Models are only as reliable as the data entered. Garbage in, garbage out...
And being that the weather guys can't even predict rainfall accurately, I'm not trusting anything that involves the sketchy figures that these models usem. I mean, monday they were predicting a 70% chance oif rain on thursday, but it didn't come until friday. If they can't be accurate on that short a timeframe, how can they predict it 100 years down the road? Put down the kool-aid. |
Actually, inflation reduce offshoring jobs because the dollar doesn't go as far in the other nations.
I think its getting pretty pointless. No matter what we say, the government has their agenda and their supporters will not listen to reason. Its tiring to say the least... I'm all but ready to give up because I'm tired of hearing the same passing the buck and talking points. |
The government's job is to keep and create an environment that is necessary and ideal for people to live in, that includes a place where jobs can be created. BUT It's not the government's job to create jobs. The government can have job positions for the government but the bullet supposed to stop right there. Is this too hard to understand? Americans want their government to create jobs through spending on public works, investments in alternative energy or skills training for the jobless. But isnt infrastructure and public works a gov responsibility? Infrastructure has always been government's responsibility. You can see how well the government has used our resources to maintain them to this point. I can count on one hand the major tasks that I feel the federal government is responsible for, and infrastructure is part of it. Not on the building for each state level, but there is a lot to do that no state will do - i.e. the federal prison system, interstate road/rail/etc. We should have been doing this all along and not just handing money out to people and "saving" government jobs at $200k a pop. |
Why the sudden rush?
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Fri 12/11/09 09:58 AM
it's not so simple as just sending some people over there. The logistics are immense, the pre-preparation before the fighting troops arrive would surprise you... we are moving a LOT of troops over there. It's not a simple task... so IMHO: yes, time is of the essence... This is why we should thank and respect our soldiers... they sacrifice much to do what they do... some of it cannot be measured in dollars or time alone... $.02 ![]() If time is so of the essence and it's so important for logistics, why wait months to make the call then? That is what is crap. You have them on standby for months on end while you think about it, but once you make the decision, THEN it becomes a big rush and a necessity to get everyone over there ASAP. Oh, and from all reports and understanding, there isn't anyone coming home that wouldn't be coming home anyway... unless I missed something. |
Why the sudden rush?
it takes months to decide to send more troops to Afghanistan but then only a couple weeks to send them? Right before the holidays? Seriously... what the hell? You can't let them stick around for a few more weeks with their families? You have to send them the week before Christmas? it took like four months to ok them so I'm pretty sure an extra 10 days isn't life and death. They sacrifice enough, throw the troops a bone here. |
I dont think aknowledging something good about a person means you support EVERYTHING about them. I dont know what is really the big deal who may have commented about his speech. It was well done. Bush did good giving Aid to africa,, but that doesnt mean I supported him overall,, This was the first time he gave a speech that really made sense to me. However, I do not think he fully believes it because if he did, he wouldn't have taken as long as he did to give the OK for the troops in afghanistan. It was a lot of pretty words, but you could tell he was trying to cater to the war and peace crowds together. |
gosh everything i have read says i should eat within a half hour of rising. I always have oatmeal in the morning before i work out. They are not assuming you are going to do morning cardio, lol! Morning cardio on an empty stomach at a slow pace keeping your heart rate between 120-130 will cause a dramatic decrease in bodyfat. Trust me on this, my word is gold when it comes to training and dieting! It depends on intensity though. i can't ride on an empty stomach. i normally wake, eat some cereal with a banana on it, get on the eliptical for 20 minutes to warm up and then stretch before my ride. But again, I've started riding so hard that I hit a wall about an hour in if I don't eat. As for which first, I've always preferred riding early and then lifting in the early afternoon or evening. When I'm not in crazy cardio mode, I alternate days. then again, I'm not lifting for mass though, just to keep myself toned. If I did them together, my cardio wears out my body and I've nothing left to lift. If I do lifting first, I'm tired, but it's more because my arms are dead so i can still ride just fine if I eat before I head out. |
Losing weight ?.
Dieting always never works!! Eat well and do good exercises ![]() To me, dieting is just changing your diet to something healthier. I eat way more than I used to and I'm losing weight... it's all about what goes in. I try to avoid red meats and stick with chicken and fish at dinner but I'll eat roast beef or something for lunch. you just have to balance. if you get hungry, go chow a handful of fruits or veggies that are high in fiber so you feel full. That was my biggest hurdle but now, I've cut the amounts I eat by a lot but I eat every couple hours. I went to In-N-Out last weekend and could barely get a double double and fries in me whereas before, i'd get a 3x3 fries and a big shake. however, even changing my diet didn't change how I feel. Once I started riding again, I had all sorts of energy... I forgot how good it feels when I work out. Now I'm three months in and 25 pounds down with 40 more to go by summer. |
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Thu 12/10/09 11:45 PM
Not having to be inside the gym... I do a weights at home to keep from being a stick (which i assure you looks goofy as all hell because I have very broad shoulders) but my workout is mostly jumping on the bike and taking off for a couple hours... very therapeutic and relaxing. Unfortunately, riding that long starts to burn muscle mass very quickly. hmmm...I'm pretty sure it's not normal for cardio or aerobic exercise to burn muscle mass. ![]() Heavenlyboy you are wrong. Fast paced aerobics will in fact burn muscle for people with non-elite genetics. Well it burns for everyone, just burns faster for some than others. I'm not sure how fast mine burns off but I worked hard for these arms working on 200 pound truck tires and since I'm not working now, I'm not giving them up that easy. It's supposed to start around 45-60 minutes into an aerobic workout that your body moves from your carbs supply to fat and muscle tissue. Basically, like burning fat, it draws muscle from all over the body. When you do an even workout, the rebuilding process replenishes what burns off, but when you do something like cycling for two hours, your arm and upper body burns but does not get the workout it needs to start a rebuilding phase while the legs get all the major workout. Right now, I pretty much push myself to muscle failure on the bike - there have been several times I've had to make it up the hill by my house pulling up on the pedals as opposed to pushing down because my legs were too tired to push or be stable if I stood. one solution to this is to eat on the ride, but I'd rather do a weight workout the nights I ride during the day to offset it so I burn more fat on the ride. I'm still about 40 pounds over where I want to be for serious riding (target is 180 at 6'2"). Less weight means less drag and easier up hills. |
Contradiction of terms
Andrew, Honestly...I don't understand anything politicians do or say. I wouldn't make a good one. Get better Thanks... it's just a head cold thing so I should be good by Saturday. Good thing too because I'm going to hang out in Palm Springs and have a lot of riding to do next week. Supposed to be 70* and sunny all week so i should be able to get a couple hundred miles in. |
With all this talk of humanitarian intervention and protecting citizens who are slaughtered by their own government...
Kind of sounds like he thinks Iraq was ok... And I fully agree, this is the first speech he's given that largely sounds more like an eloquent Bush. The only thing missing is the dozen references to terrorism but Obama just uses words like "aggressor" so he doesn't have to say it. I just find it ironic that he would accept the peace price after sending 30,000 more troops into a region that is no longer populated or controlled by the people that attacked us. I mean, he never deserved it and I know it was a political move by the committee all along but still... |
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Thu 12/10/09 11:18 PM
USA Today is reporting, on their “On Politics” blog, that Sarah Palin is giving the President good marks for his speech today in Oslo. President Obama spoke of how there are times in which war is justified. “I liked what he said," Palin told USA Today in a phone interview. "I talked too in my book about the fallen nature of man and why war is necessary at times."
Newt Gingrich agreed, telling NPR’s “The Takeaway”: “He clearly understood that he had been given the prize prematurely, but he used it as an occasion to remind people, first of all, as he said, that there is evil in the world.” “I think having a liberal president who goes to Oslo on behalf of a peace prize and reminds the committee that they would not be free, they wouldn't be able to have a peace prize, without having force…I thought in some ways it's a very historic speech.” There is no doubt ...and I said this since March....USA has Bush' 3rd term elected. Hopefully he's gonna get re elected and continue to do nothing beside sending 30-40 thousand troops here and there...hey, let's run the wars for another 40 years, evil terrorists everywhere...everybody hates our freedom... especially goat herding Afghan peasants. Here's the diff between Obama and Bush. I think it's a dramatic diff. Report: Blackwater guards linked to CIA raids Private security guards working for Blackwater USA participated in clandestine CIA raids against suspected insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan, The New York Times reported Thursday. Blackwater's role points to a much deeper connection between the company and the spy agency than has been previously disclosed and raises concerns over the legalities of involving contractors in the most sensitive operations conducted by the U.S. government. The "snatch and grab" raids took place regularly between 2004 and 2006, the Times reported, when the insurgency in Iraq was escalating and security throughout the country was deteriorating. This is a new discovery. How much did the Dictator hide from us? Is there no end to it? so... the federal government outsourced assistance on a raid... and? if they have the proper security clearances (often the case) then there is no issue. oh, and if you think there's not stuff being hidden from us right now, you need to learn to puff, puff, give. If anything, Obama has far more to lose with anything related to the war because (1) the promise of transparency (ha!) and (2) the fact bush was 100% pro-war and obama has to keep up the appearance like he is not so he doesn't piss off his base. |
Contradiction of terms
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Thu 12/10/09 11:13 PM
sorry, the question was supposed to be:
How can it be righteous if you believe the premises for going to war do not exist? I'm sick and a little drugged up tonight. |
I'm still not seeing how putting a bunch of people into national service will save any money unless you refuse to pay them. Then it's just slavery. If you are creating public sector jobs and removing workers from the private sector, you are going to have a very large tax burden to fill the gap.
It's just not feasible. I like where your heart is with it but it's just not an option. |
Do you believe people become isolated to their social environment? Thus become immune to the rest of the world around them? I have noticed that Pot-heads who tend to hang out with pot heads, (birds of a feather flock together), have a belief that they are a majority. That most all people smoke pot as well. The percentage is actually quite low. I think many of the rich, and I have some first hand knowledge, tend to think anyone who isn't as rich are just sorry, worthless, and lazy. When in fact most of the poorer class work 10 times harder. They also tend to think a college education is open to all and those, the poor, are stuck in their circumstance by their own volition. What if it was possible for everyone to get a college education and they all did. Who the hell is going to dig the ditches, pump the septic tanks, and serve the burgers at the fast food joint? The post I wrote before is the reason I believe in a draft, or National service requirement. If young adults from every class were required to perform National Service then it would give an early opportunity for all to work next to and learn what the other classes life experiences were. All while suffering the same consequences and stresses. Do you realize what it would cost to train that many if we instituted a draft? Like our military doesn't already have budget problems. It would nearly pay for itself, if not entirely. huh? since when does the military make money? |
Do you believe people become isolated to their social environment? Thus become immune to the rest of the world around them? I have noticed that Pot-heads who tend to hang out with pot heads, (birds of a feather flock together), have a belief that they are a majority. That most all people smoke pot as well. The percentage is actually quite low. I think many of the rich, and I have some first hand knowledge, tend to think anyone who isn't as rich are just sorry, worthless, and lazy. When in fact most of the poorer class work 10 times harder. They also tend to think a college education is open to all and those, the poor, are stuck in their circumstance by their own volition. What if it was possible for everyone to get a college education and they all did. Who the hell is going to dig the ditches, pump the septic tanks, and serve the burgers at the fast food joint? The post I wrote before is the reason I believe in a draft, or National service requirement. If young adults from every class were required to perform National Service then it would give an early opportunity for all to work next to and learn what the other classes life experiences were. All while suffering the same consequences and stresses. Do you realize what it would cost to train that many if we instituted a draft? Like our military doesn't already have budget problems. |
OK, OK, I'll tell you a little bit. It has to do with years and years of failed trickle down economics. A theory which obviously doesn't work and now 2/3 of Americans see it. Now they want to reverse the trend. The Cats out of the bag. The question is can Washington check it. actually, it's the screwing with the trickle-down economics that has caused our problems. Screwing the rich has become standard and more of it will just make things worse when more jobs are moved overseas and there are fewer and fewer rich to pick on. |
I'm sorry. Let me post the first few sentences from the article again. " Americans want their government to create jobs through spending on public works, investments in alternative energy or skills training for the jobless. They also want the deficit to come down. And most are ready to hand the bill to the wealthy. A Bloomberg National Poll conducted Dec. 3-7 shows two- thirds of Americans favor taxing the rich to reduce the deficit." Yeah, I can read. I don't give a crap what americans have to say about it... it's wrong. Of course if you can get something for free and give someone else the tab you'd do it. It's rational self interest. People should not be allowed to vote themselves money. Taking someone elses' earnings because they busted their *** is unfair. the more we rely on mommy government to wipe our ***, the worse off we'll be. The sheer irony of all of this is that you posted the article (iirc) about this being the gimme gimme generation when you are advocating the same thing! Why not support the hard work ethic that existed and was instilled in the generations from the 50s? Go read the children's book "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie." Scary how something that simple sums up the situation so well. Your perceptions are incorrect. I think if you'd investigate you'd find there is no immunity to the current unemployment predicament. College graduates are finding themselves to be hit equally hard. Being laid off and finding themselves with no alternative but to accept jobs at Starbucks, Target, Wal-Mart, etc, for $10 an hr or less. This may keep them off unemployment but it barely compensates for a college education costing $72k and up. Also, because they are taking these low paying jobs, the teenage unemployment, people who are normally employed at these jobs, has reached a staggering 25 plus percent level. Rather than make this reply longer, why don't you take another stab at using your awesome perception skills. Or just hang-on and I'll gladly reveal my interests in this story. how's that foot tasting? My perception skills are just fine thank you... obviously better than yours. How about you look at statistics next time and not just listen to what the media tells you. And you know what... they may be underemployed, but at least they have a job. |
Um, he's a billionaire. That means that even if she got 90% of his money, he'd still be able to never invest or work again and still spend a million and a half every year. I'm pretty sure he has nothing to worry about. If his sponsors bail, then he's free and clear on the contracts. Once that happens, he's in the clear. it's not like he has to pay any of these girls off to keep quiet...
I'm sorry. Let me post the first few sentences from the article again. " Americans want their government to create jobs through spending on public works, investments in alternative energy or skills training for the jobless. They also want the deficit to come down. And most are ready to hand the bill to the wealthy. A Bloomberg National Poll conducted Dec. 3-7 shows two- thirds of Americans favor taxing the rich to reduce the deficit." Yeah, I can read. I don't give a crap what americans have to say about it... it's wrong. Of course if you can get something for free and give someone else the tab you'd do it. It's rational self interest. People should not be allowed to vote themselves money. Taking someone elses' earnings because they busted their *** is unfair. the more we rely on mommy government to wipe our ***, the worse off we'll be. The sheer irony of all of this is that you posted the article (iirc) about this being the gimme gimme generation when you are advocating the same thing! Why not support the hard work ethic that existed and was instilled in the generations from the 50s? Go read the children's book "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie." Scary how something that simple sums up the situation so well. |