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Topic: The Earth and Space Spiritualism Thread
Ruth34611's photo
Thu 09/17/09 05:51 PM
Those google books are usually missing pages. A lot of pages.

no photo
Thu 09/17/09 06:55 PM
Well that is good to know. laugh

Besides I like the crisp feel of pages in my hand anyway.drinker

Although I should value one of those Amazon Kindles one day. It saves trees!drinker

Ruth34611's photo
Thu 09/17/09 07:55 PM
I'm back online for real!!!!! I can see all of the posts on a big screen and the pictures and everything!


Abracadabra's photo
Thu 09/17/09 08:22 PM
I didn't tell you to buy the book John. laugh

In fact, I didn't even recommend it. I merely said that I found it whilst searching for the "Stone of Sovereignty".

Sorry about that. slaphead

I just found that preview today. I read the first few pages myself. I looks like it's about Egyptian mythology with the Benben, the Aton, the Egyptian Sun God Ra and so on. I have no idea what the story is about. The few reviews I read said the readers were inspired to do some introspection after having read it. So I don't know. The chapter titles sound intriguing.

RUTH! A new computer! Alright! :thumbsup: :banana:

By the way, I went down to the river today and found an actual "stone of sovereignty". It's part of my journey. I was also worshiping Malkuth all day long. I think I'm going to start worshiping Malkuth pretty intensely for a while.

John wrote:

The Labrinyth Garden Path is remarkable James

Thank you John, that's still pretty much in the realm of Yesod but I've started to bring some of it into the realm of Malkuth.

This is fun working with the Qabalah gods. laugh

Ruth34611's photo
Thu 09/17/09 08:43 PM

By the way, I went down to the river today and found an actual "stone of sovereignty". It's part of my journey. I was also worshiping Malkuth all day long. I think I'm going to start worshiping Malkuth pretty intensely for a while.

I'm looking for mine. I feel it. It's close.

no photo
Thu 09/17/09 08:44 PM
Edited by smiless on Thu 09/17/09 08:53 PM
Oh no I don't put any blame on you James.laugh It is quite alright. I collect books anyway. I buy tons per month and I read only so many. Sounds silly right. laugh

This book might also give me more ideas to elaborate in my fantasy world anyway. Egyptians are a fascinating culture by the way. I don't like everything they did back then, but some things are really interesting to learn about. Actually people are still digging up new discoveries as we speak.

The Blue Shaman will be fun. I might make a blue shaman academy in the Lands of Bavidirian some day for those who seek apprenticeships. Half Orcs cannot apply. laugh drinker

Ruth congratulations on that new computer. I remember my very first computer 4 years ago. It was a gift from a publishing company. I know, I know very late in life. I didn't get my very own until I was 37!! I am not that old but I am certainly old fashioned and still value my typewriter today.laugh

Here is something I want to share by the way:

"Always understand that earth is omnipresent. Have faith that we are one with earth. I am the servant of every one of you. I have no certain belief to dwell, yet I do dwell in your hearts." - smiless

Ruth34611's photo
Thu 09/17/09 08:48 PM


Malkuth is the realm of physical manifestation. (Note to Ruth: In some previous posts I misspelled Malkuth as Mulkuth) It's a spelling error, not an additional god. :wink:)

In terms consciousness Malkuth could be thought of as the mastery of physical discipline. If you can take good care of your body, health, and mind, and you are responsible toward your family and career, and you are environmentally conscious, then you are in alignment with Malkuth. The more responsible your are, the more in alignment you are with Malkuth. The obligation of Malkuth is discipline. The vices are sloth and gluttony.

You must be in alignment with Malkuth to move upward on the Qabalah. Of course, you don't need to be in perfect alignment to move up, but the more aligned you are with Malkuth the easier it will be to climb the tree of consciousness (the Qabalah).

So, you can't really conquer the next levels until you have your physical body under control. Which makes perfect sense. If you have no will power over your basic desires like food and sleep then how can you possibly go on to mastering those things that occur in the mind?

I guess this is why fasting is considered important in those trying to obtain spiritual enlightenment. If I'm stuffed and lying around on the couch all day watching TV, I'll never make any progress anywhere else.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 09/17/09 09:49 PM
Edited by Abracadabra on Thu 09/17/09 10:28 PM
So, you can't really conquer the next levels until you have your physical body under control. Which makes perfect sense. If you have no will power over your basic desires like food and sleep then how can you possibly go on to mastering those things that occur in the mind?

This is true. But keep in mind those two very important words, conquer and mastering.

It's not that you can't enter into the worlds of Hod, Yesod, Netzach (or even higher sephiroth) until you've first mastered Malkuth.

You most certainly can!

However, if you didn't have the discipline required to master Malkuth, then chances are very likely that you aren't going to have the discipline to master the other realms either.

So it's not that you can't do magick. It's just that you're more likely to screw it up if you don't have the discipline to do it carefully and methodically.

It's like magick is a sword and the world of Malkuth is a china shop. If you give an undisciplined child a sword and send them running through a china shop weilding the sword around carelessly they'll wield it alright! But what's going to be the end result?

Every human wields magick ever moment of their waking lives. What they don't realize is that this is precisely what they are going and so they are totally distroying everything around them and ruining relationships and they don't even realize that they are the ones who are doing it!

They don't even KNOW that they are wielding magick. They think it's all just "happening" to them. But nope. It's their own invisible athame they are flinging around cutting up their own environment and butchering their own relationships with.

This is why everyone should be taught how to do magick correctly. They're all using it anyway, they may as well learn to do it right.


But the way, I've started a program to quite literally "worship" Malkuth and to seek Malkuth's salvation.

This may sound a bit odd, but just replace the word "worship" with "respect" and perhaps you'll better understand what I'm really talking about.

I think perhaps this is the real "value" of the "gods". If we make "Principles" into "gods" and worship those "gods" then we worship those "Principles" and that's the key to consciousness.

It's easier to worship a 'deity' because we can visualize them as being genuine entities that "expect" things from us. If it's just a delusion, then it's a good delusion. As long as it doesn't get carried away and turned into a jealous deity who hates heathens. In that case it's backfired and became a demon instead of a god.

I've been chanting "Malkuth" almost all day today when I was going chores just to help keep me disciplined and moving. It actually works. bigsmile

no photo
Thu 09/17/09 11:05 PM
Edited by smiless on Thu 09/17/09 11:12 PM
I have been chanting the earth, the air, the fire, the water to return, to return, to return all day. laugh

When I think of all the elements I am actually realizing how each object we look at is made from one or more elements. It just gives me a clearer perspective of how much we are unified with everyone and everything that we see, touch, hear, and taste all day.

Sounds weird I know, but what can I say, this chanting does that to me. laugh

no photo
Thu 09/17/09 11:18 PM
The next thing I know I am staring at a pencil wondering how many elements did it really take to make it. laugh

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 09/18/09 12:37 AM
If the ancient's knew how many chemicals there truly are imagine how bit the qabalah would have been! laugh

They'd have over a hundred gods and goddesses!

Although, in truth, I think they did anyway. laugh

no photo
Fri 09/18/09 05:10 AM

I could imagine it was quite complicated indeed. What a study they had to do to make sure to know every god or goddesses name back then. I wonder if the children had to study this in school in ancient times.

I wonder if the qabalah tree was only studied by the scribes or by everyone in the community back then?

Okay enough questions for today. laugh

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 09/18/09 06:00 AM

However, if you didn't have the discipline required to master Malkuth, then chances are very likely that you aren't going to have the discipline to master the other realms either.

Makes perfect sense.

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 09/18/09 06:02 AM

But the way, I've started a program to quite literally "worship" Malkuth and to seek Malkuth's salvation.

Care to share why you have chosen Malkuth at this time?

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 09/18/09 06:20 AM
Flying Spell

Upon 40 days of Prayre and Fasting, with Purest Faithe andCalling unto the Gods...

I. Clasp near thy rod of power (a.k.a. a telephone)

II. Call forth for ye Spirits of Travelle and theire nefarious Agents

III. Yea, state and visualize thy destination --thrice, for the Agents of Travel to Comprhende Thee...

IV. Yea, Task them and overcome them in Ye Test of Wills


VI. Two weeks hence, take ye under New Moon to Clearing of the Travel

VII. Present Thyself in Trembling and Loathing to the Guardians of the Towers of the North, East, South and West and Present to them the holy scroll of the High Priestess: TICKET

VIII. Pass ye surely through the Elemental Detector and its "Ever Alert" guardians of Thy Safety (But not Thy Rights)

IX. Wait Until the Stars show, the wind blows and the new grass grows

X. When your Gryphon of Metal arriveth (and, ha, craven fool, it arriveth not when ye expect but only upon the winged beast's good and fickle pleasure), board it and fly away.

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 09/18/09 10:23 AM

But the way, I've started a program to quite literally "worship" Malkuth and to seek Malkuth's salvation.

Care to share why you have chosen Malkuth at this time?

Because that's where I need the most work in my personal journey right now.

Just for clarification, I never meant to imply that I'm worshiping Malkuth to the "exclusion" of the other gods. I'm currently working with Yesod and Netzach as well. I'm overly familiar with Hod since that is the God that I had worshipped my entire life without even realizing it.

I also have quite a bit of familiarity with Tipereth and Geburah. I've been extremely out of balance throughout my life. I was always aware of this but uncertain of how to come into balance. I think now, this Qabalah map, I may be able to change that.

I had also worshiped Yesod most of my life, but what I've failed to do was to bring Yesod into Malkuth. So I'm actually working with both Yesod and Malkuth right now I guess. Just the same I need to focus on Malkuth first.

To experience more of Netzach is what I truly need to get into balance. Netzach requires social interaction. There's no question about it. And so Netzach is going to be the most difficult of all the Sephiroth for me. It always has been. If I can ever get into harmony with Netzach I think I'll skyrocket to Chesed almost simultaneously. Then I can enjoy Geburah and Chesed together.

That's all I'm interested in achieving in this incarnation.

I'm not the least bit concerned with reaching Chokmah, Binah, or Kether in this lifetime. I'm not prepared to pass through the abyss yet. From my point of view that's not the purpose of the game. It's not a rush to the top. It's the JOURNEY of how you get there that's the joy of life.

Although, thanks to Penczak (and you) I'll be introduced to Chokmah and Binah in Penczak's last two books of this series. So at least I'll come to know them in this lifetime and probably commune with them in more intimate ways.

One of those two books came just today. bigsmile

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 09/18/09 11:03 AM
I've been looking through the "God Book" today. This is the final book of Penczak's witchcraft series. Just from having flipped through it superficially it appears to be nothing more than a presentation of the 12 signs of the Zodiac.

Penczak starts with Aries, which is traditional in astrology. But he also points out that this would be like starting out in Ostara. Or the spring of the year. He suggests that this makes sense for witches who cast their circles starting in the East with Air.

I cast all my circles starting in the North with Earth and my year begins with the Yule and the Birth of the God.

This difference in views is actually quite profound for me. When I created my Labyrinth Garden and inserted the Zodiac into the Tarot starting with Capricorn it melds together perfectly. Had I started with Aries I don't think it would have made any sense at all.

So I was 'lucky' with that, if luck did indeed had anything to do with it. I was intuitively called to everything I did. So was that luck? Or something else?

As I flip through his book reading some excerpts I already "feel" the missing pieces. The "missing pieces" are the gaps that are filled-in in my labyrinth garden with the Tarot and the planet god/desses.

Just the same, I think I will find Penczak's book quite inspirational toward writing my own, and helping me to create and finish my own reality map with is ultimately the Labyrinth Garden Path.

no photo
Fri 09/18/09 12:13 PM
It seems like Penczak is using a great variation of knowledges of different ancient civilizations and combining them together for the reader to decide what works best for them.

I like that free option ability because everyone is influenced in different ways to enjoy what works best for them spiritually.

Perhaps the knowledge of every ancient civilization combined gives us the clues to the answers we seek if we can fit the pieces in the puzzle correctly.

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 09/18/09 12:34 PM

Because that's where I need the most work in my personal journey right now.

Me too.

I know the books you are referring to because the Sun God one was in the bookstore when I went. It was Part 2 so I assumed Part 1 was the Moon Goddess. I'll probably get those later on.

no photo
Fri 09/18/09 12:48 PM
Hi Ruthwaving

It looks like only us three visit this site (Ruth, James, John) the most now? The other family members don't visit their home as much as they use to.spock

yet I understand everyone has busy lives. :thumbsup:

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