Topic: Government is Killing America
no photo
Sun 04/18/10 09:16 AM

Obama was only elected because people "believed" that he would clean up Washington(remeber the main BROKEN promises - "transparency and
ethics" (what has happened ....

Cause I could have sworn I voted because he was the better candidate,,, much like MOST do in a two nominee election such as the presidency. Did I expect him or any other president to have a magic wand to FIX ALL Things(and let alone in fifteen months),, no. BUt then, as I have said before, I seem amongst few who understand a tiny bit about government authority and dont get drunk on media kool aid instead. I NEVER Take a presidents 'promise'(unless it is to veto) as a promise, because he has authority to do NOTHING on his own(besides vetoing) and noone can promise someone what OTHERS will do.

Well, don't worry, u were not alone in that belief... Obama sure made many believe that he was the better candidate by his lies....and come on, most of the "broken promises" that I quoted are ones Obama had much control over. And could have kept if he wanted too.

msharmony's photo
Sun 04/18/10 09:45 AM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 04/18/10 09:47 AM

Obama was only elected because people "believed" that he would clean up Washington(remeber the main BROKEN promises - "transparency and
ethics" (what has happened ....

Cause I could have sworn I voted because he was the better candidate,,, much like MOST do in a two nominee election such as the presidency. Did I expect him or any other president to have a magic wand to FIX ALL Things(and let alone in fifteen months),, no. BUt then, as I have said before, I seem amongst few who understand a tiny bit about government authority and dont get drunk on media kool aid instead. I NEVER Take a presidents 'promise'(unless it is to veto) as a promise, because he has authority to do NOTHING on his own(besides vetoing) and noone can promise someone what OTHERS will do.

Well, don't worry, u were not alone in that belief... Obama sure made many believe that he was the better candidate by his lies....and come on, most of the "broken promises" that I quoted are ones Obama had much control over. And could have kept if he wanted too.

well, I dont feel I was misled at all,,and I dont feel 'lied' to. I still feel I voted for the better candidate. I am not in his administration nor constitutionally expert enough to know the reasons behind why some of his 'promises' didnt happen. BUt as I have said a million times, I dont take a 'promise' from any president as a guarantee because they have to work and depend on the actions of too many other people.....

honestly, I just think it was too high an expectation from him going in,, not from me,, but apparently many others. I knew and he stated several times that it would not be 'easy' for us or for him,, and that has remained true,,, He is less tha half way through his allotted time and people in many places seem to actually be 'hoping' that things get worse so they can continue some hate campaign ,,,

I am holding out for his FULL Term to see the REAL Change that takes place. I am pleased with the changes happening currently and expect them to continue....

no photo
Sun 04/18/10 11:37 AM

Obama was only elected because people "believed" that he would clean up Washington(remeber the main BROKEN promises - "transparency and
ethics" (what has happened ....

Cause I could have sworn I voted because he was the better candidate,,, much like MOST do in a two nominee election such as the presidency. Did I expect him or any other president to have a magic wand to FIX ALL Things(and let alone in fifteen months),, no. BUt then, as I have said before, I seem amongst few who understand a tiny bit about government authority and dont get drunk on media kool aid instead. I NEVER Take a presidents 'promise'(unless it is to veto) as a promise, because he has authority to do NOTHING on his own(besides vetoing) and noone can promise someone what OTHERS will do.

Well, don't worry, u were not alone in that belief... Obama sure made many believe that he was the better candidate by his lies....and come on, most of the "broken promises" that I quoted are ones Obama had much control over. And could have kept if he wanted too.

well, I dont feel I was misled at all,,and I dont feel 'lied' to. I still feel I voted for the better candidate. I am not in his administration nor constitutionally expert enough to know the reasons behind why some of his 'promises' didnt happen. BUt as I have said a million times, I dont take a 'promise' from any president as a guarantee because they have to work and depend on the actions of too many other people.....

honestly, I just think it was too high an expectation from him going in,, not from me,, but apparently many others. I knew and he stated several times that it would not be 'easy' for us or for him,, and that has remained true,,, He is less tha half way through his allotted time and people in many places seem to actually be 'hoping' that things get worse so they can continue some hate campaign ,,,

I am holding out for his FULL Term to see the REAL Change that takes place. I am pleased with the changes happening currently and expect them to continue....

If a presidential candidate can not keep major promises that r directly and partly responsible for his election....Why the hell vote???

U mean he couldn't keep this promise??????? Straight from OBAMA's lips

“I respect what the Clintons tried to do in 1993 in moving health reform forward, but they made one really big mistake, and that is, they took all their people and all their experts and put them into a room, and then they closed the door. We will work on this process publicly, it will be on C-SPAN, it will be streaming over the net.”

I could post all the rest of the easy to keep simple promises but I feel u would be....


no photo
Sun 04/18/10 12:22 PM

48 million taxpayers paid ...NOTHING... in 2008

People who pay taxes don't feel's the other away around....people that don't pay taxes feel they SHOULD BE entitled...

Government earns basically no money to provide other than from those that pay. And those that pay receive little if any from the government. We are heading in a dangerous direction....Where is the tipping point...

The problem isn't that the pool of working people is diminishing...the problem is those working and paying taxes are trying to support too many that don't pay taxes.

The problem is even more basic than that ... if the 'entitled' were ONLY those who are American citizens, that's one thing, but now we have an entire NEW population of ILLEGALS who are being TOLD they're 'entitled' to all the benefits of an American citizen or an individual who has come into our country LEGALLY and who is legitimately a CITIZEN of the nation. Best approximations I've seen as to the actual illegal population puts the spread anywhere from 17 million to 32 million 'undocumented Americans' as Harry Reid likes to call them. They're ILLEGALS, Harry. Don't look for either party to try to reverse this, either. The 'craps want 'em 'cuz they're too stupid to see they're just being bought off in order to vote for the 'craps, and the 'pubs see 'em as a source of cheap labor. Both points of view are wrong. They're ILLEGAL and need to GTFO of our country. Just wait 'til this new load hits the system under the 'deathcare' bill and start counting the number of hospitals that just fold under the load. Oh ... don't expect these new drags on the system to actually pay INTO it to help defray the expense they add to it ... after all, they're 'entitled' ...

msharmony's photo
Sun 04/18/10 12:41 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 04/18/10 12:43 PM

Obama was only elected because people "believed" that he would clean up Washington(remeber the main BROKEN promises - "transparency and
ethics" (what has happened ....

Cause I could have sworn I voted because he was the better candidate,,, much like MOST do in a two nominee election such as the presidency. Did I expect him or any other president to have a magic wand to FIX ALL Things(and let alone in fifteen months),, no. BUt then, as I have said before, I seem amongst few who understand a tiny bit about government authority and dont get drunk on media kool aid instead. I NEVER Take a presidents 'promise'(unless it is to veto) as a promise, because he has authority to do NOTHING on his own(besides vetoing) and noone can promise someone what OTHERS will do.

Well, don't worry, u were not alone in that belief... Obama sure made many believe that he was the better candidate by his lies....and come on, most of the "broken promises" that I quoted are ones Obama had much control over. And could have kept if he wanted too.

well, I dont feel I was misled at all,,and I dont feel 'lied' to. I still feel I voted for the better candidate. I am not in his administration nor constitutionally expert enough to know the reasons behind why some of his 'promises' didnt happen. BUt as I have said a million times, I dont take a 'promise' from any president as a guarantee because they have to work and depend on the actions of too many other people.....

honestly, I just think it was too high an expectation from him going in,, not from me,, but apparently many others. I knew and he stated several times that it would not be 'easy' for us or for him,, and that has remained true,,, He is less tha half way through his allotted time and people in many places seem to actually be 'hoping' that things get worse so they can continue some hate campaign ,,,

I am holding out for his FULL Term to see the REAL Change that takes place. I am pleased with the changes happening currently and expect them to continue....

If a presidential candidate can not keep major promises that r directly and partly responsible for his election....Why the hell vote???

U mean he couldn't keep this promise??????? Straight from OBAMA's lips

“I respect what the Clintons tried to do in 1993 in moving health reform forward, but they made one really big mistake, and that is, they took all their people and all their experts and put them into a room, and then they closed the door. We will work on this process publicly, it will be on C-SPAN, it will be streaming over the net.”

I could post all the rest of the easy to keep simple promises but I feel u would be....


enough with the condescending responses already,, I am not in denial,,

I have stated before that I dont think OBama has done everything right or everything as I would have wished it done.

I can go to a fact check site and find both those 'promises' that bore fruit and those which failed(and I do)

I know he hasnt succeeded in every point he promised,, I know that NO president ever has or will so long as this is a democracy and not a dictatorship,,,the closed door sessions are but ONE in hundreds of issues he has and will have to deal with and i not once expected EVERY one of them to turn out the way he 'promised' as he cannot promise what OTHERS will do or agree to do.

But for me, the things he HAS and continues to do are FAR outnumbering the failures,, and I personally have great respect for that fact given the fighting and opposition and scrutiny he faces at nearly every turn.

I am thrilled that we have a competent, intelligent, hard working president. I am thrilled at the historical health care reform and I am thrilled that we are moving towards a more diverse future in politics.

No man woman or president will ever please EVERYONE,, but this presidential choice is still one that I am personally pleased with.

Lpdon's photo
Sun 04/18/10 12:45 PM
Edited by Lpdon on Sun 04/18/10 12:46 PM

The government serves us.

It started that way and is still that way.

The only people screaming otherwise for the most part are the poorly informed who follow too easily those who inspire mistrust in the crowds. If they would stop and research what they are believing they would discover no validity to their agendas.

I believe in monitoring our government. I do monitor it. I make sure that I know what I am looking at first though. You cannot monitor something if you do not know how it works.

That is what I have discovered is going on with most of these groups who are against the government. They hold up signs that show they know not how the government works at the base level and are protesting invalid things.

Reading posts on sites like or the Dailykos doesn'y count as research.

markumX's photo
Sun 04/18/10 02:23 PM

The government serves us.

It started that way and is still that way.

The only people screaming otherwise for the most part are the poorly informed who follow too easily those who inspire mistrust in the crowds. If they would stop and research what they are believing they would discover no validity to their agendas.

I believe in monitoring our government. I do monitor it. I make sure that I know what I am looking at first though. You cannot monitor something if you do not know how it works.

That is what I have discovered is going on with most of these groups who are against the government. They hold up signs that show they know not how the government works at the base level and are protesting invalid things.

Reading posts on sites like or the Dailykos doesn'y count as research.

the same could be said of the Herritage Foundation which is where Sean Hannity's goons get their so called facts from

bedlum1's photo
Sun 04/18/10 02:38 PM
people who twist words for shock value, hate, and scare tactics are the ones ruining america.....really......"death care"? slaphead
or "death panel" or saying "attack in pakistan" instead of "on terrorist cell"...etc etc.....the list goes on...both sides do it...its up to us to sort through the bs ....and obama was and still is the best candidate...sorry but its true...mccain is bordering senility and palin is inept...if the republicans had a better choice i'd have been behind it..but they didnt...i waited til after the first 4 years of bush to make up my mind about him....i'll do the same with obama....thats fair

no photo
Sun 04/18/10 02:48 PM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Sun 04/18/10 02:51 PM
Well, insofar as 'twisting words for shock value', etc is a crime, let's look at some OTHER words that have been 'twisted for shock value' and have had their original meanings twisted and re-routed thru the Socialist Word Processor - kinda like the Red Queen and the Mad Hatter did in 'Alice in Wonderland' ... to begin: "Hope and Change" ... then we come to "Change You Can Believe In" ... and "HealthCare" ... then there's "Social Justice" ... the dictionary list just grows and grows and grows like Topsy ... The 'progressive' [sic] Left uses the policy of 'Control the words, control the thoughts' ... why gee, that concept is straight out of Orwell's '1984', only in that novel it was called 'NewSpeak' and the process of dumbing down the language to as few words as possible to prevent complex thinking is the same thing taking place today with 'The ONE', 'Dear Comrade Leader', 'Obama the Most Merciful and Most High (PBUH)' ... nope nope nope ... being able to see the 'man behind the curtain' and recognizing him and his agenda for what it is is always a good thing ... I want my country to be rebuilt when he's kicked out after being a one-term Communist disaster ...

bedlum1's photo
Sun 04/18/10 02:57 PM
Well, insofar as 'twisting words for shock value', etc is a crime, let's look at some OTHER words that have been 'twisted for shock value' and have had their original meanings twisted and re-routed thru the Socialist Word Processor - kinda like the Red Queen and the Mad Hatter did in 'Alice in Wonderland' ... to begin: "Hope and Change" ... then we come to "Change You Can Believe In" ... and "HealthCare" ... then there's "Social Justice" ... the dictionary list just grows and grows and grows like Topsy ... The 'progressive' Left uses the policy of 'Control the words, control the thoughts' ... why gee, that concept is straight out of Orwell's '1984', only in that novel it was called 'NewSpeak' and the process of dumbing down the language to as few words as possible to prevent complex thinking is the same thing taking place today with 'The ONE', 'Dear Comrade Leader', 'Obama
being able to see the 'man behind the curtain'

whoa slaphead makes you paranoidrofl whoa slaphead

markumX's photo
Sun 04/18/10 06:32 PM

Well, insofar as 'twisting words for shock value', etc is a crime, let's look at some OTHER words that have been 'twisted for shock value' and have had their original meanings twisted and re-routed thru the Socialist Word Processor - kinda like the Red Queen and the Mad Hatter did in 'Alice in Wonderland' ... to begin: "Hope and Change" ... then we come to "Change You Can Believe In" ... and "HealthCare" ... then there's "Social Justice" ... the dictionary list just grows and grows and grows like Topsy ... The 'progressive' [sic] Left uses the policy of 'Control the words, control the thoughts' ... why gee, that concept is straight out of Orwell's '1984', only in that novel it was called 'NewSpeak' and the process of dumbing down the language to as few words as possible to prevent complex thinking is the same thing taking place today with 'The ONE', 'Dear Comrade Leader', 'Obama the Most Merciful and Most High (PBUH)' ... nope nope nope ... being able to see the 'man behind the curtain' and recognizing him and his agenda for what it is is always a good thing ... I want my country to be rebuilt when he's kicked out after being a one-term Communist disaster ...

funny how you people compare obama to communism. he's not rounded anyone up illegally like das fuer bush did. please seek help

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sun 04/18/10 06:39 PM
Edited by heavenlyboy34 on Sun 04/18/10 06:39 PM

Well, insofar as 'twisting words for shock value', etc is a crime, let's look at some OTHER words that have been 'twisted for shock value' and have had their original meanings twisted and re-routed thru the Socialist Word Processor - kinda like the Red Queen and the Mad Hatter did in 'Alice in Wonderland' ... to begin: "Hope and Change" ... then we come to "Change You Can Believe In" ... and "HealthCare" ... then there's "Social Justice" ... the dictionary list just grows and grows and grows like Topsy ... The 'progressive' [sic] Left uses the policy of 'Control the words, control the thoughts' ... why gee, that concept is straight out of Orwell's '1984', only in that novel it was called 'NewSpeak' and the process of dumbing down the language to as few words as possible to prevent complex thinking is the same thing taking place today with 'The ONE', 'Dear Comrade Leader', 'Obama the Most Merciful and Most High (PBUH)' ... nope nope nope ... being able to see the 'man behind the curtain' and recognizing him and his agenda for what it is is always a good thing ... I want my country to be rebuilt when he's kicked out after being a one-term Communist disaster ...

funny how you people compare obama to communism. he's not rounded anyone up illegally like das fuer bush did. please seek help

Rounding people up is not explicitly communist (see the Communist Manifesto). That part comes further down the line in practice. We do, however, still have police abusing the citizenry.rant

no photo
Sun 04/18/10 06:43 PM
Big changes coming in November...

______________ DO NOT BET ON IT !!!
Where were you, guys, during the last election??? Apparantly, your vote didn't count for much!

I bet you did Not even vote for Bush Jr. either, (although he was much better than Obama!!!(?)) what
(I still remember a few of the "bushizms" -- George's misexpressions!)

By the same token, your opinion isn't worth much today either!!!

***Fortunately, the world of high politics DOES NOT depend upon the vote of insignificant people who suffer from the "delusion grander"!

heavenlyboy34's photo
Tue 04/20/10 06:01 PM

Big changes coming in November...

______________ DO NOT BET ON IT !!!
Where were you, guys, during the last election??? Apparantly, your vote didn't count for much!

I bet you did Not even vote for Bush Jr. either, (although he was much better than Obama!!!(?)) what
(I still remember a few of the "bushizms" -- George's misexpressions!)

By the same token, your opinion isn't worth much today either!!!

***Fortunately, the world of high politics DOES NOT depend upon the vote of insignificant people who suffer from the "delusion grander"!

Well, the last time the Repubs were abusing power the way the dems are, they got voted out. :banana: It'll be nice to have the repubs back in charge of Congress, just so that they bloviate so much that nothing gets done. Do-nothing Congresses are indeed the best kind.:banana:

markumX's photo
Tue 04/20/10 06:11 PM

Well, insofar as 'twisting words for shock value', etc is a crime, let's look at some OTHER words that have been 'twisted for shock value' and have had their original meanings twisted and re-routed thru the Socialist Word Processor - kinda like the Red Queen and the Mad Hatter did in 'Alice in Wonderland' ... to begin: "Hope and Change" ... then we come to "Change You Can Believe In" ... and "HealthCare" ... then there's "Social Justice" ... the dictionary list just grows and grows and grows like Topsy ... The 'progressive' [sic] Left uses the policy of 'Control the words, control the thoughts' ... why gee, that concept is straight out of Orwell's '1984', only in that novel it was called 'NewSpeak' and the process of dumbing down the language to as few words as possible to prevent complex thinking is the same thing taking place today with 'The ONE', 'Dear Comrade Leader', 'Obama the Most Merciful and Most High (PBUH)' ... nope nope nope ... being able to see the 'man behind the curtain' and recognizing him and his agenda for what it is is always a good thing ... I want my country to be rebuilt when he's kicked out after being a one-term Communist disaster ...

funny how you people compare obama to communism. he's not rounded anyone up illegally like das fuer bush did. please seek help

Rounding people up is not explicitly communist (see the Communist Manifesto). That part comes further down the line in practice. We do, however, still have police abusing the citizenry.rant

what's the police have to do with politics? they've been abusing their powers for half a century their abise shares no political party...although it made it easier to be done with the patriot act

heavenlyboy34's photo
Tue 04/20/10 06:16 PM

Well, insofar as 'twisting words for shock value', etc is a crime, let's look at some OTHER words that have been 'twisted for shock value' and have had their original meanings twisted and re-routed thru the Socialist Word Processor - kinda like the Red Queen and the Mad Hatter did in 'Alice in Wonderland' ... to begin: "Hope and Change" ... then we come to "Change You Can Believe In" ... and "HealthCare" ... then there's "Social Justice" ... the dictionary list just grows and grows and grows like Topsy ... The 'progressive' [sic] Left uses the policy of 'Control the words, control the thoughts' ... why gee, that concept is straight out of Orwell's '1984', only in that novel it was called 'NewSpeak' and the process of dumbing down the language to as few words as possible to prevent complex thinking is the same thing taking place today with 'The ONE', 'Dear Comrade Leader', 'Obama the Most Merciful and Most High (PBUH)' ... nope nope nope ... being able to see the 'man behind the curtain' and recognizing him and his agenda for what it is is always a good thing ... I want my country to be rebuilt when he's kicked out after being a one-term Communist disaster ...

funny how you people compare obama to communism. he's not rounded anyone up illegally like das fuer bush did. please seek help

Rounding people up is not explicitly communist (see the Communist Manifesto). That part comes further down the line in practice. We do, however, still have police abusing the citizenry.rant

what's the police have to do with politics? they've been abusing their powers for half a century their abise shares no political party...although it made it easier to be done with the patriot act

The police are a tool that the thugs in power use to keep the sheeple in line. They're also a useful tool to get people to willingly pay taxes to get the illusion of "safety"-when in fact the police abuse the population regularly. In short, the fact that the police are tax-feeders makes them political.

KerryO's photo
Tue 04/20/10 07:06 PM
Edited by KerryO on Tue 04/20/10 07:07 PM

enough with the condescending responses already,, I am not in denial,,

I have stated before that I dont think OBama has done everything right or everything as I would have wished it done.

I can go to a fact check site and find both those 'promises' that bore fruit and those which failed(and I do)

I know he hasnt succeeded in every point he promised,, I know that NO president ever has or will so long as this is a democracy and not a dictatorship,,,the closed door sessions are but ONE in hundreds of issues he has and will have to deal with and i not once expected EVERY one of them to turn out the way he 'promised' as he cannot promise what OTHERS will do or agree to do.

But for me, the things he HAS and continues to do are FAR outnumbering the failures,, and I personally have great respect for that fact given the fighting and opposition and scrutiny he faces at nearly every turn.

I am thrilled that we have a competent, intelligent, hard working president. I am thrilled at the historical health care reform and I am thrilled that we are moving towards a more diverse future in politics.

No man woman or president will ever please EVERYONE,, but this presidential choice is still one that I am personally pleased with.

Just a suggestion, but you'll never overcome the effects of his Far Right shock collar with mere reason and logic. He's just here spreading FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt) because that's all he really has. He and the other Far Right Conservatives are all out of sorts because they relied on FUD to win the elections and got outflanked with Hope And Change. Think of them as C.A.V.E. people-- Conservatives Against Virtually Everything. They don't come up with anything new-- as the Party of No, they just boo everything except the Same Old Same Old FUD.

I guess they forgot that Americans are an optimistic people who won't listen to Chicken Littles forever. Especially when the sky didn't fall and the FUD crew, with their Keep Fear Alive drumbeating, were only distractions for the Wall St. pickpockets.

And when they say Obama is another Jimmy Carter? Tell them to remember that just maybe the country was as tired of 8 years of the Bush II administration aa they were of eight years of Tricky Dick Nixon's crew.

-Kerry O.

no photo
Tue 04/20/10 08:59 PM
Edited by crickstergo on Tue 04/20/10 09:03 PM

enough with the condescending responses already,, I am not in denial,,

I have stated before that I dont think OBama has done everything right or everything as I would have wished it done.

I can go to a fact check site and find both those 'promises' that bore fruit and those which failed(and I do)

I know he hasnt succeeded in every point he promised,, I know that NO president ever has or will so long as this is a democracy and not a dictatorship,,,the closed door sessions are but ONE in hundreds of issues he has and will have to deal with and i not once expected EVERY one of them to turn out the way he 'promised' as he cannot promise what OTHERS will do or agree to do.

But for me, the things he HAS and continues to do are FAR outnumbering the failures,, and I personally have great respect for that fact given the fighting and opposition and scrutiny he faces at nearly every turn.

I am thrilled that we have a competent, intelligent, hard working president. I am thrilled at the historical health care reform and I am thrilled that we are moving towards a more diverse future in politics.

No man woman or president will ever please EVERYONE,, but this presidential choice is still one that I am personally pleased with.

Just a suggestion, but you'll never overcome the effects of his Far Right shock collar with mere reason and logic. He's just here spreading FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt) because that's all he really has. He and the other Far Right Conservatives are all out of sorts because they relied on FUD to win the elections and got outflanked with Hope And Change. Think of them as C.A.V.E. people-- Conservatives Against Virtually Everything. They don't come up with anything new-- as the Party of No, they just boo everything except the Same Old Same Old FUD.

I guess they forgot that Americans are an optimistic people who won't listen to Chicken Littles forever. Especially when the sky didn't fall and the FUD crew, with their Keep Fear Alive drumbeating, were only distractions for the Wall St. pickpockets.

And when they say Obama is another Jimmy Carter? Tell them to remember that just maybe the country was as tired of 8 years of the Bush II administration aa they were of eight years of Tricky Dick Nixon's crew.

-Kerry O.

Where is the "transparency and ethics" that was promised???? yup, still behind closed doors.

Where is the "earmark reform" that was promised????....yup,Obama signed his first bill full of em.

How did lobbyist get so much work in the Obama administration?????

Why is Guatanamo still open????

Why r their no trials in NY City????

Why r more drones being used when Obama squealed mightily about Bush policies????

The list is endless......

That's surely not fear....That's surely not uncertainty....That's surely not doubt....

THAT IS THE TRUTH>>>>Obama broke most of his major campaign promises.

Yet some don't care....that is unless Bush did it.

As for new ideas....liberals don't listen unless ideas involve more government and tax and spend!!! Sorry, conservatives don't have any ideas based on those 3 priorities.

heavenlyboy34's photo
Wed 04/21/10 08:32 PM
Edited by heavenlyboy34 on Wed 04/21/10 08:33 PM

enough with the condescending responses already,, I am not in denial,,

I have stated before that I dont think OBama has done everything right or everything as I would have wished it done.

I can go to a fact check site and find both those 'promises' that bore fruit and those which failed(and I do)

I know he hasnt succeeded in every point he promised,, I know that NO president ever has or will so long as this is a democracy and not a dictatorship,,,the closed door sessions are but ONE in hundreds of issues he has and will have to deal with and i not once expected EVERY one of them to turn out the way he 'promised' as he cannot promise what OTHERS will do or agree to do.

But for me, the things he HAS and continues to do are FAR outnumbering the failures,, and I personally have great respect for that fact given the fighting and opposition and scrutiny he faces at nearly every turn.

I am thrilled that we have a competent, intelligent, hard working president. I am thrilled at the historical health care reform and I am thrilled that we are moving towards a more diverse future in politics.

No man woman or president will ever please EVERYONE,, but this presidential choice is still one that I am personally pleased with.

Just a suggestion, but you'll never overcome the effects of his Far Right shock collar with mere reason and logic. He's just here spreading FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt) because that's all he really has. He and the other Far Right Conservatives are all out of sorts because they relied on FUD to win the elections and got outflanked with Hope And Change. Think of them as C.A.V.E. people-- Conservatives Against Virtually Everything. They don't come up with anything new-- as the Party of No, they just boo everything except the Same Old Same Old FUD.

I guess they forgot that Americans are an optimistic people who won't listen to Chicken Littles forever. Especially when the sky didn't fall and the FUD crew, with their Keep Fear Alive drumbeating, were only distractions for the Wall St. pickpockets.

And when they say Obama is another Jimmy Carter? Tell them to remember that just maybe the country was as tired of 8 years of the Bush II administration aa they were of eight years of Tricky Dick Nixon's crew.

-Kerry O.

Where is the "transparency and ethics" that was promised???? yup, still behind closed doors.

Where is the "earmark reform" that was promised????....yup,Obama signed his first bill full of em.

How did lobbyist get so much work in the Obama administration?????

Why is Guatanamo still open????

Why r their no trials in NY City????

Why r more drones being used when Obama squealed mightily about Bush policies????

The list is endless......

That's surely not fear....That's surely not uncertainty....That's surely not doubt....

THAT IS THE TRUTH>>>>Obama broke most of his major campaign promises.

Yet some don't care....that is unless Bush did it.

As for new ideas....liberals don't listen unless ideas involve more government and tax and spend!!! Sorry, conservatives don't have any ideas based on those 3 priorities.

A bit of wishful thinking on your part. Every conservative that has made it to the presidency so far has pushed for more spending, war, and debt.

no photo
Sun 05/02/10 07:49 PM
I'm puzzled:
WHEN FOOLISH BUSHITO WAS AT THE HELM, NOBODY COMPLAINED! (probably cuz he was rich, so obviously it was assumed he knew what he was doing) -- regardless of his "bushizms"!!!

And now, when finally a bright educated person became "a captain", everybody are against him -- cuz he's of the wrong colour!

Get over it!!!