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Topic: Valley of the Dreamer II (DND)
BYondLife's photo
Sat 10/24/09 08:39 PM

drinker "I would like to meet this Great Sage as well"bigsmile

"You as well? Well, I wish you much luck, sir. Simply because noone knows what became of him or what he looks like except the Disciples.."

:;He ponders for a moment before looking up to him again his eyes wide with an almost youthful excitement.::

"..are you all heroes who've come to aid the Disciples in restoring the peace??"

BYondLife's photo
Sat 10/24/09 08:40 PM

bigsmile "That is an interesting book you have there my friend."bigsmile "From whence did you acquire it?"bigsmile

"..from the Sage's Library in his castle, or, at best, what remains of it.."

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 10/24/09 08:43 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Sat 10/24/09 08:43 PM

drinker "I would like to meet this Great Sage as well"bigsmile

"You as well? Well, I wish you much luck, sir. Simply because noone knows what became of him or what he looks like except the Disciples.."

:;He ponders for a moment before looking up to him again his eyes wide with an almost youthful excitement.::

"..are you all heroes who've come to aid the Disciples in restoring the peace??"

bigsmile Garrise Burrad rises to his feet and proudly proclaims:biggrin

drinks "I seek adventure wherever it is to be found"drinks

Spirograph's photo
Sat 10/24/09 08:44 PM
"Oh do sit down you silly man." Cassi chuckled at Garrisse's outburst.

"So, would everyone like to say a bit more about themselves?"

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 10/24/09 08:45 PM

bigsmile "That is an interesting book you have there my friend."bigsmile "From whence did you acquire it?"bigsmile

"..from the Sage's Library in his castle, or, at best, what remains of it.."
:smile: Garrisse sits back down:smile:

bigsmile "Was this the only tome that remained in the ruins of the Sage's Library?":smile:

Yesterways's photo
Sat 10/24/09 08:45 PM

"I thank you for your offer, but it is you who appears to be in need of some rest. Please, feel free. I will make sure you are ok. I have not slept a wink in so many years.. I know not the last time I've felt such an urge."

I will take the second watch. I have little need for sleep.

"Thank you, both of you. I do need the rest, but I must take my leave for a short time. I have some things that need doing. I shall return and take full advantage of the sleep. Thank you, I am exhausted, more than I thought it seems." With that, she covered her bedroll, picked up her weapons, pulled her hood up and strode out of the group and its light, away from the man in the trees. She no longer seemed angry, just relieved, and tired.

BYondLife's photo
Sat 10/24/09 08:47 PM

"Oh do sit down you silly man." Cassi chuckled at Garrisse's outburst.

"So, would everyone like to say a bit more about themselves?"

::He looked between everyone, he held the finest interest in every detail of everything as he moved a bit more towards Kelandra, he places a hand on her shoulder as he whispers softly into her ear.::

"..you are not alone in your pain.."

::But then he sat back again and looked around everyone, he would not urge anything from her, just a comforting set of words, nothing more as he looked between them all.::

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 10/24/09 08:48 PM

"Oh do sit down you silly man." Cassi chuckled at Garrisse's outburst.

"So, would everyone like to say a bit more about themselves?"
bigsmile "Yes,you and I have already met at the Green Dragon,but I will introduce myself to the others."bigsmile "I am Garrisse Burrad,a human warrior in search of monsters to slay,maidens to rescue,wrongs to be righted,and treasure to be claimed"drinker

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 10/24/09 08:49 PM

"I thank you for your offer, but it is you who appears to be in need of some rest. Please, feel free. I will make sure you are ok. I have not slept a wink in so many years.. I know not the last time I've felt such an urge."

I will take the second watch. I have little need for sleep.

"Thank you, both of you. I do need the rest, but I must take my leave for a short time. I have some things that need doing. I shall return and take full advantage of the sleep. Thank you, I am exhausted, more than I thought it seems." With that, she covered her bedroll, picked up her weapons, pulled her hood up and strode out of the group and its light, away from the man in the trees. She no longer seemed angry, just relieved, and tired.
waving "Have a goodnight and sweetdreams Mishrona"waving

Yesterways's photo
Sat 10/24/09 08:50 PM
Edited by Yesterways on Sat 10/24/09 08:50 PM
((for the GM, she leaves, spends about 20 minutes wandering to ensure she hasn't been followed, making VERY sure of it. Then finds safe place, out of sight and takes care of her jewelry. During the time she waits, she practices with her weapons))

BYondLife's photo
Sat 10/24/09 08:50 PM

bigsmile "That is an interesting book you have there my friend."bigsmile "From whence did you acquire it?"bigsmile

"..from the Sage's Library in his castle, or, at best, what remains of it.."
:smile: Garrisse sits back down:smile:

bigsmile "Was this the only tome that remained in the ruins of the Sage's Library?":smile:

"Oh, quite the contrary.. There is a massive library that fills an entire section of the castle.. I always got lost in it as a child, and my brother used to hate having to track me down in it. This book was always my favorite.. My mother use to read me stories from it when I was a kid.."

BYondLife's photo
Sat 10/24/09 08:51 PM

((for the GM, she leaves, spends about 20 minutes wandering to ensure she hasn't been followed, making VERY sure of it. Then finds safe place, out of sight and takes care of her jewelry. During the time she waits, she practices with her weapons))

[LOL, ok.]]

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 10/24/09 08:54 PM

bigsmile "That is an interesting book you have there my friend."bigsmile "From whence did you acquire it?"bigsmile

"..from the Sage's Library in his castle, or, at best, what remains of it.."
:smile: Garrisse sits back down:smile:

bigsmile "Was this the only tome that remained in the ruins of the Sage's Library?":smile:

"Oh, quite the contrary.. There is a massive library that fills an entire section of the castle.. I always got lost in it as a child, and my brother used to hate having to track me down in it. This book was always my favorite.. My mother use to read me stories from it when I was a kid.."

drinker "I would like to visit this grand library someday"drinker

Spirograph's photo
Sat 10/24/09 08:56 PM
"The world of a library is a most lovely one indeed. Somewhere I wouldn't mind being lost for a few days." Cassi then chuckled quietly. "Until my short attention span got the better of me and I wandered off again."

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 10/24/09 08:58 PM

"The world of a library is a most lovely one indeed. Somewhere I wouldn't mind being lost for a few days." Cassi then chuckled quietly. "Until my short attention span got the better of me and I wandered off again."
bigsmile "Yes, words are nice but action is better":wink:

Spirograph's photo
Sat 10/24/09 09:00 PM
Cassi then smirked. "As we've spoken of before. What actions have you taken since we lost spoke?"

BYondLife's photo
Sat 10/24/09 09:02 PM

drinker "I would like to visit this grand library someday"drinker

"Yes, I would love to return one day.. Tis the only place I've ever known to be something close to a home.."

:;He looks down slightly saddened by the idea, knowing that it may not even be possible ever again.::

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 10/24/09 09:04 PM

Cassi then smirked. "As we've spoken of before. What actions have you taken since we lost spoke?"
bigsmile "I have spent this day traveling about seeking adventure."bigsmile "To no avail"frown"However I gradually made my way to this place and I am very encouraged at seeing you again and meeting the others for the first time"bigsmile

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 10/24/09 09:05 PM

drinker "I would like to visit this grand library someday"drinker

"Yes, I would love to return one day.. Tis the only place I've ever known to be something close to a home.."

:;He looks down slightly saddened by the idea, knowing that it may not even be possible ever again.::
:smile: "Why do sad?":smile: "Is this library far from here?":smile:

dreamboat1974's photo
Sat 10/24/09 09:05 PM

"It truly indeed is a pleasure, milady."

:;His smile brighten with her kindness and welcome as he slowly moved over. It was a rather diverse and scary group, in his mind anyway, but he didn't show much in the sense of fear; after all; if he knew those men, he certainly was overly accustomed to it.::

::His eyes moved to the one who called himself Ahn'rak, as he nodded, that smile remaining.::

"Tis truly a pleasure to make your acquiatance, sir. I also applaud your boldness, but those men should not be underestimated. Those.. were the Disciples, well, to be honest, a handful of them, anyway. Not all as are vagrant as they, mind you. Ingurrian is just misunderstood alot and Ixij, when you get to know her, is rather much more charming like you milady."

::As he takes Cassi's hand and lightly kisses her palm, before letting go and sitting close to the fire, setting his book down upon his lap.::

"So, what brings all of you out into this empty valley on such a brittle cold evening?"

Ignoring the fact that the boy is not talking to her, she speaks to him, "Disciples? Disciples of what, or who? I would think that if he were a little more cordial upon first meeting, then he would be less likely to be 'misunderstood'. I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name."

::He denoted Kelandra saddened demeanor, but would not enforce something painful to her, and then he looked to Mishrona, as he tilted his head slightly to the side almost amazed she's never heard of them.::

"You've never heard of the Disciples?? Really?"

::He grabbed his book as he opened it flipping through the pages until he found a chapter designated entirely for them.::

:;He then began to tell the story...

"In stories long since forgotten to the hands of time there was a castle that rested nestled on the highest peak of the Dwanen Mountains. This place was not riddled with secrecy and beauty but it was also a truly sacred place that was home to an old and extremely wise Sage. You see, fellow traveler, within this castle was the Temple of Crystal Dreams and the Historian, if you will, for all that is this world we thrive in. Some believe the Sage, as well as his domain existed before the Pixies began to flourish.

He could tell amazing tales of times before any recorded existence but upon the first arrival of Queen Silvernarion, it is said that he had already foreseen all the troubles that would befall the lands. Within his temple he gathered together his most loyal of subjects and forged the table of the Disciples. The Sage’s sole intention was to protect this planet and his world by any means necessary and no matter who it might have been that threatened his peaceful world.

Unbeknownst to even his own Disciples, that darkest of evil alliance were being formed right beneath his very home. These 21 Disciples swore to protect, not only this world, but this castle, their home, with their very lives. Touched by their devotion and loyalty, he bestowed certain powers amongst them and ordered them off into the world to cleanse the evil. These Disciples set out to find the worthy heroes of every race, tribe, culture, and lifestyle to help preserve this planet.

The Disciples, somehow, remained unknown throughout the histories of the world, though they were there; present and accounted for in every last skirmish and war. They battled the harpies and even the hordes of Lord Pythonian right up until his sudden disappearance. Who truly knows; it might have just been one of these men who finally found a way to banish him.

It was shortly after Pythonian’s sudden disappearance that the Disciples, also, disappeared. While their whereabouts remained unknown for centuries, I can assure you they do still truly exist. Ever watching over the Sage’s World, ever vigilant in protecting both Brombear and the planet itself, and never faltering in their oath and sworn promise to maintain the peace and order if evil should ever find a way to rise once again…"

::He took a moment as he looked up from his book.::

"More recently, however, this castle was devastated by a sudden and massive invasion from the demons.. The Disciples, backed into a corner, tried to get the Great Sage to flee.. but he would not, and instead..he gave them one last order, before he simply vanished before there very eyes.."

"I have heard this story countless times, but as I said I keep my distance. My kind is a peaceful one. We keep to the shadows and show ourselves when it is necessary.We are good allies and fierce protectors."

Kelandra got up and looked at the odd group sitting aroud the fire.

"It was nice making your acquaintance, all of you but it will be light soon, and so I will take my leave. If ever you need me just call out my name and I will be there, for I am always here among the trees.Goodnight to you all until we meet again"

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