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Topic: Valley of the Dreamer II (DND)
BYondLife's photo
Wed 10/28/09 09:08 PM
"I..I'm sorry.."

::He looked away, smile fading, as his cheeks turned a deep red.::

"..you are just very pretty, is all.."

Spirograph's photo
Wed 10/28/09 09:11 PM
"Oh no need to apologize." She chuckled pressing a quick playful kiss to his cheek. "You're cute." Breaking off a piece of the bread, she nibbles at it. "Will you tell me another story, Ajare?"

BYondLife's photo
Wed 10/28/09 09:13 PM
::He turned quickly as she went to kiss him on the cheek and got it on the lips instead as his smile grew and he blushed even more.::

"..anything for you, Cassi.."

"What kind would you like to hear?"

Spirograph's photo
Wed 10/28/09 09:14 PM
"Hmmm.." she giggled, nibbling at the bread. "I'm in the mood for a romance story. Do you have any of those in that book of yours?"

BYondLife's photo
Wed 10/28/09 09:18 PM
"I had a feeling you were the romantic type.."

::He smiled as he lookedat her nibbling on the bread, his tumy grumbled.::

"I've got a few for you.."

Spirograph's photo
Wed 10/28/09 09:22 PM
"You gonna eat your half?" She chuckled, looking at his untouched piece of the bread. "Your stomach grumblings could wake a goblin."

BYondLife's photo
Wed 10/28/09 09:25 PM
"Oh right! My half!"

:He didn't even access that half was his; probably because of how he was entranced by her for a minute there.:

"So, you ever heard of the demon, Ambrose?"

Spirograph's photo
Thu 10/29/09 08:40 AM
"I believe that I once heard a story of a King Ambrose.. but no, not of a demon." She smiled, her eyes sparkling a bit. "Please, tell me the story of demon Ambrose."

BYondLife's photo
Thu 10/29/09 04:26 PM
"Centuries ago, there was an untouchable samurai. His skills with a sword were unrivaled by any who thrived or passed through their kingdom. As the Emperor grew both to respect and fear the might of this man; his paranoid frame of mind made him believe he had to reward his samurai with something rare and precious in his kingdom for fear one day he might betray him.
This, however, would not be true. This Samurai served every day, completely faithful, utterly loyal and he did such in the most honorable ways earning the respect, love, and devotion of his fellow countrymen. Finally, the Emperor knew only one gift that would be rare and precious enough to satisfy his own perceived buy-off; his beautiful daughter. He went to her one day while she swam in the lake and demanded she marry the Samurai; but to his surprise, she happily agreed.
While the Emperor was so lost in idol rumors of who was after him; he hadn’t even realized the two already had blossomed into the eternal stages of deep love. The two would soon after get married and buy a secluded cottage amidst the beautiful peach tree garden. They held between them the purest of love and the samurai vowed he would, no matter the cost, protect her, be by her side, and if by some evil twist of fate, guide her very soul to the heavens so she may never know what it is to suffer.
Meanwhile, as the Emperor’s power grew so did too his paranoid frame of mind. Then, the demons came and they began to decimate everything in their paths on the way to his home and kingdom. The Samurai stood out on the front line, battling the evil in which their home had never known before; until in the distance behind him, his eyes went wide as the castle gates were torn down. This samurai went to turn and run to protect his wife; but he took his eyes off the demons; and he was struck down by an arrow to the spine.
Unable to move, all he could see what laid in the distance, and hearing the screams, while demons just ran over him like he was already dead. This day would forever change his life. Desperate and furious he pleaded in his mind to any who would hear his voice.
‘Please, I beg of thee spirits, let one of you hear my prayer… I would give you any and all that I am if you let me protect the one true thing worth protecting… please!”
He repeated over and over as a tear glistened in the corner of his eyes. After a few chants, his eyes suddenly shot wide open as he looked the demon emperor in the eyes as he smiled and said but one word.
With that, the Samurai rose to his feet as he glowed in a black aura. He knew he was now different but he couldn’t figure out why or how. Ignoring this demon, he quickly charged into town towards the peach trees, he burst in through the door and slashed and killed the few demons who managed to get there. His love was injured severely as she backed up from him until she hit the wall. Her eyes filled with terror as her hand rose to cover her face.
“If… that is you, my love… What… have you done?”
Those were her last words as she died before his eyes, he rose to his feet as his fists clenched but then that anger turned to shock and fear as he looked up and forward. He noticed his face had… changed. His body, it was then he realized he had sold his soul to the devil and he now too was a demon.
He searched the entire free world for this demon he made the oath to and was still wronged. Until one day, several months later, he found him. Enraged, he argued that he didn’t keep his end of the bargain, but the demon just smiled as he responded.
“You, my son, made an oath to her first, and not me. You want her back, you must find her and guide her to heaven and then… then we can talk.”
Through the next years, the samurai stormed across the planet upon his ‘death’ horse and began to mercilessly slaughter evil eventually finding his way into the very depths for his love. He entered her chamber, and saw she had remained unharmed. Though, she still feared him. He went to her side, crouched, and took her hand.
“My love… forgive me, for I was not strong enough, but now… I am and I am here to free you from this Hell. Trust in me, like you once did, take my hand so I may lead you to peace and happiness...”
She knew these words, and hugged the demon as she cried into his shoulder.
“I knew you’d come for me, my love.”
He swept her up in his arms and carried her to the lands of mortals. He stood by the mystic lake and when the first rainbow appeared, he, despite the pain and burn the rainbow brought him still made sure it’s untouched power would guide her soul to heaven as he said his final goodbye…
Although, the rainbow and the gates to the upper heavens opening should have purified and destroyed his demonic form; it had not. Now, a mortal trapped in the soulless shell of a demon, he roams the world purifying all evil he encounters despite him being of the same origin; in the name of his own, true love…"

::As the bot continued to scarf his bread.::

Spirograph's photo
Thu 10/29/09 04:48 PM
Tears drenched Cassi's cheeks, her skin glistening in the light from the fire. "That was such a sad story, Ajare." Losing her appetite, she offers him the rest of her share of bread. "Are you still hungry?"

BYondLife's photo
Thu 10/29/09 07:28 PM
::He peers up for a moment as his head tilts to the side.::

"..romance, love.. they are all but delayed sadnesses."

::He reaches out and takes hers::

"I meant not to upset you.. but he still fights so that one day he can be reunited with her.. That is why he became a Disciple so he may one day find the ability to lift his own curse.."

::He looked down for a moment::

"If such is not love... then I desire to never find it."

Spirograph's photo
Thu 10/29/09 08:18 PM
Cassi smiled, but the happiness didn't reach to her beautiful, still moist eyes. "I've found love to be quite different than that, dear Ajare. But to each their own, right?" She bent her knees, bringing them against her chest, hugging them there tightly. Her chin then rested on her bent knees as she stared into the flames.

BYondLife's photo
Thu 10/29/09 08:24 PM
::He moved over to sit next to her as he bit his bottom lip.::

"..have you ever.. loved someone?"

Spirograph's photo
Thu 10/29/09 08:26 PM
She stared off, her eyes empty. "Just once.... just once."

"Have you?"

BYondLife's photo
Thu 10/29/09 08:31 PM
::He looked down deeply saddened by her words as he merely shook his head.::

"..I've never, no."

::He, too, now grew silent.::

Spirograph's photo
Thu 10/29/09 08:34 PM
"It is the most wonderful thing you can ever experience." Her eyes teared again, her shoulders shaking slightly as she began to cry.

BYondLife's photo
Thu 10/29/09 08:36 PM
::He wraps his arms around her trying to comfort her.::

"..yet how you are now, is why I stray from it.."

Spirograph's photo
Thu 10/29/09 08:39 PM
"It's worth it.. it makes it all worth while." Her head nestled against his shoulder.

BYondLife's photo
Thu 10/29/09 08:53 PM
"..she says as she bawls her eyes out into the young lad's shoulder.."

::He teased slightly trying to cheer her up; it was after all, her smile he adored more than anything.::

Spirograph's photo
Thu 10/29/09 08:54 PM
She chuckled a bit, knuckling the tears off of her cheeks. "You're such a sweet boy, Ajare." She smiled a bit then, pressing a quick kiss to his forehead.

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