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Topic: It was 40 years ago today....
TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 08/09/09 02:13 PM
Actually Manson and Jim Jones were mass murders.

One of the reasons that Charles Manson Murders were so out there was due to the fact that Charles Manson as many seen him was a cult leader. Back in 1969 the Church was very prominent and the Occult or Devil Worshipers were looked at from a far. People were scared of the stories they had heard of babies being sacrificed ect. They were the unknown.

With the Sharon Tate Murders what really made a lot of the publicity was due to the fact that Sharon Tate was hung from the rafters in the large living room. While still alive and very much pregnant, if I'm correct she was between 7-9 months they actually brutally took a butcher knife and cut her open and left the baby to die as well.

This was enough to bring havoc to the News Media and to anyone that read the details that was made public.

Even though I was only 10 at the time the book Helter Skelter came out around 5 years later which I did read. It was something I will not forget.

For years the trials went on Manson has been in solitary confinement all these years. Many times he has been up for parole he himself has even told the judges it would be a mistake to let him out.

He was actually given the death sentence for at the time California believed in the Death Sentence. But shortly after being convicted those laws were changed shortly after Manson was convicted therefore he remains in prison to this day.

michiganman3's photo
Sun 08/09/09 03:13 PM
Edited by michiganman3 on Sun 08/09/09 03:14 PM
Strange coincidence,
We were at Lake Isabella, that wk-end, the same wk-end Rosemary and Leo LaBianca were there. Might have seen them and never knew it.
I went to High School with niece of Gary Hindman.

There was some recent investigations up at the Spahn Ranch, they still don't know who all was killed and where the bodies are at.

no photo
Sun 08/09/09 03:25 PM
Charles Manson, has already HAS TO MUCH ATTENTION from the world.

HE would LOVE for everyone to believe he has some form of powers (above man) that gives him the ability to make others do as he desires,,
Truth is ,,it was a time of taking acid and smoking lots of pot,
EVERYONE wanted to find the heart of being, loving, sharing,
And all this man wanted was some money, and a great place and life,,so his mission, involved getting others to do his dirty work,,so as if caught,,HE wasn't the one being sentenced.
HE, just USED PEOPLE,,,,and had THAT ACT proven in courts to get his life locked away behind bars, forever..
His want-to-be-followers on the outside,,,are in them selves still seeking to find something to believe in.
He was simply, a kind-of smart guy who seen that others LOOKED UP TO HIM for his BS look on life and living it.
So he commercialized on what he had in hopes of gaining MORE,,HE GOT BUSTED,,end of story,,
EXCEPT for HIS TRYING to make people think he WAS SOMETHING ELSE,,and STILL IS in his SAD DEMENTED MIND....
He's DEAD to me, now,,as he was when busted...he's a nobody and a loser except for what he talked some acid tripping teenagers into doing for him......

Quietman_2009's photo
Sun 08/09/09 03:53 PM
I remember when the CD first was invented

they said Manson got to listen to Helter Skelter on CD

he said "wow the sound is so clear and clean. You can hear every note. I guess they really weren't talking to me."

Peachiepoohie's photo
Sun 08/09/09 04:58 PM

I never said anything about Manson or Jones being serial killers themselves. I only mentioned that there were others who were more than willing to do their bidding. All they had to do was tell them to do it. It's the equivalent of holding the gun while telling somebody else to pull the trigger.

My personal opinion of the Manson Family is that they were hardly serial killers.

What constitutes a serial killer? I mean, by definition?

A serial killers is someone who:

1) kills 3 or more people
2) takes "down time" between the murders
3) generally has the same modeus operandi (M.O)

Peachiepoohie's photo
Sun 08/09/09 05:01 PM
Txs...I must disagree. At best, Manson and Jones were classic "cult" leaders. Just like David Koresh. Commanding people to kill...or even persuading someone to "pull the trigger" does not a mass murderer make.

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 08/09/09 09:11 PM

I remember when the CD first was invented

they said Manson got to listen to Helter Skelter on CD

he said "wow the sound is so clear and clean. You can hear every note. I guess they really weren't talking to me."

yea, he thought he was Jesus..

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