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Topic: Being took.......
imsingle951's photo
Tue 06/01/10 04:41 PM
For a fool. I met this girl on line about two years ago. She lived in mo. I l;ive in Cali. For the past two years we have been talking alot through txts, phone,and emails. She told me that she loved and wanted to be with me ever so much. Said that all that was on her mind for the longest time, was to start a new life with. So, like an idiot, I bought her a bus ticket to come here.Well, she got here at 1:00am. went and picked her up from the bus depot. Well. After getting her home, she took a three hour sleep. Then first thing that she wanted to do upon getting up, was go on facebook account.Well, after her being on there for about a half hour , I asked her if she wanted to talk about us. She then stated that she did NOT want a relationship with any men. She just wanted to get a job, and a place to get back on her feet. WOW!!!!!! talk about a shock. Well. To make the story shorter. I just had management kick her off the property. Was I right , wrong by kicking her out????? She decieved me BIG tIME.

motowndowntown's photo
Tue 06/01/10 04:43 PM
If I was you I wouldn't have needed management to kick her butt out.

She would have found herself at the bus station locked in a duffel bag.

AndyBgood's photo
Tue 06/01/10 04:45 PM
YOU ARE THE MAN! HELL YES YOU DID THE RIGHT THING! You kept your pimp hand strong!

This toast is for you!
drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

You didn't buy the BS!

Hope she likes the Bus ride back to Montana! Did you tell her not to fall off of her horse on the way back?

no photo
Tue 06/01/10 04:47 PM

unsure's photo
Tue 06/01/10 04:49 PM
People get so wrapped up into this online stuff that they don't take into consideration that you HAVE to really meet someone in person before you even consider planning anything out. Honestly, you guys didn't have a clue if you would even like each other in person. I do understand why you got upset!!! I would not have kicked her out, I would have just said that this is not what I want.
I think people need to slow way down before they think about moving some stranger in with them!!!

IndnPrncs's photo
Tue 06/01/10 04:58 PM

People get so wrapped up into this online stuff that they don't take into consideration that you HAVE to really meet someone in person before you even consider planning anything out. Honestly, you guys didn't have a clue if you would even like each other in person. I do understand why you got upset!!! I would not have kicked her out, I would have just said that this is not what I want.
I think people need to slow way down before they think about moving some stranger in with them!!!


no photo
Tue 06/01/10 04:59 PM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Tue 06/01/10 04:59 PM
Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuude ... that is SUCH a 'It could only happen in California' story ... For two years you only know her thru text, email, and phone. She says 'x, x, and x', and all of a sudden she's ridin' the Magic Bus to HappyTown on your dime ... ? Ummmmm, call me silly, but it seems like there were LOTS of opportunities to see if she was a 'Darwin Award' candidate before payin' her way out there. Didn't that fact alone raise a flag ... oh - wait ... no, it didn't ... I don't know if she deceived you or if you deceived yourself ... sounds kinda like it went thru the 'rose-colored-glasses' school of learnin' ... Anyhow, you DID make the right move havin' mgmt kick her off the property ... just don't bring her back when y' pass her on the street and she's all stylin' and stuff next to her new cardboard box home-away-from-home ... Like a friend of mine told me a long time ago: Experience is what we get when we don't get what we want. True dat ...

IndnPrncs's photo
Tue 06/01/10 05:02 PM

Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuude ... that is SUCH a 'It could only happen in California' story ... For two years you only know her thru text, email, and phone. She says 'x, x, and x', and all of a sudden she's ridin' the Magic Bus to HappyTown on your dime ... ? Ummmmm, call me silly, but it seems like there were LOTS of opportunities to see if she was a 'Darwin Award' candidate before payin' her way out there. Didn't that fact alone raise a flag ... oh - wait ... no, it didn't ... I don't know if she deceived you or if you deceived yourself ... sounds kinda like it went thru the 'rose-colored-glasses' school of learnin' ... Anyhow, you DID make the right move havin' mgmt kick her off the property ... just don't bring her back when y' pass her on the street and she's all stylin' and stuff next to her new cardboard box home-away-from-home ... Like a friend of mine told me a long time ago: Experience is what we get when we don't get what we want. True dat ...

Excuse me but I do not think it can only happen in California.. Holy cow that's a crock!

MelodyGirl's photo
Tue 06/01/10 05:02 PM
Edited by MelodyGirl on Tue 06/01/10 05:04 PM

People get so wrapped up into this online stuff that they don't take into consideration that you HAVE to really meet someone in person before you even consider planning anything out. Honestly, you guys didn't have a clue if you would even like each other in person. I do understand why you got upset!!! I would not have kicked her out, I would have just said that this is not what I want.
I think people need to slow way down before they think about moving some stranger in with them!!!

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I think you did a good thing by sending her on her way though. I would not want a person like that in my home. I would even pay the bus ticket back and accept the loss as a consequence for being so stupid. You were stupid - you know that, right?

Use more common sense. Online dating is a fine secondary way to meet people but slow the heck down!

newarkjw's photo
Tue 06/01/10 05:02 PM

People get so wrapped up into this online stuff that they don't take into consideration that you HAVE to really meet someone in person before you even consider planning anything out. Honestly, you guys didn't have a clue if you would even like each other in person. I do understand why you got upset!!! I would not have kicked her out, I would have just said that this is not what I want.
I think people need to slow way down before they think about moving some stranger in with them!!!

I agree. Hell I have been weighing the pros and cons on getting a goldfish for almost 3 years..........smokin

no photo
Tue 06/01/10 05:03 PM

Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuude ... that is SUCH a 'It could only happen in California' story ... For two years you only know her thru text, email, and phone. She says 'x, x, and x', and all of a sudden she's ridin' the Magic Bus to HappyTown on your dime ... ? Ummmmm, call me silly, but it seems like there were LOTS of opportunities to see if she was a 'Darwin Award' candidate before payin' her way out there. Didn't that fact alone raise a flag ... oh - wait ... no, it didn't ... I don't know if she deceived you or if you deceived yourself ... sounds kinda like it went thru the 'rose-colored-glasses' school of learnin' ... Anyhow, you DID make the right move havin' mgmt kick her off the property ... just don't bring her back when y' pass her on the street and she's all stylin' and stuff next to her new cardboard box home-away-from-home ... Like a friend of mine told me a long time ago: Experience is what we get when we don't get what we want. True dat ...

Excuse me but I do not think it can only happen in California.. Holy cow that's a crock!

True enough, it could happen anywhere - the fact that it DID happen in CA just makes it that much more ... 'magical' ...

MelodyGirl's photo
Tue 06/01/10 05:05 PM

Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuude ... that is SUCH a 'It could only happen in California' story ... For two years you only know her thru text, email, and phone. She says 'x, x, and x', and all of a sudden she's ridin' the Magic Bus to HappyTown on your dime ... ? Ummmmm, call me silly, but it seems like there were LOTS of opportunities to see if she was a 'Darwin Award' candidate before payin' her way out there. Didn't that fact alone raise a flag ... oh - wait ... no, it didn't ... I don't know if she deceived you or if you deceived yourself ... sounds kinda like it went thru the 'rose-colored-glasses' school of learnin' ... Anyhow, you DID make the right move havin' mgmt kick her off the property ... just don't bring her back when y' pass her on the street and she's all stylin' and stuff next to her new cardboard box home-away-from-home ... Like a friend of mine told me a long time ago: Experience is what we get when we don't get what we want. True dat ...

Gee, generalize much? slaphead grumble

IndnPrncs's photo
Tue 06/01/10 05:05 PM

Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuude ... that is SUCH a 'It could only happen in California' story ... For two years you only know her thru text, email, and phone. She says 'x, x, and x', and all of a sudden she's ridin' the Magic Bus to HappyTown on your dime ... ? Ummmmm, call me silly, but it seems like there were LOTS of opportunities to see if she was a 'Darwin Award' candidate before payin' her way out there. Didn't that fact alone raise a flag ... oh - wait ... no, it didn't ... I don't know if she deceived you or if you deceived yourself ... sounds kinda like it went thru the 'rose-colored-glasses' school of learnin' ... Anyhow, you DID make the right move havin' mgmt kick her off the property ... just don't bring her back when y' pass her on the street and she's all stylin' and stuff next to her new cardboard box home-away-from-home ... Like a friend of mine told me a long time ago: Experience is what we get when we don't get what we want. True dat ...

Excuse me but I do not think it can only happen in California.. Holy cow that's a crock!

True enough, it could happen anywhere - the fact that it DID happen in CA just makes it that much more ... 'magical' ...

I don't see the point behind the sarcasm having to do with Cali.. I'm a native Californian and do not see what difference "magical" has to do with the state you're in.. Gullible people are everyone... What does Cali have to do with the situation?

no photo
Tue 06/01/10 05:07 PM
I honestly think 2 years of texting and writing over the internet is a long time and if someone says they want to start a life with you is pretty hard to misinterpret. In fact I honestly think that it was too slow. And when she got there she was obviously lying to get some kind of favor or free ride which is like a parasite or leech.

Fade2Black's photo
Tue 06/01/10 05:08 PM
OMG. This is ridiculous.

The writing was on the wall at the 2 yr mark.

Nuf said.


TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 06/01/10 05:13 PM
Hummm was ya right sorry not in my book. You had only text, e-mail & phone conversations for 2 years and it was love hummm site unseen.slaphead

What you should have done is bought her a one way ticket back home. I mean what does one really expect when they have not met someone face to face. whoa

What this is, is a lesson learned the hard way... You see no matter how old we get we still have time to learn from the hard knocks school....noway

If you ever decide to meet someone again make sure that ticket is round fare first really get to know each other in person let them go back home and make sure that is what you really want...whoa

Heck myself when I have flown to met someone I have always bought my own ticket and always round trip...... People are good at saying what you want to hear when they are not facing you... Besides that I have met a few that once we were face to face the chemistry just was not there.......noway But...............then I would never let it go on for 2 years before I met the person I was talking to if it did then it would be on a friendship level only........way too long for me............

unsure's photo
Tue 06/01/10 05:18 PM

I honestly think 2 years of texting and writing over the internet is a long time and if someone says they want to start a life with you is pretty hard to misinterpret. In fact I honestly think that it was too slow. And when she got there she was obviously lying to get some kind of favor or free ride which is like a parasite or leech.

A long time? You are right, a long time to spend wasting your time with just texting and writing emails on the internet!! I would never spend 2 years doing that and then having someone that I never met MOVE to be with me!! I would have met them and actually got to know them IN person!!
That is the problem with on-line dating, you can be anything you want to be!! No one really knows anyone, you could hide a lot of things IF you don't meet!! I am not totally against on-line dating...but you have to be smart about it!!!

IndnPrncs's photo
Tue 06/01/10 05:19 PM

Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuude ... that is SUCH a 'It could only happen in California' story ... For two years you only know her thru text, email, and phone. She says 'x, x, and x', and all of a sudden she's ridin' the Magic Bus to HappyTown on your dime ... ? Ummmmm, call me silly, but it seems like there were LOTS of opportunities to see if she was a 'Darwin Award' candidate before payin' her way out there. Didn't that fact alone raise a flag ... oh - wait ... no, it didn't ... I don't know if she deceived you or if you deceived yourself ... sounds kinda like it went thru the 'rose-colored-glasses' school of learnin' ... Anyhow, you DID make the right move havin' mgmt kick her off the property ... just don't bring her back when y' pass her on the street and she's all stylin' and stuff next to her new cardboard box home-away-from-home ... Like a friend of mine told me a long time ago: Experience is what we get when we don't get what we want. True dat ...

Gee, generalize much? slaphead grumble

There are theories on that but it's off topic:wink:

Phuque2's photo
Tue 06/01/10 05:21 PM
Edited by Phuque2 on Tue 06/01/10 05:24 PM
I could tell you a horror story about an entity from here that I "thought" was a real person of great interest....But I will not get into it.....The internet is just like Disneyland......"It is not real" till you get on the ride, and even then it takes time before you can say you really love the ride.....

Learn, be careful, and move on......

This happened a few weeks ago

krupa's photo
Tue 06/01/10 05:21 PM
Forget all was the sex?

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