Topic: Homophobia
Ghostrecon's photo
Thu 10/05/06 09:11 PM
Thats nothing public. I read that mothers are responsible to guys being
guy. It has something to do with the XX and XY chomosone.

The arrangement of a mother's genes could affect the sexual orientation
of her son, according to a new study. The finding, detailed in the
February issue of the journal Human Genetics, adds fuel to the
decade-long debate about whether so-called "gay genes" might exist.

The finding, detailed in the February issue of the journal Human
Genetics, adds fuel to the decade-long debate about whether so-called
"gay genes" might exist.

The researchers examined a phenomenon called "X chromosome inactivation"
in 97 mothers of gay sons and 103 mothers whose sons were not gay.

X and Y

Chromosomes are large thread-like molecules that contain an organism's
genetic instructions. Humans have 23 chromosome pairs. The X chromosome
is one of two sex chromosomes in mammals; the other is the Y chromosome.
Females have two X chromosomes and no Y's, while males have one X and
one Y.

Even though women have two X chromosomes, only one is functional because
the other is inactivated through a process called "methylation."

"It gets wrapped up in a ball and is not used with the exception of a
few genes," explained study leader Sven Bocklandt of the University of
California, Los Angeles.

If one of the females' X chromosomes is not turned off, then there is
too much genetic material, which can lead to a harmful overabundance of
proteins. Down syndrome, for example, results from the presence of an
extra copy of chromosome 21.

Big difference

Normally, X chromosome inactivation occurs at random: half of the cells
in a woman's body will have one X chromosome inactivated, while the
other half inactivates the other chromosome.

However, when the researchers in the current study examined cells from
the 42 mothers who had at least two gay sons, they found that about a
quarter of the women in this group showed something different.

"Every single cell that we looked at in these women inactivated the same
X chromosome," Bocklandt told LiveScience. "That's highly unusual."

In contrast, only 4 percent of mothers with no gay sons and 13 percent
of those with just one gay son showed this type of extreme skewing.

Bocklandt thinks this suggest that a mother's X chromosomes partly
influences whether her son is gay or not.

"We think that there are one or more genes on the X chromosome that have
an effect on the sexual orientation of the sons of these mothers, as
well as an effect on the cells we were looking at," Bocklandt said.

Other chromosomes implicated

Bocklandt was also involved in an earlier study that looked at the
entire human genome of men who had two or more gay brothers. The
researchers found identical stretches of DNA on three chromosomes—7, 8
and 10—that were shared by about 60 percent of the gay brothers in the

That study also found mothers to have an unusually large role in their
son's sexual orientation: the region on chromosome 10 correlated with
homosexuality only if it was inherited from the mother.

The results from these two studies suggest that there are multiple
genetic factors involved in determining a person's sexual orientation
and that it might vary depending on the person.

"We think that there are going to be some gay men who are X chromosome
gay men and some who are chromosome 7 gay men or chromosome 10 gay men
or some combination," Bocklandt said in a telephone interview.

Most researchers now think that there is no single gay gene that
controls whether a person is homosexual or not. Rather, it's the
influence of multiple genes, combined with environmental influences,
which ultimately determine whether a person is gay.

A touchy subject

Research into the genetics of sexual orientation is controversial.
Religious leaders who believe that sexual orientation is a choice argue
that such research is an attempt to legitimize homosexuality; others
worry that a detailed knowledge of the genetics underlying homosexuality
will open the door to genetic engineering that prevents it.

But Bocklandt doesn't think these concerns should prevent scientists
from asking the basic question of whether homosexuality has an
underlying genetic component to it or not.

"I have no doubt that at some point we'll be able to manipulate all
sorts of aspects of our personality and physical appearance," Bocklandt
said. "I think if there's ever a time when we can make these changes for
sexual orientation, then we will also be able to do it for intelligence
or musical skills or certain physical characteristics—but whether or not
these things are allowed to happen is something that society as a whole
has to decide. It's not a scientific question."

Peachiepoohie's photo
Thu 10/05/06 09:32 PM
Okay, so here's my take on it...

Personally, I think that people that are homophobic are really not
secure in themselves and it's easier to direct your attention to
something outside than something inside. I know who I am and what/who I
like and dislike...and I have absolutely no problem communicating that
to anyone.

I don't understand straight people that are put off by being hit on by a
gay person. If ya think about it, someone who hits on you can only be
doing so because they find you attractive. Straight or gay, my idea on
this is "thanks for teh compliment." Now, if I tell you that I'm not
interested and you push the subject...then we got a problem. That's not
because someone is straight or gay, it's because they are an annoying
jackass that isn't listening to the words coming out of my mouth.

Frankly, I don't care what someone's sexual orientation is...what you do
in your bedroom (or anyone else's) is not any of my business unless a)
it's my bedroom or b) i'm there. Same thing I felt about the whole damn
Bill Clinton/ Monia Lewinsky/ blue dress/ cigar thing...

but then...that's just my opinion...I could be wrong...

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Thu 10/05/06 09:35 PM
Good Lord Ghost....the statistic thing was just a joke lmaooo
geeeez....nice postulate tho lol

Ghostrecon's photo
Thu 10/05/06 09:36 PM
Probably at my age, it would a compament. LOL

party_fag's photo
Thu 10/05/06 11:33 PM
thanks guys your giving me alot or opinions and I'm loving it...

Peachiepoohie's photo
Fri 10/06/06 12:01 AM

"dude being in a situation that i was in once makes me not real fond of
gay guys"

Your ignorance just shines through...if I was to hold the actions of one
straight man against them all...I'd end up the crazy old lady is 600
cats just waiting for me to die so they could eat my eyeballs.

no photo
Fri 10/06/06 06:40 AM
Party fag I appologize.....Wrong person I think..I have a 19 yr old
daughter and wouldnt want her harrassed by older guys. She said quit and
he didnt. There is nothin wrong with being gay as long as its no pushed
on someone who donst want that situation. I have gay friends and again
aplogize. Enjoy life no matter who you are with...

ysrider's photo
Fri 10/06/06 06:44 AM
Well said Peachy - people with prejudgement often make excuses for why
they have a right to hate people. A black guy robbed my family so all
them are bad. A Mexican guy I knew was always lazy, so all Mexicans are
lazy. We have to take everyone at face value and if someone is a jerk,
they are a jerk, not everyone like them. So one lesbian wanting to cop
a feel of your breast, or even a few that may have hit on you also does
not mean all of them are on the prowl for you (refering to an earlier
post full of face punching anger). But everyone has to live in their
own skin, walk their walk, and even the negetive energy and hatred seem
to have a place in the world, so I will do what is right for me. I just
think the world would be a better place if people could soften their
hearts a bit. If someone gives you a crappy situation, deal with it and
move on.

Cancer26's photo
Fri 10/06/06 06:44 AM
I guess templer is not so mean after all..

no photo
Fri 10/06/06 06:46 AM
Thx Cancer, just raised my daughter since she was 11. Im really a just a
sweet old man.....

Cancer26's photo
Fri 10/06/06 06:52 AM
lol.. that's good.

I just read DeeDee's reply and want to say, thanks DeeDee.

I agree w/ u also..

Now Ghost, wow! U had me going.. That was sooo long I almost didn't read
it, but when I started, I had to finish.
Interesting... also I agree w/ u on the whole thing with the name
party_f.. is using. My uncle's gay and I would never call him a fag nor
any other gay person.

Cancer26's photo
Fri 10/06/06 06:54 AM

Well put ysrider!

greeneyedlady42's photo
Fri 10/06/06 06:17 PM
My brother is gay and has been actively so for many years. I accept him
and his right to live how he choses. I have met and hung out with gay
people and find them very intellectual and to have a great sence of
People make their own choices and live with whatever happens after that.
I have no problem with it.

no photo
Fri 10/06/06 07:14 PM
Everyone deserves and needs to be loved whether they are gay,lesbian,
fat, skinny, or what have you. I have no hate nor ill will towards gay
men or lesbians, I want to know the person inside not just the sexual
preference.I don't understand the hate thats out there towards anyone,
life is just too damned short to spend it hating. So Party ,darlin
,being gay is fine with me.The world just needs to stop the hate.

no photo
Fri 10/06/06 07:18 PM
I could care less if somebody is gay.I only care when gay men mistake me
for gay and attempt to hit on me.I mean I here gay friends mostly female
but they I'm straight and we chill with no problems

Jimi366's photo
Fri 10/06/06 07:19 PM
Being gay is not my sexual preference but who am I
to judge anyone? I really don't know anyone who's gay,
or at least admits it but I wouldn't think any worse
of them if they were gay. Who knows what makes people
attracted to one another? Humanity itself, and sexuality
in particular, is a complicated thing. There are no easy
answers. We do what we do. Shit! That is an easy answer,
isn't it?

ThickandEasy's photo
Fri 10/06/06 11:24 PM
Hell yeah. Gay people are loads of fun. Haven't you ever been to a Gay
Bar? You will meet the friendliest people in the world!

lionsbrew's photo
Sat 10/07/06 08:39 AM
most homophobes are secretly gay .....

party_fag's photo
Sat 10/07/06 09:46 AM
i agree with you on that one... i know a few guys that spent our child
hood calling me a fag or trying to lay a beating on me.. and now they
get drunkna nd all they want is to get me in bed.. .it's crazy but i
agree that most homophobes are gay

TheCaptain's photo
Sat 10/07/06 10:52 AM
Sorry to put a damper on things, but homosexuality in not all right. We
have come to an age where we are indiscrimanaltly tolerant of
everything. Some thing are not right. I have no hate or fear of gay
people, and have known a few for a long time. They know how I feel,
disagree with me, but respect my opinion anyway. The big question I have
for gay men is what is to name a thing in society that is wrong.