Topic: Study: Slowdown in warming last year not permanent | |
Forget for a minute about politics. This is not a left/right arguement. It's a global community problem and needs to be discussed as one.
Regardless of what the causees are; How many on here think the global climate is changing? |
The planet is going to warm and cool, it is part of it's cycles. We had best be ready for the changes as they come. If we are the cause or acceleration of it then WE NEED TO STOP POLLUTING THE PLANET WE NEED TO LIVE ON SO WE DON'T DIE. You're right. Studies show the U S and China are the two biggest polluters. Who will be the one to insist China quit polluting? We can't. We'd lose our banker and they'd call in their debt. All of us! Not just America, but all countries. |
the problem with those stolen emails is that they rightly or wrongly give the public the impression that they have been manipulationg data to show a false result
and as the swift boaters showed us an impression felt nationwide can move a country in the right or wrong direction |
the problem with those stolen emails is that they rightly or wrongly give the public the impression that they have been manipulationg data to show a false result and as the swift boaters showed us an impression felt nationwide can move a country in the right or wrong direction But, all we need to do is, as Lee says, take a look in our backyards. It won't be long before there is a full-time passage around the North of the continent. They are trying to find places to live for whole Island Nations, that will soon be under water. |
Edited by
Fri 12/04/09 06:29 PM
Ok, if just a few would be interested enough reading through a real scientist's explanation.
~~~~~~~~~~When Physics Trumps Hysteria in Global Warming~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~by Michael R. Fox, Ph.D.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~July 18, 2007 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Studiously hidden from public view are some extraordinary findings in physics which are providing new understanding of our planetary history, as well as providing a much more plausible scientific understanding of global warming. Regrettably, the current hysteria about global warming is based much more on fear, political agendas, and computer models that don’t agree with each other or the climate, rather than hard-nosed evidence and science. The climate forces which have led to the estimated 0.6C degree temperature increase over the past 100 years or more (according to the International Panel on Climate Change) have been assumed to be man-made CO2 emissions from advanced nations including the U.S. We know this can’t be true for several reasons. The first is that water vapor provides 95 percent of the total of the greenhouse gases, not CO2. The total of the CO2 represents less than 3 percent of the total. The second is that of the total atmospheric CO2 inventory, the manmade fraction is less than 3 percent of the CO2 total and therefore far less than 1 percent of the total greenhouse gas inventories. Third, studies of the recent climate variations are finding, for example, (See article by J. Oestermans, Science, p. 375, April 29, 2005) that glaciers have been receding since 1750 or so, well before any significant man-made CO2 emissions occurred. The mid 1700s were at the very depths of the Little Ice Age, which we have learned was the coldest climate over the last 5000 years. Obviously, other warming forces were at work before humans had anything to do with it. It seems more logical that natural forces are still at work with warming and cooling our climate. For example, Fred Singer and Dennis Avery pointed out in their book Unstoppable Global Warming that over the past 1,000,000 years in climate observations, there have been about 600 periods of warming, and we can surmise from these cycles that among them are about 599 periods of cooling. Now we have learned much more based upon observations of cosmic radiation, their sources, and the Sun’s magnetic fields, combined and new discoveries in the laboratory. A new and more comprehensive understanding of our planetary environment has emerged. This gives us a scientifically defensible explanation of both global warming and cooling. As the Oesterman study of the 250 years of receding glaciers shows, warming preceded the CO2 increases of the 20th century. That is, man-made CO2 was not significantly involved in this 200 year warming period on the earth. Nor does man-made CO2 explain those 600 periods of warming over the past 1,000,000 years. We have known that cosmic radiation is a source of very powerful radiation, more powerful than any in those huge manmade accelerators. We also know that the more energetic cosmic rays can reach the surface of the Earth passing completely through the atmosphere. Those of lesser energy can collide with molecules in the air causing an avalanche of nuclear and particle fragments as they pass through the atmosphere. The energy is dispersed in showers of these particles while still in the atmosphere. These collisions are truly nuclear in nature, highly energetic, and take place in our atmosphere every second. These are the nuclear processes by which the atmosphere acts as a protective shield to inhabitants on the earth. These are well known to airline safety experts, as well as to those astronauts who spend weeks and months outside of our protective atmosphere. The streams of cosmic radiation originate from deep space sources both within our galaxy, the Milky Way, as well as from galaxies more distant. Most of the cosmic rays are charged particles (mostly protons) but less prevalent heavier particles are often measured too, and can be of enormous energy. Being charged particles they can be deflected and modulated by the many magnetic fields found in space. In the proximity of our Sun and the solar system incoming particles “feel” the magnetic field of the Sun and are deflected. The extent of the deflection depends upon the strength of the magnetic field of the Sun. The solar magnetic field has been known, studied, and measured for only a few decades. As with other stars, the Sun is able to deflect many, but not all, of these particles of cosmic radiation away from our solar system and our planet according to well-known rules of physics and magnetism. Thanks to some recent excellent experimental work in physics by those such as Danish scientist Henrik Svensmark, we now know that cosmic rays and some of the debris from nuclear collisions with atoms in the atmosphere are directly involved with the initiating mechanisms of cloud formation. Basically, the more cosmic rays, the more clouds are formed and the cooler the temperature. Since many of the cosmic rays can be deflected by the Sun’s magnet field, the cosmic ray intensity varies inversely with the strength of that field. The stronger the solar magnetic field, the fewer cosmic rays hit the atmosphere, fewer clouds are formed, and the climate becomes warmer. Today the Sun’s magnetic field is more than twice as strong as it was at the turn of the last century. During the mid 1700s during the Little Ice Age there was a 70 year period when there were no sunspots (called the Maunder Minimum), and the solar magnetic field was very weak. The cosmic rays were not deflected as much by a weakened solar magnetic field, more clouds were formed, thus a cooler climate at that time. These findings provide a simple plausible explanation, defensible with sound physics, and don’t involve a major role for CO2 at all. Some of the materials formed in the atmosphere by the cosmic ray collisions are radioactive as well, and are one of many natural sources of radioactivity. These are deposited in the Earth’s surface, and are used to construct a very accurate history of the geology and climate millions of years ago. It can be measured with surprising accuracy. In this instance some important collision products formed in the upper atmosphere, are carbon-14 (C-14) and berrylium-10 (Be-10). Being radioactive they decay into non-radioactive products. These have accurately known periods of decay and scientists can measure these materials in both ice cores and geologic cores samples. The amounts measured are directly related to many important natural features. Variations in both C-14 and Be-10 can be used to deduce the historical record of variations in the solar magnetic field. By similar techniques the scientists are able to determine variations in the cosmic radiation rates directly, going back hundreds of millions of years. Since the rate of influx of cosmic rays over time has not been constant, our climate has not been constant either. What lies ahead are some exciting times in climate physics and our understanding of the environment. Unexplained findings in geological and climate histories are now being explained by these new lines of inquiry. It appears that the Sun’s magnetic field has had a stronger effect on our climate than just the variations in solar irradiance could explain. Political leaders, environmental advocates, and even Oscar-winning documentarians who claim that “the debate of climate science is over”, have been shown once again to be very wrong. Michael R. Fox, Ph.D., a science and energy reporter for Hawaii Reporter and a science analyst for the Grassroot Institute of Hawaii, is retired and now lives in Eastern Washington. He has nearly 40 years experience in the energy field. He has also taught chemistry and energy at the University level. Oh yeah...he must be wrong...he is not drinking the Al-Gore kool-aid and he got decades of experience and research and well established scientist! THAT'S a NO GO TODAY! ![]() ![]() |
There is one. I'll give him to you with only one , no two, worries in my mind.
1) He has nearly 40 years experience in the energy field. (Oil Companies?) 2) For every one scientist that agrees with him there are probaly 1000 who disagree. I'm going to give one more. He says, Regrettably, the current hysteria about global warming is based much more on fear, political agendas, and computer models that don’t agree with each other or the climate, rather than hard-nosed evidence and science. Is not the melting polar ice caps and Glaciers, as well as the rising ocean levels, hard-nosed evidence and science? |
Leave your thoughts. I'll return in a couple hours. Right now I have a movie to watch.
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the problem with those stolen emails is that they rightly or wrongly give the public the impression that they have been manipulationg data to show a false result and as the swift boaters showed us an impression felt nationwide can move a country in the right or wrong direction OP, as you noted, the above helps drag down the issue. The thing about science is that you have an audience until you're shown that you can't be trusted - then unfortunately you get a skeptic. Why? Because people can't be experts on everything, and thus they depend on faith. It is much like dating - people trust you until you're found cheating with the secretary at work. And to expand on this further, I remember being around 10 years old at Corpus Christi State University hanging around campus while my mother was taking courses to get her Computer Science degree. While waiting, I remember watching all sorts of films in the library records based on science. One of them dealt with a new climate theory that they had: that we were heading into an ice age and mankind could not stop it! It freaked me out and kept me awake for several nights. Funny now it is that the Earth is becoming too hot ... |
well, like I said on the other thread
the computer models I saw showed West Texas becoming semi tropical so I'm not all that against the idea myself it might suck for the rest of ya'll though |
Another laughable topic. States have been reporting record cold temps in the winter. Is that why they changed the name from Global Warming to Climate Change? Who, in their right mind is going to tell, Super Power, our banker, Communist China to quit polluting? Sure's heII ain't gonna' be Hussein. Not even droppin' to his knees would convince 'em. ![]() Just across the border in Mexico, smoke billows daily from AAmerican owned factories. Mexico done went and said, the U S can't tell them what to do. I just checked. No one on Manhattan Island is dumping property to avoid water damage. Al Gore must know something we don't. He just moved into a big freakin' office building there. Obviously you don't understand global warming. With Global Warming comes the melting of the world's ice sheets. This causes an influx of ice cold water into the worlds oceans, and thus changes the ocean currents. This in turn causes climate change. It is different in different areas of the world. Areas that were once warm may become cooler while areas that were cool become warmer. except the one place on the planet that doesn't go through this cycle is the area by the ice sheets...ok...yeah... that's convenient. That is not true. There was no ice there at one time. yeah, and they came in by the natural cycle. They'll leave by the natural cycle too and there's not a damn thing we can do about it. |
I'll go with this one....
The world population is growing....The human body emits heat...people are migrating from the equator toward the North and South poles. Of course the North pole ice is melting at a faster rate than the South pole because democrats are more highly active spending trillions of dollars so that the Chinese can plant rice when we flood. ![]() ![]() |
the problem with those stolen emails is that they rightly or wrongly give the public the impression that they have been manipulationg data to show a false result and as the swift boaters showed us an impression felt nationwide can move a country in the right or wrong direction But, all we need to do is, as Lee says, take a look in our backyards. It won't be long before there is a full-time passage around the North of the continent. They are trying to find places to live for whole Island Nations, that will soon be under water. Because of shifts in the earths SURFACE (what cause the tsumnai's) not because of global warming. |
well, like I said on the other thread the computer models I saw showed West Texas becoming semi tropical so I'm not all that against the idea myself it might suck for the rest of ya'll though I hear ya' I prefer the humidity of Del Rio in the winter and the dryness of summer in Fort Stockton. I hear, during Global warming, Southern Ca. is the place to be. |
Forget for a minute about politics. This is not a left/right arguement. It's a global community problem and needs to be discussed as one. Regardless of what the causees are; How many on here think the global climate is changing? Yes, there are many things happening to and with Mother Earth at this time. Regardless of what the causes are or are not...we all do have a responsibility to be good stewards. |
Edited by
Fri 12/04/09 08:33 PM
well, like I said on the other thread the computer models I saw showed West Texas becoming semi tropical so I'm not all that against the idea myself it might suck for the rest of ya'll though LOL That same computer model shows the Appalachians becoming an Island. It'll kinda suck for the flatlanders though. |
Rising temperatures over decades have prompted scientific concern, and the last decade has been the hottest in thousands of years, according to climate records. Have we forgotten that those " records " have been falsified?? |
Edited by
Fri 12/04/09 08:29 PM
the problem with those stolen emails is that they rightly or wrongly give the public the impression that they have been manipulationg data to show a false result and as the swift boaters showed us an impression felt nationwide can move a country in the right or wrong direction OP, as you noted, the above helps drag down the issue. The thing about science is that you have an audience until you're shown that you can't be trusted - then unfortunately you get a skeptic. Why? Because people can't be experts on everything, and thus they depend on faith. It is much like dating - people trust you until you're found cheating with the secretary at work. And to expand on this further, I remember being around 10 years old at Corpus Christi State University hanging around campus while my mother was taking courses to get her Computer Science degree. While waiting, I remember watching all sorts of films in the library records based on science. One of them dealt with a new climate theory that they had: that we were heading into an ice age and mankind could not stop it! It freaked me out and kept me awake for several nights. Funny now it is that the Earth is becoming too hot ... Unfortunately in those days satellites were a new wonder. They had not really had time to be used for science or had just. Still, eventually with the changing ocean currents I think we will still see another ice age. That is still too far in the future for our generation's immediate concern. Even if an ice age is not in the picture, we still have plenty of evidence and data to point to the impending changes. I mean, Do you doubt Global warming is happennng? |
I'll go with this one.... The world population is growing....The human body emits heat...people are migrating from the equator toward the North and South poles. Of course the North pole ice is melting at a faster rate than the South pole because democrats are more highly active spending trillions of dollars so that the Chinese can plant rice when we flood. ![]() ![]() Once upon a time Dinosaures roamed the earth too. I'd say they realeased more hot air than us. Well, maybe not more than Republicans. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
the problem with those stolen emails is that they rightly or wrongly give the public the impression that they have been manipulationg data to show a false result and as the swift boaters showed us an impression felt nationwide can move a country in the right or wrong direction But, all we need to do is, as Lee says, take a look in our backyards. It won't be long before there is a full-time passage around the North of the continent. They are trying to find places to live for whole Island Nations, that will soon be under water. Because of shifts in the earths SURFACE (what cause the tsumnai's) not because of global warming. LOL That's the first time I've heard that one. |
Forget for a minute about politics. This is not a left/right arguement. It's a global community problem and needs to be discussed as one. Regardless of what the causees are; How many on here think the global climate is changing? Yes, there are many things happening to and with Mother Earth at this time. Regardless of what the causes are or are not...we all do have a responsibility to be good stewards. Amen ladylid. ![]() |