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Topic: The Earth and Space Spiritualism Thread
Ruth34611's photo
Tue 09/15/09 12:41 PM
Dell sent me an email and my new computer will be here on Thurday! I will be able to finally see all the wonderful pictures here and print out James' posts. bigsmile

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 09/15/09 01:34 PM

If you could put it in the simpliest language of what you believe to be true and why we follow in a psychological aspect to needing such belief systems in the first place then that would be great of you to do for a simple mind as mine. laugh

I think you already answered your own question John. The spirit loves to imagine. Take that just one step further, accept the idea that mankind is created in the image of God, and then it follows that God too loves to imagine. :wink:

Life is but a dream. And the dreamers are the gods. This is the basis of the entire Qabalah. Kether becomes Malkuth via the power of imagination. The entire Qabalah (and all of the folklore of mankind) basically tells the same story.

The history of humanity is nothing more than the history of the dream that Kether has become lost in to become Malkuth. As Malkuth he becomes intent on discovering the true nature of Kether and finding his way back to the sacred land of pure spirituality.

When he finds his way back he laughs at the joke he has played on himself and once again becomes lost in yet another dream of Malkuth.

In the end you have tapped into a idealogy that many people follow and enjoy, but what is the relevance of it, if we remain uncertain..... agnostic at best?


Malkuth must be agnostic, yet curious. For if Malkuth was not agnostic he would be Kether.

I love this folklore (at least the versions that I create from it). It makes for wonderful imagination and lore. I am finding it more inspirational with every passing day.

Again let as ask about agosticism. But to what end?

If the world is but an accident that has no rhyme or reason do we really even want to know? What an utterly disqusting truth even if it should be so.

I would far rather live in a fairytale. Why not?

If life is but a meaningless accident then who's to say that I am wrong to spend my 'accident' enjoying the great imagination that has 'accidentally' been bestowed upon my mind? :wink:

Just because life is a waste is no reason to waste life. laugh

So damn the torpedoes and to hell with the atheists, climb aboard the Qabalah rocket and journey into the magickal realm of the gods.


no photo
Tue 09/15/09 02:08 PM
Edited by smiless on Tue 09/15/09 02:22 PM
Very true. I prefer the imaginative process and have shown to do this for a long time now. I am often told to grow up and see reality. I also think I am a prime witness and endurer of such endeavors (imaginative thought) for the longest time having created many imaginative worlds for people to enjoy, yet sometimes I wonder why we cannot know the truth? Why is it such a secret that we cannot know more then what we know today?

What I am referring to is the questions deep thinkers have been asking for thousands of years concerning the supernatural is still unanswered today. Now they are answered by an individual thought process, which leads to a belief system. Everyone seems to have one that is for sure, yet an ultimate universal agreement as a (fact or theory) these deep questions are not answered, for otherwise there would be a planet of people without disagreement about it. Wow am I making sense here? lol

The scientific community as you are more familiar with then me claims they know, but even with their answers that they claim are absolute still leads to the same questions that are still unanswered no matter what brilliant mind gives for a logical answer that many but not all follow.

Why is it such a secret? Why can't we know the source of how everything began, or what happens when we pass away (if we really pass away), or what is truly right and wrong when we watch with difficulty at times of how the animal kingdom works or how life itself establishes in all aspects.

Why the secret? Why are we not allowed to know and if allowed why such difficulty in getting there?

The Imaginative Spirits that give us Life, but no definite answers. What a good title for a book right? laugh Yes I know, maybe a bit too long for a title. laugh

The story of Malkuth and Kether is very entertaining. It is a story that probably had earlier folklore tales similiar to it. I always seem to astonish myself at the simliarities to ancient stories. If one researches one can see where its origin could have came from and that is what keeps me entertained often. That is until I can't find a earlier source to it. Then I end up in a trap wondering what triggered the idea and why.

Thank you for sharing this story with us. happy

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 09/15/09 03:27 PM

The scientific community as you are more familiar with then me claims they know.

I am totally unaware of any credible scientists or 'scientific community' that claims to know that answers to any of life's deepest questions.

There are a lot of atheists who pretend that science knows these things. But there is nothing in any formal science that claims to know anything of the sort.

Science has revealed that the human body as come to exist through a process of evolution. But that doesn't imply anything at all about whether it was a pure accident or by design. It does dispell creation myths that demand that mankind is responsible for having brought sin and death into the world however.

This picture of the Qabalah doesn't even imply any such thing. And that's extremely ironic since this picture has historically been heavily associated with the Biblical Ledgends. Yet if you look at what the Qabalah is saying, there is nothing in it about humans creating anything (including sin). Nor was it ever 'monothesitic'. Why the Christains ever bothered with it is beyond me yet it was part of Christianity right up to about the 1600's when King James decided to write his own version of the Christian "Reality Map" in his "Bible".

That's all the Bible is. It's just King James' version of a Reality Map.

But no, I don't see where science has officially claimed to have the answers to life. Anyone who claims that science supports atheism is telling a huge fib. They might personally feel that way, but that's not the official stance of the scientific community. That's hogwash (unless they are indeed talking directly about Christianity). I do agree that Science has basically proven that the Bible can't possibly be true. Death, disease and 'imperfections' existed long before mankind ever came onto the scene. So the claim that mankind 'fell from grace' and is responsible for 'original sin' is utter hogwash. Science has shown that myth to be false. Although I don't even think science bothers to make that claim direcly, it's just an obvious side-effect of what they have discovered.

Why the secret? Why are we not allowed to know and if allowed why such difficulty in getting there?

Difficult to get where? Where are you trying to get to? Supreme divine knowledge?

The story of Malkuth and Kether is very entertaining.

Thank you for sharing this story with us. happy

Well, I've only scratch the surface of this story myself. Maybe I made it sound to simple? Life is a very complex novel John.

You keep asking, "Buy why can't we know how it ends?"

Because if you knew we'd have to take you out of the game. pitchfork

You don't want that do you?

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 09/15/09 05:59 PM

Dell sent me an email and my new computer will be here on Thurday! I will be able to finally see all the wonderful pictures here and print out James' posts. bigsmile

I'm so excited for you! happy

Brand new computer. Yippee! :banana:

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 09/15/09 06:42 PM
I haven't read this novel yet. I ran across it whilst studying up on the Stone of Sovereignty. It's the first part of a trilogy. The other two volumes haven't yet been written.

From having read the abstract it appears to be precisely what you are seeking John. It explains how the 'fall' from knowledge occured and how the quest for the Stone of Sovereignty began. It's written by a professor of mythology. Just based on this quick overview it appears to be the story of Kether and Malkuth (although I'm not sure if those names are ever referred to). Personal reviews on Amazon indicate that some people found it personally inspiring for self improvement. So it sure sounds as though it's along the lines of this Qabalah story.

In any case, it might be an interesting read. Owl have to look into it myself. I'm going to see if I can get it at the library. :wink:

no photo
Tue 09/15/09 06:46 PM
Edited by smiless on Tue 09/15/09 07:32 PM

The scientific community as you are more familiar with then me claims they know.

I am totally unaware of any credible scientists or 'scientific community' that claims to know that answers to any of life's deepest questions.

There are a lot of atheists who pretend that science knows these things. But there is nothing in any formal science that claims to know anything of the sort.

Science has revealed that the human body as come to exist through a process of evolution. But that doesn't imply anything at all about whether it was a pure accident or by design. It does dispell creation myths that demand that mankind is responsible for having brought sin and death into the world however.

This picture of the Qabalah doesn't even imply any such thing. And that's extremely ironic since this picture has historically been heavily associated with the Biblical Ledgends. Yet if you look at what the Qabalah is saying, there is nothing in it about humans creating anything (including sin). Nor was it ever 'monothesitic'. Why the Christains ever bothered with it is beyond me yet it was part of Christianity right up to about the 1600's when King James decided to write his own version of the Christian "Reality Map" in his "Bible".

That's all the Bible is. It's just King James' version of a Reality Map.

But no, I don't see where science has officially claimed to have the answers to life. Anyone who claims that science supports atheism is telling a huge fib. They might personally feel that way, but that's not the official stance of the scientific community. That's hogwash (unless they are indeed talking directly about Christianity). I do agree that Science has basically proven that the Bible can't possibly be true. Death, disease and 'imperfections' existed long before mankind ever came onto the scene. So the claim that mankind 'fell from grace' and is responsible for 'original sin' is utter hogwash. Science has shown that myth to be false. Although I don't even think science bothers to make that claim direcly, it's just an obvious side-effect of what they have discovered.

Why the secret? Why are we not allowed to know and if allowed why such difficulty in getting there?

Difficult to get where? Where are you trying to get to? Supreme divine knowledge?

The story of Malkuth and Kether is very entertaining.

Thank you for sharing this story with us. happy

Well, I've only scratch the surface of this story myself. Maybe I made it sound to simple? Life is a very complex novel John.

You keep asking, "Buy why can't we know how it ends?"

Because if you knew we'd have to take you out of the game. pitchfork

You don't want that do you?

Yes this supreme divine knowledge is what I would like to know on why we can't seem to tap into. Perhaps we know the answers but somehow (on purpose) made sure that as we are in human form that our knowledge on such deep questions are deleted to value our life more. If we knew exactly that we are going to continue life after death then we wouldn't value our human lifespan as much today. Perhaps that is why the idea of pain was included in our life to fear the pain of death also. Such the examples as the pain of not able to breathe before we die, or to suffer of a disease, sickness, or agony or violence or physical accidental pain was created to avoid the very notion to even think about it or even consider ending our life to value life more while we live.

Concerning how everything started. Well like you said we have all kinds of scientists with different conclusions. Some even claim they know. Richard Dawkins is a hardcore atheists who really believes that nothing happens after death. That is just one example and of course he isn't the authority of science. I know that, but there are so many different scientists in the world with different conclusions. Richard Dawkin's book "The Delusional God" indicates it often that he is certain that there is nothing after death. It is all superstitions otherwise, as he indicates on all of the religions including buddhism. I am not saying he is incorrect, but I am also not saying he is correct either. The point is we ((don't know these answers)) if we are truthful to ourselves and with others that want to talk about it.

And as you know for many years many theologists claim to also know the answers to such questions as what is after death, what started everything, etc. etc. by flipping to a certain page in a book and reading it out to us.

In the end there are two extremes of opposite sides. The many conclusions of what people come up with as idealogies that ring true for them is true for the individual, but as a absolute universal truth for an entire population of people on earth it doesn't work, which leads to why "the secret"? Why can't we know the truth about what started everything and is there a continued life after death?

Perhaps we know in spiritual form and on purpose don't know in human form to value our lives more. Just an idea. I wouldn't know for sure.

Why we must produce life in the way we do, eat other things to survive, we know physically why to survive, but why it was created in such a brutal way as creation we don't know? It is funny that we as humans can think of more peaceful ways, but can't or don't have the power to apply to them. For example how to live a life without having to kill others to stay alive. Killing in this sense of survival like eating plants, vegetables, animals, etc. etc. Why is it created in this way? Couldn't we have just been created to where food was irrelevant? Sleep was not needed? Killing and violence isn't in our genes or even influenced in the first place?

Why we don't have divine knowledge as humans is beyond me, besides thinking that the purpose of not having it is to value the human life at the moment?

I know that as far as the scientific community it could be very possible that it was all an accident and that we are very lucky to experience this life as it is not common or maybe not even possible. Maybe we are the experiment and the first one for whatever divine knowledge. If so then I hope that the next batch of life will be created better as the mistakes on this one will teach them to do better.

Well let me stop here. I am just rambling away anway. laugh

no photo
Tue 09/15/09 06:54 PM
Edited by smiless on Tue 09/15/09 07:38 PM

I haven't read this novel yet. I ran across it whilst studying up on the Stone of Sovereignty. It's the first part of a trilogy. The other two volumes haven't yet been written.

From having read the abstract it appears to be precisely what you are seeking John. It explains how the 'fall' from knowledge occured and how the quest for the Stone of Sovereignty began. It's written by a professor of mythology. Just based on this quick overview it appears to be the story of Kether and Malkuth (although I'm not sure if those names are ever referred to). Personal reviews on Amazon indicate that some people found it personally inspiring for self improvement. So it sure sounds as though it's along the lines of this Qabalah story.

In any case, it might be an interesting read. Owl have to look into it myself. I'm going to see if I can get it at the library. :wink:

This would really pertain to me and this is another good point to take account for. Perhaps we have lost knowledge over the years. Perhaps at one time we had all the answers to the deep philosophical questions, but lost them somewhere in time. I mean this sounds impossible as we watch how our civilizations have improved on longer life, knowledge, technology, etc., but maybe we BELIEVE we actually advanced, but in reality really lost valuable knowledge pertaining to the questions we can't seem to answer today.

Sounds bizarre I know.

yes this book would be interesting to buy. I am going to order it on barnesandnobles now. I have a discount of 10 percent plus a certificate of 15 percent extra. I save 25 percent! I buy so many books each week. It is an addiction and a bad one at that.

Self improvement is something I need all the time. Actually I lack self esteem often. Shame on me and why the chemicals in my body and neurons keep falling back to this weak position, I don't know.

I am working on it though. We all have our weakness rather we want to admit them or not.

but thank you for this book. I also am a huge fan of the Stone Henge. Somehow I feel there is a story not told about this world wonder. It just seems like it belonged to a civilization that had many answers we are asking today and don't know, yet they do.

Of course in my fantasy novel it is used as a time portal at one time of how life really was 35,000 years ago, which where those very things we imagine today.

Anyway thankyou for this book. I think this will be a fascinating read. We shall see anyway. Afterall it is by a writer who also only come with conclusions himself, yet it is always good to see a professor who studies mythology extensively. As you know I am a big fan of Professor Joseph Campbell who also specializes in mythology and folklore tales.

no photo
Tue 09/15/09 07:14 PM
Edited by smiless on Tue 09/15/09 07:42 PM
Then maybe another conclusion could be that maybe the life or birth of the galaxies or universes wasn't an accident, but the birth of human life was.

Perhaps it was not meant for us to expand on our brain's compacity to allow us to ask such questions of what is after death or what started everything in the first place.

This is just another odd possiblity that I am sure many would refute somehow.

no photo
Tue 09/15/09 09:48 PM
I'm not sure how to post an actual link here so that you just click it and go, so just hang with me :)

This is a chant that I have used with my sisters to raise energy. It is a beautiful one that is really simple. When focused, it made us all feel like there was electricty racing up and down our skin!
I hope you enjoy it flowerforyou


Abracadabra's photo
Tue 09/15/09 10:14 PM
I can't watch youtube cuz I'm on dial-up.

But I can bring your link to life. bigsmile


no photo
Tue 09/15/09 10:21 PM
Thank you!!! To me that is a type of magick hehe!!


no photo
Tue 09/15/09 11:18 PM
A beautiful chant. What is so great is right next to this youtube video is the chants I do everyday in buddhism. Nam-myo-ho-reng-gy-ko. laugh

Now I have two chants to enjoy. Both give spiritual strength when repeated over and over again. How exciting and invigoratingdrinker

Thank you kindred2wicked for showing us this. flowerforyou

cattyfemm's photo
Tue 09/15/09 11:57 PM
Edited by cattyfemm on Wed 09/16/09 12:25 AM
Peeking in, feeling all the warmth and love, soaking up the knowledge, May I remain? I come bearing gifts....

Carrot Ginger Cake

1 cup whole wheat flower
1.5 tsb baking powder
1 egg beaten
1/3 cup brown sugar
1/3 cup white sugar
2 tbsp butter
1 carrot finely shredded(more if you like)
1/4 cup skim milk
2 tsp fresh ginger shredded
1/8 tsp cinnamon
1/6 tsp allspice
1.5 tbsp vanilla
raisins or nuts if you like

cube and soften butter

combine flour and baking powder with butter

add everything else except for nuts and raisins

mix thoroughly

add nuts or raisins or both, put in muffin tins or cake pan

bake 25 minutes@350f

serve with coffee or tea


<<<leaving pan of muffins and pot of tea at the door>>>>

Ruth34611's photo
Wed 09/16/09 05:13 AM
Welcome, Cattyfemm! You are certainly welcome here. flowerforyou

Thank you for the wonderful gift and we hope you find it as warm amd pleasant here as we do. :smile:

no photo
Wed 09/16/09 07:41 AM
Welcome Cattyfemm! What a wonderful gift you offer! Please stay with us and enjoy the friendliest site in all of Mingle2. flowerforyou drinker

no photo
Wed 09/16/09 07:42 AM
By the way James the youtube video kindred2wicked offered was a chant that goes like this.

The earth, the water, the fire, the air the return, return, return.

You sing this over and over and over again.


no photo
Wed 09/16/09 11:48 AM
I'm happy you all enjoyed the chant, it's one of my favorites. And that recipe looks fantastic! I can't wait to try it out!!
By the way, please call me Kin, it's a nickname I've had for years flowerforyou
I have an account on youtube with a favorites list titled Pagan, if anyone wants to check out the other chants and music I have like that, let me know and I'll send you a link.

Brightest Blessings to you all :heart:

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 09/16/09 12:00 PM
I'm reading about the magick of Yesod now. I'm totally enthralled with Penczak's book. bigsmile

Originally I first thought these chapters were just going to be a bunch of dogmatic details because that's how they first appear by just skimming over them. But once you actually get into reading the text in further detail a far deeper and more meaningful story emerges.

I'm deeply excited about this book. This is going to become more than just a 'year-and-a-day' course. It's going to become an entire lifestyle.

In fact, I'm convinced that I'm going to want to purchase the final two books of this series. The Living Temple of Witchcraft vols. I and II.

It's a total of six books in this series. I've read the first three, I'm working through this fourth one now, and I'm sure I won't be disappointed by the last two.

Penczak has truly become a High Priest in his own right and he is recognized as such. Nothing he teaches is dogmatic, even though it may appear that way on the surface. These lessons are life transforming. And they aren't all that much different from what Deepak Chopra teaches at all really. Penczak just comes at it from much more 'romantic' view of Celtic and Greek traditions. Deepak perfers to speak in a more 'evasive' manner when it comes to confronting the 'gods' directly. But ultimately even Deepak must referent the "supernatural" to make his points.

Although I even hate to use the term "supernatural" here because that very term itself is a bogus term. What is "supernatural" other than that which is 'beyond nature'. But then how does one define "nature"?

Both Penczak and Deepak (as well as all of traditional orthodox religions such as the Abrahamic religions of the Middle East) all suggest that the world is ultiamtely spiritual. And therefore they are saying that spirit is indeed part of 'nature'. So in that sense their is nothing 'supernatural' in what they teach at all.

It's only 'supernatural' if one accepts that anything beyond the Newtonaian billard ball universe is 'supernatural'. But if that's true, then we already know that the universe is 'supernatural' at it's most fundamental quantum level.

Science has proven that the universe is indeed 'supernatural' by that definition. So round and round it goes, where it stops nobody knows.

In the meantime I find the spirituality that Penczak and Deepak teach to be quite sensible and meaningful. Even Deepak suggests that we should embrace a belief in a spiritual archetype of our ancestors. Penczak simply make a beautiful connection between spirituality and the romantic pantheons and archetypes of ritual witchraft.

I now feel like writing a book that starts out with precisely that vision. Not with any intent to supercede what anyone else has written but to simply complement and support their visions in some small way.

no photo
Wed 09/16/09 01:04 PM
Edited by smiless on Wed 09/16/09 01:10 PM

I'm happy you all enjoyed the chant, it's one of my favorites. And that recipe looks fantastic! I can't wait to try it out!!
By the way, please call me Kin, it's a nickname I've had for years flowerforyou
I have an account on youtube with a favorites list titled Pagan, if anyone wants to check out the other chants and music I have like that, let me know and I'll send you a link.

Brightest Blessings to you all :heart:

Please I would love to see more chanting videos.

I have one here also. It is of native american spiritual chanting.


This one gives me especially alot of energy


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