Topic: AZ LAW | |
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Thu 04/29/10 07:50 AM
Reform? We actually have pretty good immigration laws on the books; Virtually none of which are being enforced. Making new laws is not the answer. Enforcing the existing laws is, at least, part of the answer. I wonder if this is a case of a state making new laws to compensate for the failure of federal agencies to enforce federal laws. I worked in an industry that had a huge problem with illegals (not mexican, incidentally) - the illegal immigrants were far, far more prone to a whole range of other illegal and antisocial activities which were highly disruptive to the whole industry. Many people went to the police to complain, and were told that there was nothing they could do, they would have to go to the INS. They went to the INS, and were given endless runaround and no real action was taken. Over the years, the local government started creating laws specifically to deal with the effects of this situation. its absolutely true that the current laws are not being enforced nor applied equally to all....and I kind of think it sucks(having had an immigrant spouse who was denied entry, after following the laws to get here). It is unjust that some should follow the laws, invest their time and money, at the risk of being turned away,,, while others can be virtually GUARANTEED residence as long as they can forgo the law and sneak past a border and have someone hire them illegally. ITs like if I have two kids responsible for cleaning the house. One cleans the house but still isnt permitted to go to a party with their friends. The other one does nothing to help clean the house, but is still permitted to attend the party that the child who followed instructions didnt ,,,, I think its quite insane and truly dont understand those who overlook how unjust it is to the rest of us who follow the laws... |
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Thu 04/29/10 08:00 AM
I see it like this,
the people on the border feel that this is a crisis and the lack of government security onh the border is unacceptable the people up north don't see it as a problem and call the border people racist for wanting security but Mexican is not a race. Mexican is a nationality. No one has a problem with immigrants who are here legally. The problem is the millions and millions of people who flooding the social service, the hospitals, and the schools who are not paying into the system and creating a drain on the government services so that they are not available to actual American citizens and legal immigrants |
I see it like this, the people on the border feel that this is a crisis and the lack of government security onh the border is unacceptable the people up north don't see it as a problem and call the border people racist for wanting security but Mexican is not a race. Mexican is a nationality. No one has a problem with immigrants who are here legally. The problem is the millions and millions of people who flooding the social service, the hospitals, and the schools who are not paying into the system and creating a drain on the government services so that they are not available to actual American citizens and legal immigrants Right-on th' money. All my neighbors are hispanic. Some are even Mexicans. I get along well with them. One, I even supply with electricity. His house isn't wired. Another neighbor and I tried to open a roach coach together. The city shut us down. Operating without permits and health cards. My mother-in-law was Mexican. She died April 1st of this year to pancreatic cancer. I loved her dearly and protected her with my life. I don't get pissed when people holler racism. I can't because, that's not me. I can't own it. |
I see it like this, the people on the border feel that this is a crisis and the lack of government security onh the border is unacceptable the people up north don't see it as a problem and call the border people racist for wanting security but Mexican is not a race. Mexican is a nationality. No one has a problem with immigrants who are here legally. The problem is the millions and millions of people who flooding the social service, the hospitals, and the schools who are not paying into the system and creating a drain on the government services so that they are not available to actual American citizens and legal immigrants Right-on th' money. All my neighbors are hispanic. Some are even Mexicans. I get along well with them. One, I even supply with electricity. His house isn't wired. Another neighbor and I tried to open a roach coach together. The city shut us down. Operating without permits and health cards. My mother-in-law was Mexican. She died April 1st of this year to pancreatic cancer. I loved her dearly and protected her with my life. I don't get pissed when people holler racism. I can't because, that's not me. I can't own it. I get pissed when people accuse me of being a racist. They have yet to meet friends of mine who really are! It is easy for Libs to toss around Ad Hominum attacks because they are all passive aggressive losers whop cannot make a valid point. All they see is what they want to and damn the rest of us. Like I have said to black people before who called me racist, "Say that while I'm (Explative) your sister punk!" Liberals for the most part are a bunch of stupid screws. I have met some with valid points and can speak very well about their view points and they even know when belief is attempting to transcend reality. I may come off as a opinionated prick but at least I offer a lot more than "If you don't believe in what I believe your evil!" crap. Didn't any of these people take critical reasoning classes in college if they even went or was that class too hard for them? |
I see it like this, the people on the border feel that this is a crisis and the lack of government security onh the border is unacceptable the people up north don't see it as a problem and call the border people racist for wanting security but Mexican is not a race. Mexican is a nationality. No one has a problem with immigrants who are here legally. The problem is the millions and millions of people who flooding the social service, the hospitals, and the schools who are not paying into the system and creating a drain on the government services so that they are not available to actual American citizens and legal immigrants Right-on th' money. All my neighbors are hispanic. Some are even Mexicans. I get along well with them. One, I even supply with electricity. His house isn't wired. Another neighbor and I tried to open a roach coach together. The city shut us down. Operating without permits and health cards. My mother-in-law was Mexican. She died April 1st of this year to pancreatic cancer. I loved her dearly and protected her with my life. I don't get pissed when people holler racism. I can't because, that's not me. I can't own it. I get pissed when people accuse me of being a racist. They have yet to meet friends of mine who really are! It is easy for Libs to toss around Ad Hominum attacks because they are all passive aggressive losers whop cannot make a valid point. All they see is what they want to and damn the rest of us. Like I have said to black people before who called me racist, "Say that while I'm (Explative) your sister punk!" Liberals for the most part are a bunch of stupid screws. I have met some with valid points and can speak very well about their view points and they even know when belief is attempting to transcend reality. I may come off as a opinionated prick but at least I offer a lot more than "If you don't believe in what I believe your evil!" crap. Didn't any of these people take critical reasoning classes in college if they even went or was that class too hard for them? If someone would volunteer for the suicide mission and give them some mercy f-ckin, they might mellow out some. ![]() |
I see it like this, the people on the border feel that this is a crisis and the lack of government security onh the border is unacceptable the people up north don't see it as a problem and call the border people racist for wanting security but Mexican is not a race. Mexican is a nationality. No one has a problem with immigrants who are here legally. The problem is the millions and millions of people who flooding the social service, the hospitals, and the schools who are not paying into the system and creating a drain on the government services so that they are not available to actual American citizens and legal immigrants Right-on th' money. All my neighbors are hispanic. Some are even Mexicans. I get along well with them. One, I even supply with electricity. His house isn't wired. Another neighbor and I tried to open a roach coach together. The city shut us down. Operating without permits and health cards. My mother-in-law was Mexican. She died April 1st of this year to pancreatic cancer. I loved her dearly and protected her with my life. I don't get pissed when people holler racism. I can't because, that's not me. I can't own it. I get pissed when people accuse me of being a racist. They have yet to meet friends of mine who really are! It is easy for Libs to toss around Ad Hominum attacks because they are all passive aggressive losers whop cannot make a valid point. All they see is what they want to and damn the rest of us. Like I have said to black people before who called me racist, "Say that while I'm (Explative) your sister punk!" Liberals for the most part are a bunch of stupid screws. I have met some with valid points and can speak very well about their view points and they even know when belief is attempting to transcend reality. I may come off as a opinionated prick but at least I offer a lot more than "If you don't believe in what I believe your evil!" crap. Didn't any of these people take critical reasoning classes in college if they even went or was that class too hard for them? If someone would volunteer for the suicide mission and give them some mercy f-ckin, they might mellow out some. ![]() I can think of one person who probably could use a guy willing to fall on a grenade for the rest of us! Personally I don't think I want to go there myself... There can be a time where mercy sex only gets things VERY complicated in ways I don't like! I personally try to avoid being the good Samaritan these days. The relief of a load is nice but what comes after isn't. ![]() Then comes the aftershock of what one had done! (And in the distance you can hear a lone Coyote howling) |
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Thu 04/29/10 09:55 AM
about 80% of my friends are Spanish (they prefer Spanish to hispanic). They all get mad if you call them Mexican and THEY are in support of Arizona's law. My friend Juanito says "If you're here legally then what's the problem?"
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Thu 04/29/10 11:08 AM
when reading the bill myself the only 'problem;' I see with it is the potential for profiling.....and while most people who have not been victims of this practice dont see it as a big deal,, I can tell you it feels VERY degrading
( try not being able to leave a store without 'proving' you dont have anything on your person,,,,or working on a volunteer job and being asked to empty your purse because someones candy was stolen) and I will always oppose its use when not used to apprehend a SPECIFIC suspect of a specific crime... |
So many fine points to nitpick over...
And we wonder why nothing gets done! |
So the powers that be have no problem writing law after law, and
in fact the AZ law mirrors that of the federal government enacted by congress not too many years ago. Here's the biggest difference- It requires peace officers to actually enforce a law that was already a law in the first place (which I'm certain someone has already brought up). You want to pick and choose which laws we should ignore? I guess we could start with the most debaucherous and work our way down from there. They're laws that unfortunately had to be put into place because for whatever reason, for whatever group or click or sect of people- someone, somewhere, sometime abused another. And, as a caviat(again probably been covered already) over 9000 people ARE killed each year as a direct cause of an illegal alien, beit drunk driving, hit and run, straight up murder, whatever. Doesn't make someone prejudice to want to protect his or her family, its called love- or are we only allowed to love someone who is not an American? I'm not sayin, I'm just sayin. Peace Doc |
What does it mean to be an American these days? Just screw and walk over the boarder? They deserve to be an American because they got through the boarder illegally? Give me a break. Heck maybe I should go to Canada and tell them that they need to make me a Canadian cause I said so.
Think every state needs to get tough on illegals run em out! ![]() ![]() Good luck on that ![]() Kinda like wanting the USA to pack and leave on every country they Have built an army base or have an Intelligence Headquarter Some things will NEVER happen |
What does it mean to be an American these days? Just screw and walk over the boarder? They deserve to be an American because they got through the boarder illegally? Give me a break. Heck maybe I should go to Canada and tell them that they need to make me a Canadian cause I said so. Yep. That's what the Libs would like you to think. " They are human so it doesn't MATTER if they broke the law and continue to do so ". Why can't they see just how silly and illogical that kind of thinking is? |
I don't think it will be effective. I think nothing will stop illegals from coming here for a better life. It sucks I know. If we build a wall, they build a tunnel. All this law will do is alienate Hispanic voters away from the Republican Party.
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Sat 05/01/10 06:56 PM
I don't think it will be effective. I think nothing will stop illegals from coming here for a better life. It sucks I know. If we build a wall, they build a tunnel. All this law will do is alienate Hispanic voters away from the Republican Party. That's not likely in AZ, as the political momentum here has been building against illegal aliens for many years now, and shows no sign of slowing. (even legal hispanics are statistically likely to support the law as I understand it.) The folks living close to the border even went so far as to build their own border wall a few years ago. |
Funny how none ( that I have seen ) of the " Leave em alone and just make them legal " folks are speaking up from Arizona.
Almost all of that kind of thinking is coming from people who don't live there and don't see the day to day drain illegals put on the systems. They don't SEE, from day to day, the results of the flood of illegals. Therefore, they don't HAVE to actually look at the facts. They can just put their blinders on and sit in their little boxes and say how " wrong " and " racist " the people who have to deal with the problems are. Funny how that works, eh? By the way...last poll I saw said that 70+ percent of the people in Arizona are for enforcing the law. Of course, to the Libs...that just makes 70% of the population of Arizona " racist ". What a joke. |
illegal immigrants, when discovered, should be forced to stay here for 10 years with say 20% of their wages attached (in addition to taxes) to cover the cost of immigration agent activities. however they will not be eligible for medicare or social security or any other such programs. since they were caught here illegally they should be prohibited from applying for citizenship unless they return to their country of origin and reside there for at least 5 years and then apply for consideration legally.
do not reward illegal behavior. |
Funny how none ( that I have seen ) of the " Leave em alone and just make them legal " folks are speaking up from Arizona. Almost all of that kind of thinking is coming from people who don't live there and don't see the day to day drain illegals put on the systems. They don't SEE, from day to day, the results of the flood of illegals. Therefore, they don't HAVE to actually look at the facts. They can just put their blinders on and sit in their little boxes and say how " wrong " and " racist " the people who have to deal with the problems are. Funny how that works, eh? By the way...last poll I saw said that 70+ percent of the people in Arizona are for enforcing the law. Of course, to the Libs...that just makes 70% of the population of Arizona " racist ". What a joke. There have been the usual personalities making the interview circuit in the local media doing their chest-thumping and some protests, but nothing major yet. |