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kariZman's photo
Sat 06/02/07 08:24 PM
If you compromise you never get watt want.Agree to disagree? you dont
agree!Sorry women i dont compromise i know watt i want.:wink: LOVE in a
PEACEFULL WORLD.:smile: :wink: laugh happy :tongue: AND a dissolute
Woman to SHARE it with.bigsmile :wink:

no photo
Sat 06/02/07 08:26 PM
To "NOT" compromise is to CONTROL!!!
That simple!!!

I don't want to control,,,just own her HEART!:heart:

Marie55's photo
Sat 06/02/07 08:27 PM
If you don't compromise, you plan to stay alone.

no photo
Sat 06/02/07 08:27 PM
"Compromise is the absence of leadership."
--Margaret Thatcher

Caddie101's photo
Sat 06/02/07 08:29 PM
compromise is the key to everything...

kariZman's photo
Sat 06/02/07 08:30 PM
spider im not lookin for a woman with testicalslaugh laugh

daleray1606's photo
Sat 06/02/07 08:31 PM

I agree with Caddie

thedoctor's photo
Sat 06/02/07 08:33 PM

kariZman's photo
Sat 06/02/07 08:37 PM
compromise;1 an agreement reached by each side making consessions.2
something that is HALFWAY between diferent elements.if compromise is so
wonderfull why dosent it work with our world leaders??????

no photo
Sat 06/02/07 08:40 PM
:heart: "THEIR" NOT LEADERS!!! LOL:wink: drinker

kariZman's photo
Sat 06/02/07 08:44 PM
SO watt do ya reckon now folks want to follow like sheep behind

Differentkindofwench's photo
Sat 06/02/07 08:49 PM
Yo Kari, how many of those sheep are truly wolves?????????

no photo
Sat 06/02/07 08:57 PM
Hey Kari, to open a mind is a great thing to do,
to be YOU is an act of GOD,,,,:smile:

If you make someone write,,,,you have opened their mind!!!


no photo
Sat 06/02/07 09:05 PM
If you know what matters to you...

...and are completely UN-compromising about what really matters
...and completely compromising about everything else

I think you will do okay. As long as your set of 'things which matter'
is small enough.

nurjoyce's photo
Sat 06/02/07 09:05 PM
you are not educated, so you cannot lead

no photo
Sat 06/02/07 09:10 PM
Me? :wink:

SheNerd's photo
Sat 06/02/07 09:21 PM
Massage, as usual, I agree with you. Core values should never be
compromised. IMHO, everything else is negotiable. :)

nurjoyce's photo
Sat 06/02/07 09:23 PM
no not you mass sweetie

auburngirl's photo
Sat 06/02/07 09:25 PM
compromise is a must in a relationship....have to meet each other half
way sometimes.

Jess642's photo
Sat 06/02/07 09:33 PM
* If you compromise you never get watt want.

That is the it's most simplist form.

If you want something, and it is not happening, and you compromise, you
do not get what you want.

* Agree to disagree?

And that is what? Is kind of silly when you look at don't
agree, so you agree?

*Sorry women i dont compromise i know watt i want.

How many women say that???

Nearly all of you who post...

Now step outside your clearly defined boxes, and expand on these words,
apply them to every part of your lives.....what do you compromise every
day? Your integrity, your self respect, your honour?


How many agree to disagree?

Do you agree that you disagree? And the resolution to that?

I suspect that Kariz is way more educated than most of you, who cannot
think outside of the tightly bounds lines you think in...

and that is what leaders are required to do... I smell prejudice around???


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