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Topic: WHO IS GOD???
KoolAidWoman's photo
Sun 01/17/10 03:03 PM
I pray daily and all's I know he keep's me walking in my shoe's even if i still haven't found the one!oh boy
Amen,kool,God,Lord, Almighty,smitten

Quietman_2009's photo
Sun 01/17/10 03:16 PM
see that guy down at the corner?

by the bus stop

the Puerto Rican guy with the hair?

not him

the guy next to him

with the cup

yeah the guy with no legs and dark glasses waving the cup

that's him

no photo
Sun 01/17/10 03:28 PM

You have a right to your beliefs. But what is.....is.....in spite of any belief right or wrong. If one will learn of those things to come. They will also see them fulfilled in front of their own eyes today and in the rest of their lifetime. Revelation is just what it says.....a revelation given to who are his.


There's no peace with religion...never has been and never will be.

The religion of man....yes! but with God all things are possible and will occur. The relgions of today except a small flock use God's name in vain and think they do his will......but he does not know them. They were Anti-Christ from the beginning. In time when man has fulfilled his role, there will be peace in the ruled of Christ. That is the Gospel...the coming Kingdom of God....not the gospel about Christ they preached.....but the Gospel of Christ that Christ preached...The Kingdom come!

Remember we are under the ruled of the God of this world..Satan...Adam gave him that rule and the second Adam (Christ) will rule again....things will be as God intended once again!

Peace between us then....peace!

jasonpfaff's photo
Sun 01/17/10 03:30 PM

The creator, the Eternal, our Father. other gods are not living (man made), He is the only living God.

To know him.....you need to read the Bible. But if you are not seeking him except for a paper or test.....you will be lost as a goose. One must be lead by the Holy Spirit to a correct understanding.....all other attempt will not lead you to the truth.....just a lot of confusion.

Some say that God, Christ, and the Gospel is just made up stuff for many reasons to control people. The changing of the truth is for that reason. But the truth is still there and is of a real living God, and only a true seeking will prove his real existance. Those to whom things are shown of coming events see them proven daily. The time is short. if you are not sincere in finding God.....it is better you remain ingnorant. But God will not foresake you, You will come to understanding and have a chioce in your own calling. Today is only a better calling to better things. Those of the first resurrection are those called today.

Only a sincere seeking being called to him will reveal him to you.

I dont really have an issue with a living God, but finding any answers in the bible can only be done if you realize what it is... which is an excellent piece of literature, not to be taken literally. Take the prophosies to mind not to heart as the saying goes.

only those truely seeking will find Him.

True, phycology calles it confirmation., you 'see' what you want to see.
Of course I can care less what anybodys religious beliefs are, and the bible has some good stuff in it. But some of the other stuff is pretty hard to ignore...
I guess my biggest problem with it is that anyone can interpret the text to mean anything, or in some cases, interpret it to fit their argument or agenda.
I would think if your christian, your primary..support, argument or whatever would be faith, not biblical context, I'ts to malliable.

Thats not to say CYCLOPS or anyone else here is doing anything like that, I was just making a commet.

MiddleEarthling's photo
Sun 01/17/10 03:33 PM

You have a right to your beliefs. But what is.....is.....in spite of any belief right or wrong. If one will learn of those things to come. They will also see them fulfilled in front of their own eyes today and in the rest of their lifetime. Revelation is just what it says.....a revelation given to who are his.


There's no peace with religion...never has been and never will be.

The religion of man....yes! but with God all things are possible and will occur. The relgions of today except a small flock use God's name in vain and think they do his will......but he does not know them. They were Anti-Christ from the beginning. In time when man has fulfilled his role, there will be peace in the ruled of Christ. That is the Gospel...the coming Kingdom of God....not the gospel about Christ they preached.....but the Gospel of Christ that Christ preached...The Kingdom come!

Remember we are under the ruled of the God of this world..Satan...Adam gave him that rule and the second Adam (Christ) will rule again....things will be as God intended once again!

Peace between us then....peace!


no photo
Sun 01/17/10 03:56 PM

The creator, the Eternal, our Father. other gods are not living (man made), He is the only living God.

To know him.....you need to read the Bible. But if you are not seeking him except for a paper or test.....you will be lost as a goose. One must be lead by the Holy Spirit to a correct understanding.....all other attempt will not lead you to the truth.....just a lot of confusion.

Some say that God, Christ, and the Gospel is just made up stuff for many reasons to control people. The changing of the truth is for that reason. But the truth is still there and is of a real living God, and only a true seeking will prove his real existance. Those to whom things are shown of coming events see them proven daily. The time is short. if you are not sincere in finding God.....it is better you remain ingnorant. But God will not foresake you, You will come to understanding and have a chioce in your own calling. Today is only a better calling to better things. Those of the first resurrection are those called today.

Only a sincere seeking being called to him will reveal him to you.

I dont really have an issue with a living God, but finding any answers in the bible can only be done if you realize what it is... which is an excellent piece of literature, not to be taken literally. Take the prophosies to mind not to heart as the saying goes.

only those truely seeking will find Him.

True, phycology calles it confirmation., you 'see' what you want to see.
Of course I can care less what anybodys religious beliefs are, and the bible has some good stuff in it. But some of the other stuff is pretty hard to ignore...
I guess my biggest problem with it is that anyone can interpret the text to mean anything, or in some cases, interpret it to fit their argument or agenda.
I would think if your christian, your primary..support, argument or whatever would be faith, not biblical context, I'ts to malliable.

Thats not to say CYCLOPS or anyone else here is doing anything like that, I was just making a commet.

Many have found false things to support their beliefs. I never accept such things without much consideration from the other side of things. Many of the things I know came from trying with all might to prove them wrong.....but could not, only finding a better thing of the subject at hand.

The Bible itself says it is not for private interpetation. The Bible interpetes itself and means the same to all called to true understanding....not all are called at this time. We all came to the same understanding apart from one another in many cases and then there are those taught but made to make there own findings proven by the Bible as it interpets itself.

Friend.....I wish to find error in my thoughts proven by the word....then I have grown....but to be correct profits me nothing in growing in knowledge and truth. I don't play fairy tales and cute little stories.......only sound understanding. Most of those you speak are like children fighting to be special and not responsible for themselves....doing anything they wish and at the end...Santa still comes with gifts......it is very sad......but they will have their calling in their own time.

Peace! I must go for now! I will try to return as time allows.

no photo
Mon 01/18/10 04:01 PM

The creator, the Eternal, our Father. other gods are not living (man made), He is the only living God.

To know him.....you need to read the Bible. But if you are not seeking him except for a paper or test.....you will be lost as a goose. One must be lead by the Holy Spirit to a correct understanding.....all other attempt will not lead you to the truth.....just a lot of confusion.

Some say that God, Christ, and the Gospel is just made up stuff for many reasons to control people. The changing of the truth is for that reason. But the truth is still there and is of a real living God, and only a true seeking will prove his real existance. Those to whom things are shown of coming events see them proven daily. The time is short. if you are not sincere in finding God.....it is better you remain ingnorant. But God will not foresake you, You will come to understanding and have a chioce in your own calling. Today is only a better calling to better things. Those of the first resurrection are those called today.

Only a sincere seeking being called to him will reveal him to you.

I dont really have an issue with a living God, but finding any answers in the bible can only be done if you realize what it is... which is an excellent piece of literature, not to be taken literally. Take the prophosies to mind not to heart as the saying goes.

"an excellent piece of literature"?? You gotta be kidding. It's boring in the extreme. It's badly written, the characters are 2 dimentional at best. It's presumptuous(sp?) and arrogant. The stories are filled with plot gaps and logical inconsistancies.
If one reads it as a story book, it's just horrible. It still amazes me that anyone would ever take it seriously.

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