Topic: WHO IS GOD???
Winx's photo
Mon 01/11/10 08:26 AM

God is our father, friend, and superier.

God is who created us
God is who created/creates everything

God is the one that sends good things your way in life.

Dude, then explain this.

Or did the devil send him?

God created "US"....... that does not meen he created our actions. That's what judgement day is for, to be judged for our actions on earth. It's called free will.

That's how I see it too.

MiddleEarthling's photo
Mon 01/11/10 05:24 PM

God is our father, friend, and superier.

God is who created us
God is who created/creates everything

God is the one that sends good things your way in life.

Dude, then explain this.

Or did the devil send him?

God created "US"....... that does not meen he created our actions. That's what judgement day is for, to be judged for our actions on earth. It's called free will.

But you said, 'God is the one that sends good things your way in life."

yes for instance if you needed a new home, he would bring the possibility of buying that home. He doesn't "make" us do anything, he influences us and gives us the feeling to do something. But nevertheless he doesn't control us like a 5 year old does his/her dolls.

God offers financing? You said he brings good things to us...doesn't he bring responsibility to know not to vote for an idiot like the Dippic? Can you explain the years between 00 and 08 when a miserable failure that the religious people supported and help get elected into office has killed a million Muslims and 5K of our soldiers...and we tortured. Is that "gods plan" and is that bringing "good to us"? I am pretty ashamed of my government and my fellow Americans who helped put bad people in control...I cannot accept that explanation that I directed the example to...back to the book huh? Why do religious people tend to vote Republican...and is that "good for us"?

God would bring financing something if you truely need "That object". And because people do things in God's name isn't always a good thing, that is between them and God. The war in no way no matter what anyone says could not have been in God's name. For it says in the bible to turn the other cheek. Retaliating is not turning the other cheek. In God's eyes, the USA is just as bad and wrong for attacking the other country and they were attacking us in the first place.

So he underwrites too? OK then. Please answer my question, why do religious people tend to vote Republican?.

Dude I know the deal.

What God Wants:

(That's Jeff Beck ripping up the axe)

Bonus Video:

"Perfect Sense"

I do not know why most religiouse people vote for republicans if in fact this is true. But politics and heaven have absolutely nothing to do with one another. All politicians are corrupt in one way or other, they don't do there actions to what pleases God, they do actions to what would bring more money to them.

This is a 2004's a Pew Reasearch Poll...pretty credible.

Now see what happens when too many people vote on their faith rather than for competence?

MiddleEarthling's photo
Mon 01/11/10 05:27 PM
Edited by MiddleEarthling on Mon 01/11/10 05:35 PM

God is our father, friend, and superier.

God is who created us
God is who created/creates everything

God is the one that sends good things your way in life.

Dude, then explain this.

Or did the devil send him?

God created "US"....... that does not meen he created our actions. That's what judgement day is for, to be judged for our actions on earth. It's called free will.

But you said, 'God is the one that sends good things your way in life."

yes for instance if you needed a new home, he would bring the possibility of buying that home. He doesn't "make" us do anything, he influences us and gives us the feeling to do something. But nevertheless he doesn't control us like a 5 year old does his/her dolls.

God offers financing? You said he brings good things to us...doesn't he bring responsibility to know not to vote for an idiot like the Dippic? Can you explain the years between 00 and 08 when a miserable failure that the religious people supported and help get elected into office has killed a million Muslims and 5K of our soldiers...and we tortured. Is that "gods plan" and is that bringing "good to us"? I am pretty ashamed of my government and my fellow Americans who helped put bad people in control...I cannot accept that explanation that I directed the example to...back to the book huh? Why do religious people tend to vote Republican...and is that "good for us"?

God would bring financing something if you truely need "That object". And because people do things in God's name isn't always a good thing, that is between them and God. The war in no way no matter what anyone says could not have been in God's name. For it says in the bible to turn the other cheek. Retaliating is not turning the other cheek. In God's eyes, the USA is just as bad and wrong for attacking the other country and they were attacking us in the first place.

So he underwrites too? OK then. Please answer my question, why do religious people tend to vote Republican?.

Dude I know the deal.

What God Wants:

(That's Jeff Beck ripping up the axe)

Bonus Video:

"Perfect Sense"

I do not know why most religiouse people vote for republicans if in fact this is true. But politics and heaven have absolutely nothing to do with one another. All politicians are corrupt in one way or other, they don't do there actions to what pleases God, they do actions to what would bring more money to them.

This is a 2004's a Pew Reasearch Poll...pretty credible.

With the Christian religion influencing politics or being used by politicians it affects the world...of course few chronic thumpers are just simply in denial of the damage.

Now see what happens when too many people vote on their faith rather than for competence?

no photo
Mon 01/11/10 08:04 PM
Edited by massagetrade on Mon 01/11/10 08:05 PM
I plagiarize myself:

The universe might, or might not, have a 'first cause'; or a deliberate creator.

There might, or might not, be an omniscient entity which interferes in human affairs.

There might, or might not, be a 'source of love' which you find if you look inside yourself.

There might, or might not, be a 'voice of guidance' which you find if you look inside yourself.

There might, or might not, be a spirit which permeates all space.

There might, or might not, be a single entity that is responsible for influencing all of a particular set of writings. (Like the Bible or Koran or whatever).

If any of these exists, someone might label it 'God'.

If two of these exist, one might be inclined to call them both 'God' and think that one God was responsible for both...but to me, those are all separate questions, which may or may not be related.

Its always seems sad to me when someone thinks they are arguing for the existence of a particular God when they argue for a 'first cause'.

Ladylid2012's photo
Mon 01/11/10 08:13 PM

maybe god/gods/goddesses are only real as long as we as humans believe in them and the minute we stop they die...if that is the case would that not make us gods figuratively speaking? far down tge rabbit hole do you want to go?


bedlum1's photo
Tue 01/12/10 07:01 PM
Edited by bedlum1 on Tue 01/12/10 07:02 PM

maybe god/gods/goddesses are only real as long as we as humans believe in them and the minute we stop they die...if that is the case would that not make us gods figuratively speaking? far down the rabbit hole do you want to go?

flowers drinker

msharmony's photo
Tue 01/12/10 07:15 PM

God is our father, friend, and superier.

God is who created us
God is who created/creates everything

God is the one that sends good things your way in life.

Dude, then explain this.

Or did the devil send him?

God created "US"....... that does not meen he created our actions. That's what judgement day is for, to be judged for our actions on earth. It's called free will.

But you said, 'God is the one that sends good things your way in life."

yes for instance if you needed a new home, he would bring the possibility of buying that home. He doesn't "make" us do anything, he influences us and gives us the feeling to do something. But nevertheless he doesn't control us like a 5 year old does his/her dolls.

God offers financing? You said he brings good things to us...doesn't he bring responsibility to know not to vote for an idiot like the Dippic? Can you explain the years between 00 and 08 when a miserable failure that the religious people supported and help get elected into office has killed a million Muslims and 5K of our soldiers...and we tortured. Is that "gods plan" and is that bringing "good to us"? I am pretty ashamed of my government and my fellow Americans who helped put bad people in control...I cannot accept that explanation that I directed the example to...back to the book huh? Why do religious people tend to vote Republican...and is that "good for us"?

God would bring financing something if you truely need "That object". And because people do things in God's name isn't always a good thing, that is between them and God. The war in no way no matter what anyone says could not have been in God's name. For it says in the bible to turn the other cheek. Retaliating is not turning the other cheek. In God's eyes, the USA is just as bad and wrong for attacking the other country and they were attacking us in the first place.

So he underwrites too? OK then. Please answer my question, why do religious people tend to vote Republican?.

Dude I know the deal.

What God Wants:

(That's Jeff Beck ripping up the axe)

Bonus Video:

"Perfect Sense"

I do not know why most religiouse people vote for republicans if in fact this is true. But politics and heaven have absolutely nothing to do with one another. All politicians are corrupt in one way or other, they don't do there actions to what pleases God, they do actions to what would bring more money to them.

This is a 2004's a Pew Reasearch Poll...pretty credible.

Now see what happens when too many people vote on their faith rather than for competence?

what happens,,,someone posts a picture?

msharmony's photo
Tue 01/12/10 07:16 PM
I like this answer ,,,"God is the FATHER of all fathers". I think of who my father was to me and that(for me) is what God is to mankind.

MaryBlunt's photo
Wed 01/13/10 01:32 PM
He is Alpha and Omega, the 1st and the last, the beginning and the end. God is a spirit, not seen with the natural eye but with a spiritual eye. You must first believe, have faith, and seek him to better understand. The relationship become personnal.

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 01/13/10 03:57 PM

He is Alpha and Omega, the 1st and the last, the beginning and the end. God is a spirit, not seen with the natural eye but with a spiritual eye. You must first believe, have faith, and seek him to better understand. The relationship become personnal.


CowboyGH's photo
Wed 01/13/10 04:00 PM
Edited by CowboyGH on Wed 01/13/10 04:01 PM

maybe god/gods/goddesses are only real as long as we as humans believe in them and the minute we stop they die...if that is the case would that not make us gods figuratively speaking? far down tge rabbit hole do you want to go?


God will never die. God was here before time.

centered's photo
Wed 01/13/10 04:02 PM

God is our father, friend, and superier.

God is who created us
God is who created/creates everything

God is the one that sends good things your way in life.

According to, "what" ?

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 01/13/10 04:10 PM

God is our father, friend, and superier.

God is who created us
God is who created/creates everything

God is the one that sends good things your way in life.

According to, "what" ?

why according to what? Jesus himself, son of God, came to earth to teach us these things and did miracles as an example of what God does for us, what more do you need? Ask and it shall be given the bible tells us and let me tell you it is so true.

MiddleEarthling's photo
Wed 01/13/10 04:14 PM

God is our father, friend, and superier.

God is who created us
God is who created/creates everything

God is the one that sends good things your way in life.

According to, "what" ?

Dude, it's futile...

God is: Santa Claus for adults.

centered's photo
Wed 01/13/10 04:17 PM

God is our father, friend, and superier.

God is who created us
God is who created/creates everything

God is the one that sends good things your way in life.

According to, "what" ?

why according to what? Jesus himself, son of God, came to earth to teach us these things and did miracles as an example of what God does for us, what more do you need? Ask and it shall be given the bible tells us and let me tell you it is so true.

So you're disputing the beliefs of other religions?

What's to say your religion is the "correct one" ?

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 01/13/10 05:20 PM

God is our father, friend, and superier.

God is who created us
God is who created/creates everything

God is the one that sends good things your way in life.

According to, "what" ?

why according to what? Jesus himself, son of God, came to earth to teach us these things and did miracles as an example of what God does for us, what more do you need? Ask and it shall be given the bible tells us and let me tell you it is so true.

So you're disputing the beliefs of other religions?

What's to say your religion is the "correct one" ?

I don't believe in a religion thank you very much. I believe in the truth. It is put into the religion category for narrow minded people. All will know the truth one day and i pray that everyone finds it before it is to late. It is considered a religion instead of the truth because of people that don't want to offend someone and proclaim it to be truth. Cause the bible we have no yes was wrote after Jesus. But the bible we have now consists of scrolls that was written in those times. But because of the things that is said in the bible it has to be considered religion and not the truth as to not offend people that don't believe in God as of now. So therefor it is not considered historical.

centered's photo
Wed 01/13/10 05:40 PM

So you're disputing the beliefs of other religions?

What's to say your religion is the "correct one" ?

I don't believe in a religion thank you very much. I believe in the truth. It is put into the religion category for narrow minded people. All will know the truth one day and i pray that everyone finds it before it is to late. It is considered a religion instead of the truth because of people that don't want to offend someone and proclaim it to be truth. Cause the bible we have no yes was wrote after Jesus. But the bible we have now consists of scrolls that was written in those times. But because of the things that is said in the bible it has to be considered religion and not the truth as to not offend people that don't believe in God as of now. So therefor it is not considered historical.

You obviously believe in a religion, and that is Christianity. To think
you don't believe in a religion and that other's elect to pigeon-hole
you into one and to say they are narrow-minded because of that,
demonstrates a lack of ecclesiastical understanding.

Have you read the Qur’an? Or the Śruti and Smriti, or Vinaya Pitaka
and/or Sutta Pitaka?

Most likely not. So you've elected yourself into a view with which
you've chosen, but might not be the views of others.

Zarlow's photo
Wed 01/13/10 07:53 PM
Complicate it all you want, but the simple truth is.... God is Love.

Daniel0021's photo
Wed 01/13/10 09:51 PM

Complicate it all you want, but the simple truth is.... God is Love.

I liked this answer until I thought about it a little more, then it seemed like just a warm fuzzy answer that didn't really answer anything for anyone. If God is Love what is anger? Is that the devil. How about fear? You see my point... God would have to be more than just Love in my view, or Love would have to be way more than I think it is. I could however see Love being a PART of God, or something that God allows to exist, or gives to those who are worthy.

Whether or not God exists, or what God is exactly, or whether Christianity or Buddhism is true doesn't really matter and shouldn't have any bearing on anyone's actions or moral code. My reasoning here is that we can not know for sure about anything outside of our own experience. Thus it follows that it is only our own experience that we should draw on when deciding how to act. Treat others as you want to be treated, the rest is ultimately meaningless... until death or other revelation by a higher power. So, anyone been directly contacted by God recently? I personally am still waiting for mine.

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 01/13/10 11:11 PM
Edited by CowboyGH on Wed 01/13/10 11:14 PM

Complicate it all you want, but the simple truth is.... God is Love.

I liked this answer until I thought about it a little more, then it seemed like just a warm fuzzy answer that didn't really answer anything for anyone. If God is Love what is anger? Is that the devil. How about fear? You see my point... God would have to be more than just Love in my view, or Love would have to be way more than I think it is. I could however see Love being a PART of God, or something that God allows to exist, or gives to those who are worthy.

Whether or not God exists, or what God is exactly, or whether Christianity or Buddhism is true doesn't really matter and shouldn't have any bearing on anyone's actions or moral code. My reasoning here is that we can not know for sure about anything outside of our own experience. Thus it follows that it is only our own experience that we should draw on when deciding how to act. Treat others as you want to be treated, the rest is ultimately meaningless... until death or other revelation by a higher power. So, anyone been directly contacted by God recently? I personally am still waiting for mine.

God is love, anger and any crude emotion comes from the devil. Now love can be many things as well. Love isn't always just a feeling between two people, opening a door for someone is love, helping someone out at a hard time of their life is love and so on. God speaks to everyone if they'll listen. That little feeling you get when you're doing something wrong most everyone has called our conscience is God speaking to you. And fear comes from a lack of faith in God. If you have God with you, who can be against you? Anger is again of the Devil. Cause in all truth, if we did as we're suppose to and loved one another, there would be no room for anger at all. And again with some more love, two people haveing a pieceful entertaining moral conversation is love. Any time someone isn't being crude or mean to someone is showing love.

That is why people are relitively born rude. Because of sin, we are all born with sin because of Adam and Eve. We are born sinners and will remain sinners until we accept Jesus our lord and savior into our hearts. Then all that sin is washed away, because that is what Jesus came to earth for to be the ultimate sacrafice for our sins. Before Jesus came, people sacraficed objects and things of that nature for forgiveness.