Topic: SIN?
Mayhem_J's photo
Sun 11/29/09 05:13 PM
I do what I want...cause Jesus said I could.

We went and got rad tattoos together the other day.

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 11/29/09 05:38 PM

I do what I want...cause Jesus said I could.

We went and got rad tattoos together the other day.

where in the world do you get this? Jesus did not tell us we can do whatever we want. Jesus told us of what we could do and what we couldn't do. And of course things we have to do.

Mayhem_J's photo
Sun 11/29/09 05:47 PM
He came over my house the other day and we hung out. It was good times. We had a few drinks and then went and got some tattoos. And while I was getting mine he pretty much said I could do whatever i wanted as long as I didnt break the law or bring hurt to anyone who didnt deserve this.

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 11/29/09 06:09 PM

don't much care for the word sin as it's primarily a word from scripture. but for the sake of argument, a sin is a breach of my own moral standards. i can sin or another person can sin if they violate what i consider to be morally correct. what others think is sin matters not to me.

Agreeing here with you..

Jumping in and breaking one of my own rules because this thread seems to be taking the direction they always seem to... sin, and what it is, is for an individual to decide for themselves. If the bible and the 10 commandments are
your standard to live by then by all means live by it and them. For another it will be different. Lets at least attempt to not tell others how they should be living..
Every one has experienced feeling of jealously, if a child is abused by their parents do the parents really deserved to be honored? If your parents are jerks, your parents are jerks. We all get to choose for our self. :heart:

no photo
Sun 11/29/09 06:44 PM
The Bible defines sin as transgression of the law.

causality's photo
Sun 11/29/09 06:58 PM

He came over my house the other day and we hung out. It was good times. We had a few drinks and then went and got some tattoos. And while I was getting mine he pretty much said I could do whatever i wanted as long as I didnt break the law or bring hurt to anyone who didnt deserve this.

and who are you to decide who does or does not "deserve" hurt? Jesus also said "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

msharmony's photo
Sun 11/29/09 07:39 PM

The Bible defines sin as transgression of the law.

Exactly, that is the biblical definition which I also believe in. It was not meant to be easy to follow, or everyone would be sinless and I believe there has only been one such being.

I dont know, I kind of see it like the Ivy League of the afterlife. If you dont particularly believe the schools exist or you dont care or you just dont want to go,,then you wont try and you will get your wish(to not go). But those who wish to go,,will travel the path to get there.

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 11/29/09 08:51 PM

The Bible defines sin as transgression of the law.

The bible is subjective to interpretation, perception, and perspective.

msharmony's photo
Sun 11/29/09 10:30 PM

The Bible defines sin as transgression of the law.

The bible is subjective to interpretation, perception, and perspective.

All books are, I think an easy way to decide is to ask the cliche wwjd,,,(if one believes in Jesus), My conscious is a great gauge of what is right and wrong and if that gets blurry I ask myself if I think Jesus would do it or if it would please God.

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 11/29/09 10:43 PM

The Bible defines sin as transgression of the law.

The bible is subjective to interpretation, perception, and perspective.

All books are, I think an easy way to decide is to ask the cliche wwjd,,,(if one believes in Jesus), My conscious is a great gauge of what is right and wrong and if that gets blurry I ask myself if I think Jesus would do it or if it would please God.

If one is a Christian then the bible and WWJD would work very well. Not all believe using other spiritual practices and intuition works for others. Using the bible to define sin is not so cut and dry...was the point I was making with the comment, not to slam it. The concept of karma keeps me in check much better than the concept of hell.

jrbogie's photo
Mon 11/30/09 05:26 AM

Lets at least attempt to not tell others how they should be living..

yep. that's the gubment's job. lol

Every one has experienced feeling of jealously, if a child is abused by their parents do the parents really deserved to be honored? If your parents are jerks, your parents are jerks. We all get to choose for our self. :heart:

many of us were raised by parents who behaved and taught us to behave in a less than honorable fashion. i did not shed my disdain for other races until after i reterned from vietnam. we have to be carefully taught to hate and we can only teach ourselves to love.

jrbogie's photo
Mon 11/30/09 05:47 AM

My conscious is a great gauge of what is right and wrong and if that gets blurry I ask myself if I think Jesus would do it or if it would please God.

with regards to what i consider sin to be and what is morally correct, in my book what you or jesus would do must please me. why does it matter how you guage right and wrong if you're going to do what pleases god anyway? this goes to the issue of the inquisition, the crusades, the salem witch trials and other attrocities against humankind by religious zealouts. all were done "in the name of god" and excused as "god's will". all of these murderers were doing what they thought would please god. doesn't matter whether they would be considered by you to be "good christians". they interpreted the very same bible that you interpret. as with all religions, it's the christian doctrine that leads people astray almost as often as it leads them to a good life. we experience that with the muslim jihadists of today. as christians were taught by christians, muslims are most often taught by muslims and yet both religions have adherants who say their scripture has been misinterpreted. we get constant "that's what the bible says", "no it doesn't", "yes it does", "doesn't", "does", "doesn't", "does", ad nausium. meantime, while the arguing goes on, christians and muslims are killing in as great a numbers as any other groups. moreso if the US prison population is a guage to measure.

Mayhem_J's photo
Mon 11/30/09 07:43 AM

He came over my house the other day and we hung out. It was good times. We had a few drinks and then went and got some tattoos. And while I was getting mine he pretty much said I could do whatever i wanted as long as I didnt break the law or bring hurt to anyone who didnt deserve this.

and who are you to decide who does or does not "deserve" hurt? Jesus also said "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

I am my own god...I have my own morals and standards that I live by. If I feel someone has disrepected or hurt me or anyone of my family, its my choice to make that judgement and take revenge if I feel it is warranted. I dont live in fear.

HuckleberryFinn's photo
Mon 11/30/09 08:21 AM
sin is a manmade word, much like religion, used to control those who can't think for themselves.

^my definition

sin is the subconscious telling the conscious it screwed up

^the worlds definition

sin is what your God says if you don't bow down to him

^His definition

sin is raising hell and hoping that you enjoy it

^the devils definition

jrbogie's photo
Mon 11/30/09 08:27 AM
i only know that sins in vegas stay in vegas. or so i hope.

msharmony's photo
Mon 11/30/09 09:42 AM

sin is a manmade word, much like religion, used to control those who can't think for themselves.

^my definition

sin is the subconscious telling the conscious it screwed up

^the worlds definition

sin is what your God says if you don't bow down to him

^His definition

sin is raising hell and hoping that you enjoy it

^the devils definition

umm,,arent ALL words man made?,,,,

HuckleberryFinn's photo
Mon 11/30/09 10:10 AM
give that woman a new lexus you finally get the point, wow, I'm impressed that you understand SIN IS MAN MADE, most think it's some sort of divinity falling from the clouds, or at the very least the apple tree, although I still wonder why women bleed once a month, that's the first question I'm going to ask when I go beyond, if there be such a place.....being facetious, have a good day.

msharmony's photo
Mon 11/30/09 10:26 AM

give that woman a new lexus you finally get the point, wow, I'm impressed that you understand SIN IS MAN MADE, most think it's some sort of divinity falling from the clouds, or at the very least the apple tree, although I still wonder why women bleed once a month, that's the first question I'm going to ask when I go beyond, if there be such a place.....being facetious, have a good day.

The names we give things are indeed man made. But, a rose by any other name would still be as sweet. Because I believe in JC, I believe sin is real, regardless of what word we assigned to it as a species.

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 11/30/09 09:24 PM
as you are forgiven.

does sin actually exist?

as grace was asked in our name...

can sin exist?

Milesoftheusa's photo
Tue 12/01/09 09:22 AM
To me this tells what sin is from the scriptues pure and simple.

If you know to do good and do not do it,then it is sin to you..
