Topic: Islamics gaining power in the UN
Winx's photo
Fri 09/11/09 10:55 PM

wait...Obama is the chair of the UN security council and he is Christian!!!!!!!!! )or muslim depending on what source you listen to laugh )

Get Obama out of the UN....he will destroy us all!!!scared

That would be hilarious if so many out there did not think that exact thing.slaphead

think what?????

BHO quote, The United States has been enriched by Muslim Americans. Many other Americans have Muslims in their families or have lived in a Muslim-majority country - I know, because I am one of them.
BHO quote, My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it.
Which way you think he'll vote?

It's called tolerance and knowing that one way isn't always the correct way.

willing, have you personally spent time with muslims from different countries of orgin to know what their personal beliefs are? Have you actual been to different islamic countries to actually see the difference between them? Before, you go spouting rhetoric and defining groups of people into a box. And learn about different cultures/religions/countries of orgin!

I have read a lot of how Shari'ah Law and Muslim Religion overlap.
I study the history of Islam in the Middle East, UK, and Canada.
I have links to sites of ex-muslims, mainly the women, talking about how life was, how free they feel not being under the rule and how they fear being found out, knowing they could be killed for turning away from Islam.
I also see the attempt of Islam invading our culture also.

Yes, there is abuse and neglect and oppression of women in all culture, societies, religious and countries.

As for 'invading our culture', isn't that what was said of all immigrants. Isn't that putting all individual of islamic faith into a box and marginalizing them.

You have read, studied and researched websites, but have you sat down and had a conversation with someone of the islamic faith? Have you attended conferences surrounding islamic issues? Have you done anything but pick and choice what suits your agenda?

I draw my conclusions from other countries experiances with them. Most of those countries would expel them all except now, they can't.
Their goal is to convert the unbeliever. Those they can't convert, they are to kill.

Which islamic countries are you refering to?

I am refering to the quran.

Also, here is news from Gaza.
Hamas institutes Sharia law in Gaza
January 9, 2009
Hamas implements Sharia law in Gaza, including the crucifixion of Christians. New and Improved: includes amputation or the death penalty for actions Hamas deems detrimental to “Palestinian interests.”

Hamas is a terrorist organization. They don't speak for all of the people.

tanyaann's photo
Fri 09/11/09 10:59 PM

Any country that invites Islam, invites big problems.
I have access to many more autrocities commited in the name of Allah and to enforce the Law of Mohammed.

And how many autrocities were committed in the name of God or Jesus or Pope?

You are sterotyping all muslim individuals to be radicals that will terrorize our country and it's not correct! You can NOT put or define people in a box!

You are assuming.
I am presenting current facts and realities.
One of Mohammeds commandments on conversion;
Attempt the conversion of the non-believer with peace and passivity. If need be, lie.
If peacefull conversion is not possible, then they are lost souls and you are commanded to do them the favor and end their lives.

I highly doubt that is an accurate passage from the Qur'an.

Secondly, doesn't the Bible say 'an eye for an eye', huh? We don't go around and using that direct inprepretation!

I highly suggest that you do more direct and accurate research about the islamic religion, instead of spreading half-truths!

And I am too tired to sit here and correct, illogic and false interpretation of new articles, websites and hearsay.

So, if anyone has any questions about islam and I can answer or find the information for you, please feel free to email me!

willing2's photo
Fri 09/11/09 11:00 PM

Any country that invites Islam, invites big problems.
I have access to many more autrocities commited in the name of Allah and to enforce the Law of Mohammed.

And how many autrocities were committed in the name of God or Jesus or Pope?

You are sterotyping all muslim individuals to be radicals that will terrorize our country and it's not correct! You can NOT put or define people in a box!

You are assuming.
I am presenting current facts and realities.
One of Mohammeds commandments on conversion;
Attempt the conversion of the non-believer with peace and passivity. If need be, lie.
If peacefull conversion is not possible, then they are lost souls and you are commanded to do them the favor and end their lives.

It's all good.
I know the post to cover facts trick.laugh

willing2's photo
Fri 09/11/09 11:05 PM
Edited by willing2 on Fri 09/11/09 11:08 PM

Any country that invites Islam, invites big problems.
I have access to many more autrocities commited in the name of Allah and to enforce the Law of Mohammed.

And how many autrocities were committed in the name of God or Jesus or Pope?

You are sterotyping all muslim individuals to be radicals that will terrorize our country and it's not correct! You can NOT put or define people in a box!

You are assuming.
I am presenting current facts and realities.
One of Mohammeds commandments on conversion;
Attempt the conversion of the non-believer with peace and passivity. If need be, lie.
If peacefull conversion is not possible, then they are lost souls and you are commanded to do them the favor and end their lives.

I highly doubt that is an accurate passage from the Qur'an.

Secondly, doesn't the Bible say 'an eye for an eye', huh? We don't go around and using that direct inprepretation!

I highly suggest that you do more direct and accurate research about the islamic religion, instead of spreading half-truths!

And I am too tired to sit here and correct, illogic and false interpretation of new articles, websites and hearsay.

So, if anyone has any questions about islam and I can answer or find the information for you, please feel free to email me!

You claim illogic and half-truths. Prove me wrong with real proof and not just your words.
Why, when the truth about Islam is all over the web, would anyone email you about your representation and you can't even quote quran and defend Shari'ah Law?
Dios, te bendiga y hasta manana.
Soy bien consada.

tanyaann's photo
Fri 09/11/09 11:07 PM
Edited by tanyaann on Fri 09/11/09 11:10 PM
It's called not condemning all people within a certain group because of a few bad apples. It's called understanding all angles of the situation before pushing out information that only has part of the truth or the truth that the media wants to display or the truth that you are told to tell.

If you spent one day with a muslim women that lives in a conservative islamic home, then you can tell me about oppression... overseas or here!

If you go to townhall meetings for the arab-american community that were addressing racism and discrimination, when they are american citizens and are just trying to live the 'american dream'.... then you can tell me that all of islam is bad.

If you actual read the Qur'an in arab and truly understand the teaching and concepts from the mosque... then you can deem the actual interpretation of the text.

Stop spending so much time online looking at website with conspiracy theories and junk, and actually spend sometime in the real world... where real people live and suffer.

If you are so concerned about the women who are oppressed under islam, why not support organizations that are aid those women along with many other international civil right violates like the genocides in Africa.

tanyaann's photo
Fri 09/11/09 11:10 PM

Any country that invites Islam, invites big problems.
I have access to many more autrocities commited in the name of Allah and to enforce the Law of Mohammed.

And how many autrocities were committed in the name of God or Jesus or Pope?

You are sterotyping all muslim individuals to be radicals that will terrorize our country and it's not correct! You can NOT put or define people in a box!

You are assuming.
I am presenting current facts and realities.
One of Mohammeds commandments on conversion;
Attempt the conversion of the non-believer with peace and passivity. If need be, lie.
If peacefull conversion is not possible, then they are lost souls and you are commanded to do them the favor and end their lives.

I highly doubt that is an accurate passage from the Qur'an.

Secondly, doesn't the Bible say 'an eye for an eye', huh? We don't go around and using that direct inprepretation!

I highly suggest that you do more direct and accurate research about the islamic religion, instead of spreading half-truths!

And I am too tired to sit here and correct, illogic and false interpretation of new articles, websites and hearsay.

So, if anyone has any questions about islam and I can answer or find the information for you, please feel free to email me!

You claim illogic and half-truths. Prove me wrong with real proof and not just your words.
Why, when the truth about Islam is all over the web, would anyone email you about your representation and you can't even quote quran and defend Shari'ah Law?

I am not hear to defend the text of the Quran or Shairah law. I am not an expert in that... I am an expert in oppression and discrimination of 'other' groups. And put posting new articles that don't have all the facts and searching the internet like its the end all be all for information about the world, the real facts are out in the world!

willing2's photo
Sat 09/12/09 04:25 AM
The United States must change its immigration policies to exclude Muslims. Islam is both a religion and a political ideology, and its politics are supremacist. That is, the doctrines of mainstream Islam command the followers of this faith to work toward the dominance of their religion over all other religions and the subjugation of all other political systems beneath the Islamic political system (Shari'a). In this sense, Islam seeks to overthrow the established Constitution of the United States, and to replace it with Shari'a. That is sedition. This does not refer to some "extreme" or "radical" form of Islam. Shari'a is a fundamental part of the mainstream Islamic faith. (Read more about it: Islam 101.) It is the duty of every Muslim to work toward establishing Shari'a wherever possible. This means an American who practices the Islamic faith fully must necessarily commit acts of sedition.

Furthermore, one of the basic tenets of the faith is that loyalty to Islam comes before loyalty to any government or country.

When Muslims move into any country, a certain percentage of them will start agitating for special considerations. They start to organize and influence the nation politically in a way that is good for Islam and bad for freedom and equality. They have already started in America. When the percentage of the Muslims in a nation's population becomes high enough, they gain so much political power that freedoms and rights begin to disappear.

There may be plenty of Muslims who reject these basic principles of Islamic doctrine, but we have no way to determine who does and who doesn't. We could ask them on their immigration application, but another Islamic principle allows Muslims to deceive non-Muslims if it helps the spread or dominance of Islam, so we cannot trust their answers.

We should not take the chance, at least until we find some way to determine who genuinely rejects the political goals of Islam and who does not. In the meantime, we should stop all immigration into the United States by Muslims.

Does this seem extreme? It's not as unreasonable as it might seem. We already choose who can immigrate and who cannot. We make the rules. This is our country, after all. We are not under any obligation to allow anyone to immigrate just because they want to. They do it with our blessing or they don't do it.

So this policy is simply adding to the already-existing filter.

The first criticism of this policy will probably be, "It is racist." But it is not racist. Islam is not a race; it's an ideology. The policy would be nothing more than informed, reasonable self-preservation. If there is a group of any kind (religious or not) who has an established doctrine and intent to overthrow our government, it would be self-destructive to grant entry to their members.

KerryO's photo
Sat 09/12/09 05:43 AM
Edited by KerryO on Sat 09/12/09 05:46 AM

First off, you didn't write this, Willing. You lifted it from here:

If one googles a lot of what gets posted here by the most radical conservatives, one can tell a lot of conservative thought posted here is scripted. To be blunt, these forums are turning into the CMM, the Conservative Mainstream Media. One might as well be arguing with a robot pre-programmed to print out the same propaganda over and over.

Second, there's this little stumbling block called the Constitution of the United States that makes what this plagiarized essay wants patently illegal.

Unless you're going to suggest that the Constitution should be ammended to say "Freedom of Religion only applies to Christianity and those religiouns of which Christians approve", some 'liberal' court is going to shoot any attempt to implement this down.

And you're not going to do that, right?

-Kerry O.

willing2's photo
Sat 09/12/09 06:54 AM


First off, you didn't write this, Willing. You lifted it from here:

If one googles a lot of what gets posted here by the most radical conservatives, one can tell a lot of conservative thought posted here is scripted. To be blunt, these forums are turning into the CMM, the Conservative Mainstream Media. One might as well be arguing with a robot pre-programmed to print out the same propaganda over and over.

Second, there's this little stumbling block called the Constitution of the United States that makes what this plagiarized essay wants patently illegal.

Unless you're going to suggest that the Constitution should be ammended to say "Freedom of Religion only applies to Christianity and those religiouns of which Christians approve", some 'liberal' court is going to shoot any attempt to implement this down.

And you're not going to do that, right?

-Kerry O.

Got nothing to do with freedom of religion.
Has everything with blocking them from implementing Sahri'ah Law and given speciasl consideration to live seperatist lives, not subject to our laws.
I see no problem with them similating into our society.
However, the first word or suggestion for special considerations, Bam, ship them back to Mecca.

No, this petition isn't in Contra to the Constitution.

We have every right to screen Immigrants.

no photo
Sat 09/12/09 06:55 AM

wait...Obama is the chair of the UN security council and he is Christian!!!!!!!!! )or muslim depending on what source you listen to laugh )

Get Obama out of the UN....he will destroy us all!!!scared

You aren't serious are you?

no photo
Sat 09/12/09 06:58 AM

Islamics in the UN are introducing resolution that would make it a hate crime to bad mouth Mohammed.
Also, they are stating that anyone opposed to Shari'ah Law should be classified terrorists.

They are trying to flip the script and act like Christians, how dare they!!!!!!
I agree with you..its been kicking off today in london as they want the shari'ah law over here in the UK alsonoway

Correct me if I'm wrong, Kieth.
I believe I read where, now, in the UK, Law Enforcement do not interefere with domestic dispute when they know it's a Muslim family. Such as, child or spousal abuse.
I dont know about that.I think the Muslims have their own court 2 deal with some things and i know they can get a mortgage and not pay interest on it..trouble you cant say 2 much because you are then classed rasisit.but i think if they come here they should live by our laws not theirs

They should live by the laws of the country they adopt, I agree.

willing2's photo
Sat 09/12/09 07:01 AM

Islamics in the UN are introducing resolution that would make it a hate crime to bad mouth Mohammed.
Also, they are stating that anyone opposed to Shari'ah Law should be classified terrorists.

They are trying to flip the script and act like Christians, how dare they!!!!!!

If you only had an inkling of an idea.
In the world of Islam, women are worth less than cattle.
You would not have the luxury of speaking your mind. If you had an idea, you would have to present it through a male family member or husband.
Check it out.
Shari'ah Law is quite interesting. It benifits men to no end. Gives us all the power.

Until we can get Christians under control with all their imposing of their laws on the world, we cannot get any other religion under control. If it okay for one it is okay for all.

^^^BHO claims to be Christian. You're right, we need to get him under control and stop his imposing his will on us. Great idea, dragonlady!:wink: laugh

no photo
Sat 09/12/09 07:03 AM

wait...Obama is the chair of the UN security council and he is Christian!!!!!!!!! )or muslim depending on what source you listen to laugh )

Get Obama out of the UN....he will destroy us all!!!scared

That would be hilarious if so many out there did not think that exact thing.slaphead

think what?????

BHO quote, The United States has been enriched by Muslim Americans. Many other Americans have Muslims in their families or have lived in a Muslim-majority country - I know, because I am one of them.
BHO quote, My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it.
Which way you think he'll vote?

Depends on how you took that. I am gathering you took it to mean he was admiting being a muslim? Which by the way that does not say. Correct me if I am wrong in how you took that.

willing2's photo
Sat 09/12/09 07:19 AM

wait...Obama is the chair of the UN security council and he is Christian!!!!!!!!! )or muslim depending on what source you listen to laugh )

Get Obama out of the UN....he will destroy us all!!!scared

That would be hilarious if so many out there did not think that exact thing.slaphead

think what?????

BHO quote, The United States has been enriched by Muslim Americans. Many other Americans have Muslims in their families or have lived in a Muslim-majority country - I know, because I am one of them.
BHO quote, My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it.
Which way you think he'll vote?

Depends on how you took that. I am gathering you took it to mean he was admiting being a muslim? Which by the way that does not say. Correct me if I am wrong in how you took that.

He did say he would stand with the Muslim.
Could be an admission to being Muslim and Loyal to Islam. Could also mean, he will stand behind their ideology and support Shari'ah Law

willing2's photo
Sat 09/12/09 07:26 AM


First off, you didn't write this, Willing. You lifted it from here:

If one googles a lot of what gets posted here by the most radical conservatives, one can tell a lot of conservative thought posted here is scripted. To be blunt, these forums are turning into the CMM, the Conservative Mainstream Media. One might as well be arguing with a robot pre-programmed to print out the same propaganda over and over.

Second, there's this little stumbling block called the Constitution of the United States that makes what this plagiarized essay wants patently illegal.

Unless you're going to suggest that the Constitution should be ammended to say "Freedom of Religion only applies to Christianity and those religiouns of which Christians approve", some 'liberal' court is going to shoot any attempt to implement this down.

And you're not going to do that, right?

-Kerry O.

Got nothing to do with freedom of religion.
Has everything with blocking them from implementing Sahri'ah Law and given speciasl consideration to live seperatist lives, not subject to our laws.
I see no problem with them similating into our society.
However, the first word or suggestion for special considerations, Bam, ship them back to Mecca.

No, this petition isn't in Contra to the Constitution.

We have every right to screen Immigrants.

Wan to address another thing.
I see a desire to censor and quiet the voice of the opposition.
This area of the forums is Politics, News and Current Events.
I copy and paste the news. Makes sense.
I also copy and paste ideas I agree with. Saves typing.
I also use other peoples investigations. The best I can, I attempt to use MSM to validate stories. However, most of them censor news that would shed a negative light on their favorites.

no photo
Sat 09/12/09 07:40 AM

wait...Obama is the chair of the UN security council and he is Christian!!!!!!!!! )or muslim depending on what source you listen to laugh )

Get Obama out of the UN....he will destroy us all!!!scared

That would be hilarious if so many out there did not think that exact thing.slaphead

think what?????

BHO quote, The United States has been enriched by Muslim Americans. Many other Americans have Muslims in their families or have lived in a Muslim-majority country - I know, because I am one of them.
BHO quote, My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it.
Which way you think he'll vote?

Depends on how you took that. I am gathering you took it to mean he was admiting being a muslim? Which by the way that does not say. Correct me if I am wrong in how you took that.

He did say he would stand with the Muslim.
Could be an admission to being Muslim and Loyal to Islam. Could also mean, he will stand behind their ideology and support Shari'ah Law

slaphead You give me a severe headache. Think I need some asprin...

willing2's photo
Sat 09/12/09 07:55 AM
There is another free dating website, Canadian owned, I used to do the forums on.
The Muslims demanding censorship got so bad, they deleted Current Events.
Every time a topic came up that came close to discussing Islan, Shari'ah Law or Muslims in general, a Muslim would post they were offended and the topic dissapeared.
I won't mention the website by name but the fish were aplenty.

tohyup's photo
Sat 09/12/09 07:56 AM

Islamics in the UN are introducing resolution that would make it a hate crime to bad mouth Mohammed.
Also, they are stating that anyone opposed to Shari'ah Law should be classified terrorists.

I never heard this news . Where did you get it from as I wish to know more about this ?!!.

willing2's photo
Sat 09/12/09 08:28 AM

Islamics in the UN are introducing resolution that would make it a hate crime to bad mouth Mohammed.
Also, they are stating that anyone opposed to Shari'ah Law should be classified terrorists.

I never heard this news . Where did you get it from as I wish to know more about this ?!!.
I lost track of the original article.
Here is another link.

Winx's photo
Sat 09/12/09 09:11 AM
Edited by Winx on Sat 09/12/09 09:12 AM

wait...Obama is the chair of the UN security council and he is Christian!!!!!!!!! )or muslim depending on what source you listen to laugh )

Get Obama out of the UN....he will destroy us all!!!scared

That would be hilarious if so many out there did not think that exact thing.slaphead

think what?????

BHO quote, The United States has been enriched by Muslim Americans. Many other Americans have Muslims in their families or have lived in a Muslim-majority country - I know, because I am one of them.
BHO quote, My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it.
Which way you think he'll vote?

Depends on how you took that. I am gathering you took it to mean he was admiting being a muslim? Which by the way that does not say. Correct me if I am wrong in how you took that.

He did say he would stand with the Muslim.
Could be an admission to being Muslim and Loyal to Islam. Could also mean, he will stand behind their ideology and support Shari'ah Law

Could be? Making things up again.