Topic: White Supremacists, Counter-Demonstrators Face Off in LA
msharmony's photo
Tue 04/20/10 01:08 PM

As a young man, Farrakhan dropped out of college and found work in nightclubs as a calypso guitarist-singer known as “Calypso Gene,” also known by some as “Calypso Louie.” He recorded an original song, “A White Man’s Heaven is a Black Man’s Hell.” In March 2000, the Philadelphia Inquirer quoted Farrakhan saying, “White people are potential humans ... they haven’t evolved yet.” Farrakhan is a white hating, America hating, and Christian hating racist promoted by Trinity United Church of Christ! Question: Senator, how can you justify remaining a member of a church with such loose convictions that promotes bigotry without blushing?

At the Nation of Islam’s Savior’s Day Celebration in 1991, Louis told the cheering crowd that he saw a huge UFO with thousands of people in it and he was taken for a ride. (I really think his followers have been “taken for a ride.”) Louis told the crowd that the “wheel” ship would one day destroy the white man and bring Blacks into power. He also assured the gullible crowd that 1500 smaller planes from the giant “wheel” follow him at all times! Did I suggest that he is a nut case? Question: “Senator, with your influence, would you encourage Calypso Louie to get the mental help he obviously needs? After all he is one of your constituents.” I suppose Obama’s national health care scheme would cover bigots!

Pastor Wright called Calypso Louie one of the “giants of the African American religious experience.” The publication gave Louie the 2007’s “Lifetime Achievement Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. Trumpeter Award” for his contributions to the “African American community.” Among others, Congresswoman Maxine Waters received an award.

In February, 1996, Louis did a five-week tour of the world’s most despotic nations. In Iran, he was reported to have said “You can quote me: God will destroy America by the hands of Muslims…. God will not give Japan or Europe the honor of bringing down the United States; this is an honor God will bestow upon Muslims.” He is not only a nut case but also a traitor to the nation that provided him the opportunity to live in regal splendor on his 77-acre country estate in addition to two posh Chicago homes! Therefore, he is also an ingrate.

Pastor Wright accompanied Farrakhan on his trek to visit Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi and other Muslim middle east terrorists and Dr. Wright candidly said, “When [Obama’s] enemies find out that in 1984 I went to Tripoli…with Farrakhan, a lot of his Jewish support will dry up quicker than a snowball in hell.” Well, I think all Obama’s financial support should dry up quicker than that! In 1996, Louis also visited with Yasser Arafat, master terrorist, Saddam Hussein, terrorist monster and other terrorist renegades. Question: Senator, will you disassociate yourself from an obvious traitor, and since the visiting party illegally sought to negotiate with foreign powers will you seek congressional hearings to inquire further into their illegal and seditious activities?” Follow-up: “If not, why not?”

When Obama kicked off his national presidential race on Feb. 10, 2007, he uninvited his pastor from giving the televised invocation because as Pastor Wright quoted Obama, “You [Wright] can get kind of rough in the sermons, so what we’ve decided is that it’s best for you not to be out there in public.” I would hate to admit that I was ashamed of being associated with my pastor.

Some fearless reporter should ask, “Senator, don’t you think you should disassociate yourself from Dr. Wright and his radical church if you can not endorse what he preaches?” Don’t expect to hear that question even from a “conservative” reporter.

Isnt that exactly what OBama did though,,,,?

willing2's photo
Tue 04/20/10 01:10 PM
Edited by willing2 on Tue 04/20/10 01:11 PM

As a young man, Farrakhan dropped out of college and found work in nightclubs as a calypso guitarist-singer known as “Calypso Gene,” also known by some as “Calypso Louie.” He recorded an original song, “A White Man’s Heaven is a Black Man’s Hell.” In March 2000, the Philadelphia Inquirer quoted Farrakhan saying, “White people are potential humans ... they haven’t evolved yet.” Farrakhan is a white hating, America hating, and Christian hating racist promoted by Trinity United Church of Christ! Question: Senator, how can you justify remaining a member of a church with such loose convictions that promotes bigotry without blushing?

At the Nation of Islam’s Savior’s Day Celebration in 1991, Louis told the cheering crowd that he saw a huge UFO with thousands of people in it and he was taken for a ride. (I really think his followers have been “taken for a ride.”) Louis told the crowd that the “wheel” ship would one day destroy the white man and bring Blacks into power. He also assured the gullible crowd that 1500 smaller planes from the giant “wheel” follow him at all times! Did I suggest that he is a nut case? Question: “Senator, with your influence, would you encourage Calypso Louie to get the mental help he obviously needs? After all he is one of your constituents.” I suppose Obama’s national health care scheme would cover bigots!

Pastor Wright called Calypso Louie one of the “giants of the African American religious experience.” The publication gave Louie the 2007’s “Lifetime Achievement Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. Trumpeter Award” for his contributions to the “African American community.” Among others, Congresswoman Maxine Waters received an award.

In February, 1996, Louis did a five-week tour of the world’s most despotic nations. In Iran, he was reported to have said “You can quote me: God will destroy America by the hands of Muslims…. God will not give Japan or Europe the honor of bringing down the United States; this is an honor God will bestow upon Muslims.” He is not only a nut case but also a traitor to the nation that provided him the opportunity to live in regal splendor on his 77-acre country estate in addition to two posh Chicago homes! Therefore, he is also an ingrate.

Pastor Wright accompanied Farrakhan on his trek to visit Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi and other Muslim middle east terrorists and Dr. Wright candidly said, “When [Obama’s] enemies find out that in 1984 I went to Tripoli…with Farrakhan, a lot of his Jewish support will dry up quicker than a snowball in hell.” Well, I think all Obama’s financial support should dry up quicker than that! In 1996, Louis also visited with Yasser Arafat, master terrorist, Saddam Hussein, terrorist monster and other terrorist renegades. Question: Senator, will you disassociate yourself from an obvious traitor, and since the visiting party illegally sought to negotiate with foreign powers will you seek congressional hearings to inquire further into their illegal and seditious activities?” Follow-up: “If not, why not?”

When Obama kicked off his national presidential race on Feb. 10, 2007, he uninvited his pastor from giving the televised invocation because as Pastor Wright quoted Obama, “You [Wright] can get kind of rough in the sermons, so what we’ve decided is that it’s best for you not to be out there in public.” I would hate to admit that I was ashamed of being associated with my pastor.

Some fearless reporter should ask, “Senator, don’t you think you should disassociate yourself from Dr. Wright and his radical church if you can not endorse what he preaches?” Don’t expect to hear that question even from a “conservative” reporter.

Isnt that exactly what OBama did though,,,,?

This is just a little history about the extremist bigot Farrahkan and his Muslim intentions.

msharmony's photo
Tue 04/20/10 01:18 PM
Edited by msharmony on Tue 04/20/10 01:27 PM

AA was a blatant LIE. How can you tell me living in a three year period without a job because no one with a worth while job available would hire me based on color? I know what it was supposed to be for. The fact is a black person or white person or Hispanic person should be hired on MERIT AND TRAINING! NOT RACIAL QUOTAS!

This also applied to when I had to get classes back at El Camino and whites got denied classes because of QUOTAS.

You sound like you come from a long line of people working government and pseudo government jobs. There are facts you are presented with and facts the rest of us outside of your system have to live with. AA was struck down by the superior court as unconstitutional!

In all reality equality is a lie thrust upon us by dreamers and intellectuals. We are all different. Equality is something that should be enforced in spirit and not LAW! Without enforcement of the laws we have we have NO LAW!

There was no good at all with AA. None! Don't you get the phrase, "the way to hell is paved with good intentions?"

It isn't paradise if one of us living in it has to suffer! Can you honestly tell me you are so myopic about AA to not see the bad that was built into it?

It was a blatant corrosion of standards. Education (especially colleges) suffered when deserving students with 4.0 GPA were denied attendance to UCLA and USC because of the dumbing down of the standards for "minority" students with lower GPA (ALL THE WAY DOWN TO 2.0 for colleges requiring 4.0GPAs!). We are talking students who busted their ***** to attend and they were denied why? Color! What color? White! Even Asians were caught in the wrong end of this because of some belief they are all well to do!

It is one thing to revise standards but to bias them racially? I mean seriously?

Now filing lawsuits. Who has to pay for the attorney? Who has to pay for court costs? Do you think most people even have a clue HOW to file a lawsuit in the first place? Someone looking for work usually HAS NO MONEY! Seriously, this is the real world, not the world according to some story book reality! On top of that who can wait two years to sue someone over them not hiring me over AA? I have to work to live! Most of us do. We don't have "Family Social Security!"

So what you are saying is it is fine for the government to disenfranchise me to make you feel good about the fact that the government is doing more for women and people of color but in the mean time I have to go hungry and jobless? My aren't we a little jaded!

Lets clarify:
1.I dont agree with quotas and in most cases they will be shot down

2.There are NUMEROUS policies under the label of AFfirmative Action,, but no actual 'affirmative action' policy,,therefore Affirmative Action could not have been struck down by a court, although some type of AA policy may have.

3. I take question with the assumption you are making that you were without work because you were white,,, look at the numbers my friend and white folks are still at the TOP of the leader board in the employment numbers. Out of work? Join the club,,,look at the numbers of other races who are also out of and remain out of work...

4. What I am saying is that it is NOT alright to do NOTHING about the institutional disenfranchisement of a people, because doing so MIGHT result in other individuals feeling disenfranchised(Whites , as a group, have still not suffered disenfranchisement).This is evidence of policies needing to be changed , not abolished.

5. AA measures were put in place because of the HISTORICALLY unequal opportunities and resources that plagued America. I am not anymore jaded in that belief than if I were a member of the MAJORITY race whose majority had presented them with an UNEARNED economic and educational benefit and didnt see a need for that to change in any way.

6. AA was needed because it was as if one group had been allowed to start a five mile race and the other wasnt and then was stigmatized and diminished and made of inferior status socially because they didnt have a chance to win. Even if those omitted from the race were permitted to join,, after the first group were already at three miles,, there would be very little chance of the second group ever winning , without SOME accomodation being made to reverse the UNFAIR advantage of the first group.

msharmony's photo
Tue 04/20/10 01:20 PM
Edited by msharmony on Tue 04/20/10 01:30 PM

As a young man, Farrakhan dropped out of college and found work in nightclubs as a calypso guitarist-singer known as “Calypso Gene,” also known by some as “Calypso Louie.” He recorded an original song, “A White Man’s Heaven is a Black Man’s Hell.” In March 2000, the Philadelphia Inquirer quoted Farrakhan saying, “White people are potential humans ... they haven’t evolved yet.” Farrakhan is a white hating, America hating, and Christian hating racist promoted by Trinity United Church of Christ! Question: Senator, how can you justify remaining a member of a church with such loose convictions that promotes bigotry without blushing?

At the Nation of Islam’s Savior’s Day Celebration in 1991, Louis told the cheering crowd that he saw a huge UFO with thousands of people in it and he was taken for a ride. (I really think his followers have been “taken for a ride.”) Louis told the crowd that the “wheel” ship would one day destroy the white man and bring Blacks into power. He also assured the gullible crowd that 1500 smaller planes from the giant “wheel” follow him at all times! Did I suggest that he is a nut case? Question: “Senator, with your influence, would you encourage Calypso Louie to get the mental help he obviously needs? After all he is one of your constituents.” I suppose Obama’s national health care scheme would cover bigots!

Pastor Wright called Calypso Louie one of the “giants of the African American religious experience.” The publication gave Louie the 2007’s “Lifetime Achievement Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. Trumpeter Award” for his contributions to the “African American community.” Among others, Congresswoman Maxine Waters received an award.

In February, 1996, Louis did a five-week tour of the world’s most despotic nations. In Iran, he was reported to have said “You can quote me: God will destroy America by the hands of Muslims…. God will not give Japan or Europe the honor of bringing down the United States; this is an honor God will bestow upon Muslims.” He is not only a nut case but also a traitor to the nation that provided him the opportunity to live in regal splendor on his 77-acre country estate in addition to two posh Chicago homes! Therefore, he is also an ingrate.

Pastor Wright accompanied Farrakhan on his trek to visit Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi and other Muslim middle east terrorists and Dr. Wright candidly said, “When [Obama’s] enemies find out that in 1984 I went to Tripoli…with Farrakhan, a lot of his Jewish support will dry up quicker than a snowball in hell.” Well, I think all Obama’s financial support should dry up quicker than that! In 1996, Louis also visited with Yasser Arafat, master terrorist, Saddam Hussein, terrorist monster and other terrorist renegades. Question: Senator, will you disassociate yourself from an obvious traitor, and since the visiting party illegally sought to negotiate with foreign powers will you seek congressional hearings to inquire further into their illegal and seditious activities?” Follow-up: “If not, why not?”

When Obama kicked off his national presidential race on Feb. 10, 2007, he uninvited his pastor from giving the televised invocation because as Pastor Wright quoted Obama, “You [Wright] can get kind of rough in the sermons, so what we’ve decided is that it’s best for you not to be out there in public.” I would hate to admit that I was ashamed of being associated with my pastor.

Some fearless reporter should ask, “Senator, don’t you think you should disassociate yourself from Dr. Wright and his radical church if you can not endorse what he preaches?” Don’t expect to hear that question even from a “conservative” reporter.

Isnt that exactly what OBama did though,,,,?

This is just a little history about the extremist bigot Farrahkan and his Muslim intentions.

I agree he is racist and extremist, not unlike MANY americans. The difference is, he actually manages to be quite intelligent and balance his insanity with logical realities,,which makes it easier for many to follow him. I am not a follower of his insanity,, but even a broken clock is correct twice a day and I do find that he SOMETIMES makes some valid arguments.

AndyBgood's photo
Tue 04/20/10 02:37 PM
Well then let us look at American demographics as to why whites are on top of the leader board. It only measures 'skilled paying jobs' not skilled labor or labor oriented numbers. Why is most of the people working TSA jobs at LAX black with VERY few Hispanics? It isn't White prejudice! Most of the skilled labor went to school. Of the successful blacks who went to school most of them were in college with other than high hopes of sports careers. When I asked most of my successful black friends and mind you one is OG Crip, what his story to his success was, his answer, He pulled his head out of his *** and did something with his life besides f***ing around. A lot of blacks who are successful say that the problem is that Negros do not apply themselves unless they are forced to or want to. I see truth to their words because But oddly among black people who are living in poor metropolitan areas most of the teens are encouraged to be Rappers and Sports stars but god forbid they should take on a professional job and stop talking in ghetto slang or they become Uncle Toms. the same thing can be said of a lot of poor whites living off of the system as well except that brand of trash guzzles beer, and complains their 'government check' is late.

I recently seen a crew of enterprising black gardeners and that was refreshing! I like seeing people making something of themselves no matter what color they are. AA was an atrocity! we needed enforcement of the laws we have. Not Government Programs! Both Hitler and Stalin had Programs and they led to bad stuff. I take it you also think the Bureau of Indian Affairs was a good Government program? How about the CCC? You are aware the CCC was a financial disaster? Welfare was and still is abused.

There never was a need for AA. It was struck down in the supreme court as a program and policy! Come to think of it the smoke is still clearing. Please don't try to make me feel bad because the other guy is stupider. It isn't racial, its education and motivation.

Crap like AA encourages people to stop trying to make anything of themselves because why bother trying when you are white and cannot get hired because of your color and if you are colored a job is assured.

Maybe the answer is that more blacks need to get into classes and off of basketball courts and stop clubbing so much? Maybe more Hispanics need to legalize themselves if they are here illegally, stop thugging and get some time behind the books rather than sitting on them. These losers only mess up statistics that are tailored to show a racial bias. Dig deeper and it all boils down to training, skills, and motivation. Our education system is not the only thing failing us! It is people themselves!

Why is law enforcement so damn hard for people to understand? OH, The liberal answer to EVERYTHING is to take people to court! Like that really solves ANYTHING!

Dragoness's photo
Tue 04/20/10 04:04 PM
White supremacists are undeserving of any credit for anything positive even if they accidentally did anything positive.

With that said, the fact that they do not support illegals is no surprise since the belief that all illegals are Mexican is prevalent in the ignorant along with many many other ignorant ideals about illegals like they are criminals and non deserving of human respect.

Intelligence will end prejudice so we should be wishing some smarts on the prejudice folks.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 04/20/10 04:07 PM

Well then let us look at American demographics as to why whites are on top of the leader board. It only measures 'skilled paying jobs' not skilled labor or labor oriented numbers. Why is most of the people working TSA jobs at LAX black with VERY few Hispanics? It isn't White prejudice! Most of the skilled labor went to school. Of the successful blacks who went to school most of them were in college with other than high hopes of sports careers. When I asked most of my successful black friends and mind you one is OG Crip, what his story to his success was, his answer, He pulled his head out of his *** and did something with his life besides f***ing around. A lot of blacks who are successful say that the problem is that Negros do not apply themselves unless they are forced to or want to. I see truth to their words because But oddly among black people who are living in poor metropolitan areas most of the teens are encouraged to be Rappers and Sports stars but god forbid they should take on a professional job and stop talking in ghetto slang or they become Uncle Toms. the same thing can be said of a lot of poor whites living off of the system as well except that brand of trash guzzles beer, and complains their 'government check' is late.

I recently seen a crew of enterprising black gardeners and that was refreshing! I like seeing people making something of themselves no matter what color they are. AA was an atrocity! we needed enforcement of the laws we have. Not Government Programs! Both Hitler and Stalin had Programs and they led to bad stuff. I take it you also think the Bureau of Indian Affairs was a good Government program? How about the CCC? You are aware the CCC was a financial disaster? Welfare was and still is abused.

There never was a need for AA. It was struck down in the supreme court as a program and policy! Come to think of it the smoke is still clearing. Please don't try to make me feel bad because the other guy is stupider. It isn't racial, its education and motivation.

Crap like AA encourages people to stop trying to make anything of themselves because why bother trying when you are white and cannot get hired because of your color and if you are colored a job is assured.

Maybe the answer is that more blacks need to get into classes and off of basketball courts and stop clubbing so much? Maybe more Hispanics need to legalize themselves if they are here illegally, stop thugging and get some time behind the books rather than sitting on them. These losers only mess up statistics that are tailored to show a racial bias. Dig deeper and it all boils down to training, skills, and motivation. Our education system is not the only thing failing us! It is people themselves!

Why is law enforcement so damn hard for people to understand? OH, The liberal answer to EVERYTHING is to take people to court! Like that really solves ANYTHING!

I can sure tell this poster lives a sheltered life and is ignorant.

Showing no concept of anything except white reality. Sad.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 04/20/10 04:09 PM

AA was a blatant LIE. How can you tell me living in a three year period without a job because no one with a worth while job available would hire me based on color? I know what it was supposed to be for. The fact is a black person or white person or Hispanic person should be hired on MERIT AND TRAINING! NOT RACIAL QUOTAS!

This also applied to when I had to get classes back at El Camino and whites got denied classes because of QUOTAS.

You sound like you come from a long line of people working government and pseudo government jobs. There are facts you are presented with and facts the rest of us outside of your system have to live with. AA was struck down by the superior court as unconstitutional!

In all reality equality is a lie thrust upon us by dreamers and intellectuals. We are all different. Equality is something that should be enforced in spirit and not LAW! Without enforcement of the laws we have we have NO LAW!

There was no good at all with AA. None! Don't you get the phrase, "the way to hell is paved with good intentions?"

It isn't paradise if one of us living in it has to suffer! Can you honestly tell me you are so myopic about AA to not see the bad that was built into it?

It was a blatant corrosion of standards. Education (especially colleges) suffered when deserving students with 4.0 GPA were denied attendance to UCLA and USC because of the dumbing down of the standards for "minority" students with lower GPA (ALL THE WAY DOWN TO 2.0 for colleges requiring 4.0GPAs!). We are talking students who busted their ***** to attend and they were denied why? Color! What color? White! Even Asians were caught in the wrong end of this because of some belief they are all well to do!

It is one thing to revise standards but to bias them racially? I mean seriously?

Now filing lawsuits. Who has to pay for the attorney? Who has to pay for court costs? Do you think most people even have a clue HOW to file a lawsuit in the first place? Someone looking for work usually HAS NO MONEY! Seriously, this is the real world, not the world according to some story book reality! On top of that who can wait two years to sue someone over them not hiring me over AA? I have to work to live! Most of us do. We don't have "Family Social Security!"

So what you are saying is it is fine for the government to disenfranchise me to make you feel good about the fact that the government is doing more for women and people of color but in the mean time I have to go hungry and jobless? My aren't we a little jaded!

Lets clarify:
1.I dont agree with quotas and in most cases they will be shot down

2.There are NUMEROUS policies under the label of AFfirmative Action,, but no actual 'affirmative action' policy,,therefore Affirmative Action could not have been struck down by a court, although some type of AA policy may have.

3. I take question with the assumption you are making that you were without work because you were white,,, look at the numbers my friend and white folks are still at the TOP of the leader board in the employment numbers. Out of work? Join the club,,,look at the numbers of other races who are also out of and remain out of work...

4. What I am saying is that it is NOT alright to do NOTHING about the institutional disenfranchisement of a people, because doing so MIGHT result in other individuals feeling disenfranchised(Whites , as a group, have still not suffered disenfranchisement).This is evidence of policies needing to be changed , not abolished.

5. AA measures were put in place because of the HISTORICALLY unequal opportunities and resources that plagued America. I am not anymore jaded in that belief than if I were a member of the MAJORITY race whose majority had presented them with an UNEARNED economic and educational benefit and didnt see a need for that to change in any way.

6. AA was needed because it was as if one group had been allowed to start a five mile race and the other wasnt and then was stigmatized and diminished and made of inferior status socially because they didnt have a chance to win. Even if those omitted from the race were permitted to join,, after the first group were already at three miles,, there would be very little chance of the second group ever winning , without SOME accomodation being made to reverse the UNFAIR advantage of the first group.

AA is needed and will be until the ignorancy of discrimination stops.

I have seen the discrimination for myself so I know it is still going on. I will not support AA being reversed until white folks learn how to act better.

msharmony's photo
Tue 04/20/10 04:11 PM
Edited by msharmony on Tue 04/20/10 04:29 PM
'Crap like AA encourages people to stop trying to make anything of themselves because why bother trying when you are white and cannot get hired because of your color and if you are colored a job is assured. '

that statement is absurd and insulting,,,,funny how being female AND black, I have been unemployed nearly a year now,,,,guaranteed? Bologna!

from ny times,,,,

In the first quarter of 2008, the rate of joblessness among blacks nationwide was 8.9 percent, compared with 4.8 percent for whites; in the first quarter of 2009, the rate for blacks had risen to 13.6 percent, while the rate for whites had gone to 8.2 percent

this has nothing to do with TYPES of labor,,

To seriously say that affirmative actions were never needed and only education and hard work are factors is naive and intellectually dishonest. IF people were never given an OPPORTUNITY to get equal education(opportunities provided through AFFIRMATIVE ACTION measures),,if people were never given employment opportunities (also provided by Affirmative Action measures),,, then there could be no reasonable expectation that they would EVER be able to compete equally.

THere are lazy and uneducated people across racial lines, I can always attest to that and understand the significance of working hard. BUt I do get a bit insulted when others insinuate that the ONLY Reason black people are or ever were kept out of employment and educational opportunities is because they didnt work as hard or have the same intelligence as others. Education and hard work are merely a part of an equation which also involves NETWORKING and social status. Tell me, if 8 in ten jobs are only advertised through word of mouth and the MAJORITY of those employers and employees are of one race,,what race do you think will be hearing about those jobs?

executive orders 10925 and 11246 have NOT been stricken from federal law, the policies that bred from those orders vary from state to state and have also not all been stricken,, although some have been.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 04/20/10 04:16 PM

As a young man, Farrakhan dropped out of college and found work in nightclubs as a calypso guitarist-singer known as “Calypso Gene,” also known by some as “Calypso Louie.” He recorded an original song, “A White Man’s Heaven is a Black Man’s Hell.” In March 2000, the Philadelphia Inquirer quoted Farrakhan saying, “White people are potential humans ... they haven’t evolved yet.” Farrakhan is a white hating, America hating, and Christian hating racist promoted by Trinity United Church of Christ! Question: Senator, how can you justify remaining a member of a church with such loose convictions that promotes bigotry without blushing?

At the Nation of Islam’s Savior’s Day Celebration in 1991, Louis told the cheering crowd that he saw a huge UFO with thousands of people in it and he was taken for a ride. (I really think his followers have been “taken for a ride.”) Louis told the crowd that the “wheel” ship would one day destroy the white man and bring Blacks into power. He also assured the gullible crowd that 1500 smaller planes from the giant “wheel” follow him at all times! Did I suggest that he is a nut case? Question: “Senator, with your influence, would you encourage Calypso Louie to get the mental help he obviously needs? After all he is one of your constituents.” I suppose Obama’s national health care scheme would cover bigots!

Pastor Wright called Calypso Louie one of the “giants of the African American religious experience.” The publication gave Louie the 2007’s “Lifetime Achievement Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. Trumpeter Award” for his contributions to the “African American community.” Among others, Congresswoman Maxine Waters received an award.

In February, 1996, Louis did a five-week tour of the world’s most despotic nations. In Iran, he was reported to have said “You can quote me: God will destroy America by the hands of Muslims…. God will not give Japan or Europe the honor of bringing down the United States; this is an honor God will bestow upon Muslims.” He is not only a nut case but also a traitor to the nation that provided him the opportunity to live in regal splendor on his 77-acre country estate in addition to two posh Chicago homes! Therefore, he is also an ingrate.

Pastor Wright accompanied Farrakhan on his trek to visit Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi and other Muslim middle east terrorists and Dr. Wright candidly said, “When [Obama’s] enemies find out that in 1984 I went to Tripoli…with Farrakhan, a lot of his Jewish support will dry up quicker than a snowball in hell.” Well, I think all Obama’s financial support should dry up quicker than that! In 1996, Louis also visited with Yasser Arafat, master terrorist, Saddam Hussein, terrorist monster and other terrorist renegades. Question: Senator, will you disassociate yourself from an obvious traitor, and since the visiting party illegally sought to negotiate with foreign powers will you seek congressional hearings to inquire further into their illegal and seditious activities?” Follow-up: “If not, why not?”

When Obama kicked off his national presidential race on Feb. 10, 2007, he uninvited his pastor from giving the televised invocation because as Pastor Wright quoted Obama, “You [Wright] can get kind of rough in the sermons, so what we’ve decided is that it’s best for you not to be out there in public.” I would hate to admit that I was ashamed of being associated with my pastor.

Some fearless reporter should ask, “Senator, don’t you think you should disassociate yourself from Dr. Wright and his radical church if you can not endorse what he preaches?” Don’t expect to hear that question even from a “conservative” reporter.

Isnt that exactly what OBama did though,,,,?

This is just a little history about the extremist bigot Farrahkan and his Muslim intentions.

I agree he is racist and extremist, not unlike MANY americans. The difference is, he actually manages to be quite intelligent and balance his insanity with logical realities,,which makes it easier for many to follow him. I am not a follower of his insanity,, but even a broken clock is correct twice a day and I do find that he SOMETIMES makes some valid arguments.

Farrakan is a mirror of prejudice white folks. He shows them what they look like with one difference using white in place of black.

msharmony's photo
Tue 04/20/10 04:18 PM
Edited by msharmony on Tue 04/20/10 04:18 PM

As a young man, Farrakhan dropped out of college and found work in nightclubs as a calypso guitarist-singer known as “Calypso Gene,” also known by some as “Calypso Louie.” He recorded an original song, “A White Man’s Heaven is a Black Man’s Hell.” In March 2000, the Philadelphia Inquirer quoted Farrakhan saying, “White people are potential humans ... they haven’t evolved yet.” Farrakhan is a white hating, America hating, and Christian hating racist promoted by Trinity United Church of Christ! Question: Senator, how can you justify remaining a member of a church with such loose convictions that promotes bigotry without blushing?

At the Nation of Islam’s Savior’s Day Celebration in 1991, Louis told the cheering crowd that he saw a huge UFO with thousands of people in it and he was taken for a ride. (I really think his followers have been “taken for a ride.”) Louis told the crowd that the “wheel” ship would one day destroy the white man and bring Blacks into power. He also assured the gullible crowd that 1500 smaller planes from the giant “wheel” follow him at all times! Did I suggest that he is a nut case? Question: “Senator, with your influence, would you encourage Calypso Louie to get the mental help he obviously needs? After all he is one of your constituents.” I suppose Obama’s national health care scheme would cover bigots!

Pastor Wright called Calypso Louie one of the “giants of the African American religious experience.” The publication gave Louie the 2007’s “Lifetime Achievement Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. Trumpeter Award” for his contributions to the “African American community.” Among others, Congresswoman Maxine Waters received an award.

In February, 1996, Louis did a five-week tour of the world’s most despotic nations. In Iran, he was reported to have said “You can quote me: God will destroy America by the hands of Muslims…. God will not give Japan or Europe the honor of bringing down the United States; this is an honor God will bestow upon Muslims.” He is not only a nut case but also a traitor to the nation that provided him the opportunity to live in regal splendor on his 77-acre country estate in addition to two posh Chicago homes! Therefore, he is also an ingrate.

Pastor Wright accompanied Farrakhan on his trek to visit Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi and other Muslim middle east terrorists and Dr. Wright candidly said, “When [Obama’s] enemies find out that in 1984 I went to Tripoli…with Farrakhan, a lot of his Jewish support will dry up quicker than a snowball in hell.” Well, I think all Obama’s financial support should dry up quicker than that! In 1996, Louis also visited with Yasser Arafat, master terrorist, Saddam Hussein, terrorist monster and other terrorist renegades. Question: Senator, will you disassociate yourself from an obvious traitor, and since the visiting party illegally sought to negotiate with foreign powers will you seek congressional hearings to inquire further into their illegal and seditious activities?” Follow-up: “If not, why not?”

When Obama kicked off his national presidential race on Feb. 10, 2007, he uninvited his pastor from giving the televised invocation because as Pastor Wright quoted Obama, “You [Wright] can get kind of rough in the sermons, so what we’ve decided is that it’s best for you not to be out there in public.” I would hate to admit that I was ashamed of being associated with my pastor.

Some fearless reporter should ask, “Senator, don’t you think you should disassociate yourself from Dr. Wright and his radical church if you can not endorse what he preaches?” Don’t expect to hear that question even from a “conservative” reporter.

Isnt that exactly what OBama did though,,,,?

This is just a little history about the extremist bigot Farrahkan and his Muslim intentions.

I agree he is racist and extremist, not unlike MANY americans. The difference is, he actually manages to be quite intelligent and balance his insanity with logical realities,,which makes it easier for many to follow him. I am not a follower of his insanity,, but even a broken clock is correct twice a day and I do find that he SOMETIMES makes some valid arguments.

Farrakan is a mirror of prejudice white folks. He shows them what they look like with one difference using white in place of black.

this is one in a very few threads where we agree,,,lol

cashu's photo
Tue 04/20/10 04:50 PM
Edited by cashu on Tue 04/20/10 05:06 PM

one never knows,,but if I broke a law and got CAUGHT , I would accept and expect some consequences and probably not make demands instead.

I guess that would be all depending on the mood huh .

cashu's photo
Tue 04/20/10 04:50 PM

I don't have time to debate this issue... but I would really encourage those that are looking into undocumented workers.... to look past the rhetoric... and look at how US economy is forcing economic destruction in other countries.

Think of it this way.... if your local economy was trashed .... and there was no work, or work for wages that couldn't support you or your family.... what would you do?

one never knows,,but if I broke a law and got CAUGHT , I would accept and expect some consequences and probably not make demands instead.

an if you were white they would be calling you a white supremacist . not much left to do except except start shooting is there . you should of been around in the 60's people were dieing like flys . different today people just lie to get money from the government not realizing what can happen because of it ..

Winx's photo
Tue 04/20/10 04:58 PM
Edited by Winx on Tue 04/20/10 05:42 PM
I attended a large Civil War re-enactment at this site a few years ago.

Judge says Klan can have barbecue at battle site

ST. LOUIS — Missouri officials cannot bar a Ku Klux Klan splinter group from holding an event Saturday at the site of one of the state's biggest Civil War battles, a federal judge in St. Louis ruled Wednesday.

Frank Ancona, who identified himself as imperial wizard of the Traditionalist American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, filed suit Wednesday morning for an emergency order to overrule rejection of its application to rent a large pavilion at the Fort Davidson State Historic Site.

It's in Iron County, about 70 miles south of St. Louis.

Ancona said in a phone interview after winning the ruling that he's not sure the event will be held, because of financial concerns. U.S. District Judge Rodney Sippel required the group to post a $1,800 bond and comply with all laws and regulations, including having liability insurance of $300,000.

In addition to a barbecue, a bean bag toss and a duck pond game, the KKK was planning to hang its banner, a U.S. flag, a Confederate battle flag and a Klan insignia, according to the suit and testimony in two hearings Wednesday. Some attendees would be wearing Klan robes and hoods. They also planned to have a flier on hand, discussing the state's removal of a "Confederate Battle Flag" from the park.

"We only want to draw attention to the plight of our heritage," a letter sent to park official reads.

State officials rejected Ancona's request earlier this year, citing historical inaccuracies in the flier, and the park's historical mission to preserve the site. It's where about 1,000 Confederates died in an attack on Union solders in 1864's Battle of Pilot Knob.

The Klan group is wrong about the flag, Department of Natural Resources general counsel Chris Pieper wrote in a March 23 letter to the American Civil Liberties Union, which represented Ancona. The flag depicted in Klan fliers is the unit flag of the Army of Northern Virginia and was never flown at Fort Davidson; the fort flew the 2nd National flag, he wrote.

Sippel, citing long-established legal precedent, said officials could not bar the group from a public place just because of the content of its speech or message. He said that even if everything the group says is incorrect, "They do have the right to say it."

Discrimination against a group is not allowed, the judge said, even if it holds discriminatory views, or if its views are "repugnant." He continued, "That's the wonderful thing about our country."

Ancona's organization is an offshoot of the Klan group that fought and won the right to participate in Missouri's "Adopt-a-Highway" program some years ago, said ACLU lawyer Anthony Rothert.

Ancona, a self-employed contractor who lives in Washington County, acknowledged that his group is a white supremacist organization, but he said that it is not a hate group and that it bars neo-Nazis.

"This has nothing to do with race," Ancona said, but rather free speech and "a historic site and a flag that once flew there that was taken down."

msharmony's photo
Tue 04/20/10 05:10 PM

one never knows,,but if I broke a law and got CAUGHT , I would accept and expect some consequences and probably not make demands instead.

I guess that would be all depending on the mood huh .

not really,, not for me anyhow,,,unless it was an unequally applied law. For instance, if a city is underwater, and before the stores are completely ruined, I take food for my family. IF EVERYONE known to have taken the food is being prosecuted, I wouldnt demand that the store owners just let me have the food. If only certain people are chosen to be prosecuted however, I would demand that the law be applied EQUALLY.

msharmony's photo
Tue 04/20/10 05:11 PM

I don't have time to debate this issue... but I would really encourage those that are looking into undocumented workers.... to look past the rhetoric... and look at how US economy is forcing economic destruction in other countries.

Think of it this way.... if your local economy was trashed .... and there was no work, or work for wages that couldn't support you or your family.... what would you do?

one never knows,,but if I broke a law and got CAUGHT , I would accept and expect some consequences and probably not make demands instead.

an if you were white they would be calling you a white supremacist . not much left to do except except start shooting is there . you should of been around in the 60's people were dieing like flys . different today people just lie to get money from the government not realizing what can happen because of it ..

I dont understand why that would be considered a supremacist attitude,,,

Nickac82's photo
Tue 04/20/10 05:53 PM
Edited by Nickac82 on Tue 04/20/10 05:54 PM

White supremacists are undeserving of any credit for anything positive even if they accidentally did anything positive.

With that said, the fact that they do not support illegals is no surprise since the belief that all illegals are Mexican is prevalent in the ignorant along with many many other ignorant ideals about illegals like they are criminals and non deserving of human respect.

Intelligence will end prejudice so we should be wishing some smarts on the prejudice folks.

Ok one thing, a criminal is someone that has broken the law, right? "Illegals"- slang term for someone that crossed the border ILLEGALY (against the law), right? So why wouldn't they be criminals? I know there are degrees of crimes, and the punishment should fit the crime.

Unless I'm reading it wrong, you are saying that someone that thinks a person that has broken the law is a criminal, is ignorant. Maybe we need to wish smarts on a lot more people.

Nickac82's photo
Tue 04/20/10 05:56 PM
I just want a WET channel on tv. Why not have a White Entertainment Television channel?

AndyBgood's photo
Tue 04/20/10 05:57 PM

Well then let us look at American demographics as to why whites are on top of the leader board. It only measures 'skilled paying jobs' not skilled labor or labor oriented numbers. Why is most of the people working TSA jobs at LAX black with VERY few Hispanics? It isn't White prejudice! Most of the skilled labor went to school. Of the successful blacks who went to school most of them were in college with other than high hopes of sports careers. When I asked most of my successful black friends and mind you one is OG Crip, what his story to his success was, his answer, He pulled his head out of his *** and did something with his life besides f***ing around. A lot of blacks who are successful say that the problem is that Negros do not apply themselves unless they are forced to or want to. I see truth to their words because But oddly among black people who are living in poor metropolitan areas most of the teens are encouraged to be Rappers and Sports stars but god forbid they should take on a professional job and stop talking in ghetto slang or they become Uncle Toms. the same thing can be said of a lot of poor whites living off of the system as well except that brand of trash guzzles beer, and complains their 'government check' is late.

I recently seen a crew of enterprising black gardeners and that was refreshing! I like seeing people making something of themselves no matter what color they are. AA was an atrocity! we needed enforcement of the laws we have. Not Government Programs! Both Hitler and Stalin had Programs and they led to bad stuff. I take it you also think the Bureau of Indian Affairs was a good Government program? How about the CCC? You are aware the CCC was a financial disaster? Welfare was and still is abused.

There never was a need for AA. It was struck down in the supreme court as a program and policy! Come to think of it the smoke is still clearing. Please don't try to make me feel bad because the other guy is stupider. It isn't racial, its education and motivation.

Crap like AA encourages people to stop trying to make anything of themselves because why bother trying when you are white and cannot get hired because of your color and if you are colored a job is assured.

Maybe the answer is that more blacks need to get into classes and off of basketball courts and stop clubbing so much? Maybe more Hispanics need to legalize themselves if they are here illegally, stop thugging and get some time behind the books rather than sitting on them. These losers only mess up statistics that are tailored to show a racial bias. Dig deeper and it all boils down to training, skills, and motivation. Our education system is not the only thing failing us! It is people themselves!

Why is law enforcement so damn hard for people to understand? OH, The liberal answer to EVERYTHING is to take people to court! Like that really solves ANYTHING!

I can sure tell this poster lives a sheltered life and is ignorant.

Showing no concept of anything except white reality. Sad.

I live alone. I struggle alone and don't have family to fall back on. I don't live in my parent's basement. I got responsibilities and a job. Sheltered? As if honey child! (this is where I am giving you you the chicken neck and the L finger!) I don't fall back behind any sense of self delusion. People succeed through effort, not being a pack of whining crybabies expecting hand outs and generosity where there is none. Everyone wants to be the victim. (oooh, snap snap!)

Now for AA being around still. Executive Orders are different from actual policy mandates. It takes a president to cancel them. I think Bush did that! I have to check. The Fed is having to go round and round in court over people still angry about AA still hovering around in Federal hiring. So don't get all happy about it still being around. Obama only changes things to give him exposure when he needs it.

Also Liberal Organizations abuse the legal system just like any one else does. The thing is they sue people over some extremely ludicrous BS. Our justice system is overworked bu crybabies who won't negotiate on both sides. On top of that our justice system is not about justice and only serves where money is involved. People's "violated rights" always boils down to how much money they can be awarded!

What about the financial loss to the folks of Ruby Ridge? Who is suing whom over the use of MILITARY force on American civilians within America proper? Oh but I am now Smooth EZ formerly known as Russel Johnson, a no account, beer drinking (all day long mind you) black man from Compton (with no education past the 10th grade because I dropped out because HS was BULL S***!) and I went to get a job at Toyota and they said I needed an MBA in business to be a manager there and they turned me down for some Peckerwood who mommy and daddy sent to college (whether or not that is true) and now that white man has my job! Where is the NAACP!

What??? This doesn't happen? REALLY????

A supremest attitude is one where a group or individual thinks they are better than other people by gratis of religion, race, or any other reason. Bugie people are ones who used to live an impoverished life and suddenly they win the lottery or something like that and they are suddenly better than everyone else acting like blue bloods when they ain't.

Hitler was out to perfect the master race. Oddly Aryans come from India. His ideals of perfection were based on blond hair, blue eyes. Black Israelis, remember them? They make the Black Panthers seem tame. in their eyes my white skin marks me for life. They think they are superior to everyone else. Elitists think they know what is best for everyone and they are above their own rules.

AA was the toy of the devil. Again writing laws on top of laws is BS! We need better enforcement. Oh but I am sheltered! Yeah! How is it one women can achieve while others can't? Well, for the same damn reasons as men!

Also illegal immigrants come from Haiti, Cuba, Mexico, China, Japan, Canada, and a host of other countries so do not assume blanket ignorance on everyone's part please!

Winx's photo
Tue 04/20/10 05:57 PM

I just want a WET channel on tv. Why not have a White Entertainment Television channel?

They've been white for years.