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venusenvy's photo
Sat 10/16/10 08:26 AM
Practical demon keeping by Christpher Moore flowerforyou

nvkikigirl's photo
Tue 10/19/10 09:58 PM
just finished up Mackenzie Phillips memoir....

ValentinaSS's photo
Wed 10/20/10 10:32 PM
'The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are' by Alan Watts

EquusDancer's photo
Fri 10/22/10 11:44 AM
Rolling through the Harry Potter series, starting book 3.

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/22/10 11:46 AM
Lost Blood by Marco Abraham

very disturbing biography about a young mans experience in palestine,,,not gonna be a best seller because its not what most want to hear,, but very impactful

1Bartolo's photo
Fri 10/22/10 01:05 PM
Newspaper slaphead

BellaV's photo
Fri 10/22/10 01:29 PM
Hour Game by David Baldacci

eklectek's photo
Fri 10/22/10 02:27 PM
The Art of War by Niccolo Machiavelli

no photo
Thu 10/28/10 08:29 AM
The Zahir by Paolo Coelho

It teaches the reader about life, though sometimes one may have no idea what one will learn. Still, you could just let yourself go and allow the book to choose for you, selecting random deep and stimulating lessons about history, love, and life.

The Zahir, which means "The obvious" in Arabic, tells of a bestselling novelist’s search for his missing wife, Esther, whom he loves so dearly and who helped him become the celebrity he is. He is confused about the possible reasons of her disappearance and is devastated by the thought that perhaps she simply just chose to leave him, without a word of explanation. In order to search for her, he realizes he must first search and find his own self, and that’s what the story is all about: his journey in understanding his own self and the true meaning of life, freedom, and love.

no photo
Thu 10/28/10 08:33 AM
Who wants to read books to be taught things?sick :tongue:

no photo
Thu 10/28/10 08:38 AM

Who wants to read books to be taught things?sick :tongue:

I do. :tongue: I like rediscovering.

no photo
Thu 10/28/10 08:39 AM

Who wants to read books to be taught things?sick :tongue:

I do. :tongue: I like rediscovering.

Dr Seuss not good enough for you anymore?

Loy822's photo
Thu 10/28/10 08:47 AM
Worth Dying For - Lee Child

no photo
Thu 10/28/10 08:48 AM

Who wants to read books to be taught things?sick :tongue:

I do. :tongue: I like rediscovering.

Dr Seuss not good enough for you anymore?

I got disillusioned when I found a cat in his hat. laugh

EquusDancer's photo
Fri 10/29/10 09:07 AM

The Art of War by Niccolo Machiavelli


I liked Sun-Tzu far better.

EquusDancer's photo
Fri 10/29/10 09:08 AM

Who wants to read books to be taught things?sick :tongue:

I do. :tongue: I like rediscovering.

I do! I'm all over the place on my likes and dislikes and interests in books.

Still working through the Harry Potter series, on Book 4 now. Got sidetracked with C.L. Wilsons new book.

Robert Jordan's next one is out Tuesday. Happy Dance!

no photo
Fri 10/29/10 12:40 PM

Robert Jordan's next one is out Tuesday. Happy Dance!

Sad he never got to see the finish of his series.frown

BellaV's photo
Mon 11/01/10 08:56 AM

just finished up Mackenzie Phillips memoir....

How was it? I heard it was pretty graphic and heartbreaking for a young women to go thru. I thinking of getting that one or Wave next..

BellaV's photo
Mon 11/01/10 09:03 AM
There was this book I bought at a bookstore and it was in the clearence section. For 3.00. Called "black hope Horror" was REALLY good! Told my sister about it she borrowed it, she loved it then she loaned my book out to one of her friends. Never saw my book again. This was about 14 years ago. I was telling my fiance about the book. So I looked the book up online see if i could get another one. Well to my surprise the book is now going for $125.00!!! It was about this home comstruction company that built houses over an old slave burial ground. But didn't move the coffins or in some cases the bodies. So the ppl that moved into these new homes, started getting odd things happening to them. Was scarey. I saw on youtube that unsolved mysteries had done a special on the "black hope horror." Now I never NEVER loan my books out again. Which makes my hunny mad cause I have a bookshelf in living room full of books and we have a storage unit also, that i have about 3 boxes of books.

But anyways.. thought i would tell you all about the book in case you ever run across it. GRAB IT!

Lpdon's photo
Mon 11/01/10 10:46 AM
Why read when you can just watch the movie! :thumbsup:

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