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Topic: "The Most Unique Person You'll Ever Meet"
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Sun 02/21/10 06:01 PM
I see this used in 92.3% of all profiles I read -- "I am the most unique person you'll ever meet." Then they go on to talk about the beach, the little black dress/jeans paradox, the glass being half full, the mandatory "laid back and easy going" commentary, "I like to go out or stay in," "I love my friends and family," and the ever-popular "I'm a single mother of three kids and THEY ARE MY WORLD."

I was raised in an environment where "unique" meant something other than "I am exactly the same as every other boring shlub in the world who is too lazy to write three original sentences about myself." Words change, over time, though, and it's entirely possible (it isn't really, but the appearance of diplomacy can't really hurt here, probably) that "unique" now means something quite the opposite of what it originally was intended to convey.

After all, we have terms like "inflammable" and "flammable" that sound like they should be opposites but probably aren't, unless those have been changed, too, while I wasn't looking.

So, I looked up the definition of "unique" in a couple of the on line dictionaries, and I got this: "radically distinctive and without equal; being the only one of its kind; unequaled, unparalleled or unmatched."

Well, I think we can identify the problem here. The people who are claiming to be "unique" have no idea what the word actually means.

But I suppose that's to be expected, seeing as how most of them claim to be "hot" and "sexy," too....!!

no photo
Sun 02/21/10 06:04 PM
Most people on the internet are ignorant as hell. I was just making a comment about this; men who want to meet me just based on a photo, I have no information in my profile but I'm "just what they've been looking for all these years." Bullchit.

bedlum1's photo
Sun 02/21/10 06:06 PM
do you know how to catch a unique rabbit????
unique up on it...:wink: laugh

no photo
Sun 02/21/10 06:07 PM

do you know how to catch a unique rabbit????
unique up on it...:wink: laugh

That's soooooooooo wrong:laughing:

no photo
Sun 02/21/10 06:08 PM

I see this used in 92.3% of all profiles I read -- "I am the most unique person you'll ever meet." Then they go on to talk about the beach, the little black dress/jeans paradox, the glass being half full, the mandatory "laid back and easy going" commentary, "I like to go out or stay in," "I love my friends and family," and the ever-popular "I'm a single mother of three kids and THEY ARE MY WORLD."

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 02/21/10 06:09 PM
But I am unique. The voices in my head tell me so...ok they say strange, but I prefer the term unique bigsmile

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 02/21/10 06:12 PM

If I could find one that didn't make meyawn
now that would be unique

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 02/21/10 06:15 PM
Shshsh my life is so boring it would bore someone that is bored :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

bedlum1's photo
Sun 02/21/10 06:15 PM

do you know how to catch a unique rabbit????
unique up on it...:wink: laugh

That's soooooooooo wrong:laughing:
laugh flowerforyou

oh btw sorry lex couldnt resist...drinker

no photo
Sun 02/21/10 06:16 PM

do you know how to catch a unique rabbit????
unique up on it...:wink: laugh

That's soooooooooo wrong:laughing:
laugh flowerforyou

oh btw sorry lex couldnt resist...drinker

As long as you don't say the rabbit is laid back and easy going....!

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 02/21/10 06:18 PM

do you know how to catch a unique rabbit????
unique up on it...:wink: laugh

That's soooooooooo wrong:laughing:
laugh flowerforyou

oh btw sorry lex couldnt resist...drinker

As long as you don't say the rabbit is laid back and easy going....!

and is looking to be completed

Jess642's photo
Sun 02/21/10 06:18 PM
But I AM unique!!!!!

Just like everyone else in the world!


krupa's photo
Sun 02/21/10 06:24 PM
A couple of months ago, I invented a completely brand new sin.

Seriously. I am not kidding.

Exactly how throwed off does one have to be to come up with something completely wrong on every imaginable level that no human has even thought of before. I ain't exactly proud of what I did...(though it was really cool as most sins tend to be)...But, I can't think of anyone one else I know creating a new sin or even establishing some form of precedent.

One thing I know for sure.....there will be a big long line to get into hell...........then there will be the line thats just for me. Wish I could just blend in with my fellow lemmings some days.

Shasta1's photo
Sun 02/21/10 06:32 PM

I see this used in 92.3% of all profiles I read -- "I am the most unique person you'll ever meet." Then they go on to talk about the beach, the little black dress/jeans paradox, the glass being half full, the mandatory "laid back and easy going" commentary, "I like to go out or stay in," "I love my friends and family," and the ever-popular "I'm a single mother of three kids and THEY ARE MY WORLD."

I was raised in an environment where "unique" meant something other than "I am exactly the same as every other boring shlub in the world who is too lazy to write three original sentences about myself." Words change, over time, though, and it's entirely possible (it isn't really, but the appearance of diplomacy can't really hurt here, probably) that "unique" now means something quite the opposite of what it originally was intended to convey.

After all, we have terms like "inflammable" and "flammable" that sound like they should be opposites but probably aren't, unless those have been changed, too, while I wasn't looking.

So, I looked up the definition of "unique" in a couple of the on line dictionaries, and I got this: "radically distinctive and without equal; being the only one of its kind; unequaled, unparalleled or unmatched."

Well, I think we can identify the problem here. The people who are claiming to be "unique" have no idea what the word actually means.

But I suppose that's to be expected, seeing as how most of them claim to be "hot" and "sexy," too....!!

Hmmm, maybe I should put flammable on my profile.

misswright's photo
Sun 02/21/10 07:12 PM
I figured it out. It's that little word "unmatched" in the definition.

No mutual matches. On a dating site. Yup, I qualify, therefore I am "unique".

There ya have it. We are all typically unique. Another oxymoron to add to my list.

Thanks Lex.:thumbsup:

rara777's photo
Sun 02/21/10 08:14 PM
Well there goes the "It`s ALL about me theroy". :laughing: rofl

EquusDancer's photo
Sun 02/21/10 09:31 PM
But I AM unique! I have my own goats and don't need to turn anyone into one!


msharmony's photo
Sun 02/21/10 10:48 PM
people can certainly be unique, in that noone is EXACTLY like anyone else,,,but we all have similarities too

I think Im kind of unique in my ability to empathize with others and truly focus on peoples similarities instead of differences.

I admit, loving walks on the beach and things like that arent unique profile descriptions though.

no photo
Mon 02/22/10 08:54 AM

But I AM unique! I have my own goats and don't need to turn anyone into one!


My life would be SO much easier if everybody had their own goat....!

s1owhand's photo
Mon 02/22/10 09:47 AM

But I AM unique!!!!!

Just like everyone else in the world!


i am unremarkable like no one else drinker

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