Topic: Man convicted of murdering Kansas abortion provider | |
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Fri 01/29/10 05:47 PM
although I believe he had accepted the consequence of his action before he took it.
^and in the end he has my respect for that, he did what he did because his conscience couldn't take it any longer.....Kudos to him for marching into hell for what he deemed a heavenly cause.....I'f he can live with it, so can I, am just thankful he didn't miss.....what can I say, if I didn't want to forfeit my life, I'd kill all the abortionists too, the molestors and rapists as well, would it be just in this world of political correctness, certainly not, but I'd feel a lot better...How selfish of me:) I think a better analogy would be if one shot the local prison switchman who pulls the switch on the electric chair. His ONLY purpose in his job is to take away life ^in all respects he's a murderer too, regardless whether legal or not.... |
although I believe he had accepted the consequence of his action before he took it. ^and in the end he has my respect for that, he did what he did because his conscience couldn't take it any longer.....Kudos to him for marching into hell for what he deemed a heavenly cause.....I'f he can live with it, so can I, am just thankful he didn't miss.....what can I say, if I didn't want to forfeit my life, I'd kill all the abortionists too, the molestors and rapists as well, would it be just in this world of political correctness, certainly not, but I'd feel a lot better...How selfish of me:) life is not a walk in the park, we make our choices and live the consequence,,,,,you are consistent in your belief that killing 'some people' is justified,,,, but I disagree. It is not for us to decide. |
very contradictory dear woman, yet you're ok for a jury and a putz of a judge to decide his fate right, it is not for them to judge either, but I guess we must have consequences mustn't we?
very contradictory dear woman, yet you're ok for a jury and a putz of a judge to decide his fate right, it is not for them to judge either, but I guess we must have consequences mustn't we? No, I am very anti death penalty. I am anti abortion. I am anti killing for the sake of killing. I believe that is no mans place to end another persons life except when the choice is taken from them and is only a matter of whose life to save(as in self defense). |
WHAT CAN I SAY WHAT A GOOD SHOT . and another example of liberal justice . the man killed a mast murderer who cares ........ So Tiller murdered a bunch of Boat Masts????? |
WHAT CAN I SAY WHAT A GOOD SHOT . and another example of liberal justice . the man killed a mast murderer who cares ........ opposed to frontier justice by a vigilante who took the law into his own hands and executed someone in a church in front of children? -Kerry O. |
The last time I posted a commit on this subject it was deleted in a few minutes.
A man committed an act of cold blooded murder and there are laws to deal with this. Back in 1944 if somebody would have walked up to Himmler, I believe he was the author of the final solution to the Jewish problem, and shot him what would have been said? Himmler specialized in murdering mostly adults. The Doctor murdered the most helpless creatures on earth. |
The last time I posted a commit on this subject it was deleted in a few minutes. A man committed an act of cold blooded murder and there are laws to deal with this. Back in 1944 if somebody would have walked up to Himmler, I believe he was the author of the final solution to the Jewish problem, and shot him what would have been said? Himmler specialized in murdering mostly adults. The Doctor murdered the most helpless creatures on earth. To save the mother's life. |
No matter how you try to justify this man being murdered, it just ain't gonna happen. So let me get this straight... people that are trying to justify his actions are the same people that worship a god that has supposedly slaughtered millions of innocents?'s so clear now!
WHAT CAN I SAY WHAT A GOOD SHOT . and another example of liberal justice . the man killed a mast murderer who cares ........ Yee haw, good buddy, lets git this one right quick pushed through the Soo-Preme Court. I can't wait to go hunt me some NRA's, maybe shoot down some of them AAA's(anti abortion activists) too, shoot! You betcha! Let me go git my rye-ful! I won't be savin' the meat, so guess we'll be huntin' for sport. |
No matter how you try to justify this man being murdered, it just ain't gonna happen. So let me get this straight... people that are trying to justify his actions are the same people that worship a god that has supposedly slaughtered millions of innocents?'s so clear now! hmmmmmm take another look. Some of the ones justifying this are of "other" religions. I'm pro-choice only because I know what it is like in certain situations. |
Seems this prolifer was a discriminate one. He only believed in life for those HE chooses to live.
If we would eliminate the need for abortions, there wouldn't be any. Men who wear condoms seldom get women pregnant. |
No matter how you try to justify this man being murdered, it just ain't gonna happen. So let me get this straight... people that are trying to justify his actions are the same people that worship a god that has supposedly slaughtered millions of innocents?'s so clear now! hmmmmmm take another look. Some of the ones justifying this are of "other" religions. I'm pro-choice only because I know what it is like in certain situations. |
No matter how you try to justify this man being murdered, it just ain't gonna happen. So let me get this straight... people that are trying to justify his actions are the same people that worship a god that has supposedly slaughtered millions of innocents?'s so clear now! hmmmmmm take another look. Some of the ones justifying this are of "other" religions. I'm pro-choice only because I know what it is like in certain situations. you are right that it has nothing to do with that |
regardless weather you agree with abortion or not. its the law of the land. so to those who say its murder. i have to say to you get a life. i ride buy abortion protester everyday. i always shout out. get a life.
regardless weather you agree with abortion or not. its the law of the land. so to those who say its murder. i have to say to you get a life. i ride buy abortion protester everyday. i always shout out. get a life. Well, that could be said to anyone posting online in forums. I dont take protesters so lightly if they are protesting anything like a good cause or a just cause,,,it was once the law of the land that noone had to shoe black people ANY consideration or rights and Im glad some people made protesting those laws a part of their life. I am pro life, I dont protest because it is not a pssion of mine, but I do have respect for those who PEACEFULLY assemble to make a positive change. This is worlds apart though, from obstructing order or threatening or harming anyone. |
There is a very big movement in this world to promote HATE,,,through
the Innocent eyes of un-born children. PEOPLE who FEEL the AIR AROUND THEM,with conversations, out-cries of terror and rage,,,for ANYONE who 'THEY FEEL', helps abortions to be....To DEEM ANYONE A HERO,,,who KILLS just to be KILLING another human being,,,is MORE-WRONG, than any acts done through any Doctor patient requests or actions to do, for their patient.. HATE that so FREELY BREEDS in places where ANY GOD is ADORED. Is appalling to me... And it is THROUGH THIS RAGE,,,that KILLERS OUR BORN, NOT HERO'S.. IF GOD had not wanted women to be ABLE to ABORT A CHILD. WHO our YOU, or WE, to OVER-RIDE HIS ABILITIES????? Because WE SEE ABORTIONS AS A WRONG, THROUGH OUR CHOICES OF READING reflect THAT IT IS! How's THIS, everyone who feels that THEY our righteous through that belief, when standing before GOD upon their judgment day. HE REMINDS THEM, HE MADE US AND KNOWS ALL, AND ALL THAT HE CREATED WITHIN US TO LIVE AND SUSTAIN OUR LIVES HERE. WAS BY HIS HANDS AND WILL.... Can we live without our liver, or our minds, or our hearts? NO. Yet, GOD made women with the EXCEPTIONS to LEAVE THE FETUS VULNERABLE TO BE REMOVED????? WHY??? I DON'T KNOW?,,,,,BUT,,,,I KNOW,,,GOD KNOWS WHY!!! So jump on this HATE TRAIN, if YOU wish to... As for ME, I will leave, GOD'S WORK,,for HIM TO DO.... |
God left us free to take each others lives too, but he directed us against it in his commandments. It is all for his judgment though, upon this we agree.
Edited by
Sun 01/31/10 01:28 AM
God left us free to take each others lives too, but he directed us against it in his commandments. It is all for his judgment though, upon this we agree. to have it altered...HE DONE THIS,,Correct? So as he KNEW to do THAT in THAT AREA,,,,would HE NOT ALSO KNOW, how he could HAVE DONE THAT SORT OF FIX,,,on the alterations of ANY-KIND,,to ATTEMPT to remove a fetus or CHANGE-ITS LIFE?? THEN to BELIEVE in HIM,,,,yet NOT BELIEVE HE MADE WOMEN CORRECTLY as to ALLOW THIS FUNCTION TO HAPPEN, then WE BECOME WHAT? GOD'S KEEPER TO COVER HIS WHAT??? MISTAKES??? PLEASE.... IF GOD didn't want a baby to LEAVE ITS PLACE OF SEEDING, before it was to its full-term then THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN COVERED BY HIM,,,,,BEFORE WE BECAME.. Everyone needs to step-back once in awhile and view the world, out-side the pre-packaged boxes others make for us to live-in. Just MY THOUGHTS here, many people have let HATE rule over their actual perceptions to freely feel or believe in another VIEW. ![]() |
To save the mother's life. Yeah, the one life that anti-abortion extremists don't take into account in their unthinking zealotry. Because of people like Scott Roeder and Operation Rescue, the medical profession will increasingly play it safe by forcing women to carry dead fetuses to term. Ancacephalic fetuses, fetuses without brainstem development, will have to be carried full term and die a horrible death. Some people really need to educate themselves on the complications of pregancy, how in the Dark Ages, one of the leading causes of deaths for women was complications from pregancy/childbirth. -Kerry O. |