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Topic: 2000-2009: America's Lost Decade
willing2's photo
Sun 12/27/09 03:53 PM

excuse me..you just made a comment to Atlantis for making an assumption, now your doing the same. You know nothing of my son's and my life...

Pardon me?

I didn't make one assumption about you or your children.

May I do so now?

"American Kids are spoiled rotten today and have been for a couple decades now!"

That was your comment...there were days when I was lucky to have food on the table for my children..pretty big generalization they are are spoiled.

If you are asking permission to make an assumption, and are giving me a choice..then no, I don't want to hear your assumptions about my life.

Lid, kids ARE spoiled today, when I was a kid if me and or friends were doing something stupid and a neighbor told us to quit guess what...we did! today if you do that the parents get on their bent out of shape high horse and are offended that someone gives a damn enough to prevent precious little billy from getting himself or someone else hurt meanwhile the little bastard tells you to F%^$ off! and no I'm not singling you out, just making a point.

It is a sweeping generalization about kids these days...as a mother of 3 sons, none who are fat, diabetic, rude or spoiled..I'm sick of the constant comments about..
"kids these days".
Maybe some are like that..stick to those you know instead of including an entire generation.

I find that generalization offensive also. My kids are hardworking, take good care of my Grandkids and are raising them to be responsible, respectful individuals.

The offensive one hasn't a clue!

If a poster is going to post something they claim isn't BS, they need to offer proof instead of just reporting on what happens in his own back yard.

msharmony's photo
Sun 12/27/09 03:57 PM
I have to comment that I didnt feel Fantas comment applied to my children and agreed that it is true of many american children(im thinking more of a majority than a minority).

Perhaps it is because I dont largely identify with american though, I would probably be offended if he said black kids or something, perhaps words can be chosen more carefully,,,

Fanta46's photo
Sun 12/27/09 04:04 PM

excuse me..you just made a comment to Atlantis for making an assumption, now your doing the same. You know nothing of my son's and my life...

Pardon me?

I didn't make one assumption about you or your children.

May I do so now?

"American Kids are spoiled rotten today and have been for a couple decades now!"

That was your comment...there were days when I was lucky to have food on the table for my children..pretty big generalization they are are spoiled.

If you are asking permission to make an assumption, and are giving me a choice..then no, I don't want to hear your assumptions about my life.

Lid, kids ARE spoiled today, when I was a kid if me and or friends were doing something stupid and a neighbor told us to quit guess what...we did! today if you do that the parents get on their bent out of shape high horse and are offended that someone gives a damn enough to prevent precious little billy from getting himself or someone else hurt meanwhile the little bastard tells you to F%^$ off! and no I'm not singling you out, just making a point.

It is a sweeping generalization about kids these days...as a mother of 3 sons, none who are fat, diabetic, rude or spoiled..I'm sick of the constant comments about..
"kids these days".
Maybe some are like that..stick to those you know instead of including an entire generation.

I find that generalization offensive also. My kids are hardworking, take good care of my Grandkids and are raising them to be responsible, respectful individuals.

The offensive one hasn't a clue!

If a poster is going to post something they claim isn't BS, they need to offer proof instead of just reporting on what happens in his own back yard.

1.) Open your eyes! LMAO

2.) http://www.generationme.org/

Come on willing.
Since when have you been conserned with proof or shy of generalizations? LOL

laugh laugh

Fanta46's photo
Sun 12/27/09 04:05 PM
Those less willing to admit the truth are most likely in denial and still continuing to make the same mistakes again and again!

Mind you I said those! (general statement)

Fanta46's photo
Sun 12/27/09 04:06 PM

I have to comment that I didnt feel Fantas comment applied to my children and agreed that it is true of many american children(im thinking more of a majority than a minority).

Perhaps it is because I dont largely identify with american though, I would probably be offended if he said black kids or something, perhaps words can be chosen more carefully,,,


American Kids is good enough!

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sun 12/27/09 04:07 PM
Edited by heavenlyboy34 on Sun 12/27/09 04:09 PM
The author is incredibly ignorant of economic history. The modern economic decline goes back to 1913 with the establishment of the FED. It snowballs downhill to Nixon stupidly ending the remaining gold standard and gets worse and worse exponentially to the present day (Greenspan/Bernanke being the great Robber-barons of the modern era). This is well documented by the Austrian School economists and a few Chicago school economists.

Fanta46's photo
Sun 12/27/09 04:12 PM
If hate were an Olympic event and we built a podium.
Many on here would place Obama on the top step.

I'd be honored to take the step to either side. Second would be wonderful, but Third would be good to.

msharmony's photo
Sun 12/27/09 04:12 PM

I have to comment that I didnt feel Fantas comment applied to my children and agreed that it is true of many american children(im thinking more of a majority than a minority).

Perhaps it is because I dont largely identify with american though, I would probably be offended if he said black kids or something, perhaps words can be chosen more carefully,,,


American Kids is good enough!

I happen to agree with you that IN GENERAL our culture spoils the kids rotten. I just wanted to find a happy medium.

Fanta46's photo
Sun 12/27/09 04:23 PM
I have adults too. Three to be exact.

and, 38 nephews and nieces.

Many of whom say I should be a lawyer or a preacher because I tell them right.

I'm not looking to be any of their best friend. I'm trying to guide them on the right path.

msharmony's photo
Sun 12/27/09 04:27 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 12/27/09 04:29 PM

I have adults too. Three to be exact.

and, 38 nephews and nieces.

Many of whom say I should be a lawyer or a preacher because I tell them right.

I'm not looking to be any of their best friend. I'm trying to guide them on the right path.

The easiest road isnt always the best on to take, I appreciate elders who teach the harder roads, however unpopular,,,(not that you are an elder,,but you know what I mean)

Seriously, even as a child, I thought that Spock guy coming out with no kids of his own and telling adults to 'reason' with children seemed a bit far fetched. Now I think parents are too much talk and not enough action. The whole movement supporting the age old childs excuse 'its my life' didnt help either. Parents allowing all types of things in their home because 'at least they know WHERE their kids would be' was another popular philosophy that I just thought was lazy parenting. I dont think any of that new age parenting stuff has done children at large much good.

Fanta46's photo
Sun 12/27/09 04:28 PM

No I am young!
A spring-chicken, LOL

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 12/27/09 04:29 PM
Fanta isn't an " elder ". He's just crotchety...lol

msharmony's photo
Sun 12/27/09 04:31 PM
I was raised to respect my elders,, to respect everyone, ESPECIALLY elders(crotchety or not)....lol

Fanta46's photo
Sun 12/27/09 04:31 PM

Fanta isn't an " elder ". He's just crotchety...lol


Fanta46's photo
Sun 12/27/09 04:34 PM
Parents allowing all types of things in their home because 'at least they know WHERE their kids would be' was another popular philosophy that I just thought was lazy parenting.

Me too!

I have this argument with other family members all the time.

cashu's photo
Sun 12/27/09 04:45 PM
Edited by cashu on Sun 12/27/09 04:55 PM

50% of the population in America today aren't old enough to remember the 70s.

Which in my opinion were far worse than the 2000-2010 years.

50% of America has never seen hard times until now!

You think the 70s were worse than now?
YES THEY ALL WENT STUPID ON DRUGS on the drugs coming here from Vietnam . we never got over that period . the government has failed to lead .
and for the the guys who need every one accounted for let me add for perfection of account I'M SURE A CERTAIN VERY SMALL PERCENT OF THE PEOPLE FROM THE 70'S DIDN'T GIVE IN TO THE SLEASE AND USe DRUGS . BUT i DO KNOW IT HASN'T CHANGED JUST DIFFERENT TYPE DRUGS TODAY .

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sun 12/27/09 05:06 PM

I was raised to respect my elders,, to respect everyone, ESPECIALLY elders(crotchety or not)....lol

No matter how much Fanta and I go back and forth on some issues, he knows that I have the utmost respect for him.

Fanta46's photo
Sun 12/27/09 07:00 PM

I was raised to respect my elders,, to respect everyone, ESPECIALLY elders(crotchety or not)....lol

No matter how much Fanta and I go back and forth on some issues, he knows that I have the utmost respect for him.


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