Topic: Lebanon kills palestinians
Fanta46's photo
Mon 05/21/07 08:23 PM
3,925,502 (July 2007 est.)

Fanta46's photo
Mon 05/21/07 08:25 PM

Fanta46's photo
Mon 05/21/07 08:27 PM
thats a cool site.
just pick a country, any country.
Its updated regularly by the CIA,,,
drinker drinker drinker

no photo
Tue 05/22/07 04:13 AM
i am careful

no photo
Tue 05/22/07 04:21 AM
ok i am bowing out..... am fed up. doc....get a life or lose yours cuz
from what i see, yours is in serious need of educating....i am so sick
of your cut and paste crap and your poor me poetry

so leave Lebanon out of your repetoire of have enough
ammo you don't need to use that one as wellmad

kidatheart70's photo
Tue 05/22/07 04:22 AM
And cute too!:tongue:

Hi Alex!flowerforyou Woo Hoo!

no photo
Tue 05/22/07 04:23 AM
i am not very cute when i get this madgrumble noway

armydoc4u's photo
Tue 05/22/07 10:37 AM

Is aserious topic, what is going on in lebanon?
and because your lebanese im not allowed to ask the question?
you who complains about the Americans?
nope, now what would the call to arms be from you if i said, now Doc
Bl8ant, Im american so becareful what YOU say?

that seems a little hypocritical to me.

I am in no way saying that you or your countrymen and women are wrong or
bad people, I am however wondering why YOUR soldiers would be firing
weapons into a refugee camp.

simple- thats all, no fight am i trying to pick, so please, enough with
the name calling and belittlement.

ummm. also- cut and paste crap? you lost me on that remark, everything I
write, is 100% me, unless its a quote or a web site address.

lose my life? I hope you meant figuratively.

then- I have enough ammo so leave lebanon out of my repetoire. what does
that mean, am I in some ways telling the truth in your opinion

and finally- what the hell does poetry have to do with this discussion?
All I want is the truth, I will except no less, even If it is someting
that I would rather not here, but I will not except conjucture, opinions
or inuendo's as fact. Open and honest, so please feel free to educate
any time.

some wounds never heal,


Fanta46's photo
Tue 05/22/07 04:08 PM
I think Doc that she is referring to the fact that American Politics and
meddling has affected every country in the region and Lebanon is just
now getting back on their feet. Only to be meddled with all over

We didnt support them when Iarael invaded a few months back, and along
with encourageing that, we are now encourageing this.
I might be wrong, but if I was Lebanese that would piss me off.

armydoc4u's photo
Tue 05/22/07 05:04 PM

i didnt bring up isreal on purpose, and it really has no reason to make
this topic, the isreali's arent the ones shooting into the refugee camps
at palestinians, the lebanese are or were.

the isreali's are shooting up the gaza strip at hamas. but thats another
story and i really didnt want to divert from why the hell lebanon would
be shooting at palestinian refugee camps.

the US meddling in the middle east is the reason that the whole middle
east is in termoil? nah i dont buy that at all. the world has gotten
used to taking the easy way out, escaping responsibility for there own
actions by blaming the US. we do have a large target on our chest and it
is easy to be the underdog trying to bring down goliath. oh well, just
wanted insight to the situation over there, unfortunately some of us
wont know what the hell is going on over there.

Fanta46's photo
Tue 05/22/07 05:13 PM
Actually I have always cotended it was British colonialism and empire
building that was the reason for most of the worlds problems. I actually
stumbled over a Bristish admission to this a little bit ago. I'll paste
it in a minute its very short and comes from Jack Straw.
But if you read the prior posts in this thread, I wont be repeateing
myself about what started this particular round of violence in Lebanon.
Its in the news in a little more depth, but I am not sure if the link is
posted or not.

Now here is the British admission that I was referring too:

Finally, in November, 2002, British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, in an
interview with the British magazine The New Statesman, said that many of
the conflicts in the contemporary world were the direct result of
Britain's imperial and colonial past. He singled out the Arab-Israeli
conflict (and the Balfour Declaration in particular), Iraq, and Kashmir.
(BBC, Nov. 15, 2002)

Fanta46's photo
Tue 05/22/07 05:24 PM
I think the American problem, and Ive said it before, is instead of
working in a diplomatic sense to help these countries solve their border
disputes peacefully we have adopted aggressive policies to maintain the
status Que. These policies were adopted when Britain, weakened by WWII
began to withdraw from these areas, and afraid of Russia filling the
power vacuum left by the British withdraw, America rushed in to do so
ourselves, thus adopting the problems left as well.

These policies probably were necessary during the cold war era, but are
a little extreme today and obviously not working. We need to help these
countries find a peaceful solution to their own problems and quit trying
to force what we think is best, on them. That is, was, and will be by
opinion, no matter how unpopular, or ignored it is...

in a peaceful mood today!!!

armydoc4u's photo
Tue 05/22/07 05:43 PM
we have been trying to help find a peaceful solution, unfortunately, it
seems to be all or nothing for some of those people we're trying to

they dont want to except the fact that isreal isnt going away, period,
and that pisses them off. truth hurts sometimes i guess.

and i still do not except that it is America's fault or responsibility
concerning the middle east's woes- to quote a person.


Fanta46's photo
Tue 05/22/07 05:52 PM
I agree, we should quit meddling, if they beat each other up then so be
it, there are so many things we could be doing besides creating gov for
them and worrying about one becomeing more dominate than the others. At
one time it was all Persia, at another it was the Ottoman Empire. Both
great societies, and a heck of a lot better than whats there now!!

The fair thing in Israel would be, in my opinion what the UN had
proposed at the end of WWII, before we helped Israel take it all, and
that was an evenly divided Israel consisting of two seperate countries.
Palestine and Israel, but the Christians that we are thought a new
kingdom of Israel was better. People say the muslims are wageing a
religous war, I say true, but who started it???

Fanta46's photo
Tue 05/22/07 06:00 PM
ok, maybe my history is a little muddled here. I read more, get back to

Fanta46's photo
Tue 05/22/07 06:03 PM
The Palestinians were mad about the proposed partition which after
Zionism was to give about 60% of the land to 30% jewish population and
they started the war.

Fanta46's photo
Tue 05/22/07 06:10 PM

In 1947, the United Nations had recommended partitioning Palestine into
Jewish and Arab states, a plan which Arab leaders rejected. The British
mandate over Palestine was due to expire on 15 May 1948, but the Jewish
leadership, led by future Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, declared
independence on 14 May. The State of Israel declared itself as an
independent nation, and was quickly recognized by the Soviet Union, the
United States, and many other countries.

Thus it began..........

Fanta46's photo
Tue 05/22/07 06:15 PM
You also have to realize that before 1930 there were no Jews in
Palestine, hadnt been for 1 - 2 thousand years, Doc. That is what the
Zionist movement was, the movement of Jews from Europe back to the then
British controlled Palestine.

armydoc4u's photo
Tue 05/22/07 06:55 PM
so your saying that no JEWS were in jeruselam in the 1930's

and where have the jews been all this time since escaping the slavery of
egypt, just a bunch of wondering nomads floating around on the
come on, if you realy want to get into it, that whole area from syria to
iraq and down was all once palestine, so, if the middle east wants to be
fair and give the palestinians back their homeland then they should be
coughing up their countries huh?

what ever, the war is over JERUSALEM.

but now im going to be a dumb assed american and say, hey middle east,
pull your heads out of your asses and fix your own damn problems, just
becareful when you decide to declare war on isreal, they are some real
fighting mofo's who aim before they pull the trigger.

didnt egypt try them, think it was called something like the twelve day
war or something. im probably messed up wth times and people and of
course the names have been changed to protect the guilty.

Fanta46's photo
Tue 05/22/07 07:13 PM
none,, google Zionism!!! It has its own definition