Topic: New year's resolution
TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 12/25/09 12:34 AM
Think mine will be to focus more on me instead of others for a changewhoa

no photo
Fri 12/25/09 12:37 AM
Plus I would not mine meeting a cool guy but do not think that is really a New Years Resolution. Would be nice.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 12/25/09 12:37 AM
I think I'm going to take an entire year off of dating or looking

Ladylid2012's photo
Fri 12/25/09 12:38 AM
I don't do New Year resolutions anymore...I would beat myself up every year for "failing". I'm going to just have mine be to continue my meditation, work on self-awareness and spiritual matters...then I find all those other things I want or need to do, come easier. When I apply my knowledge, things have a way of falling into place...

no photo
Fri 12/25/09 12:40 AM

I think I'm going to take an entire year off of dating or looking

An entire year is a long time!!

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 12/25/09 12:40 AM

I think I'm going to take an entire year off of dating or looking

An entire year is a long time!!

yeah....that one I might break....but I'm enjoying my ME time

IndnPrncs's photo
Fri 12/25/09 12:42 AM

I think I'm going to take an entire year off of dating or looking

I thought that was last years resolution bigsmile :wink:

Ladylid2012's photo
Fri 12/25/09 12:42 AM
oh yeah...I'll put more energy into finding my Mr. Wonderful, that would be nice.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 12/25/09 12:44 AM

I think I'm going to take an entire year off of dating or looking

I thought that was last years resolution bigsmile :wink:

no...that's just how it worked out laugh

zedklind's photo
Fri 12/25/09 12:56 AM
i havent had a girlfriend in over 2 years so my new years resolution will be to grow a pair of balls and ask a girl out to dinner! :p

no photo
Fri 12/25/09 12:59 AM

i havent had a girlfriend in over 2 years so my new years resolution will be to grow a pair of balls and ask a girl out to dinner! :p

Go for it flowerforyou

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 12/25/09 07:13 AM
My New Year's Resolution is to continue what I started this year. This year I started taking better care of myself physically and I lost 20 pounds. I finally stood up to my ex husband and sued him for some child support. And, I actually opened up to the idea of letting love into my life. So, this year...I plan to reap the rewards of all this and continue moving forward. :smile:

aladytoo's photo
Fri 12/25/09 07:34 AM
New Years Resolutions.
I do have many so this is my list.
If fail all but one, I'm ok with that.Its about trying.

Cut back on smoking(maybe try and quit if I cut back with success)

Make new friends and build better bridges with old friends.

Think more of my needs, rather then others only.I need to learn to say NO.

Teach people good things come out of life with hard work, not handed on a silver platter.

Take more time thinking before answering questions.And still answer honesty.

silly's photo
Fri 12/25/09 08:12 AM

I'm going to quit smoking completely. I have cut it down to half so far. Oh and I'm going to try to be nicer to the stupid neighbors. That will be harder than quitting smoking grumble

How about you?

Believe me if I can do it so can u.good luck.

My resolution is to not make resolutions,i never keep them.noway laugh

no photo
Fri 12/25/09 08:39 AM

I think I'm going to take an entire year off of dating or looking

Best make a second resolution. laugh

no photo
Fri 12/25/09 08:41 AM
More of a hope than a resolution. I'm hoping this coming year to have my Norman Rockwell painting of Christmas the day of Christmas, instead of 2 days earlier. This year's was the best ever though, and I'm in no way discounting that. In fact, I'm still smiling. bigsmile

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Fri 12/25/09 09:02 AM
Take better care of myself!

Shaggy59's photo
Fri 12/25/09 10:16 AM
Mine is to NOT sneak a cigarette here and there anymore. I've gone from a pack a day to 1 smoke a day. I want to be completely done with the worst habit ever.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Fri 12/25/09 10:23 AM
Meh. I WOULD resolve to quit smoking and stop being fat....but I know there is no way in hell either of those is gonna happen.

So..I guess I'll just resolve to get my golf score under 100 for 18 holes.bigsmile

no photo
Fri 12/25/09 10:23 AM

I'm going to quit smoking completely. I have cut it down to half so far. Oh and I'm going to try to be nicer to the stupid neighbors. That will be harder than quitting smoking grumble

How about you?
I am proud of you for doing this,,and I will keep my wishes for you to THIS is SOMETHING,,,I need to also do,,,SOON,,,as I know now after all the years doing this,,,to many have came to be hurt through their use of them...
I am a realest,,,and I WILL DIE SOONER, or WEAKER, or WITH NO AIR.
If I continue to use them.....
So if you could also encorage me to stop,,wink,My family would be forever greatful,lol,lolflowerforyou drinker :heart: :wink: