Topic: Valley of the Dreamer II (DND)
Spirograph's photo
Sun 10/25/09 09:56 PM
Cassi had remained silent and still during the interactions of the one Tiage and her new found friend Mish. She sat up, allowing her presence to be acknowledged.

Yesterways's photo
Sun 10/25/09 09:57 PM
Edited by Yesterways on Sun 10/25/09 09:58 PM
((5am comes early, I have to hit the sac, night))

"I will....uh.....let you two talk. You apprently know each other. I have a.......a......a rabbit to replace." With that, she is up and gone with her bow, running like a banshee was chasing her.

((going to take care of the jewelry again boss))

"Cassi, I am.....uh....heading out to hunt some. I will be back soon. Be careful."

Spirograph's photo
Sun 10/25/09 10:02 PM
Cassi rises, walking to the wood pile stacked just inside the tree line of the clearing. Grabbing a few logs, she returns to refuel the fire. Waiting for her companions to stir.

Yesterways's photo
Mon 10/26/09 07:59 AM
Edited by Yesterways on Mon 10/26/09 08:13 AM

Cassi rises, walking to the wood pile stacked just inside the tree line of the clearing. Grabbing a few logs, she returns to refuel the fire. Waiting for her companions to stir.

Mishrona cautiously comes back into the campsite, keeping her eyes keen for anything untoward going on. In her hand, she holds the carcasses of two animals, one appears to be a rabbit, the other is harder to recognize. She makes her way back to her roll and her things, pulls out her oil cloth and wraps one of the carcasses, and begins to prepare the other for the fire. After building a makeshift spit, the burrows a stick through the middle of the rabbit carcass and begins to skin it, using the stick as a stabalizer. She isn't perfect at it, but she isn't bad. Once the skin has been removed, she adds more wood to the fire and puts the meat over it. Once again begins to go through her things, as if doing an inventory and turns the spit every few minutes.

When her inventory is complete, she begins working with the skin she pulled from the rabbit. It's in fair condition and Mish begins stretching it for curing.

Yesterways's photo
Mon 10/26/09 08:15 AM
Mishrona looks up from her stretching and slowly surveys the campsite and the sleeping campers. "I can feel you out there, come and show yourself."

Spirograph's photo
Mon 10/26/09 04:13 PM
Cassi yawns quietly, her arms stretching far over her head. She giggles quietly, settling by the fire and waiting her companions.

BYondLife's photo
Mon 10/26/09 05:36 PM
::Tiage disappeared, the voice faded after saying but one line and as for that little boy? Well, hadn't anyone noticed he was gone as well? Wasn't clear when he left but it was clear he was nowhere to be seen.::

Spirograph's photo
Mon 10/26/09 06:12 PM
Cassi had indeed noticed that the boy had disappeared, but it hadn't surprised her. There was something about him that made her feel like he wouldn't be around for very long.

Cassi hummed quietly, a slow melodic tune, as her fingertips played with the grass of the forest floor.

Yesterways's photo
Mon 10/26/09 06:41 PM
((greetings greetings everyone))

Mish finally seems to have all of her things together and seems to be waiting for something.

BYondLife's photo
Tue 10/27/09 07:51 AM
::Off in the distance, a bit away from the crystal blue water of the running river; two swordsmen decked in black armor cricled each other with swords drawn. The two would now and again lunge forward; swords clashing; and at the rate and swagger in their movements it was hard to tell if this was merely a duel or.. something else. This would soon become far more evident.::

::As the one lunged forward the other side stepped and literally tripped him and as the fallen one turned to stand again he faced the tip of the other man's sword inches from his own neck.::

" cheated.."

::The one still standing just laughed as he pulled back his sword and laughed and curled his fingers beckoning him to get up again as he taunted.::

"..there is no such thing in war, my friend.."


::As he spun to his feet and the fighting ensued. The two were amazing in both speed and reaction and seemed to own up to ther own unique and rare techniques. As the two moved slightly further away from the river; a beautiful woman was noticed behind them. Her purple haired flowed in the gentle breeze that passed over the Valley as she just hummed to herself while it seemed she was washing something in the river behind them; basically ignoring their actions.::


::That little boy that had met a few days ago came sprinting up to her from across the small and narrow bridge followed by two other men. The one some of them would recognize. The other, not so much. While Ingurrian bore his armor he wore not his helmet while the other just didn't seem to fit in with the rest. He had no armor and was tightly wrapped in an all black ninja like suit. His all black rogue uniform covered his entire body and face as those deep blues were the only thing truly visible as they peered out from beneath his hood.::

"Hm? Oh, well if it isn't little Ajare?"

::She rose only to crouch again when she saw him running up and scooped him up for a moment in a hug before setting him down again.::

"You look like you're losing weight! Haven't you been eating?!"

"Oh, Namende you know I eat just fine! You worry too much."

"Well, look at the company you travel with.. Someone has to!"

::The two men who dueled both stopped and looked over; pausing the fight for a moment.::

"..and what's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh, nothing!"

"Say, Namende, can you tell me that story again tonight? I'd love to hear it and add it to my book."

"I'd love to, Ajare..b-"

::But before the woman could speak, a terrible rumble struck the earth and the boy fell into her and they both tumbled into the river and began to be rushed down with the mighty current. As the one knight went to reach for them 3 massive sized orcs came into view with a handful of goblins riding on the back of a vicious and enormous beast. The group knew they needed to save the boy and Namende, but if they ignored these invaders, well, they were headed right for Nurenhill!::

"..Riders! Prepare for battle!"

::Ingurrian yelled out as he drew his sword. The ninja looked to him as he nudged off to the side. The hooded figure nodded in response and began to dart like he was fired from a cannon down the edge of the river after the two being swept away in the current.::

BYondLife's photo
Tue 10/27/09 07:53 AM
[Help Ingurrian and the Riders by aiding in their defense of Nurenhill. Post that you are coming to their aid and receive an EXP Bonus, for coming to their aid!]

Spirograph's photo
Tue 10/27/09 03:32 PM
Cassi, still being left alone at the fire, wondered to herself ["why should I sit here and wait? i might as well explore my new surroundings a bit"]. And so she set off towards the woods, with nothing but her pack. She could hear a far off splashing sound, ["oh! a river!"], hearing the splashing, she jogs towards the sound. Coming to a bit of a clearing with the river in plain view, she notices a skirmish taking place a few hundred yards up stream. ["****, of course I stumble into a battle."] Sneaking back to follow the tree line, she makes her way towards the fight, staying out of site, trying to find a way to help. ["How in the hell is a simple merchant suppose to help in a battle?!"]

BYondLife's photo
Tue 10/27/09 07:50 PM
Edited by BYondLife on Tue 10/27/09 07:51 PM

[Help Ingurrian and the Riders by aiding in their defense of Nurenhill. Post that you are coming to their aid and receive an EXP Bonus, for coming to their aid!]

[[Bonus Ends at 1:00 am Eastern; October 28th]]

"..Beshaki..Kabenal.. now!"

::On command the two charged across the bridge and dodged their way past the three Orcs and instantly went after the large beast holding all the spear wielding goblins. As they turned around; Ingurrian stepped forward and began to wildly swing around his two large swords as shortly after a surge of eletronic and thunderous pulses raged through his entire body::

::He leaped at the first Orc and slammed his first blade viciously into the beast's shield as he raised it to block it but as a massive wave of lightning ruptured from his blade the Orc's shield shattered and the Orc, shortly thereafter fell completely motionless and limp; this action caused the other two Orcs to growl and charge at him instead of pursuing the other two knights.::

[[2 Hours Remaining for the Bonus!]]

redhead44613's photo
Tue 10/27/09 08:15 PM
*Enters covered head to toe in her black cloak. She takes a seat in the darkest corner. She eyes seem to glow a dim red*

Spirograph's photo
Tue 10/27/09 08:56 PM
Cassi tip toes to where she is just outside the peripheral vision of the fighters. Nervously, she finds her way up to the back of the group, hiding behind the men. Her voice shaky as she pulls her dagger out of it's sheath, her knuckles white from gripping its handle, she whispers "Is there any way that I can help you?"

redhead44613's photo
Tue 10/27/09 08:58 PM
*wounder into the forest, she heard voices. she start toward the noises*

redhead44613's photo
Tue 10/27/09 09:04 PM
*As blood fills the air her eyes glow a bright red, she can no longer fight the hungry. She runs throw the forest stocking the fight, she hides behind a tree watching. A low hiss is heard through out the forest.*

BYondLife's photo
Tue 10/27/09 09:14 PM
::Ingurrian sharply turns around startled by the woman::


::On top of her surprising him, a loud hiss hurt his sensitive hearing. Suddenly the one known as Beshaki paused as he looked up at the moon in the sky and he began to clench all off his muscles while the other man, Kabenal, drew the attention of the spear tossing of the goblins. Suddenly, Beshaki's armor cracked and flew off of his body as he began to morph into what appeared to be a vicious and large size....

...werewolf?! He ran and kicked off a log launching himself high into the air as he landed on the face of the huge beast in which the goblins rode upon, he slashed at its face repeatidly causing it to weave, wobble, and eventually tilt to one side as it came crashing down onto the grassy floor of the Valley.::

::The massive Orc began to charge at Cassi; as Ingurrian had to dodge the attack of the other large one; seeing the beasts movements he ran over and dove and swiped Cassi within his arms just before the Orc's massive hammer smashed a huge crater into the ground; causing even a portion of the bridge to crack from the impact.::

::He looked down to Cassi within his arms; those green eyes shined.::

"..are you ok..?"

::He said, ignoring the idea he was laying on her he wanted to ensure she was alright; first.::

Spirograph's photo
Tue 10/27/09 09:18 PM
Her chest heaved strongly against Ingurrian's torso. Her green eyes were wide and moist, her body trembling. "I uh.. I.. I think so?" She bit her lips together, staring into the mans eyes. "You.... you.. saved me."

redhead44613's photo
Tue 10/27/09 09:20 PM
*Runs towards the two on the ground, she stands a few feet away down crouching. Her hiss was much louder this time. Her hood was now down, her eyes glowing bright red, as she hissed her fangs shined from the moon light. She stares at the two on the ground. The hungry has taken control over her, it has been to long since her last feeding.*