfallen now

I thought if anyone would read it, Drew would....sad

sorry, i've got better things to do than spend a half hour reading someone's profile.

. . .

What if they mention a "deal-breaker" in their essay you might not otherwise find out until you have wasted some time in chatting with them?

I'd rather invest a quick 3 minute read and know a little more about the person before I invest in them. I hate wasting my time and sure don't want to waste their time either.

I appreciate a more detailed essay and I appreciate those that take the time to read mine as well. At least I know he is a person that will show a little interest in me rather than brushing off the important stuff.

Drew, you know I dig you but saying you have more important things to do shows apathy. Do you think a person would be happy or reluctant to know you don’t have time for them even in the early stages?

I can kinda see both sides here - not joking now - I think Drew means ridiculously long profiles. There r only so many hours in a day - I also am skeptical about someone who can;t keep it concise & too the point. We r back to preferences I think again - what is too long of a read for Drew may not be for u or for me

I have passed over guys whose profiles were overly long because they were also boring

How many profiles have you come across that have taken more than a few minutes to read?

But yes, you're right. Short profiles that take no time to read are a preference and he's certainly welcome to skip any that he doesn't feel like reading.

Though, I agree with Melody. I'd rather be able to read and learn a bit about a person up front. I also prefer that a person actually reads my profile as well. I put the effort into writing it and hope people will actually take a few minutes to read it. That being said, someone emailed me last night to tell me they didn't like it and how they didn't want to have to read all that nonsense and demands that I wrote. laugh

no photo
Sat 06/19/10 12:04 PM

How many profiles have you come across that have taken more than a few minutes to read?

Very very few. It doesn't take long to read "I don't know what to write here" or "Anything you want to know, you'll have to ask." (Disclaimer -- Spelling corrected for clarity.)

But yes, you're right. Short profiles that take no time to read are a preference and he's certainly welcome to skip any that he doesn't feel like reading.

And there are certainly MORE of those out there than there are ones that actually say something, and that someone actually put some thought into. So, from a sheer numbers standpoint,the empty/vapid/short profiles give so much more in terms of quantity.

The quality is another issue altogether....

Though, I agree with Melody. I'd rather be able to read and learn a bit about a person up front. I also prefer that a person actually reads my profile as well. I put the effort into writing it and hope people will actually take a few minutes to read it. That being said, someone emailed me last night to tell me they didn't like it and how they didn't want to have to read all that nonsense and demands that I wrote. laugh

Mine is very long, but I figured it was best to make it very clear re: what I'm looking for and what I'm NOT looking for -- and it seems to be working, because my profile gets a lot of views but very few of the viewers ever contact me....I think they understand, from reading my profile, that I would not be interested.

no photo
Sat 06/19/10 12:08 PM

What pet peeve do you have about any random profile? The cut and paste? The terribly misspelled words? Something else? Do tell!!!!

For me it's those that don't know the difference in they're and their and there! They were taught to us in elementary school! Also, it's and its!!!

well, I am a bit of a basic intelligence junky,,lol,,

I wouldnt say it gets my goat, but I do tend to pass over those without basic grasp of grammar and spelling,, and why do ALL the guys like to be outdoors,,why arent there cool, independent, strong, stable guys who just enjoy indoor activities like movies, concerts, dining, etc,,,,,

I mean its great to love nature, I love nature, but i just dont prefer to be a part of it,,,,,so sue me,,lol

really. I mean every friggin guy has camping fishing and hunting on their profile - that translates into muddy dirty ruining mt hair & nails YAY - and never getting to just chill at home. I mean I work 45 hours a week I do not want to spend my free time packing up stuff running around doing errands for supplies - driving somewhere and being exhausted just in time to go back to work on Monday morningtongue2

Although I will camp at the Holiday Innwinking

Beachfarmer's photo
Sat 06/19/10 12:10 PM
Oh....."your kids come first"? had really hoped they didn't.

no photo
Sat 06/19/10 12:10 PM


when i have to scroll through 6 screens of info to get to the bottom. for most people, a few paragraphs is all we really need in order to grab our attention. i'm not here to read your autobiography.

. . .

DARN! dagnabit and my autoB is so intersting - I'm crestfallen now

I thought if anyone would read it, Drew would....sad

sorry, i've got better things to do than spend a half hour reading someone's profile.

. . .

What if they mention a "deal-breaker" in their essay you might not otherwise find out until you have wasted some time in chatting with them?

I'd rather invest a quick 3 minute read and know a little more about the person before I invest in them. I hate wasting my time and sure don't want to waste their time either.

I appreciate a more detailed essay and I appreciate those that take the time to read mine as well. At least I know he is a person that will show a little interest in me rather than brushing off the important stuff.

Drew, you know I dig you but saying you have more important things to do shows apathy. Do you think a person would be happy or reluctant to know you don’t have time for them even in the early stages?

I can kinda see both sides here - not joking now - I think Drew means ridiculously long profiles. There r only so many hours in a day - I also am skeptical about someone who can;t keep it concise & too the point. We r back to preferences I think again - what is too long of a read for Drew may not be for u or for me

I have passed over guys whose profiles were overly long because they were also boring

How many profiles have you come across that have taken more than a few minutes to read? While I don't know Drew other than what he's said in the forums, he' comes across as very whiny. This just adds onto that whiny attitude. Perhaps he's more positive around those he actually knows.

But yes, you're right. Short profiles that take no time to read are a preference and he's certainly welcome to skip any that he doesn't feel like reading.

Though, I agree with Melody. I'd rather be able to read and learn a bit about a person up front. I also prefer that a person actually reads my profile as well. I put the effort into writing it and hope people will actually take a few minutes to read it. That being said, someone emailed me last night to tell me they didn't like it and how they didn't want to have to read all that nonsense and demands that I wrote. laugh
Oh good grief, like he couldn't jsut find someone else to write to ...whoa

normalweirdo's photo
Sat 06/19/10 12:10 PM
I dunno, I just trolled you and I think your profile is perfect in length. Shows who you are without being overly windy. :)

We need to be able to know enough about someone to get a feel for whether or not basic compatibility is there or not. Super long profiles make me wonder if I'd have to buy a ticket to date them.

freeonthree's photo
Sat 06/19/10 12:16 PM

Men lying about their heightbigsmile

Why in the hell would anyone lie about how tall thay are ? frustrated

Because so many women say right in their profiles that they will only date guys that are above a certain height... doesn't make it right, but I'm willing to bet that's why.

That would make for an embarrassing first date or outting.
Dude shows up and is 5 inches shorter than stated bigsmile

no photo
Sat 06/19/10 12:16 PM
Edited by sweetestgirl11 on Sat 06/19/10 12:17 PM

Oh....."your kids come first"? had really hoped they didn't.
when I read this, I move on, What it really says is I do not have time for a relationship, I do not know how to prioritize an adult relationship with a promary partner, and my children run my life

Folks children look to a unified adult couple who can put that bond first for security. The primary partnership bond has to come first in the best interests of the kids. It doesn't mean that they are not a priority in ur life. It is a diffrent kind of priority and it is a first priority. But if ur partnership bond is not the 1st priority in the family, the kids will feel insecure

just my opinion of course. I have just seen too many marriages tumble because the pair lost sight of the marriage coming first.