Topic: Government is Killing America
_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Fri 04/16/10 04:43 PM

Oh, I see, you must be right -- that's the real reason:
No body takes losing elections well.

However, I doubt the 1st qualification of the following quote refers to any patron of this site:
Especially rich white men.

AH, Don't....use......reason......can't.........use....reason.......hurts..........brain.........

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Fri 04/16/10 04:46 PM
How about OLD white men??

msharmony's photo
Fri 04/16/10 04:48 PM

How about OLD white men??

hey, I was married to one of those,, watch it,,,lol

its pompous people who get me,, regardless of gender or race,,,

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Fri 04/16/10 04:58 PM

How about OLD white men??

hey, I was married to one of those,, watch it,,,lol

its pompous people who get me,, regardless of gender or race,,,

I'm sorry, I was just accosted by some teabaggers a couple of weeks ago for having the audacity to..........


Eat Ice Cream near their party!!
They called me some hateful (racist) things, I don't care to repeat.

msharmony's photo
Fri 04/16/10 05:00 PM

How about OLD white men??

hey, I was married to one of those,, watch it,,,lol

its pompous people who get me,, regardless of gender or race,,,

I'm sorry, I was just accosted by some teabaggers a couple of weeks ago for having the audacity to..........


Eat Ice Cream near their party!!
They called me some hateful (racist) things, I don't care to repeat.

yeah,, thats shameful ,, I can relate.

But, hey, dont paint the whole group by the actions of some,, that is what the hatemongers and seperatists do. I honestly dont think the majority are blatantly racist,, could have been about where you were as well as who was there. In any case,, they were just STOOPID,,lol,,, or maybe they were just jealous of that smile :P

_The_Sugar_Fire_'s photo
Fri 04/16/10 05:07 PM

How about OLD white men??

hey, I was married to one of those,, watch it,,,lol

its pompous people who get me,, regardless of gender or race,,,

I'm sorry, I was just accosted by some teabaggers a couple of weeks ago for having the audacity to..........


Eat Ice Cream near their party!!
They called me some hateful (racist) things, I don't care to repeat.

yeah,, thats shameful ,, I can relate.

But, hey, dont paint the whole group by the actions of some,, that is what the hatemongers and seperatists do. I honestly dont think the majority are blatantly racist,, could have been about where you were as well as who was there. In any case,, they were just STOOPID,,lol,,, or maybe they were just jealous of that smile :P

That makes sense. They were just so unbelievably hateful towards me and my friend. I'm not usually sensitive, but I've never heard anything like that in my life.

InvictusV's photo
Fri 04/16/10 05:13 PM

WHY is the FIRST answer ALWAYS 'raise taxes' ... ? That's NOT the way to achieve the other steps you mention - ' increase productivity and exports, increase the quality of education' ... that last one about 'improving the community conscience' is just too off-the-wall to be real ... BUT: Higher TAXES are the LAST thing that's gonna bring about the other changes you listed - it's the FIRST thing that's guaranteed to kill any chance there may have ever been for them to be achieved.

mathematically speaking,,,,if it takes , lets say, 150 mill to sustain quality of life for, lets say 150 people(one mill per person) and 100 of those are able to pay 1.5 million each while the remaining 50 cannot...the quality of life is still maintained

however,, if you suddenly find that there are 175 people and only 75 people can pay in,, to maintain,, it would be necessary for the difference to be made up. ONE possibility is that those 75 would then have to pay in 2.3 mill.

It may not be PREFERABLE but , numerically speaking, it is definitely one of many options to not ending up 'borrowing' money.

I will never agree with that concept because it cannot and will not work. When the number of people dependent on the system increases and the number of people paying the tab decreases the system collapses onto itself.

It's a giant Ponzi scheme..

I take your money so I can pay someone else.

When there are no new investors where does the money come from?

And it all ends horribly...

great point,,,When the number of people dependent on the system increases and the number of people paying the tab decreases the system collapses onto itself.

so we must start decreasing the number of dependents by promoting and creating more INDEPENDENCE via sustainable incomes which are keeping up with the cost of living.

perhaps closing the borders until the economy is more stable for those already here?

perhaps developing an educational system that actually helps create CAREER ready individuals as opposed to just fattening up someone elses pocket with interest on loans ?

perhaps encouraging an atmosphere where employers are willing to assist others in gaining experience as opposed to going strictly by paperwork, certificates and degrees?

You mentioned before the manufacturing industry and trades, which I think are excellent resources for maintaining careers and contributing to the economy,, but I think corporate greed has diminished alot of the benefits those industries created

I think some of these issues are being addressed.

I know that we offer 20 internships to students from the local community college that are in the engineering technology program.

Unfortunately, they only comprise about 1% of the total number of students at the school.

I would like to see more of an emphasis on math and science than the business and education fields.

I was looking at the Bureau of Labor Statistics website and I noticed that there are more teacher assistants, making $23,000 per year, than the total number of engineers.

If we don't have enough engineers, we have no hope of bringing back productivity..

heavenlyboy34's photo
Fri 04/16/10 05:14 PM

Ah, my girl Msharmony is still trying to hold back the flood. There's no use. They're just here to hear themselves talk.

No body takes losing elections well. Especially rich white men.

"Love it or leave it", as my grandpa used to say.

Elections, shmelections. They're meaningless. (especially in our system, which maintains the pretense of having 2 distinct parties) As Mayer Rothschild said, "let me issue a nation's currency, and I care not who writes its laws". The politicians have always been, and still are, useful idiots for moneyed interests. (even Hamilton was in the pocket of the bankers)

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 04/16/10 05:18 PM
I'm returning this thread. Leave the insults and attacks off of the forums. Keep the debate civil. Debate the topic or post and not the poster.


willing2's photo
Fri 04/16/10 06:25 PM
Edited by willing2 on Fri 04/16/10 06:25 PM
As long as we only rely on a two party system, we will have the same reoccurring nightmares and the next president picking up the torch left by the last one.

The past is being repeated every election. Dems and Repubs screw us like there is no manana.

If you can watch three screens on your TV, watch Fox News, MSNBC and WWF all at the same time.

I was surprised to see how similar the "news" channels were to WWF and how they jeer each other.

Anyone who believes the two parties aren't holding hands and laughing about how they keep us over the barrel, without Vaseline or even a kiss, is just BS'n themselves.

msharmony's photo
Fri 04/16/10 06:28 PM

WHY is the FIRST answer ALWAYS 'raise taxes' ... ? That's NOT the way to achieve the other steps you mention - ' increase productivity and exports, increase the quality of education' ... that last one about 'improving the community conscience' is just too off-the-wall to be real ... BUT: Higher TAXES are the LAST thing that's gonna bring about the other changes you listed - it's the FIRST thing that's guaranteed to kill any chance there may have ever been for them to be achieved.

mathematically speaking,,,,if it takes , lets say, 150 mill to sustain quality of life for, lets say 150 people(one mill per person) and 100 of those are able to pay 1.5 million each while the remaining 50 cannot...the quality of life is still maintained

however,, if you suddenly find that there are 175 people and only 75 people can pay in,, to maintain,, it would be necessary for the difference to be made up. ONE possibility is that those 75 would then have to pay in 2.3 mill.

It may not be PREFERABLE but , numerically speaking, it is definitely one of many options to not ending up 'borrowing' money.

I will never agree with that concept because it cannot and will not work. When the number of people dependent on the system increases and the number of people paying the tab decreases the system collapses onto itself.

It's a giant Ponzi scheme..

I take your money so I can pay someone else.

When there are no new investors where does the money come from?

And it all ends horribly...

great point,,,When the number of people dependent on the system increases and the number of people paying the tab decreases the system collapses onto itself.

so we must start decreasing the number of dependents by promoting and creating more INDEPENDENCE via sustainable incomes which are keeping up with the cost of living.

perhaps closing the borders until the economy is more stable for those already here?

perhaps developing an educational system that actually helps create CAREER ready individuals as opposed to just fattening up someone elses pocket with interest on loans ?

perhaps encouraging an atmosphere where employers are willing to assist others in gaining experience as opposed to going strictly by paperwork, certificates and degrees?

You mentioned before the manufacturing industry and trades, which I think are excellent resources for maintaining careers and contributing to the economy,, but I think corporate greed has diminished alot of the benefits those industries created

I think some of these issues are being addressed.

I know that we offer 20 internships to students from the local community college that are in the engineering technology program.

Unfortunately, they only comprise about 1% of the total number of students at the school.

I would like to see more of an emphasis on math and science than the business and education fields.

I was looking at the Bureau of Labor Statistics website and I noticed that there are more teacher assistants, making $23,000 per year, than the total number of engineers.

If we don't have enough engineers, we have no hope of bringing back productivity..

I agree, we cant afford to slip in the areas of math and science. The kids need real time role models outside of just athletes and performers.

no photo
Fri 04/16/10 06:45 PM
The answer is really SIMPLE....Getting it done is NOT...equate government spending programs to a person that continues to gain some point she/he decides that its time to lose the weight(maybethe family can no longer afford the food it takes) can't be done all at once....the weight has to gradually come off,just like it was gradually put on. For many, there is some type of pain involved - exercising more and eating less.

The article clearly point out what is some point, we will run out of enough of other people's monies to support the don't haves relying on the government. So it is beyond time to turn our sinking spending boat around GRADUALLY and head in the opposite direction. Many will have to live through the Pain as they did before we got to this situation in the first place.

We really are gonna have to have a constitutional amendment to stop it. The spending, that is. No politician will ever agree for long enough to gradually stop overspending. And until then, trillions will continue to be is now estimated at 1.56 trillion for 2010.

Atlantis75's photo
Fri 04/16/10 07:44 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Fri 04/16/10 07:46 PM

How about OLD white men??

hey, I was married to one of those,, watch it,,,lol

its pompous people who get me,, regardless of gender or race,,,

I'm sorry, I was just accosted by some teabaggers a couple of weeks ago for having the audacity to..........


Eat Ice Cream near their party!!
They called me some hateful (racist) things, I don't care to repeat.

Well, If you make you feel better..I've been told that I'm a "white" person and I think most multiracial or other ethnicity would immediately say I am by looking at my picture. Until I figured out from "real whites" (I don't know what I need to be one)noway that I am not. So for the census I mark "Caucasian", for others I explain, that I carry genes from Turkic/Asiatic tribes who don't exist anymore (Cuman (asiatic) and Yazig (sarmatian))
The kicker is that they were from the Caucaus region. laugh happy :tongue:

So I'm happy to be a representative of an extinct tribe..even if it's heavily mixed with other genes...while others can keep their white pride, I couldn't care less....:banana:

msharmony's photo
Fri 04/16/10 10:30 PM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 04/16/10 10:30 PM

How about OLD white men??

hey, I was married to one of those,, watch it,,,lol

its pompous people who get me,, regardless of gender or race,,,

I'm sorry, I was just accosted by some teabaggers a couple of weeks ago for having the audacity to..........


Eat Ice Cream near their party!!
They called me some hateful (racist) things, I don't care to repeat.

Well, If you make you feel better..I've been told that I'm a "white" person and I think most multiracial or other ethnicity would immediately say I am by looking at my picture. Until I figured out from "real whites" (I don't know what I need to be one)noway that I am not. So for the census I mark "Caucasian", for others I explain, that I carry genes from Turkic/Asiatic tribes who don't exist anymore (Cuman (asiatic) and Yazig (sarmatian))
The kicker is that they were from the Caucaus region. laugh happy :tongue:

So I'm happy to be a representative of an extinct tribe..even if it's heavily mixed with other genes...while others can keep their white pride, I couldn't care less....:banana:

Its a growing epedimic actually, recognizing 'race' strictly by asthetics. My mom was confused for white growing up and my brother is still confused as Arab, I have even had to DEBATE with others who were insistent that I must be 'mixed;, although my mom , my brother , and I are all black.

Its not so much the confusion or mistakes that are an issue with me though, its just the separatist attitudes and name calling that get under my skin.

no photo
Fri 04/16/10 11:43 PM
You know, the distinquishing trait of Stupid people is their over-reliance upon the racial belonging:
it (putting others down) helps them overcome their own insignificance!!! (i.e. " as miserable as I am, I still belong to the "MASTER" race, thus I must be a Master also" -- or something similar to this convoluted logic, which enables them assuming their superiority! ..because they've nothing else to distinquish themselves with).

So, please, treat them with utmost compassion -- God knows, they're the deprived ones!!!

msharmony's photo
Sat 04/17/10 08:27 AM

You know, the distinquishing trait of Stupid people is their over-reliance upon the racial belonging:
it (putting others down) helps them overcome their own insignificance!!! (i.e. " as miserable as I am, I still belong to the "MASTER" race, thus I must be a Master also" -- or something similar to this convoluted logic, which enables them assuming their superiority! ..because they've nothing else to distinquish themselves with).

So, please, treat them with utmost compassion -- God knows, they're the deprived ones!!!

You said it !

no photo
Sat 04/17/10 11:28 PM
Regarding Obama:

if you enjoyed the Clinton times,

your sure are in luck, cuz they're back!!!

msharmony's photo
Sun 04/18/10 01:04 AM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 04/18/10 01:05 AM

Regarding Obama:

if you enjoyed the Clinton times,

your sure are in luck, cuz they're back!!!

minus the rhodes scholar( although magna cum laude from Harvard Law isnt too shabby) and the affairs,,

but I still enjoy them both,,

no photo
Sun 04/18/10 07:05 AM
Wow....all I can say is...many Obama supporters are


Obama was only elected because people "believed" that he would clean up Washington(remeber the main BROKEN promises - "transparency and
ethics" (what has happened - just more deals behind closed doors with lobbyist) no appointment of lobbyist in his administration(what has happened - they r still working and mightily)many people he nominated couldn't even pay their taxes correctly...Is Guantanomo still open?....Was health care reform debated on C span or at least openly...trillion dollar deficits....allowing public comment on bills before signing....gosh, I just tire trying to remember all of the LIES Obama told that helped him get elected... And heck a lot of peoople voted for Obama as a vote against Bush.

Big changes coming in November.....

msharmony's photo
Sun 04/18/10 09:02 AM
Obama was only elected because people "believed" that he would clean up Washington(remeber the main BROKEN promises - "transparency and
ethics" (what has happened ....

Cause I could have sworn I voted because he was the better candidate,,, much like MOST do in a two nominee election such as the presidency. Did I expect him or any other president to have a magic wand to FIX ALL Things(and let alone in fifteen months),, no. BUt then, as I have said before, I seem amongst few who understand a tiny bit about government authority and dont get drunk on media kool aid instead. I NEVER Take a presidents 'promise'(unless it is to veto) as a promise, because he has authority to do NOTHING on his own(besides vetoing) and noone can promise someone what OTHERS will do.