Topic: Stranger accused of slapping crying child at store
Quietman_2009's photo
Thu 09/10/09 12:22 AM
but we still dont know what a nonce is

adj4u's photo
Thu 09/10/09 12:24 AM

if the kid was sick then she should not have it out

and read my other post

i said he should not of hit her

point is if she was being a good mother he could not have gotten to her to hit her

if she was holding the child rather than just letting her sit there

then he could not have hit her

and if she was concerned about others she would have tried to comfort the child or remove the child from the store

parents should be held accountable for the actions of their children

age is no excuse to be disruptive

talk about strange??? What you say???


artman48's photo
Thu 09/10/09 12:26 AM
Where were all the men and women standing around---why didn't they beat the sh-t out of this a$$ hole--Come on!!!

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 09/10/09 12:27 AM
* Main Entry: 1nonce
* Pronunciation: \ˈnän(t)s\
* Function: noun
* Etymology: Middle English nanes, alteration (from misdivision of then anes in such phrases as to then anes for the one purpose) of anes one purpose, irregular from an, on one — more at one
* Date: 13th century

1 : the one, particular, or present occasion, purpose, or use <for the nonce>
2 : the time being


markecephus's photo
Thu 09/10/09 12:33 AM

I realize this is a touchy subject, but please do keep it within the normal realm of discussion. Please do not attack/insult others. Please do not bait others with negative responses.

My feeling is, that some of you know, this is a sore subject. Making jokes about this is baiting. Lets not have that, please.


artman48's photo
Thu 09/10/09 12:33 AM

if the kid was sick then she should not have it out

and read my other post

i said he should not of hit her

point is if she was being a good mother he could not have gotten to her to hit her

if she was holding the child rather than just letting her sit there

then he could not have hit her

and if she was concerned about others she would have tried to comfort the child or remove the child from the store

parents should be held accountable for the actions of their children

age is no excuse to be disruptive

talk about strange??? What you say???

age is no excuse to be disruptive??? The kid was 2 Yes I said 2

no photo
Thu 09/10/09 12:35 AM
age is no excuse to be disruptive???

i spose you want babies to not cry when there hungry
but put there hands up and say please can i be fed

adj4u's photo
Thu 09/10/09 12:36 AM

if the kid was sick then she should not have it out

and read my other post

i said he should not of hit her

point is if she was being a good mother he could not have gotten to her to hit her

if she was holding the child rather than just letting her sit there

then he could not have hit her

and if she was concerned about others she would have tried to comfort the child or remove the child from the store

parents should be held accountable for the actions of their children

age is no excuse to be disruptive

talk about strange??? What you say???

age is no excuse to be disruptive??? The kid was 2 Yes I said 2


that is why the mother should have handled the child properly

her disregard for the child lead to the guy doing what he should not have done

adj4u's photo
Thu 09/10/09 12:37 AM

age is no excuse to be disruptive???

i spose you want babies to not cry when there hungry
but put there hands up and say please can i be fed

the child should have been properly prepared to be in public

which includes being fed before they left

no photo
Thu 09/10/09 12:38 AM
her disregard for the child lead to the guy doing what he should not have done

babies dont just stop crying when you pick em up ot shush them
it takes time and for you to think the mans actions were in anyway justified is either insanity or you just trollin for a response

artman48's photo
Thu 09/10/09 12:40 AM

if the kid was sick then she should not have it out

and read my other post

i said he should not of hit her

point is if she was being a good mother he could not have gotten to her to hit her

if she was holding the child rather than just letting her sit there

then he could not have hit her

and if she was concerned about others she would have tried to comfort the child or remove the child from the store

parents should be held accountable for the actions of their children

age is no excuse to be disruptive

talk about strange??? What you say???

age is no excuse to be disruptive??? The kid was 2 Yes I said 2


that is why the mother should have handled the child properly

her disregard for the child lead to the guy doing what he should not have done

her disregard?? boy, ya got me there! She was a bad mom so the guy had no choice but to hit the kid--done with you buddy--

adj4u's photo
Thu 09/10/09 12:42 AM

if the kid was sick then she should not have it out

and read my other post

i said he should not of hit her

point is if she was being a good mother he could not have gotten to her to hit her

if she was holding the child rather than just letting her sit there

then he could not have hit her

and if she was concerned about others she would have tried to comfort the child or remove the child from the store

parents should be held accountable for the actions of their children

age is no excuse to be disruptive

talk about strange??? What you say???

age is no excuse to be disruptive??? The kid was 2 Yes I said 2


that is why the mother should have handled the child properly

her disregard for the child lead to the guy doing what he should not have done

her disregard?? boy, ya got me there! She was a bad mom so the guy had no choice but to hit the kid--done with you buddy--

again another that does not read the thread and just picks and chooses what to respond to

adj4u's photo
Thu 09/10/09 12:43 AM

i must say the man was wrong totally wrong and should be charged and tried

now that said

the mother should also have the child under control

if the child was crying because she was sick (the child should not be in public)

if the child was having a tantrum the child should have been removed from the store (and disciplined by the parent)

the parents of children should be held accountable for the unruly and loud behavior of their children

if i go to a restaurant i purposely avoid where th little kids are

and if they come in and sit near me and act up i let the wait staff know to give my bill to the parent of the acting up cjild forr ruining my dining out experience

yes the man was wrong but children in public need to be under control

that is one reason i ry to go in the middle of the night no or few kids

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 09/10/09 12:46 AM
I like babies.

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 09/10/09 12:54 AM
ok ok ok ....since I've been here...let me clarify. ADJ says the guy was wrong COMPLETELY but think the mom should have tended to the child as well....NOT that the child deserved to get hit

Quietman_2009's photo
Thu 09/10/09 12:57 AM
yeah he should have slapped the mom not the baby

adj4u's photo
Thu 09/10/09 01:02 AM
Edited by adj4u on Thu 09/10/09 01:04 AM

ok ok ok ....since I've been here...let me clarify. ADJ says the guy was wrong COMPLETELY but think the mom should have tended to the child as well....NOT that the child deserved to get hit


some can not read it properly

english must not be their first language

Katzenschnauzer's photo
Thu 09/10/09 01:02 AM

I agree that this dude was way wrong in doing what he did, but I have seen parents do some awful things as well.

I used to be a Sheriff's Deputy. I worked the 3pm-11 shift, and would often stop off at a store on my way home. I saw many parents with unruly children point to me and say I'd arrest their child if he or she didn't start behaving. What kind of message does that send to a 3 year old?

One time, I told a woman I'd arrest her if she kept on talking to her child like that. It's called abuse, even if hands aren't used.

frustrated frustrated

At home she would say, "What til your father gets home!" making him the bad guy. But she can't do that because the fatherS(plural)are doing time or just spread out making new kids.

lulu24's photo
Thu 09/10/09 07:44 AM
i think some of the details are being missed.

the guy threatened to shut the baby up, and they went about their separate ways. two aisles LATER, man rushes up and grabs kiddo. mom might have had her back turned grabbing something off of the top shelf.

the guy was then tackled to the ground by customers and employees, who held him for the police.

sometimes, taking your baby to walmart IS caring for them. sometimes, they need food or medicine, and no amount of hugging is going to make it better until they can get it.

no photo
Thu 09/10/09 07:48 AM
he sounds like a psycho to me
how anyone can defend his actions
and even think to blame the mother
is totally beyond me