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Topic: No Death Penalty for Homosexuals, just Life.
Fanta46's photo
Sat 01/02/10 02:59 PM

The measure was proposed in Uganda following a visit by leaders of U.S. conservative Christian ministries that promote therapy for gays to become heterosexual.


oh cool, therapy isnt a bad idea. Before anyone gets offended, there is no denying that there are many many people who just dont know who they are (sexually or otherwise) and in such a sexually permissive culture it is hard for them to figure it out. Im glad those who are just confused have someplace to go to figure it out.

Therapy is not needed nor is it a good idea because THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING GAY!!!

Dam, ignorancy is such a pain in the aas.

Being gay is just as natural as being hetero. There is nothing wrong with it.

Gay people are born everyday. And there is nothing wrong with that.

That's a myth!

No it is not a myth.

Only the prejudice, homophobic and religious want it to be a myth so they can continue their hatred of the gay folks.

It is the truth, all you have to do is ask them.

No it's a myth, and I'd prove it, but this has nothing to do with the topic.
It's a side show distracting from the issue at hand.

You can't prove it.

I have gay friends who have told me that they were born that way.

And there is nothing wrong with them being born gay. Nothing at all.

So regardless to the sideshow or not.

I am here to tell you that the gay folks I know were born gay.

It is from the horses mouth.

There is Zero Peoof to what you say!
Or for that matter the horse.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 01/02/10 03:03 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Sat 01/02/10 03:04 PM
Like I said earlier.
The gay community has taken an issue, undoubtedly based upon a misguided and ignorant attempt to reign in a HIV epidemic raging in Uganda, and turned it into a sounding board for their cause.


Why don't y'all go attack the Girl Scouts of America or something.

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 01/02/10 03:08 PM
If you asked my step brother that question he would tell you that he doesn't remember when he was born laugh

Fanta46's photo
Sat 01/02/10 03:11 PM

If you asked my step brother that question he would tell you that he doesn't remember when he was born laugh


msharmony's photo
Sat 01/02/10 03:13 PM
yeah, seriously, could someone start a thread about what SEXUAL ATTRACTION even is,, I dont really understand the concept completely myself, but I know I Wasnt looking at little boys in kindergarten and going,,,yummy (let alone in the nursery).

But beside the point,, I agree with Fanta that this is an overreaction to a serious problem(STD's) and there should be other ways to deal with it.

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 01/02/10 03:16 PM

If you asked my step brother that question he would tell you that he doesn't remember when he was born laugh


It actually is funny the way he puts it, but he would tell you that he can't say he was born gay.

So whether someone is or not...who knows.

Regardless I think punishment for being gay as in the OP is just wrong

msharmony's photo
Sat 01/02/10 03:17 PM

If you asked my step brother that question he would tell you that he doesn't remember when he was born laugh


It actually is funny the way he puts it, but he would tell you that he can't say he was born gay.

So whether someone is or not...who knows.

Regardless I think punishment for being gay as in the OP is just wrong

I agree, although it got lost in the conversation. What would be next,,punishing people for liking ice cream more than vegetables? People like what they like, the law shouldnt be involved unless it involves someone elses life or property.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 01/02/10 03:28 PM



Is two women being intimate really gay?
Or, is it just a case of using a more life like toy?

msharmony's photo
Sat 01/02/10 03:35 PM



Is two women being intimate really gay?
Or, is it just a case of using a more life like toy?

Ponder this Fanta,,,as painful as it may be to do so...lol

The human body has several points of stimulation,, ANYONE , male or female can learn these parts in such a way as to stimulate ANYONE else. So, sexual preference, as it relates to gender, is an illusion because the BODY only wants to feel good. It is the MIND that tells the body 'who' it is that should be doing the stimulating...

This is why I consider everyone bi,, if you put a blindfold on,,and went strictly on what AROUSED you,, any gender could drive you to heights of arousal. Only when your EYES make the connection between outward appearance(not actual gender as is evident by how many transsexuals have had STRAIGHT Men attracted to them) and what that says about gender, and then your conscious decides if that is the gender one 'wants', do we decide to place ourself in some 'sexual preference' category.

My preference is to feel good, My knowledge is that any gender can achieve that. My standards tell me that it is only appropriate between non relatives, adults, and opposite gender.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 01/02/10 03:37 PM
If you ask a gay person they will tell you as long as they can remember they were attracted to the same sex that means that they were born that way.

The only people who don't want to believe it is true are those who are against being gay.

So the prejudice, sadly religious and homophobes are the only ones who say it is a myth.

I have had lots of gay friends and they all say the same thing.

They should know, they are the ones who have had the desire for the same sex.

msharmony's photo
Sat 01/02/10 03:39 PM

If you ask a gay person they will tell you as long as they can remember they were attracted to the same sex that means that they were born that way.

The only people who don't want to believe it is true are those who are against being gay.

So the prejudice, sadly religious and homophobes are the only ones who say it is a myth.

I have had lots of gay friends and they all say the same thing.

They should know, they are the ones who have had the desire for the same sex.

thats fine,,I respect that perception, I am only stating it is not the ONLY perception or the only right one. I know gay people who do not claim to have been BORN that way,, even though they may not know when or why they decided to be with the same gender.

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 01/02/10 03:40 PM

If you ask a gay person they will tell you as long as they can remember they were attracted to the same sex that means that they were born that way.

The only people who don't want to believe it is true are those who are against being gay.

So the prejudice, sadly religious and homophobes are the only ones who say it is a myth.

I have had lots of gay friends and they all say the same thing.

They should know, they are the ones who have had the desire for the same sex.

not necessarily....just ask my step brother. I was in the ballet world and had many gay friends as well. Most of the time they will say it doesn't matter if they are born gay or not because they are what they are.

my step brother would tell you he doesn't think he was born that way but later decided he was attracted to the same sex

Dragoness's photo
Sat 01/02/10 03:42 PM

I think those who judge others life choices should be forced into therapy...golly, that sure sounds silly as hell doesn't it??

yea, I agree.

Also they will insist that you are not born with something if you say you are born with it.

I guess imposing your views can go that far, wrong as it is.

Dict8's photo
Sat 01/02/10 03:42 PM

Apparently Uganda's plans have been watered down a tiny bit, now instead of executing gays, the minister for "ethics and integrity" has said that gays will face life imprisonment in order for them to be "rehabilitated". The bill will still punish those who have gay sex, and those family members who fail to turn in their gay relatives to the authorities.

http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2009/12/24/ethics-minister-says-uganda s-death-penalty-for-gays-will-be-ditched/
Good God! What year is this anyway. Have we not evolved at all? :cry:

Dragoness's photo
Sat 01/02/10 03:43 PM

If you ask a gay person they will tell you as long as they can remember they were attracted to the same sex that means that they were born that way.

The only people who don't want to believe it is true are those who are against being gay.

So the prejudice, sadly religious and homophobes are the only ones who say it is a myth.

I have had lots of gay friends and they all say the same thing.

They should know, they are the ones who have had the desire for the same sex.

thats fine,,I respect that perception, I am only stating it is not the ONLY perception or the only right one. I know gay people who do not claim to have been BORN that way,, even though they may not know when or why they decided to be with the same gender.

It is not a perception it is from their mouths.

I guess if I insist you are not whatever you say you were born as you will just accept my view????

msharmony's photo
Sat 01/02/10 03:45 PM
I dont believe I was born BI. I think somewhere along the way(probably the first time I realized I could stimulate myself to some degree) I realized ANY woman with the knowledge could do the same.

I had all brothers, so I would tend to seek out the company of males where I felt I fit in. I could relate to the things they found sexy about females but I could also relate to what made them sexy in their own way. I love males, I didnt have any bad male sexual experiences, but I still find women very sexy and know for a fact it would be easy to have a relationship there that was equally or more fulfilling,, physically and emotionally. My choice though, is to stick with the men.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 01/02/10 03:48 PM
"Most of the time they will say it doesn't matter if they are born gay or not because they are what they are."

This is definitely true.

The reason it is an issue is because the religious believe you cannot judge another human for their actions if it is determined they were that way since birth. So in order to make it wrong, they have to make it a choice.

Most gay folks will tell you it wasn't a choice. They were attracted and fell in love with their own sex regardless to what society told them.

They also were attracted to the same sex as long as they can remember.

msharmony's photo
Sat 01/02/10 03:48 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sat 01/02/10 03:51 PM

If you ask a gay person they will tell you as long as they can remember they were attracted to the same sex that means that they were born that way.

The only people who don't want to believe it is true are those who are against being gay.

So the prejudice, sadly religious and homophobes are the only ones who say it is a myth.

I have had lots of gay friends and they all say the same thing.

They should know, they are the ones who have had the desire for the same sex.

thats fine,,I respect that perception, I am only stating it is not the ONLY perception or the only right one. I know gay people who do not claim to have been BORN that way,, even though they may not know when or why they decided to be with the same gender.

It is not a perception it is from their mouths.

I guess if I insist you are not whatever you say you were born as you will just accept my view????

Dragoness, I do accept your view. I am saying that not EVERYONE believes their sexuality is something they were BORN with. I am not gonna dispute with anyone the way they define themselves. I am only pointing out that because you are a homosexual doesnt mean EVERY homosexual came into it the same way you did or believes as you do. Doesnt make you wrong or them right, just allows for more than ONE explanation of how things happen.

And my orignal point, that it is wrong to persecute people based upon their belief or thoughts or desires, was completely lost in the sidebar. And my christian viewpoint is that EVERY ACTION is a choice,,this isnt to make anyone feel superior or inferior, it is just a basic principle. Maybe I like Ice cream more than vegetables, and Maybe I was BORN With that preference,, who really would care.
The problem would only be if because of that PREFERENCE I eliminated necessary vegetables from my diet to eat ONLY ice cream,,,,and here I go off topic again,,, apologies...

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 01/02/10 03:53 PM

"Most of the time they will say it doesn't matter if they are born gay or not because they are what they are."

This is definitely true.

The reason it is an issue is because the religious believe you cannot judge another human for their actions if it is determined they were that way since birth. So in order to make it wrong, they have to make it a choice.

Most gay folks will tell you it wasn't a choice. They were attracted and fell in love with their own sex regardless to what society told them.

They also were attracted to the same sex as long as they can remember.

my step brother has never hidden the fact that he is gay. But he doesn't believe he was born that way though.

It's all in what a person believe. Whether I agree with something or not...that would be my own personal belief and I fully respect the rights of others to their beliefs.

it's not just one religion that judges and not all of any religion judges.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 01/02/10 03:53 PM

If you ask a gay person they will tell you as long as they can remember they were attracted to the same sex that means that they were born that way.

The only people who don't want to believe it is true are those who are against being gay.

So the prejudice, sadly religious and homophobes are the only ones who say it is a myth.

I have had lots of gay friends and they all say the same thing.

They should know, they are the ones who have had the desire for the same sex.

thats fine,,I respect that perception, I am only stating it is not the ONLY perception or the only right one. I know gay people who do not claim to have been BORN that way,, even though they may not know when or why they decided to be with the same gender.

It is not a perception it is from their mouths.

I guess if I insist you are not whatever you say you were born as you will just accept my view????

Dragoness, I do accept your view. I am saying that not EVERYONE believes their sexuality is something they were BORN with. I am not gonna dispute with anyone the way they define themselves. I am only pointing out that because you are a homosexual doesnt mean EVERY homosexual came into it the same way you did or believes as you do. Doesnt make you wrong or them right, just allows for more than ONE explanation of how things happen.

It is not my view.

It a the gay and lesbian view of all my friends.

I am not gay and have no view of it.

I have never found a woman sexually attractive so therefore that makes me not gay or bi.

I will not let the religious, prejudice or homophobic make the false judgements when I know better.

Heterosexual, gay and bi folks are that way from as far back as they can remember which means they are born that way.

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