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Topic: Do men ask women on dates anymore?
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Sat 08/01/09 05:14 PM
Edited by BillySuvol on Sat 08/01/09 05:15 PM

It is romancing cause it isn't seen now days, it's really rare to find from a lot of dudes... It shows respect for the lady.

No wonder you're on this site with me thendrinker


Romance-------by the way....is what ya do on the date

not asking her on one

Balky's photo
Sat 08/01/09 05:16 PM

It is romancing cause it isn't seen now days, it's really rare to find from a lot of dudes... It shows respect for the lady.

No wonder you're on this site with me thendrinker


Romance-------by the way....is what ya do on the date

not asking her on one

I'm on this site cause the girls I've dated are too lame to see how good of a guy I am.

no photo
Sat 08/01/09 05:17 PM
And this is me blowing you a kiss


anyways...back to what I was saying to you snark.....

in my opinion, the problem about getting asked out on dates is that you arent making yourself approachable Snarky...

a guy looks at you and he says............."If I ask Snarky out on a date, what is she gonna say?"

And if he thinks to himself something negative, he skips that and just takes ya to his house..or something simple

snarkytwain's photo
Sat 08/01/09 05:18 PM
Edited by snarkytwain on Sat 08/01/09 05:19 PM

So I'm the only one who does't get asked?

That's kinda an ego-crusher... frown

Would you like to go out with me?

I know that typically on a first date it is usually kept short. However, I think that you are worth far more then that. I would start by bringing you two dozen roses, each one representing one of your beautiful qualities. I would then take you to dinner at a very classy restaurant hand feeding you your favorite dishes. We could then go dancing as I hold you close and whisper in your ear how beautiful I feel that you are, while wishing the night would never end. I would then take you home with me and give you hours of the most intense sexual bliss that you have ever experienced, the memory of which would last us a lifetime. In the morning I would cook you your favorite breakfast, where you would find yet another two dozen roses waiting for you, representing two dozen more of your beautiful qualities.

There ya go babe, feel better now? See someone does want to go out with you after all… :wink:

I TOTALLY missed this one...

See babe... that's sweet (cept the sex part... not on a first date, ya know), but you live in Texas. Pfft. Still that gives me a bit of hope... a bit. Thank you for that. flowerforyou

Well......you should already know that.....and I'd rather not tell you.....considering the weird *** relationship we have formed

Cuz I read Hemmingway at the bar? laugh

ETA: Billy, why would taking a woman home be easier than asking her on a date? In my expereince, it's the same thing, only asking her on a date is WAY more respectful...

no photo
Sat 08/01/09 05:18 PM
I am not asked out! Why because I am so forward, I do the asking... Serious..

I guess Sadie Hawkins Dance in middle school put the edge i needed to ask others out..

I asked my ex to marry me,

the last 3 men i dated i asked them if they wanted to start a relationship..

and well... Now I do all the asking........ always have always will..

people are so shy, and introverted.. they just don't go out and get what they want...

they dream about it, think about doing it, and yet day by day passes and you and that other person misses out... because neither one of you asked each other out..

I am not like that and i hope i never will be...

women this is a new world... stand up and ask these men out.... don't be afraid of rejection...

it took me 3 times to be rejected from a man... when i have asked them out... after that... I learned......... they go through it all the time that is why they stopped asking....

why ask and ask an ask.... a women out if the women is too shy to say yes.. or they say yes and at the last min they break the date because there dress dose not fit, or there hair is all messed up or they feel that the person will not like them.. Fear... fear... fear.... panic attacks flush you thinking it is Anxiety and yet..

it is your so excited with butterfly's in your tummy and sweaty palms.. but because of Doctors telling us there is something wrong with us... we take it as if... it is a sign.... he is a bad man..... omgoodness.... i cant do this......

in the end... you lost the most wonderful man alive all because you did not listen to your mind... but your body pushing you to panic.


i never felt so at home in my life on any form..even if you all giggle.. I am still enjoying my self..

Lady's... its Sadie Hawkins day... pretend.. and make a date for tomorrow.....

lonetar25's photo
Sat 08/01/09 05:21 PM
the last girl i asked out said this in conversation after my request.

ive never been asked out. guys ask me to go home with them!!

i said, i dont know if i want to spend any time with you yet, thats why i ask you to come out with me one night

why is it that the dating scene, has become a one night thing?

i like courtship!!

Balky's photo
Sat 08/01/09 05:22 PM

It is romancing cause it isn't seen now days, it's really rare to find from a lot of dudes... It shows respect for the lady.

No wonder you're on this site with me thendrinker


Romance-------by the way....is what ya do on the date

not asking her on one

Single cause the last girl I dated had a bag full of condoms next to her bed, big big turn off. Wow I mean is there an assembly line going on? I'll still drink though it is sat after all drinker

snarkytwain's photo
Sat 08/01/09 05:22 PM
I don't ask for two reasons:

1) I'm scared of rejection, yes. I can't deny that.

2) If I ask a man, how am I to know he won't say yes just because he doesn't want to hurt my feelings, or ouf ot an ego boost he was given or..? How do I know, even if he says yes, that he actually wants ME?

That's why. I know. I'm neurotic. frustrated

no photo
Sat 08/01/09 05:23 PM
Edited by BillySuvol on Sat 08/01/09 05:25 PM

Well......you should already know that.....and I'd rather not tell you.....considering the weird *** relationship we have formed

Cuz I read Hemmingway at the bar? laugh

That up there^^^

No idea what it has to do with anything Snark -- But you reading Hemmingway -- that is sexy

As to this --"ETA: Billy, why would taking a woman home be easier than asking her on a date? In my expereince, it's the same thing, only asking her on a date is WAY more respectful..."


If you make yourself not "approachable" for a date and a guy decides to take you "home" that means he wants to have sex

ya get it now?

respect doesnt have anything to do with it. but where did we veer off? at you making yourself not approachable. and you proved that. by saying, "it's the same thing" that one is WAY more respectful. and guess what? we know that

so, miss snarky twain who reads hemmingway, youre smart

you think about what i am saying


ETA: and that is my answer to this snarkytwain question
and i am now going outside to smoke, if you need me you know where i am

snarkytwain's photo
Sat 08/01/09 05:24 PM
Edited by snarkytwain on Sat 08/01/09 05:26 PM

the last girl i asked out said this in conversation after my request.

ive never been asked out. guys ask me to go home with them!!

i said, i dont know if i want to spend any time with you yet, thats why i ask you to come out with me one night

why is it that the dating scene, has become a one night thing?

i like courtship!!

EXACTLY! But... courtship barely exists anymore.

I'm gonna take to asking a man who hits on me at the bar if he would ask me on an actual date... maybe that will weed out the jackassai... maybe not...

snarkytwain's photo
Sat 08/01/09 05:26 PM

Well......you should already know that.....and I'd rather not tell you.....considering the weird *** relationship we have formed

Cuz I read Hemmingway at the bar? laugh

That up there^^^

No idea what it has to do with anything Snark -- But you reading Hemmingway -- that is sexy

As to this --"ETA: Billy, why would taking a woman home be easier than asking her on a date? In my expereince, it's the same thing, only asking her on a date is WAY more respectful..."


If you make yourself not "approachable" for a date and a guy decides to take you "home" that means he wants to have sex

ya get it now?

respect doesnt have anything to do with it. but where did we veer off? at you making yourself not approachable. and you proved that. by saying, "it's the same thing" that one is WAY more respectful. and guess what? we know that

so, miss snarky twain who reads hemmingway, youre smart

you think about what i am saying

But if I'm approachable for sex, I should also be approachable for a date...? WTF?

Men confuse the HELL out of me! frustrated sad

mathew420's photo
Sat 08/01/09 05:27 PM
As I was saying, you have probably been asked out several times, but you missed it...

I noticed that you were far away from me so I was only half serious, which is why I added the sex part. laugh

But, seriously if you were closer to me I would ask you out, and in reality I do agree with the sex on a first date thing...

My advice to you is this, open your eyes and look around. There are a lot of guys wanting to date you. However, you have become blinded by your negative thoughts.

TxsSun's photo
Sat 08/01/09 05:27 PM

I don't remember if I ever started a thread like this or not, but I DO know I have mentioned it before.

I have NEVER been asked on a date since WELL before my marriage. I've been divorced almost three years now. Three years of guys hitting on me, but never a date request.

Why is this? Do men not ask ladies on dates anymore? Why not? What the hell happened?

I got asked on a couple by the same guy. Guess where that got me laugh laugh

galendgirl's photo
Sat 08/01/09 05:27 PM
What is this "date" thing of which you speak?

Balky's photo
Sat 08/01/09 05:28 PM

Well......you should already know that.....and I'd rather not tell you.....considering the weird *** relationship we have formed

Cuz I read Hemmingway at the bar? laugh

That up there^^^

No idea what it has to do with anything Snark -- But you reading Hemmingway -- that is sexy

As to this --"ETA: Billy, why would taking a woman home be easier than asking her on a date? In my expereince, it's the same thing, only asking her on a date is WAY more respectful..."


If you make yourself not "approachable" for a date and a guy decides to take you "home" that means he wants to have sex

ya get it now?

respect doesnt have anything to do with it. but where did we veer off? at you making yourself not approachable. and you proved that. by saying, "it's the same thing" that one is WAY more respectful. and guess what? we know that

so, miss snarky twain who reads hemmingway, youre smart

you think about what i am saying

But if I'm approachable for sex, I should also be approachable for a date...? WTF?

Men confuse the HELL out of me! frustrated sad

Dont hit your head, lots of guys are just too blind to see a good thing when it's right in front of them... not your fault most are just out to get an std

no photo
Sat 08/01/09 05:29 PM
Yes, they still do.... I just have to say no!laugh

no photo
Sat 08/01/09 05:29 PM

the last girl i asked out said this in conversation after my request.

ive never been asked out. guys ask me to go home with them!!

i said, i dont know if i want to spend any time with you yet, thats why i ask you to come out with me one night

why is it that the dating scene, has become a one night thing?

i like courtship!!

u are so wasted as a hettie!! smitten

Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 08/01/09 05:29 PM

the last girl i asked out said this in conversation after my request.

ive never been asked out. guys ask me to go home with them!!

i said, i dont know if i want to spend any time with you yet, thats why i ask you to come out with me one night

why is it that the dating scene, has become a one night thing?

i like courtship!!

courtship and foreplay seem to be missing....

Christinacospgs's photo
Sat 08/01/09 05:29 PM
Single cause the last girl I dated had a bag full of condoms next to her bed, big big turn off. Wow I mean is there an assembly line going on? I'll still drink though it is sat after all drinker

Keep the faith...someone will come along who appreciates what you do for her!

snarkytwain's photo
Sat 08/01/09 05:31 PM

As I was saying, you have probably been asked out several times, but you missed it...

I noticed that you were far away from me so I was only half serious, which is why I added the sex part. laugh

But, seriously if you were closer to me I would ask you out, and in reality I do agree with the sex on a first date thing...

My advice to you is this, open your eyes and look around. There are a lot of guys wanting to date you. However, you have become blinded by your negative thoughts.

Thank you. blushing I dunno... every guy who talks to me at all wants one thing. And I don't dress slutty. I don't get it, is all. I mean, I can't really mistake "Would you like to go out to coffee/dinner/lunch?" if it's asked, right? But it never is...

What is this "date" thing of which you speak?

My point exactly. People talk about dates, but they also talk about Bigfoot. laugh

Balky, thanks. I think Spokane just sucks is all. Ugh.

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