Topic: 2000-2009: America's Lost Decade
Fanta46's photo
Sun 12/27/09 01:33 PM
A large part of the adult population in America today can't even remember the Cold-War!

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 12/27/09 01:44 PM

guys, i just saw this movie that said the world was going to end in 2012.
do you think we can defeat the great evil known as the middle east by then?

what a ridiculous sweeping sound like my mother.

msharmony's photo
Sun 12/27/09 01:48 PM

guys, i just saw this movie that said the world was going to end in 2012.
do you think we can defeat the great evil known as the middle east by then?

what a ridiculous sweeping sound like my mother.

I was thinking(hoping) that he meant that as a joke. Those who believe in evil nations and end of the world are in the minority here(again, hoping).

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 12/27/09 01:52 PM

guys, i just saw this movie that said the world was going to end in 2012.
do you think we can defeat the great evil known as the middle east by then?

what a ridiculous sweeping sound like my mother.

I was thinking(hoping) that he meant that as a joke. Those who believe in evil nations and end of the world are in the minority here(again, hoping).

Hoping also, unfortunately many actually feel this way.....
with enough thoughts of such things we can create a self fulfilled prophecy, then we'll have no one to blame but ourselves.

msharmony's photo
Sun 12/27/09 01:55 PM

guys, i just saw this movie that said the world was going to end in 2012.
do you think we can defeat the great evil known as the middle east by then?

what a ridiculous sweeping sound like my mother.

I was thinking(hoping) that he meant that as a joke. Those who believe in evil nations and end of the world are in the minority here(again, hoping).

Hoping also, unfortunately many actually feel this way.....
with enough thoughts of such things we can create a self fulfilled prophecy, then we'll have no one to blame but ourselves.

very true

morgannicole's photo
Sun 12/27/09 02:02 PM
Edited by morgannicole on Sun 12/27/09 02:02 PM

Unfortunately in November 2009 America went back to sleep!

haha Agreed. (:

LOVE how the entire original post was completely biased.

Fanta46's photo
Sun 12/27/09 02:05 PM

50% of the population in America today aren't old enough to remember the 70s.

Which in my opinion were far worse than the 2000-2010 years.

50% of America has never seen hard times until now!

You think the 70s were worse than now?

Far worse!

boredinaz06's photo
Sun 12/27/09 02:09 PM

50% of the population in America today aren't old enough to remember the 70s.

Which in my opinion were far worse than the 2000-2010 years.

50% of America has never seen hard times until now!

You think the 70s were worse than now?

Far worse!

I remember as a kid waiting in line for hours to get a few gallons of gas.

boredinaz06's photo
Sun 12/27/09 02:10 PM

guys, i just saw this movie that said the world was going to end in 2012.
do you think we can defeat the great evil known as the middle east by then?

what a ridiculous sweeping sound like my mother.

I was thinking(hoping) that he meant that as a joke. Those who believe in evil nations and end of the world are in the minority here(again, hoping).

Hoping also, unfortunately many actually feel this way.....
with enough thoughts of such things we can create a self fulfilled prophecy, then we'll have no one to blame but ourselves.

very true

Hush you hippieshappy pitchfork

Fanta46's photo
Sun 12/27/09 02:17 PM

50% of the population in America today aren't old enough to remember the 70s.

Which in my opinion were far worse than the 2000-2010 years.

50% of America has never seen hard times until now!

You think the 70s were worse than now?

Far worse!

I remember as a kid waiting in line for hours to get a few gallons of gas.


People were being drafted, gas crisis, students shot by NG troops, watergate, Afghanistan was invaded, Olympians murdered, American Hostages in Iran, etc. etc. etc.

Far worse.

Fanta46's photo
Sun 12/27/09 02:20 PM
1971- For the first time, America's imports exceeded it's exports!

Fanta46's photo
Sun 12/27/09 02:25 PM
U.S. troops were withdrawn from Cambodia.

Cigarette ads were banned from TV and radio.

Joseph Yablonski, who had campaigned against corruption for the presidency of the United Mine Workers, was found murdered along with his wife and daughter.

Millionaire H. Ross Perot gave up on his attempt to deliver Christmas presents to American POWs in North Viet Nam via the chartered jet Peace On Earth.

The so-called Chicago Seven were found not guilty of inciting riots at the 1968 Democratic National Convention. But five of them were found guilty of crossing state lines for the purpose of inciting a riot, resulting in five-year sentences.

Black militant Angela Davis was indicted on murder and conspiracy charges.

The FBI captured Father Daniel Berrigan, the Rhode Island priest who advocated burning draft cards to protest the Viet Nam War. He and his brother, Father Phillip Berrigan, were accused by FBI director J. Edgar Hoover of plotting to kidnap Nixon aide Henry Kissinger and blow up a federal building.

On May 4th, Ohio National Guard troops killed four students at Kent State University who were protesting the U.S. invasion of Cambodia. Five days later, 100,000 anti-war protesters rallied in Washington.

The Apollo 13 crew returned to Earth following a harrowing mission in which they repaired their ship with duct tape following an oxygen tank explosion.

The Army appointed the nation's first two female generals.

26 people were killed when Hurricane Celia crossed Florida and the Gulf Coast of Texas.

Construction of New York's World Trade Center was completed.

Fanta46's photo
Sun 12/27/09 02:27 PM
The voting age was lowered to 18. Those who sought the new age of majority contended that if people were old enough to fight and die in Viet Nam, they were old enough to vote.

28 prisoners and 9 hostages were killed when state troopers stormed Attica Prison in New York state, where inmates were holding 38 guards hostage.

65 died when a major earthquake rumbled through southern California on February 9th. The quake caused $500,000,000 damage.

Nearly 100 died when tornadoes plowed through Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas.

111 perished when an Alaska Airlines jet crashed into a mountain near Juneau.

No one was injured when a bomb planted by the Weather Underground exploded in a U.S. Capitol rest room.

Teletyped orders were mistakenly given to radio and TV stations to enact the Emergency Broadcast System. The minority who followed the Saturday morning instructions began telling their listeners to prepare for nuclear attack. Those who assumed the alert was an error proved the EBS plan was ineffective. The "actual alert" — complete with an authenticating code word — was wired to stations at the time set aside for weekly tests. As a result, the tests would become random.

For the first time in U.S. history, imports began to exceed exports. President Nixon was upset when he was informed that White House visitors were being given commemorative U.S. flag pins that were made in Japan.

Fanta46's photo
Sun 12/27/09 02:29 PM
President Nixon spent eight days on his groundbreaking trip to the People's Republic of China and became the first sitting president to visit Moscow.

Alabama Governor George Wallace was shot and paralyzed during a presidential primary appearance in Maryland. Arthur Bremer was charged with attempted assassination.

Democratic presidential candidate George McGovern dropped Thomas Eagleton as his running mate when it was revealed Eagleton had undergone shock therapy for depression. Sargent Shriver was named the Democrats' new vice presidential candidate.

Former Beatle John Lennon, who, with his wife Yoko Ono, actively demonstrated against America's Viet Nam policy, was given a deportation order by the Immigration & Naturalization Service. The action was orchestrated by the White House. After a series of court battles and hearings, Lennon would be granted a green card three years later.

Washington police arrested five suspects who were attempting to bug the Democratic National Committee offices in the Watergate Hotel. Seven were initially indicted in the incident. The operation became connected to President Nixon's Committee to Re-Elect the President, which was nicknamed "CREEP" by detractors. Attorney General John Mitchell resigned as the committee's chairman.

Despite the brewing Watergate controversy, Richard Nixon was re-elected president in a landslide victory over George McGovern.

The U.S. resumed heavy bombing of North Viet Nam shortly after Nixon's re-election. By the end of the year, presidential aide and peace negotiator Henry Kissinger announced that "peace was at hand."

118 died when a dam collapsed in Buffalo Creek, West Virginia.

91 died in a silver mine fire in Kellogg, Idaho.

A clerk in Sacramento County, California created a public outrage when he rejected voter registrations that bore the title "Ms." instead of "Miss" or "Mrs."

George Bush was named chairman of the GOP.

FBI director J. Edgar Hoover died at age 77.

Fanta46's photo
Sun 12/27/09 02:33 PM
You can see it all here!

msharmony's photo
Sun 12/27/09 02:35 PM
I still dont see, decade for decade, much difference. We had different financial struggles but we still seemed a culture that placed more significance on community than individuality, which, in my opinion, is going to be our great downfall.

People stood up for things, people stood up for each other, now people just look out for themselves and our culture dictates that is how it should be.

It was not so widely accepted for a grown man to be out with a high school or college student(or a grown woman). Parents werent encouraged to worry about befriending their kids instead of parenting them. Communities had places for children to go and things for them to do and things like 4H club and boy and girl scouts were much more popular along with the general idea that kids should contribute and care about others. We didnt promote the idea to kids that sex and masturbation were necessary parts of adulthood and that they were equal to adults. Our family and community structures have taken a serious nose dive, in general, and that was the type of foundation/backbone which could have stood up to any financial or diplomatic challenges we faced as a nation.

Atlantis75's photo
Sun 12/27/09 02:36 PM

50% of the population in America today aren't old enough to remember the 70s.

Which in my opinion were far worse than the 2000-2010 years.

50% of America has never seen hard times until now!

Trust me, I have. Even worse than you.

Fanta46's photo
Sun 12/27/09 02:50 PM

I still dont see, decade for decade, much difference. We had different financial struggles but we still seemed a culture that placed more significance on community than individuality, which, in my opinion, is going to be our great downfall.

People stood up for things, people stood up for each other, now people just look out for themselves and our culture dictates that is how it should be.

It was not so widely accepted for a grown man to be out with a high school or college student(or a grown woman). Parents werent encouraged to worry about befriending their kids instead of parenting them. Communities had places for children to go and things for them to do and things like 4H club and boy and girl scouts were much more popular along with the general idea that kids should contribute and care about others. We didnt promote the idea to kids that sex and masturbation were necessary parts of adulthood and that they were equal to adults. Our family and community structures have taken a serious nose dive, in general, and that was the type of foundation/backbone which could have stood up to any financial or diplomatic challenges we faced as a nation.

I agrre. Family values and morality have taken a nose dive.

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 12/27/09 02:50 PM
I , had I had any say in the matter would have preferred to raise my children back in those times..and am very grateful that my children are grown. I would not want to be raising little one's now.

Fanta46's photo
Sun 12/27/09 02:51 PM

50% of the population in America today aren't old enough to remember the 70s.

Which in my opinion were far worse than the 2000-2010 years.

50% of America has never seen hard times until now!

Trust me, I have. Even worse than you.

Now that's a pretty absurd assumption!

How would you know?