Topic: Islamics gaining power in the UN
DaveyB's photo
Sat 09/12/09 02:07 PM

Willing, in my book your attitude makes you and extremist and probably nearly as dangerous. I think perhaps they should investigate you laugh

If wanting to keep America safe and honorable makes me an extremist, so be it.

If that's all it was I would agree. But when you take that to such and extreme that you're willing to sacrifice our constitutionally given rights to achieve it then you are no better than those you oppose.

There are many more who feel as I do.

And that is the frightening part. It is those attitudes that are making this country no longer the land of the free but the land of the enslaved.

Shari'ah Law-Ideology-Law-Mohammed-Muslims are supposed to adhere to.

I am not trying to deny them their religion.

There is no room in our Constitution for their ideology. I am completely against their ideology in our country. I am all for doing what needs to be done to keep the ideology out of our legal system.

From that statement I don't think you even know what their ideology is. It really is sad with people make judgments with out bothering to find out what they are talking about.

willing2's photo
Sat 09/12/09 02:11 PM

Willing, in my book your attitude makes you and extremist and probably nearly as dangerous. I think perhaps they should investigate you laugh

If wanting to keep America safe and honorable makes me an extremist, so be it.

If that's all it was I would agree. But when you take that to such and extreme that you're willing to sacrifice our constitutionally given rights to achieve it then you are no better than those you oppose.

There are many more who feel as I do.

And that is the frightening part. It is those attitudes that are making this country no longer the land of the free but the land of the enslaved.

Shari'ah Law-Ideology-Law-Mohammed-Muslims are supposed to adhere to.

I am not trying to deny them their religion.

There is no room in our Constitution for their ideology. I am completely against their ideology in our country. I am all for doing what needs to be done to keep the ideology out of our legal system.

From that statement I don't think you even know what their ideology is. It really is sad with people make judgments with out bothering to find out what they are talking about.

If you took the time to investigate for yourself, Shari'ah Law, you might see your statement is misinformed.

Winx's photo
Sat 09/12/09 02:12 PM

North American Honor Killings, Successful and Attempted

Palestina Isa (16) 1989
St. Louis, MO
Maria & Zein Isa, parents, sisters also encouraged it / West Bank. (M) "Too American," refused to travel with her father, a member of the Abu Nidal Palestinian terrorist group, as "cover." Stabbed 13 times by father as her mother held her down.

A Brazilian mother was also involved with this.

These cases are rare and extreme.

DaveyB's photo
Sat 09/12/09 02:15 PM

North American Honor Killings, Successful and Attempted

Palestina Isa (16) 1989
St. Louis, MO
Maria & Zein Isa, parents, sisters also encouraged it / West Bank. (M) "Too American," refused to travel with her father, a member of the Abu Nidal Palestinian terrorist group, as "cover." Stabbed 13 times by father as her mother held her down.

A Brazilian mother was also involved with this.

These cases are rare and extreme.

Very rare, should note that he had to go back 20 years to come up with those few.

Winx's photo
Sat 09/12/09 02:20 PM
Edited by Winx on Sat 09/12/09 02:23 PM

North American Honor Killings, Successful and Attempted

Palestina Isa (16) 1989
St. Louis, MO
Maria & Zein Isa, parents, sisters also encouraged it / West Bank. (M) "Too American," refused to travel with her father, a member of the Abu Nidal Palestinian terrorist group, as "cover." Stabbed 13 times by father as her mother held her down.

A Brazilian mother was also involved with this.

These cases are rare and extreme.

Very rare, should note that he had to go back 20 years to come up with those few.

That event made the Muslims in my city very sad.

This is what I found out about St. Louis:

"Islam has been a presence in the city for at least a century. Like many U.S. cities today, St. Louis presents several different faces of Islam - Bosnian, south Asian, Arab, and African-American Muslims."

The extremist's cases are rare here. The Muslims here don't like the extremists either.

DaveyB's photo
Sat 09/12/09 02:22 PM

Willing, in my book your attitude makes you and extremist and probably nearly as dangerous. I think perhaps they should investigate you laugh

If wanting to keep America safe and honorable makes me an extremist, so be it.

If that's all it was I would agree. But when you take that to such and extreme that you're willing to sacrifice our constitutionally given rights to achieve it then you are no better than those you oppose.

There are many more who feel as I do.

And that is the frightening part. It is those attitudes that are making this country no longer the land of the free but the land of the enslaved.

Shari'ah Law-Ideology-Law-Mohammed-Muslims are supposed to adhere to.

I am not trying to deny them their religion.

There is no room in our Constitution for their ideology. I am completely against their ideology in our country. I am all for doing what needs to be done to keep the ideology out of our legal system.

From that statement I don't think you even know what their ideology is. It really is sad with people make judgments with out bothering to find out what they are talking about.

If you took the time to investigate for yourself, Shari'ah Law, you might see your statement is misinformed.

Well since my Muslim friends tell me the type of thing you are worried about is NOT a part of their religious beliefs and I tend to think they probably know more about it than you do. But if you'd like to point out the specific place that you have a problem with I'll be glad to look at it... or are you just going by what some other person has told you?

s1owhand's photo
Sat 09/12/09 02:22 PM

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 09/12/09 02:24 PM
I don't know much about that religion (I can admit that) but I know not all Muslims, Christians, Wiccans, etc are extremists. there are Atheist extremists too...does that mean all Atheists are that way and not tolerant???? NO

willing2's photo
Sat 09/12/09 02:29 PM
Radical Islam & Sharia Law
By Patricia M English
Rated "PG" by the Author.
Last edited: Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Posted: Wednesday, August 12, 2009

An article on some of the Radical Islam tenets and Sharia Law.

Have you seen the movie “The Stoning of Soraya?” If not I recommend you go out and see it. One must admit that this is an extreme example of the worst of Sharia Law as practiced and advocated by Radical Islam. In Iran an innocent women is condemned to death by stoning because she was falsely accused of infidelity by a husband who wanted another woman. The story is a true one and took place in Iran during 1998. One sees the father, the husband and then the sons of Soraya stoning her to death. How sad! How could any religion/culture/cult be so brutal? However, while this may be an extreme example of Radical Islam, it is not unusual today to hear of honor murders in many non-Islamic countries where a woman is accused of anything from not marrying a selected husband to adultery.

The murders generally are conducted a little more humanly than with Soraya: They are conducted with guns or knives or by strangulation. If you think this cannot happen in the United States you are wrong! When she was just 19, Sandeela Kanwal traveled from America to Pakistan for an arranged marriage to a cousin twice her age. Less than six years later, after she refused to marry the cousin, she was dead, strangled by her father, Chaudhry Rashid, who was later arrested by police as the suspect for what some have called an "honor killing."

Many European countries have either adopted some form of Sharia Law or are considering it. Countries ruled by the tenets of Radical Islam are Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Sudan, Pakistan and Egypt. Even Non-Islamic countries like Canada, England, Holland, and Germany, where the Muslim population is growing at alarming rates, are contemplating incorporating some aspects of Sharia law into their judicial systems.

Sharia Law is a brutal method for Radical Islam to control its population by intimidation for supposed offenses against Allah. It comes into play in relation to how property is divided and inherited for women, sexual rights or prohibitions particularly for the female and what a woman must wear to keep her body covered. In some countries, such as Somalia, female genital mutilation is frequently performed on small female children. The book “Infidel” by Ayaan Hirsi Ali documents first hand this appalling procedure that was done to her and her sister when they were just small children in Somalia. In Afghanistan a new law allowing a man to rape his wife if she does not submit was recently instigated.

Generally, Sharia Law is not compatible with democracy. It does not treat women equal to men. Women are second-class citizens not allowed the same property, inheritance and sexual rights of a male. A woman is expected to wear at least a hijab, not associate with men other than her husband or father and walk behind her husband. Moreover, not just women, but all non-Muslims are second-class citizens in the eyes of Islam.

It is essential that the Obama way of pandering and appeasement, is challenged because the sad reality in many Muslim countries is one of persecution and repression. True democracy needs to challenge Radical Islamic nations like Saudi Arabia and in fact all nations that do not allow equal Human Rights for both males and females. I say to our current President, that it is time for him to realize the reality of the fact that the United States is a Judao/Christian country and yes, we are at war with Radical Islam.

s1owhand's photo
Sat 09/12/09 02:31 PM
Not all Muslims are extremists. But the ones who are have
been responsible for many many deaths. Lockerbie, the
bombings in Europe and the World Trade Center attacks....
All it takes for tyranny to reign is for good people to do

willing2's photo
Sat 09/12/09 02:35 PM
One last serious question for those defending radical Islams.
Knowing what they do to inifidels, when it comes time to convert or die, what will be your choice?

DaveyB's photo
Sat 09/12/09 02:36 PM
Edited by DaveyB on Sat 09/12/09 02:38 PM

Radical Islam & Sharia Law
By Patricia M English
Rated "PG" by the Author.
Last edited: Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Posted: Wednesday, August 12, 2009

An article on some of the Radical Islam tenets and Sharia Law.

Have you seen the movie “The Stoning of Soraya?” If not I recommend you go out and see it. One must admit that this is an extreme example of the worst of Sharia Law as practiced and advocated by Radical Islam. In Iran an innocent women is condemned to death by stoning because she was falsely accused of infidelity by a husband who wanted another woman. The story is a true one and took place in Iran during 1998. One sees the father, the husband and then the sons of Soraya stoning her to death. How sad! How could any religion/culture/cult be so brutal? However, while this may be an extreme example of Radical Islam, it is not unusual today to hear of honor murders in many non-Islamic countries where a woman is accused of anything from not marrying a selected husband to adultery.

The murders generally are conducted a little more humanly than with Soraya: They are conducted with guns or knives or by strangulation. If you think this cannot happen in the United States you are wrong! When she was just 19, Sandeela Kanwal traveled from America to Pakistan for an arranged marriage to a cousin twice her age. Less than six years later, after she refused to marry the cousin, she was dead, strangled by her father, Chaudhry Rashid, who was later arrested by police as the suspect for what some have called an "honor killing."

Many European countries have either adopted some form of Sharia Law or are considering it. Countries ruled by the tenets of Radical Islam are Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Sudan, Pakistan and Egypt. Even Non-Islamic countries like Canada, England, Holland, and Germany, where the Muslim population is growing at alarming rates, are contemplating incorporating some aspects of Sharia law into their judicial systems.

Sharia Law is a brutal method for Radical Islam to control its population by intimidation for supposed offenses against Allah. It comes into play in relation to how property is divided and inherited for women, sexual rights or prohibitions particularly for the female and what a woman must wear to keep her body covered. In some countries, such as Somalia, female genital mutilation is frequently performed on small female children. The book “Infidel” by Ayaan Hirsi Ali documents first hand this appalling procedure that was done to her and her sister when they were just small children in Somalia. In Afghanistan a new law allowing a man to rape his wife if she does not submit was recently instigated.

Generally, Sharia Law is not compatible with democracy. It does not treat women equal to men. Women are second-class citizens not allowed the same property, inheritance and sexual rights of a male. A woman is expected to wear at least a hijab, not associate with men other than her husband or father and walk behind her husband. Moreover, not just women, but all non-Muslims are second-class citizens in the eyes of Islam.

It is essential that the Obama way of pandering and appeasement, is challenged because the sad reality in many Muslim countries is one of persecution and repression. True democracy needs to challenge Radical Islamic nations like Saudi Arabia and in fact all nations that do not allow equal Human Rights for both males and females. I say to our current President, that it is time for him to realize the reality of the fact that the United States is a Judao/Christian country and yes, we are at war with Radical Islam.

Yeah, I didn't think you could answer that question. This is all a bunch of hearsay, put out by political extremists, that has little to do with anything the over whelming majority of Muslims believe today.

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 09/12/09 02:37 PM

One last serious question for those defending radical Islams.
Knowing what they do to inifidels, when it comes time to convert or die, what will be your choice?

willing...I think the point people are making is that not all Muslims are radicals. there are radicals everywhere and in everything but not everyone is radical. just as tolerance is every where but not in everyone. there are laws here that are enforced regardless of beliefs

DaveyB's photo
Sat 09/12/09 02:40 PM

One last serious question for those defending radical Islams.
Knowing what they do to inifidels, when it comes time to convert or die, what will be your choice?

willing...I think the point people are making is that not all Muslims are radicals. there are radicals everywhere and in everything but not everyone is radical. just as tolerance is every where but not in everyone. there are laws here that are enforced regardless of beliefs

Absolutely! If we are going to ban Muslim based on this kind of stuff, then we need to ban Christian because a tiny handful believe gays should be exterminated, and of course all KKK members are white so perhaps we should ban all white people and some men believe that women are inferior objects so perhaps we should ban all men. I know willing will never see it but it is EXACTLY the same logic.

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 09/12/09 02:41 PM

One last serious question for those defending radical Islams.
Knowing what they do to inifidels, when it comes time to convert or die, what will be your choice?

willing...I think the point people are making is that not all Muslims are radicals. there are radicals everywhere and in everything but not everyone is radical. just as tolerance is every where but not in everyone. there are laws here that are enforced regardless of beliefs

Absolutely! If we are going to ban Muslim based on this kind of stuff, then we need to ban Christian because a tiny handful believe gays should be exterminated, and of course all KKK members are white so perhaps we should ban all white people and some men believe that women are inferior objects so perhaps we should ban all men. I know willing will never see it but it is EXACTLY the same logic.

exactly...and ban all other religions/beliefs

willing2's photo
Sat 09/12/09 02:56 PM

One last serious question for those defending radical Islams.
Knowing what they do to inifidels, when it comes time to convert or die, what will be your choice?

willing...I think the point people are making is that not all Muslims are radicals. there are radicals everywhere and in everything but not everyone is radical. just as tolerance is every where but not in everyone. there are laws here that are enforced regardless of beliefs

Absolutely! If we are going to ban Muslim based on this kind of stuff, then we need to ban Christian because a tiny handful believe gays should be exterminated, and of course all KKK members are white so perhaps we should ban all white people and some men believe that women are inferior objects so perhaps we should ban all men. I know willing will never see it but it is EXACTLY the same logic.

exactly...and ban all other religions/beliefs

The point is, ban their Sharia Law, not their religion.

Here is what is currently going on.

Fact:In Afghanistan a new law allowing a man to rape his wife if she does not submit was recently instigated.

Fact:Generally, Sharia Law is not compatible with democracy. It does not treat women equal to men. Women are second-class citizens not allowed the same property, inheritance and sexual rights of a male. A woman is expected to wear at least a hijab, not associate with men other than her husband or father and walk behind her husband. Moreover, not just women, but all non-Muslims are second-class citizens in the eyes of Islam.

Fact:In some countries, such as Somalia, female genital mutilation is frequently performed on small female children.

Fact:However, while this may be an extreme example of Radical Islam, it is not unusual today to hear of honor murders in many non-Islamic countries where a woman is accused of anything from not marrying a selected husband to adultery.

Winx's photo
Sat 09/12/09 03:01 PM

One last serious question for those defending radical Islams.
Knowing what they do to inifidels, when it comes time to convert or die, what will be your choice?

I didn't see anybody defending radical Islams.

Winx's photo
Sat 09/12/09 03:04 PM
Edited by Winx on Sat 09/12/09 03:20 PM

One last serious question for those defending radical Islams.
Knowing what they do to inifidels, when it comes time to convert or die, what will be your choice?

willing...I think the point people are making is that not all Muslims are radicals. there are radicals everywhere and in everything but not everyone is radical. just as tolerance is every where but not in everyone. there are laws here that are enforced regardless of beliefs

Absolutely! If we are going to ban Muslim based on this kind of stuff, then we need to ban Christian because a tiny handful believe gays should be exterminated, and of course all KKK members are white so perhaps we should ban all white people and some men believe that women are inferior objects so perhaps we should ban all men. I know willing will never see it but it is EXACTLY the same logic.

exactly...and ban all other religions/beliefs

Fact:In some countries, such as Somalia, female genital mutilation is frequently performed on small female children.

That goes on in quite a few countries. It's been going on for many generations. It's an awful, cultural practice.

"Between 100 to 140 million girls and women worldwide are living with the consequences of FGM. In Africa, about 92 million girls age 10 years and above are estimated to have undergone FGM.

The practice is most common in the western, eastern, and north-eastern regions of Africa, in some countries in Asia and the Middle East, and among certain immigrant communities in North America and Europe."

"Types I, II and III female genital mutilation have been documented in 28 countries in Africa and in a few countries in Asia and the Middle East. Some forms of female genital mutilation have also been reported from other countries, including among certain ethnic groups in Central and South America. Growing migration has increased the number of girls and women living outside their country of origin who have undergone female genital mutilation (Yoder et al., 2004) or who may be at risk of being subjected to the practice."

"The type of procedure performed also varies, mainly with ethnicity.(Yoder and Khan, 2007)."

Countries that perform the ritual:

Burkina Faso
Central African Republic
Côte d’Ivoire
Sierra Leone
United Republic of Tanzania

This form of mutilation is not about the Muslim religion. It predates Islam and Christianity. Different faiths and ethnic groups do it. It comes from deeply rooted customs.

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 09/12/09 03:14 PM
in a way I do understand what willing is saying. let's take the KKK for example. they have the right to believe what they do....even if I think it's wrong, but they don't have the right to break laws. just like anyone...they have the right to their beliefs as long as it doesn't break laws

willing2's photo
Sat 09/12/09 03:22 PM
Off topic.
I have to go now. I recorded the tea party and I'm getting me a nice hot cup of tea and my blankie. I'll watch for a while and if I fall asleep, I can always go back to where it left off.

I still think the term Taliban was stolen from Jamaica. Sounds too raegae and hip-hop.
:banana: Do da' taliban afo' da' taliban do you.
A little to da' lef', a little to da' right.
Dodge dem' bullets tru da' middle o' da' night.
My taliban, you taliban, evebody wanna' gets a piece o'
dey own taliban!:banana:

After while, ya'll.
Take care of youselves and each other. (Jerry Springer)