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Topic: The Earth and Space Spiritualism Thread
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Fri 09/04/09 01:42 PM
Hello everyone! I saw a post about dream catchers, and thought y'all might enjoy this particular legend.

The Legend of the Dreamcatcher

"A spider was quietly spinning his web in his own space. It was beside the sleeping space of Nokomis, the grandmother.

Each day, Nokomis watched the spider at work, quietly spinning away. One day as she was watching him, her grandson came in. "Nokomis-iya!" he shouted, glancing at the spider. He stomped over to the spider, picked up a shoe and went to hit it.

"No-keegwa," the old lady whispered, "don't hurt him."

"Nokomis, why do you protect the spider?" asked the little boy. The old lady smiled, but did not answer.

When the boy left, the spider went to the old woman and thanked her for saving his life. He said to her, "For many days you have watched me spin and weave my web. You have admired my work. In return for saving my life, I will give you a gift."

He smiled his special spider smile and moved away, spinning as he went. Soon the moon glistened on a magical silvery web moving gently in the window. "See how I spin?" he said. "See and learn, for each web will snare bad dreams. Only good dreams will go through the small hole. This is my gift to you. Use it so that only good dreams will be remembered. The bad dreams will become hopelessly entangled in the web."

no photo
Fri 09/04/09 02:07 PM
Beautiful story. I love itflowerforyou

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 09/04/09 02:26 PM
Yes that is a nice story.

Ruth34611's photo
Sat 09/05/09 07:16 AM
That's a wonderful story. My 5 year old suffers a lot from bad dreams like I used to. She wakes up crying and sleep talks/walks. I use a quartz crystal under her pillow and that has helped some. I think I will go today and get her a dreamcatcher.

no photo
Sat 09/05/09 09:31 AM
Edited by smiless on Sat 09/05/09 10:30 AM
So I have been labeled antisemanist for posing a question about the Jewish religion. I find it amazing that one has to fear to ask questions about the faith without being personally attacked.

Through email I was called a Nazi because go figure many know I am German. laugh

I can understand the hurt Jews suffer on what atrocities Hitler did, but one must understand Germany started the war and Germany ended it also. One has to understand why Germany went to the first world war and what significant disadvantage it brought them to enter the next world war shortly after. Furst von Biszmark was trying to unite the German kingdoms to make a complete country. A misunderstanding of territorial disputes and an uneccessary assassination triggered the first world war. It left Germany exhausted and crippled economically.

1. German Amerian spies gathered the information to keep up with the technology scientist where inventing for their rockets, first jets, bazookas, machine guns, tanks, etc. etc.

2. German Scientists stalled much of their work because they didn't want Hitler to succeed. Most scientists did anyway. After the war Russia and the USA rushed to gather these scientists to bring to their country to continue the nuclear race, space technology, cancer treatments, and much more. There many of the scientists worked the remaining of their years on the projects they most enjoyed without hesitation.

3. Japans mistake in bombing Pearl Harbor influenced America to enter the war sooner. The Japanese where ordered to attack Russia from the other side, but never came around to it. It is good that this mistake happened in my opinion. I am saddened at the lost of life during this incident, but Europe really needed a strong partner to topple Hitler's regime.

4. Many Germans rebelled and tried to assassinate Hitler. This is always forgotten. They where called the "Werewolves". Another good movie just created was "Valkyrie" by Tom Cruise that shows one attempt to assassinate Hitler but failed.

5. Germans where poor. Many couldn't get work and where hungry after WW1. SPD and CDU (political parties) didn't have a solution to the problem. Therefore, Hitler emerged and gave hope to the people again. They didn't know his true intentions until it was too late.

6. Many Germans helped Jewish faith members escape the country. This is always forgotten as well.

7. When one is starving or desperate for better times, many go to church to seek help in faith, strength, and hope. Many of the Germans where Christians or Catholic. They studied the bible and Hitler used it (in a wrong way) to influence the nation to do his bidding. I am not saying that Christianity is bad or horrible, but it can be used in a manner that can be horrible for a individuals desire. History shows it even before the second world war.

It is not that I am defending my nationality, as it might look, but I just see that this war also effected Germans who where not Jews. They too suffered much. They had no choice but to follow the orders of Hitler's Regime or DIE!

Now this of course I share with my friends, but my goodness, if I post this in a political forum or even religion I get torn to shreds called Nazi, antisentimast, embezzle, infidel, .... hold on there is one more.... oh well I can't remember. laugh

But it isn't the first time I get such threats through the email or called a antisemantist for posing a question. I just use the famous block button.

Anyway this thread that I started was a valid question in my opinion. I guess it is too sensitive to ask and shouldn't be allowed ever to ask. We should just avoid asking questions about the Jewish faith at all. laugh

In the end, I have people who are Jewish down here asking these questions themselves. So I don't pay mind to insulters, but I do like to see your opinions on the matter if you have the time to post on the thread. I think it would be very educational indeed.


no photo
Sat 09/05/09 11:29 AM
Edited by smiless on Sat 09/05/09 11:30 AM
Well anyway religion is a very sensitive subject indeed.

In Europe many of the huge cathederals are only to visit for historical reference. Many don't hold mass anymore. There are a couple that still do. One is in Cologne (Koln). One of the biggest in Germany. It is considered impressive for most because of its gothic artistic work it had brought during the time. It took 500 years before the cathederal was completed.

Interesting note is that the colored stained glass windows and the high arches with frescos of clouds and people flying around in them was to give a sense of being in heaven when a believer walked in the dome. That was the intention of priests and the reason why they did it.

Jesus although preached just as well without a structure in which most people would call impressive. Some (and only a few) don't find such huge structures impressive and believe it represents the opposite of what the religion intended to do.

In the end the Cologne Dome was a construction created to compete with the French Domes and not for the sake of faith at the time.

It was all about power and who had more.

Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 09/05/09 11:42 AM
Good Saturday Morning...flowers

I have actually been doing a lot of meditating..and fire ceremonies during the full moon...

no photo
Sat 09/05/09 11:50 AM
Good morning! I have only been talking to myself lately on this thread as usual. laugh

It seemed you are starting a great day today actually. flowerforyou

I meditate three times a day. I really enjoy it. I repeat Nam-myo-ho-reng-ge-kyo over and over and over.

Once in the morning when I get up with stank breathe and messed up hair. laugh

The next after lunch to alleviate my digestion. laugh

And last before I go to sleep so I can sleep which is my main problem for about 3 years. I can't sleep! Suffering insomnia and it is I fear critical indeed. indifferent

My shrine is a 5 foot buddha statue, insence, bell that I hit three times, and some candles (expensive) that I never light.

So I sit cross legged on the floor and light the insence, hit the bell three times, and begin to chant.

Dalai Lama said one must first master meditation before studying the philosophy of buddhism.

My problem is I want to study! laugh

In the end I listen to his wisdom and understand why meditating is the first step before filling the mind with questions.

Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 09/05/09 11:58 AM
I repeat over and over and over.

There was a time when I was a "practicing Buddhist". I was living in Seattle and there was a group that met at a house every other night. I really enjoyed it, just branched off to different things.

I do still chat either before or after meditation while sitting propped up on my bed. There is still a calming, comforting feeling I get when I chant
Nam-myo-ho-reng-ge-kyo. And I do still believe that it is a important part of the "creation" process.

no photo
Sat 09/05/09 01:20 PM
Edited by smiless on Sat 09/05/09 01:21 PM
My first religion or spiritual belief was buddhism when I was a teenager. I practiced it but never took it serious. Never thought the significance of it. I always saw religion or spirituality in a historical perspective as a "once upon a time" reflection.

It wasn't until 20 years later after travelling half of the world and working around the clock day and night that I finally have the time to reflect on religion, spirituality, and other belief systems and see the significance of what it can do for people.

Today as I am surrounded with artifacts, I open a book and read about it. It shows how we as a people were and why we are the way we are today. What triggers us and what moves us. What makes different cultures react differently in comparison with others on certain topics and beliefs.

Then it broadens my mind to actually reflect and contemplate on its implications to allow my mind to stay open to different possiblities.

In the end I embraced buddhism again for it left over fond memories of the past with friends who enjoyed this philosophy with me. I just wish I would have taken it a bit more seriously back then.

So I must say it is a fun way to spend time, yet fortunately, I am not as serious as many who study this philosophy. I take moderations and spend more time enjoying other activities that help me feel good for myself.

So I think I have put enough "I's" in this thread to last a lifetime.laugh I am off to seek better adventures. Have fun this weekend. drinker

Lilypetal's photo
Sat 09/05/09 01:35 PM

no photo
Sat 09/05/09 03:57 PM
Is that an Arabian Stallione? Very beautiful. I am attractedlove laugh

Lilypetal's photo
Sat 09/05/09 04:41 PM
It's from a horse stable vacation resort in Greece. It looks like an arabian, but I can't say for sure.

LightVoice's photo
Sun 09/06/09 06:11 AM
Edited by LightVoice on Sun 09/06/09 06:12 AM
Hugs & Happy Sunday :heart: :heart:

Wishing all a glorious day... filled with happiness, laughter, joy & magic moments flowerforyou

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 09/06/09 07:39 AM
Good morning everyone!

I am terrible about meditating. It should be on my list of priorities now that I live in a place where I have my own room. I have no excuse now.

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 09/06/09 11:26 AM
Good afternoon Ruth. flowerforyou

I've been continuing with my attempts at shamanic dreaming. Some days I do far better than others. I've had some interesting experiences, but nothing I can 'control'. By 'control' I don't mean to control the journey, I just mean to be able to recall it and/or induce it at will. As far as I can see this is the whole idea behind shamanic journeying. To be able to induce it at will.

I have been walking my Labyrinth Path in shamanic journeys consistently. And sometimes the archetypes come 'alive' but only in vague sort of ways they haven't actually spoken to me yet. The magician has come the closest, he tends to speak in facial expressions and the message he seems to be conveying is basically that he's providing me with everything I need and then he seems to act like it's up to me to take if from there. I do get the feeling that he's basically saying, "You have the whole rest of the Labyrinth Way to walk and you're looking at me?" laugh

Aquarius, the High Priestess, Mercury and the Empress have all also come 'alive' to a point but no real communication yet. I think I tend to make this a 'linear experience' when it doesn't need to be done this way. I'm working with Pisces now and I'm getting a real strong message (just an intuition) that I need to just walk the path without expecting anything and keep doing it several times and just 'let' it happen. I know that I'm kind of forcing a linear journey onto it. In fact, when I do is as a shamanic journey I seldom get much past Aries before it kind of peters out and tend to become unanimated 'stone'. The furthest I've made it yet has been to Mars. Although, sometimes I just do it as symbols only and then I can make it to the end, but never with enough energy left over to enter the circle.

In any case, something quite interesting has happened recently. I always begin the journey by walking into the garden between the two crystal obelisks. I actually walk over to the magician's table and collect all my tools before starting in the Labyrinth path. Recently I girl has shown up. She wants to walk the path with me. She doesn't talk all her communication is telepathic. She is very child-like yet physical she's a young woman maybe somewhere between late teens to early 20's. I'm quite young myself in these journeys. Anyway she showed up one day and she's always there now. She follows me through the whole path asking me to teach her about it. So she's always looking over my shoulder and following me around.

I carry a calligraphy pen in my headband and use it to draw the symbol of each archetype. She's doing the same thing now. It's funny because she seems to be into walking the labyrinth path and at the same time she does things like cartwheels and stuff like she's just having fun in the garden. So anyway I guess I'm making 'progress' of sorts.

I sometimes have flashes of very vivid images too and I'd love to start painting them. So I need to set up an art studio of sorts here. I'd love to be able to paint what I visualize.

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 09/06/09 12:45 PM
James, it sounds like you have made a lot of progress. That must be one of the benefits of being in an isolated area with all that land. I wish all the time that I had a similar space. Maybe I should stop wishing and start manifesting.
I know it also takes a certain amount of discipline though too. You obviously have that. Maybe I should focus on doing better with what I have before the goddess will give me more.

no photo
Sun 09/06/09 03:14 PM
Ruth I hope you are somehow getting that computer back?

If not they are not that expensive anymore.

They go as low as $350.00 with screen, keyboard, mouse, speakers, and software at Costco. If you are a member that is.

They are pretty good computers also. Have alot of memory and powerful engines, and graphic cards to go with it.

But of course this money is alot in today's recessions, so I hope you actually get your computer back.

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 09/06/09 03:33 PM

Ruth I hope you are somehow getting that computer back?

If not they are not that expensive anymore.

They go as low as $350.00 with screen, keyboard, mouse, speakers, and software at Costco. If you are a member that is.

They are pretty good computers also. Have alot of memory and powerful engines, and graphic cards to go with it.

But of course this money is alot in today's recessions, so I hope you actually get your computer back.

I already ordered one from Dell and it will be here by september 21. Hopefully I make it that long. The internet withdrawals are pretty bad. laugh

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 09/06/09 03:52 PM
Have you ever noticed that change is painful? Or is it just me? As a Cancer I know I have never done well with change so maybe its just me. But lately I have been making some very positive changes, however, they have come with much pain. Some have been overwhelming to the point where I was almost willing to stay in a bad situation rather than face my fears and go forward.

What is that saying? We have nothing to fear but fear itself.

Sorry for the ramble.

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