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Topic: Lebanon kills palestinians
armydoc4u's photo
Mon 05/21/07 06:52 PM
So in lebabon there are refugee camps set up for displaced Palestinians.

Some have said that the Lebanese government that is now in power is a
puppet government of Syria. Syria claims to hold the torch in support of
the Palestinian struggle.

Lebanese soldiers opened fire on a camp yesterday, the fighting
continues even today.

Supposedly they claim that Alqaeda members were hiding among the
refugees. Which is also weird since Alqaeda also claims to be a standard
bearer for the people of palestine as well.

I see hypocricy in the arab world, i guess its okay to kill middle
easterners but only if your not American or English.

But who knows these things.

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 05/21/07 07:02 PM
Actually it just might be possible that underneath all the chest
thumping and such the Arab world is fed up with terrorists and thughs
using their holy name in the way it has been used.

i.e. they are starting to clean house.

There have been a number of other incidents around the world of lesser
'newsworthyness' (bring in viewers for the advertisers) that also point
to this. We may be able to leave Iraq sooner that we think.

Perhaps we should follow their lead and clean out the fanactic and
warmongers in our own house.

If this continues we may yet see peace in our time.

GaMail50's photo
Mon 05/21/07 07:06 PM
We can always hope so.

Fanta46's photo
Mon 05/21/07 07:07 PM
Ill have to go back and read that again,,
I thought it said the American government was defending the Lebanese
because there was reports (wonder where these came from) that AL-qaeda
was operating from the camps.

Fanta46's photo
Mon 05/21/07 07:11 PM
yep, I was right...
- Lebanese troops blasted a Palestinian refugee camp with artillery and
tank fire again Monday, seeking to destroy a militant group with
al-Qaida ties.

The White House said it supports Saniora's efforts to deal with the
fighting, and the State Department defended the Lebanese army,

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 05/21/07 07:13 PM
Last news report I saw on this was that several known AQ organizers and
what ever they call a guy that commands terrorists attack units were
amoung the dead.

Syira claims that they are not actuall AQ but pesudo AQ because they use
AQ training manuals but are not offically recognized by AQ.

Lebonan cliams they were AQ working for Syrian Intelligence.

US just says they are AQ.

the battle continues.

I also read a post on a blog purporting to be Palastinian that AQ is
stirring up trouble between different Palastinian groups by covertly
attacking one then the other and attempting to make it look like they
are attacking each other.

Fanta46's photo
Mon 05/21/07 07:15 PM
maybe the cia thinks ossama is in there,

Lebanon is largely christian and a puppet of the US anyway...

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 05/21/07 07:23 PM
the word 'puppet' denotes a country in the direct contol of another

In the political realm it is normally used when attempting to sway a
person from their point of view through the use of propaganda.

Its use in the past has placed it on the list of words one can use in
speach to influence others negetively (i.e High Emotional Index Word

C'mon man you are an intelligent man. Why not say what a thing is and
use not propaganda but straight from the hip and just give me your
opinion without the propaganda. got enough of that from the government
don't need it from another of my brothers in 'We the People.

Fanta46's photo
Mon 05/21/07 07:34 PM
well, I think its strange that just last week, **** Cheney was in Jordan
and I was reading that the king was warning him about some abstract
violence erupting in Lebanon (not specific) and how there was a great
danger of it flowing over to all Palestine..

Hmm, are you saying that the greatest influence in Lebanon's government
is not the US??
Come on AD, read between the lines, it s not that far fetched. Do I have
direct proof, no, but I do have intuition, and intelligence. That along
with intuition tells me, yes, the US has a great deal to do with it.

This too: The leader of Fatah Islam, Palestinian Shaker al-Absi, has
been linked to the former head of al-Qaida in Iraq and is accused in the
2002 assassination of a U.S. diplomat in Jordan. that is the refugee
camp under seige, come on man you telling me you cant see it...

Fanta46's photo
Mon 05/21/07 07:37 PM
That guy escaped from a prison last year, CIA, **** Cheney, I didnt say
there wasnt a good reason for going in there but the fighting started
because of an attempt to arrest him that went bad.

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 05/21/07 07:42 PM
I see all that. I also see that Jordan gave the warning wistle.

There is light at the end of the tunnel.

But there is also a whole lot more of the figthing and such to continue
before it is all resolved.

Perhaps we can hope that wisdom will prevail sooner and these days be
shortened so that we may prepare for the next series of things to happen
which will be far worse than any man made war.

Fanta46's photo
Mon 05/21/07 07:46 PM
The big problem is whether the other 400,000 Palestinians will start
another civil war in Lebanon..
Hope not or we will just have one more cluster ****. I see where the
Lebanese government is already asking for more weapons and money from
the west and its neighbors. I wonder where the bulk of that will come

GaMail50's photo
Mon 05/21/07 07:50 PM
Some of the other Arab countries have wanted to get rid of terrorist for
a while but they have to tread softly.

Fanta46's photo
Mon 05/21/07 07:51 PM
hope it works!!!!!

really..........drinker drinker

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 05/21/07 07:51 PM
Fanta which is it.

You say Lebanon is mostly Christian.

Yet you say there are 400 thousand Palestinians (correct me if I am
wrong but arn't Palestinians predomimently Islamic).

It can not be both.

armydoc4u's photo
Mon 05/21/07 07:56 PM
Nope we shouldnt give them anything, they dont want our help remember,
"America shouldnt try to be the worlds policeman" so we should stay out
of it. If they seriously need some help with medicine then maybe we
could help with that, but no money or guns, cause I believe that, any
given would surely be used in efforts against the US in places like

but Im sure that some would say that this is all because America in some
way or another. Hope not but I see it coming.

GaMail50's photo
Mon 05/21/07 08:13 PM
AB-I think Palestinians are mainly Islamic and Lebanon is mainly
Christian. I could be wrong about that though. I think each has sizeable
minorities though.

Fanta46's photo
Mon 05/21/07 08:16 PM
I'll look ad. Im not sure of the total population but there is a large
christain pop in lebanon, there are sunnis too, and I think armenians,
Ill look

Fanta46's photo
Mon 05/21/07 08:18 PM
The civil war in the 80's was between Christians and Muslim wasnt it?

Fanta46's photo
Mon 05/21/07 08:22 PM
Muslim 59.7% (Shi'a, Sunni, Druze, Isma'ilite, Alawite or Nusayri),
Christian 39% (Maronite Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Melkite Catholic,
Armenian Orthodox, Syrian Catholic, Armenian Catholic, Syrian Orthodox,
Roman Catholic, Chaldean, Assyrian, Copt, Protestant), other 1.3%
note: 17 religious sects recognized
CIA world fact book today......

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