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Wed 02/16/11 05:52 AM

Lunali's photo
Wed 02/16/11 04:37 PM
Hush - Donna Jo Napoli
also gonna start rereading Dusk and Dawn by Tim Lebbon,
and also waiting on the latest Kim Harrison book to be released, I preordered it October of last year. :smile:

ShiningArmour's photo
Thu 02/17/11 07:05 AM
I recently started "Vampire hunter D: The rose princess" Very good book!

EquusDancer's photo
Thu 02/17/11 01:34 PM

Starting The Iron Queen by Julie Kagawa
(i love this series, cant wait to read this one)

I saw this at Wal-Mart and it looked pretty good. Three books out, any idea how many she will write?

Hello Equus waving
Im not sure how many will be. The first, the iron king and the second, the iron daughter are very good. They are teen books but i love them anyway. I already know there is going to be at least one more book besides the iron queen,writen on another caracter perspective, Ash.

Cool, I may wait on it then till they're all out!

EquusDancer's photo
Thu 02/17/11 01:36 PM
Just finished The Words We Live By by Linda Monk. A breakdown of what the words of the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Amendments mean. Really good, easy read.

Reading Mean Streets by Jim Butcher. Can't wait for the next books to come out in paperback!!!

EquusDancer's photo
Fri 02/18/11 10:29 AM
Loved Mean Streets.

On to Anabasis: The March Up Country by Xenophon

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 02/20/11 07:13 AM
Just finished Under the Dome. I do believe Stephen King has finally outdone himself. :thumbsup:

Homesteadnorth's photo
Tue 02/22/11 08:43 PM
I am always reading about 10 books at a time, for most of which I have little enough time as it is. Right now, the top of my bed is littered with The Horsemen, On The Warrior's Path, Trap lines North, Little House in the Big Woods and The Long Winter, Rowboat in a Hurricane, Do it Yourself Housebuilding (putting in new stairs), Making the Adobe Brick by Eugene Boudreau, Notches of all Kinds, Getting Along in Portugese, Just finished The Whale Warriors, and of course, Jane Jacobs' Dark Age Ahead. Anyone out there speak any portugese, I think i am ready to practice

kissablekiss's photo
Wed 02/23/11 09:45 AM
Bought this Book yesterday .....
"A Home At The End Of The World'

Written by ..Micheal Cunningham

The writing is ...is a constant pleasure ,
flowing and yet
Dense with incisive images and Psychological nuance .

The story of Jonathon ,Clare,Bobby and Alice

Cunningham is a really good author ,its like i actually met the characters and lived with them throughout the book Lol.
yet each one retains the mystery that in people we called soul , and
in Fiction is Art .....

Its an old book ...but it's Destined to last
get your copy ...

EquusDancer's photo
Wed 02/23/11 03:32 PM
Hit Half-Price Books today and did some damage. 39 books to go through, mostly Sci-fi/Fantasy and Romance. Happy dance.

EquusDancer's photo
Mon 02/28/11 12:09 PM
Rolled through a bunch of the romances. Now on the trilogy Rhiannon's Ride by Kate Forsyth. Enjoying the first book so far.

no photo
Mon 02/28/11 07:17 PM
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov <3

no photo
Mon 02/28/11 07:19 PM
What's on the mind of a bunch of crazy people.

BR77R's photo
Thu 03/03/11 05:28 PM
The Road...by Cormac Mcarthy

Loy822's photo
Thu 03/03/11 07:48 PM
Breathless by Dean Koontz - very good so far

Dict8's photo
Sat 03/05/11 01:22 PM
The Castle - Franz Kafka

DateNoob's photo
Mon 03/07/11 03:40 PM
The Art of War - Sun Tzu

thewaterbearer's photo
Mon 03/07/11 03:45 PM
Obviously this thread.

ajagirl's photo
Thu 03/10/11 06:12 AM
I'm reading my Bible.
I'm in the book of Isaiah now.:smile:

no photo
Thu 03/10/11 08:08 AM
The Light At The End - John Skipp And Craig Spector. Have read it several times. One of my favorite vampire novels, this is back when vampires were scary and didn't sparkle.

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