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Topic: Valley of the Dreamer II (DND)
Spirograph's photo
Wed 10/28/09 04:18 PM
"T'was most certainly a pleasure, and I too, hope that we meet again." Smiling sweetly, she half bows to the man, and turns to head back into the forest. ["Now let's see if I can find my way back to the others before nightfall."]

Cassi wanders through the trees, humming quietly without a care in the world, in search of her new friends.

Spirograph's photo
Wed 10/28/09 05:39 PM
Edited by Spirograph on Wed 10/28/09 05:39 PM

redhead44613's photo
Wed 10/28/09 05:48 PM
*is running through the forest in search of food.*

BYondLife's photo
Wed 10/28/09 06:03 PM
Disciples of the Crystal Dreams

“The 21 Disciples”

In stories long since forgotten to the hands of time there was a castle that rested nestled on the highest peak of the Dwanen Mountains. This place was not only riddled with secrecy and beauty but it was also a truly sacred place that was home to an old and extremely wise Sage. You see, fellow traveler, within this castle was the Temple of Crystal Dreams and the Historian, if you will, for all that is this world we thrive in. Some believe the Sage, as well as his domain, existed before even the Pixies began to flourish.

He could tell amazing tales of times before any recorded existence but upon the first arrival of Queen Silvernarion, it is said that he had already foreseen all the troubles that would befall the lands. Within his temple he gathered together his most loyal of subjects and forged the table of the Disciples. The Sage’s sole intention was to protect this planet and his world by any means necessary and no matter who it might have been that threatened his peaceful world.

Unbeknownst to even his own Disciples, the darkest of evil alliances was being formed right beneath his very home. These 21 Disciples swore to protect, not only this world, but this castle, their home, with their very lives. Touched by their devotion and loyalty, he bestowed certain powers amongst them and ordered them off into the world to cleanse the evil. These Disciples set out to find the worthy heroes of every race, tribe, culture, and lifestyle to help preserve this planet.

The Disciples, somehow, remained unknown throughout the histories of the world, though they were there; present and accounted for in every last skirmish and war. They battled the harpies and even the hordes of Lord Pythonian right up until his sudden disappearance. Who truly knows; it might have just been one of these men who finally found a way to banish him.

It was shortly after Pythonian’s sudden disappearance that the Disciples, also, disappeared. While their whereabouts remained unknown for centuries, I can assure you they do still truly exist. Ever watching over the Sage’s World, ever vigilant in protecting both Brombear and the planet itself, and never faltering in their oath and sworn promise to maintain the peace and order if evil should ever find a way to rise once again…

BYondLife's photo
Wed 10/28/09 06:04 PM
Edited by BYondLife on Wed 10/28/09 06:05 PM

“Familiar Disturbance”

High above the clouds in the Dwanen Mountains; a rather young looking man darted down the long hallways of the ancient castle. This place had existed for cyclones; yet still the very halls shined as if it was forged only days ago. The halls were brightly colored and decked with huge mammoth sized statues of Knights and paintings of rural beauty aligned between. Crystal glass draped around the multi-colored windows, and long flowing and hand-crafted rugs aligned the marble-tiled floors. This man, however, paid no heed to any of it because he was on a mission. He rounded the final corner of the long hallway to enter the shrine room. A shrine room; that lead to the temple and ultimately his true purpose and objective as he slowed to a walk as he neared the rug covered steps leading into the Sage’s private chamber.

“My Lord, I have come with grave news!”

“I can sense them, young one. There is no avoiding it this time.”

The Sage spoke as he moved closer to his blue cauldron in the center of the shrine. Two armored knights stood on both side of him. The Sage had a cloth wrapped over his face which if it had gone unknown it wasn’t now. He was blind. He waved his staff over the cauldron as it began to glow blue.

“You, my sons, must gather the heroes and unite the lands to conquer this evil. However, such must be done without my guidance. Stick true to what you’ve always known…”

The Knights suddenly stepped forward extending one hand.

“Sage no, you mustn’t! We will vanquish them just give us more time!”

He smiled softly as he raised his staff above his head; crystal blue water seemed to swirl around his body and as they progressed in encircling his body the swirls grew in number and size, they even took the form of dragons before his body was completely entombed within them. Then, within an instant, the water dropped to the floor turning into smoke as it made contact. The Sage… was gone.

The two knights lowered their hands as they turned into tightly clenched fists. The young boy looked up with sadness in his heart and tears in his eyes.

“What… what just happened?!”

“…sound the retreat. We must abandon the castle.”

BYondLife's photo
Wed 10/28/09 06:05 PM
Present Day…

Daily News Report:
As written in the Dragon Chronicles

“Within days after these events unfolded and we learned the discovery of the Sage’s Secret Castle, we also discovered that it suffered major structural damage in a full out scale assault; the previously ‘Disciples’ from myth and lore have suddenly come to life as they have quickly begun to overrun nearly every city, town, and area. With their previous, magically hidden, home sudden seized by, what some are calling, ‘The Vengeance’, who is told to be led by an extremely powerful and quite resenting demon Emperor, who we hear has yet to be identified.”

“These recent events, has certainly not gone unnoticed. The Disciples have spread banners all across the entire nation pleading for the help and aid of any of those willing to aid in the vanquishing of humanity’s newest threat. Nurenhill, for example, is one these towns now flourishing even more so with the demon’s arrival. One man I interviewed even spoke all the recently opened businesses within Nurenhill.”

“Oooooo doggie! Dey dun open dat dere dish’n chop ‘n I canne waits de get dat dere troph’r. I dun always’ told muh moms dat I onna de best dish’rmin in da world ‘n nows I aims ta prove it, yes sir!”

“Yes, it would seem apparently that we should all be thankful the Brand New Public Library will also be opening and be rather quite expansive with a lot of the Sage’s Library collection being added. I spoke to the President of the Library and he had this to say.”

“Well, you see, Jennifer, we liked the old library just fine but with all the new additions, we just didn’t have the space. The Old Sage’s Library was rumored to have over 300,000 books in it and we most certainly did not have room in the old one for all of them!”

“Wow, 300,000 books? Gee, I wish I had no job, sat at home all day like my husband does, and just read, but no, someone has to pay the—“

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“Oh, right, excuse me. Staying in Nurenhill, there was yet another bar room brawl at the ‘Rusty Nail’ last night. One law official spoke on the matter, ‘Yes, well, it seems the two were playing cards when one accused the other of cheating. Though, rightly so, this was not what sent off the flying punches.’ Perplexed, we inquired further.

“’Well, the two just didn’t like each other very much and Billy Bob was set off when Skinny Joe said and I quote, ‘Someth’n ‘bouts mah momma!’ said the official. The two were broken up at around midnight when law officials patrolling the area found the two exchanging blows behind the building.

“When we finally caught up to Skinny Joe, he had this to say in his defense, ‘I love my momma!’ which he kept bellowing as they took him into the courthouse.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In other news… a body was discovered recently by the bridge just outside of Nurenhill in the Valley. The victim, Padante Kole, was a political man who was recently under incriminations for being a crooked official but with no true leads, he was about to get off on all charges. He was found out in the field overlooking the bridge by the river with his hands crossed over his chest, two coins covering his eyes, and a black rose on his chest just above his clasped hands.

Cause of death remains unknown…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Weather pattern predicts it should be a clear night tonight with few clouds but that will change towards the morning hours as heavy black clouds seem to be moving in front the south, continuing yet another month of receiving the miserable weather down south. Expect rain showers sometime tomorrow, and if it persists like it did down there and wind direction remains southeasterly; we will have scattered showers.

That’s your look into the weather, now back to you Jennifer.

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Thank you, that is James with the weather. Now, for your everyday look into politics and business. Now that the FNG Forgery has reopened for business, its sales are at all time highs and are deliberately having discounted merchandise. If you are looking for weapon upgrades, now is the best time to shop!

Ingurrian, a well-known Snow Knight, leader of the 7 Dream Riders, and known Disciple has posted a Declaration which states:

“Attention all heroes and warriors of the lands; a new evil is upon us and the world needs your protection and strength if we are to survive in these dire times. I am offering a 25,000 gold reward to any hero who can successfully help us reclaim My Lord’s Castle. I will also reward the hero who is bravest enough to exterminate and kill this Demon Emperor with anything of their choice. I want you all to gather in Nurenhill; here we will unite!”

(Choice limited to one pick from the list of items provided.)
(Gifts are non-refundable and may not even have a sale value.)
(Check rules for validating any and all claims.)
(Not available to people over 50,000 years old or children under the age of 12.)
(This contest is not available in Canada or Mexico.)
(No purchase necessary.)
(Rules may vary between cities.)

That’s it for the news today… I’m Jennifer and thanks for reading the Green Dragon Chronicle News Report. See you next week!

BYondLife's photo
Wed 10/28/09 06:08 PM
Edited by BYondLife on Wed 10/28/09 06:10 PM
Your Mission Begins

“I’ve found I gain my bravery from one thing…
…I fear living knowing that I ran away.
As such; I press on.”

It begins. No matter where you are in the world; this news and massive reward did not go unnoticed. Thinking clearly, any one thing you want in the entire world? Not to mention the twenty-five thousand gold rewards. So, upon the news of this spreading:

Merchants from all over the world started to gather, knowing that this would be the perfect time to make sales in Nurenhill, why, with everyone gathering there. Warriors, fighters, rogues, assassins, thieves, pirates, and any type of profession you could think of and, not to mention, of every race began to flock there. You have your own reasons; let us not judge that, but regardless of your own personal beliefs… You have come as well.

You were lucky, however, a voice had told you one not in your dreams to come to this place known as the Valley of the Dreamer, and it some odd twist of fate, you briefly met your fellow adventurers. Though the reasons you responded to this whisper remains completely diverse between one another, it does not change the fact you are all pursuing something. Justice, redemption, closure, protection, guidance, riches, fame, pride, honor, valor, dignity, respect, fear, and whatever else might exist; you have all be guiding together to persevere in one common goal. Hope. As you journey I request that you seek this one thing and better understand what it truly signifies…

The foundation for a healthy tomorrow lay before you… Take it, grasp it, defend it, and you shall find what it is you search for no matter what that may be…

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Word from the Overlord: :D

Alright dudes and dudettes, I’m going to start to kick off the campaigns. You don’t know what your first mission is until Ingurrian holds his meeting. Until then, keep doing as you are doing and keep posting in both threads. I’ll toss out some things occasionally for bonus rewards; like Tiage and Cassi found out already. So, keep your eye out. Some are quick, depending on the situation, others not as much. I usually toss one in more often than not when I see at least two people active in the threads.

The first few were mere introductions to people you are going to bump heads with more often than not. Fear, hate, don’t like the disciples all you want, but they are the ones rewarding you until you can embark in your quests without them; which since you are all low levels, lacking skills, spells, and the likes, you’ll need them to get you started. Once you get the hang of it, they will start to trust you on your own and give you missions for your selves.

Aside from thread missions, I will also send out side quests individually. This will greatly benefit anyone who at any given time cannot make the planned event dates. These are called, ‘Black Rose’ Side Quests. What is that, you ask?

Black Rose Side Quest:

1. Each player receives a side story. You might as well refer to this as a personal journal.
2. First you fill out the first section; then from there on, you receive a Missive.
3. The Missive is your side story in itself. For example; let’s say you were once a most wanted criminal and you still have people pursuing you. Along with the idea you are trying to save the world and stuff, you can gain extra gold and experience by responding to the events unfolding in your quest.
4. Further explanation: You receive a tip that a local law official has a reported document on you and he is planning to post it up all over town in the morning.
5. Your first step would be to respond, in email, your receiving, response to, and reaction of this information. After that is completed, you submit it back to me.
6. You will receive the second missive. It will be a lay-out plan you must role play out in order to achieve your pre-stated task
7. Looks something like this: You must go here (place), then I describe the place, then you continue your side story with how to get in. There will be a lay-out for people/monsters you might encounter. The fight sequence will initiate; if this is in your missive, that is. You will then role play out your first three moves. The second missive ends there at the encounter. You then await a third missive in response.
8. If you had no fight, it continues here: You will receive your battle results, if there was any, and receive the last of your missive. Follow the same principles stated in number 7. Retrieving whatever it is you are after, finding your way out, returning to some place in town deemed safe from where you were at. Got it? Makes sense right.

Spirograph's photo
Wed 10/28/09 08:01 PM
((((wow, that was a lot to read.. not sure if i took it all in or not))))

BYondLife's photo
Wed 10/28/09 08:09 PM
(((It's just the history, what led up to the point you are at now, anda brief description of what you can expect to happen soon. You don't have to memorize it all. :D Besides, it's gonna be here as a reminder as well.)))

no photo
Wed 10/28/09 08:18 PM
Beautifully written and a great read to understand the history of the lands and what will be going on. Good workdrinker

Spirograph's photo
Wed 10/28/09 08:18 PM
Cassi finally makes her way back to where her companions had been before, though the fire was nothing but a pile of dwindling coals. Setting her pack down, she grabs an armful of wood and nurses the fire back to life.

BYondLife's photo
Wed 10/28/09 08:34 PM

Beautifully written and a great read to understand the history of the lands and what will be going on. Good workdrinker

[Thanks. :D Glad you like it.]

BYondLife's photo
Wed 10/28/09 08:42 PM

Cassi finally makes her way back to where her companions had been before, though the fire was nothing but a pile of dwindling coals. Setting her pack down, she grabs an armful of wood and nurses the fire back to life.

::As the fire started to grow again, the little boy scampered up, that book he always carried still in hand.::

"Why, hello again Cassi!"

::He said with a bright cheery smile.::

Spirograph's photo
Wed 10/28/09 08:45 PM
"Ajare! Where did you scamper off to?" She smiled, rustling the boys hair after setting the last log to the flame.

BYondLife's photo
Wed 10/28/09 08:52 PM
::He blinks as he reaches a hand up to fix his glasses than flatten his now spiked hair.::

"I never tend to stick in one place but I just had to see you again."

::He smiled again, as he then looked around.::

"Where is everyone this fine evening?"

Spirograph's photo
Wed 10/28/09 08:55 PM
"Just had to see me again, 'eh?" She giggled quietly. "I haven't seen anyone else yet tonight. Please, join me by the fire. We'll dig through my bag and see what kind of dinner we can scrape up."

BYondLife's photo
Wed 10/28/09 08:59 PM
"I'd love to! We can consider it a date then."

::He went to add in, as he slipped into a seat near her.::

"I was trying to catch something to eat earlier.. but I'm a horrible fisherman and an even worse hunter, apparently."


::as he looked over to her with mischievious eyes.::

"Wutcha got?"

Spirograph's photo
Wed 10/28/09 09:02 PM
"Hmm.. it's been a while since I've been to market, so my rations are short...." she digs through the bag, moving her products aside to get down to the personal rations she keeps for herself. "Looks like I have some bread here. We can place it on a stone near the fire and let it get warm?" She smiled sweetly, doing so, finding a flat stone and wiping it clean to the best of her ability, setting the bread to warm.

BYondLife's photo
Wed 10/28/09 09:05 PM
"..anything would be fine, Miss Cassi."

::He smiled as he just watched admiring her.::

Spirograph's photo
Wed 10/28/09 09:06 PM
"Why do you look at me like that, little one?" She chuckled quietly, breaking the bread in half and offering a share to Ajare.

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