Topic: Low hanging fruit
no photo
Wed 05/23/07 10:11 AM
Kat, you are far to gentle and nice to cause me discomfort, I like
reading your posts and I learn a lot from them.
Several of us have been called liars in different threads, there were
words used like schizophreniac, oaf, sad Panda and the like, and they
all came from the same person.
Another one claimed he was told not to post, which isn't true, nobody
ever said anything like that.
We get judged by people who know nothing of us, and these people claim
to be Christians.
Christianity to me means tolerance, love, gentleness,
and not bigotry and prejudice.
Am I so wrong?

scttrbrain's photo
Wed 05/23/07 10:11 AM
Abra, "hi my friend", this is not a church. But, you know what? It is in
some ways better. I would rather come in here and learn than go to a
church where there is no feed back. This is an amazing place to come and
learn and teach and be part of, than any church I have ever walked into.
And believe me, I have an amzing church I am a member of. But, due to
circumstances, I am not able to get there. I have enjoyed these forums
where all things for and against a God or spirit, can be discussed.

There are many of us that do not agree. But, isn't that life? I say "let
people be who they are, and lets grow".


scttrbrain's photo
Wed 05/23/07 10:14 AM
Andrea, "yes, I agree". You said it right. And thank you.

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 05/23/07 10:17 AM
Now why would you not want me to post Mathew 5:17,18,&19?

Is it because the proof of what I said is therin. Aye and it is for
that proof is surely within. Quote it I will not let those that wish to
read the truth read it. I have no need it is truth.

Heaven and earth has not passed. Have you seen the son of man come in
all his glory? Has the Queen of the South come asking for after answers
from one greater than Soloman? has the Nineveh risen up condemning the
wiked ones of this generation?

You have taken with you the lamp. Did you in your haste to find
salvation perhaps forget the oil with which to refill that lamp. Be
quick and look for that oil you may need it sooner that you think.

Perhaps you should clense the inside of your cup and stop raising it
high so that all may see the burnished wonder of its outward beauty and
miss the bitterness within.

no photo
Wed 05/23/07 10:31 AM
This is what I'm talking about. AdventureBegins post. I guess I'm the
one who is always wrong? Invisible, read his post. You don't see any
hostility there, do you? There are 2.1 BILLION Christians in the world
who agree that Grace was established on the Cross and he states, with no
shame and nobody else correcting him, that all Christians are wrong.

You are so good at holding onto everything that I've ever said that you
wanted to intrepret as an insult, but you don't keep a list of those
people who mock Christianity or insult me. Where were you when there
was a thread saying that I was indoctrinated and not educated (never
mind the fact that I was a bi-sexual athiest this time last year!)? Oh,
that's right...You are right there with them talking about how duped I
was. Yeah, you guys know me completely, I'm the guy in a box, BUT HOW
DARE I!!!! label another?

Did you defend me when AdventureBegins claimed over and over again that
I told him to stop posting? No, actually you attacked me as well.
Where were you when Jess took something I said as a personal insult,
when it was intended as a rhetorical device? Oh, that's right, you were
attacking me. Where were you when statements of faith and encouragement
were taken as calls for agression? Pointing the finger at me and
telling me what a terrible person I am. Don't lecture me on being nice,
because I have been beaten and scorned for my beliefs by you and your

no photo
Wed 05/23/07 10:37 AM
Nobody ever beat or scorned you for your beliefs, it was done for the
judgemental and bigot way you did it.
You are the one who scorned people for their beliefs,
judging them when the only one who has the right to judge is God.
Or how do you call it when you state that somebody hasn't the right to
interpret the bible because he is not saved.
And when the only person who judges someone isn't saved is you.
Are you higher than God?
Can you see my life from where you are?

no photo
Wed 05/23/07 10:40 AM
Go to this thread and tell me who fired the first shots.

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 05/23/07 10:52 AM
Spider you once again have brought up something that had been set aside
in peace.

As I spoke peace on that subject I will let that breach of it be as
nothing and answer not your baseless challenge.

You have been beaten in this meduim of simple words? Aye and sticks and
stones and such things.

I shall not be silent on my beleifs. I have been beaten, kicked, spat
upon and all manner of REAL things for my beliefs. By Christians and
Muslims more than once. I was once forceably ejected from a church by a
Pastor for simply asking what God needed of money I was wipped with a
switch off an elm tree from a Roman Catholic seminary school after being
invited to talk to them for asking why they worship God as a dead man on
a cross instead of for his resurection. (I was 15 years old at the
time). From the jews I have only gotten 'Shalome and could you please
leave now'. So then do not speak to me of beatings in the name of God I
have felt them.

Once again I say peace.

no photo
Wed 05/23/07 10:53 AM
Well, I do believe you fired the first shot by implying that we would
call people stupid for their beliefs.
You were the one who started about fighting.
You called Jess close minded, the most open minded person I've ever met.
You might start to open your eyes about yourself.

no photo
Wed 05/23/07 10:55 AM

That's real convenient, don't you think. You, Jess, Bibby, invisible
(and anyone else I am forgetting) attack me, my beliefs and Christianity
and "it's been set aside in peace". If you apologized? No, none of you
have. You were unfair to me and Christianity, but now you tell me "it's
been set aside in peace", so it's okay. Get a clue.

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 05/23/07 10:59 AM
Spider you also said peace.

Therefore it was peace.

I will not go back. Others may wish to read that thread and in so doing
will form their own opinions but as I have said peace on that subject I
will not break it.

I have more than just a small clue.


wonderman37's photo
Wed 05/23/07 11:02 AM
I been attack too not by you personally AB but by several of the others
that were mention for the same reason

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 05/23/07 12:19 PM
Wonderman this is not directed at you since your posts for the most part
have been of the simple praise and glory kind.

When you carry the Word as a sword be aware that it is a TWO EDGED
SWORD. Once you have released the word it may byte you you more than
the one you intended to sink steel into.

When you wield the Word as a sword you should also be aware that as with
a real sword you must practice it everyday or your skill is as nothing.
If you watch TV actors or read a book about kung-fu you still do not
know it (Go ahead and try using it in a fight). A sword needs the same
dedication. If you only read and do not practice your words become
nothing but hollow mouthings of the truth contained within them. To
make the Word strong it must be practiced every day moment by moment,
not perfectly (None of us can do that) but with faith.
Words alone mean nothing.

I have not attacked Christains nor have I spoken evil of Jesus Christ.
I have said things some of you do not wish to face about the Church that
places a veil of lies between you and Christ. These are my observed
opinions. I have not nor will I ever asked anyone to step away from the
Glory that is in Christ.

Keep the faith in peace and harmony. Let others live in their faith
with peace and harmony. You can not save some of us for we are allready

scttrbrain's photo
Wed 05/23/07 01:45 PM
I do wish when people who say things about churches, would not lock all
of them in one group. Not all churches are created equal. Thus the
reasoning behind creating new ones. New ones so that the words and
beliefs can be searched and studied and people can feel comfortable in
becoming one with God. Without the fear and judging that so many do.
There are many churches that are not right in their teachings and have
become so business like and rightious, that one must become as others
want them too. Then there are those that acually teach and discuss and
expect nothing more than you try and find your own path. But, they will
at least try and show you the right path, with understanding and

no photo
Wed 05/23/07 01:57 PM
Kat, I can only talk about the churches I know, so it is far from be to
say all churches are bad.
It might have become a habit of people because the people we meet
represent their churches in a way that might lead to certain
I do know that the Quakers for example are different, I have read enough
about them to know what they are doing. And I'm sure there are more out
there, and when you say your church is different, why would I argue
I have learned, however, that a lot of churches, the major ones,
are rigid in their laws and won't allow any give in anything.

scttrbrain's photo
Wed 05/23/07 02:03 PM
Sweetheart, I wasn't aiming this post at anyone in particular. It's just
I have seen it thrown around in so many threads like it was such a
terrible thing. That's like saying all women or all men are the same. Or
all pit bulls are evil.

I'm sorry if I sounded like I was pointing fingers.flowerforyou

RainbowTrout's photo
Wed 05/23/07 02:05 PM
Two years ago I tried that saving bit on the forums, Wonderman which I
used to be on. Two scriptures helped to get exorcised from it even
though I still backslide now and then. I hope it helps you.

Gen 6:3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man,
for that he also, is flesh: yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty
Mat 10:14 And whosoever, shall not receive you, nor hear your words,
when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your

no photo
Wed 05/23/07 02:08 PM
I know Kat, I only wanted to point out that we are not all like that. I
know what you mean and generalizing is not always a good thing, maybe
your post helps a bit.

Redangel0625's photo
Wed 05/23/07 02:11 PM
scttrbrain, I love, love, love reading your responses. They always seem
so well thought out and full of love.

Jess642's photo
Wed 05/23/07 02:43 PM
flowerforyou Morning anyone??

(...and no dreams of bananas, thank goodness.)

ANother side-note...spider, you are strong in your convictions, strong
in your faith, and weel read, and well versed, and obviously
intelligent, by the clarity in your posts.

I have no intention of ever saying your faith in Jesus Christ is wrong
for you, that you are wrong to be a Christian, or any other such
inappropriate comment, about you.

I will from time to time, perhaps, not agree on some points, as I am
sure you will also...

We come from different angles, is all.

It does not make you less, nor I.

You are your faith, and that is honourable.

There is a man, sitting at his computer, communicating with us, here.

He has showers, eats, uses the bathroom, puts his trousers on, one leg
at a time, same as his socks, one foot at a time....the man is human,
and takes affront at something said, and is re-active, and
emotional....welcome to being human.

Christ-like is the last leg of your journey, I believe...