Topic: Do you have a moral compass?
CatsLoveMe's photo
Wed 04/28/10 10:14 PM

Do you drop more than 7 f-bombs per day? I'm really curious about his one.

I have a diversified arsenal. Why limit yourself to just f-bombs?laugh devil

mscherbear's photo
Wed 04/28/10 10:36 PM
Yes, I have a potty mouth blushing , but I have morals too!

msmyka's photo
Wed 04/28/10 10:37 PM
Alll day

no photo
Wed 04/28/10 10:42 PM

Occasionally I drop a couple if I'm in an especially bad mood...'s rare.

msharmony's photo
Wed 04/28/10 11:53 PM
I try to be a 'lady'. I really find no use for the word,,,well, except in intimate circumstances but thats another topic...

fifijones's photo
Wed 04/28/10 11:59 PM
the F word is not a moral issue. It is an indication of whether the speaker views the world as profane or sacred. I believe that God created the world, and so it is sacred, but so much of what I encounter is so I may drop that bomb 10-50x a day. Then, when I'm pissed, I become very creative. And loud. The funny thing is my kids don't use any bad language at all. They reprimand me. Along with every other self-righteous prick I come across.

no photo
Thu 04/29/10 05:24 AM

I try to be a 'lady'. I really find no use for the word,,,well, except in intimate circumstances but thats another topic...

What does being a lady have to do with it? Several ladies in this thread have said they use the word. I don't see how it makes any of them less of a lady.

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 04/29/10 06:18 AM

Is that word a sign of bad morals or bad manners?

or both, or neither


Heck and here I thought it was a Texas thangslaphead :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Hummm not sure I drop it that many times a day but yeah I have been known to say it.........whoa so beat me :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

no photo
Thu 04/29/10 06:39 AM
Guilty, frequently.....

AGoodGuy1026's photo
Thu 04/29/10 06:45 AM
Edited by AGoodGuy1026 on Thu 04/29/10 06:45 AM
yes, I do... but I rather enjoy the more colorful... Mother F**ker!!, and sometimes I digress to the Son of a B**CH!! The occational GD!!... as well as... (oh dear, I am rambling again...)

But then again, my father WAS a sailor so I guess I was taught well!! rofl

$.02 drinker

oldsage's photo
Thu 04/29/10 06:47 AM
I grew up in the trucking industry; have cussed since a VERY young age. The differance for me is, I DO NOT use such language in "polite" company. If where young children are around, I have enough manners NOT to use foul language. I find the lack of manners in public, APPALLING. I have asked many people to please control their speech & the volumne of it, when in public. Have even asked to be moved in a restaurant, where people should their lack of up bringing, due to their language. "Just because a person can do something; does not give them the right."

Morals have nothing to do with being RUDE; in my opinion.

delilady's photo
Thu 04/29/10 06:59 AM
It's not a part of my everyday vocab but when I do use it those that know me know I am about to go ballistic!

willing2's photo
Thu 04/29/10 07:30 AM

I try to be a 'lady'. I really find no use for the word,,,well, except in intimate circumstances but thats another topic...

Your statement went over my head. Can you be more explicit, please?:angel:

Gossipmpm's photo
Thu 04/29/10 07:31 AM
I'm always dropping the bomb!!!:heart:

Fade2Black's photo
Thu 04/29/10 07:39 AM
Nope smokin

willing2's photo
Thu 04/29/10 07:46 AM
If a f-ckin' moral compass is like a real f-ckin' compass and uses magnetism to f-ckin' pull it to the north then, my f-ckin' moral compass is between her f-ckin' wide open f-ckin' legs. Pulls me in like a f-ckin magnet. Just can't f-ckin' help my mo-f-ckin' self.

Does dat f-ckin' answer yo' f-ckin' question?

I guess now, I'll really f-ckin' burn in hell!!scared scared scared

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

msharmony's photo
Thu 04/29/10 07:52 AM

I try to be a 'lady'. I really find no use for the word,,,well, except in intimate circumstances but thats another topic...

What does being a lady have to do with it? Several ladies in this thread have said they use the word. I don't see how it makes any of them less of a lady.

depending upon the frequency of its use, we can agree to disagree,,

I happen to believe neither ladies or gentleman use such language on any regular basis.

no photo
Thu 04/29/10 07:57 AM
Yep, we'll just have to agree to disagree on this subject. :smile:

Fade2Black's photo
Thu 04/29/10 08:09 AM
As much as I try NOT to use it, some substitutions do apply .. like friggin, or frickin, but in the end we are saying the same thing so Ya....

Also, I think when we have kids it's important to TRY (note the word TRY = attempt) to keep our language on some sort of decent plane. Especially with little ones. Geesh, the first word a baby speaks should NOT, I repeat NOT be something like ****, or damn, or worse. huh

BUT .. I do not think it has ANYTHING to do with morals. I consider myself a lady, with class, and yet I do use a word here and there during the day. pitchfork Usually not the 'f' word though.

Heck my daddy swore like a sailor (oh wait oops .. he WAS a sailor .. rofl rofl rofl rofl actually a LT Commander in the Navy .. guess he never outgrew it =)

OKCUTIE67's photo
Thu 04/29/10 08:15 AM
I try not to but it comes out I've worked around airline mechanics my entire adult life...naturally I've picked up a thing or two! Maybe even taught them a couple? lol...

I think where morals would come into play is it's constant use around people it might offend or children? I do try to, as my momma used to say, "watch my mouth" when others are around!
