Topic: People are dumb...
redhead44613's photo
Sat 08/01/09 10:22 AM

Okay, I'm starting to rant. Here's driving tip that can control another driver on the highway without his even knowing that you're aware of him. Dangerous situation: I'm cruising on a 3 or 4 lane hwy, say around 73 to 75 mph. Dopey approaches from behind in the next lane to the left then parks right on my rear left quarter and stays there. First broken rule: either pass or fall in behind, avoid cruising next to another vehicle, especially a truck(and by "next to" I mean within a few car lengths and on either side). Solution: I have found if I slowly (and by slowly i mean slooowwlly and casually, so as not to alarm any one) drift to the left side of my lane, Dopey next to me will pass. If I stay on the right side of my lane Dopey won't pass and will continue to be dopey.

This is a subtle little trick that you should experiment with that will get Dopey off your rear quarter, out of your blind spot, and out of your life. I guarantee it will work and Dopey won't even know it.
Good tip! I will have to try it!

cueball47's photo
Sat 08/01/09 10:23 AM
who said anything about me tailgating? Who said anything about an elderly driver?

cueball47's photo
Sat 08/01/09 10:25 AM
Blinking green means it can change directly to red with no yellow

lionsbrew's photo
Sat 08/01/09 10:27 AM
Another one if you are in the passing(left) lane and you notice a vehicle approaching moving faster than you are. Get out of the passing lane move over so they can pass. That is why it is called a passing lane for faster moving autos to be able to pass by. And for gods sake stop gawking at accidents. Its a freaking wreck people are trying to work don't make travel move to a crawl just so you can see what is going on. Here whats happening people are working to clean it up. Don't hold up the lanes that are not involved just to watch. rant

brokenwings30's photo
Sat 08/01/09 10:28 AM
Got beeped at the other day,and It pissed me off,the light turned green like a nano second past,it hadnt even had time to register in my brain that it was green yet and the A-hole behind me was honking,I HATE people like thatfrustrated

Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 08/01/09 10:30 AM
I have driven in Baltimore, DC, Phoenix, Seattle, Boston...
the worst drivers I have ever seen are in Utah.. I'm not kidding.

papersmile's photo
Sat 08/01/09 10:31 AM

Really none in Canada? hmm

maybe you'd google it for me and post a photo so that i know what you're talking about?

oh nevermind

he just told me that he sits in his lane and waits til some jerk behind him starts leaning on his horn and cussing.laugh

no photo
Sat 08/01/09 10:33 AM
I just laugh at the a-hole as i pass them

redhead44613's photo
Sat 08/01/09 10:33 AM

Really none in Canada? hmm

maybe you'd google it for me and post a photo so that i know what you're talking about?

oh nevermind

he just told me that he sits in his lane and waits til some jerk behind him starts leaning on his horn and cussing.laugh
:laughing: :laughing:

redhead44613's photo
Sat 08/01/09 10:34 AM

Got beeped at the other day,and It pissed me off,the light turned green like a nano second past,it hadnt even had time to register in my brain that it was green yet and the A-hole behind me was honking,I HATE people like thatfrustrated
see that's just road rage, I will give you about 30 secs before I honk.

no photo
Sat 08/01/09 10:35 AM

umm ok I'm sorry but if your to dumb to know your colors then don't drive!

my father is colour-blind, he can't tell the difference between red and green and needs to see what position is lit up before he can advance/stop.

chances are the fellow wasn't paying total attention. haven't you ever changed a CD at a light, or looked through your purse for a cigarette, changed the radio station, anything that took your concentration away for a few seconds?

i'd hardly refer to him as stupid and/or an a-hole.

frankly, i think it's people who get SO aggravated at other drivers that they lose their concentration in their fit of rage. and that same fit of rage lasts, it isn't just gone as quick as it came. they fester on about it.

i drive defensively, i always expect the worse and am mostly prepared. i might not be the fastest car on the road, but i'm one of the safest.

i'm colour blind too but that is why we are taught the sequence of lights - mind u we don't have blinking scared

PacificStar48's photo
Sat 08/01/09 10:39 AM

Consideration is not a given. Focus is not always a given.

People are humans and sometimes they drive when they are tired, upset, lost, or frail.

Tail gateing and elderly driver and blinding them with your lights is pretty juvinile and dangerous because if you miss judge the and elderly persons reflexs you are likely to be eating their bumper and I pretty much guarantee you they are better insured and have a lawyer to make you very miserable.

Hugging the left line to dominate another driver is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Sooner or later that is going to get you killed. With the number of eyes in the sky it is also likely to get you stopped for driving under the influence which is pretty much guaranteed to take more time than being a considerate driver yourself even if someone else isn't.

It all comes down to the old axiom "Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right".

they should be givens! If you are too tired to drive well then don't! Pull over and take a fast nap or something.
Who said anything bout drive under the influence?

All I am saying is people need to think before they drive!

I AGREE everyone should THINK before they drive and be in good condition before they drive but that is not really very realistic.

I was not accuseing anyone of DUI what I am saying is if you hug the line you will appear to be a DUI driver and probably get stopped. A real drag and consumes considerably more time. Since cops don't like unsubstaniated stops you are risking them finding a reason to hassle you. Such as search your car or paper work. We all know a professional peace officer would never rough up a citizen or a car but after they have scrapped up enough bodies off the highways they don't really like aggressive drivers and you are asking for trouble.

redhead44613's photo
Sat 08/01/09 10:47 AM

umm ok I'm sorry but if your to dumb to know your colors then don't drive!

my father is colour-blind, he can't tell the difference between red and green and needs to see what position is lit up before he can advance/stop.

chances are the fellow wasn't paying total attention. haven't you ever changed a CD at a light, or looked through your purse for a cigarette, changed the radio station, anything that took your concentration away for a few seconds?

i'd hardly refer to him as stupid and/or an a-hole.

frankly, i think it's people who get SO aggravated at other drivers that they lose their concentration in their fit of rage. and that same fit of rage lasts, it isn't just gone as quick as it came. they fester on about it.

i drive defensively, i always expect the worse and am mostly prepared. i might not be the fastest car on the road, but i'm one of the safest.

i'm colour blind too but that is why we are taught the sequence of lights - mind u we don't have blinking scared
that has to suck!

PacificStar48's photo
Sat 08/01/09 10:52 AM

who said anything about me tailgating? Who said anything about an elderly driver?

This is a long thread. Don't transfer what does not apply to you.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 08/01/09 11:19 AM
Actually since I'm one that is not in a hurry if one tailgates me I slow down if they blow their horn at me I sit a little longer and laugh my *** off as they go by fuming.

Cause it amazes me how the littlest thing will get to some. If your that late then you were running late to begin with and just looking for someone else to take it out on.....whoa slaphead :laughing:

Katzenschnauzer's photo
Sat 08/01/09 11:22 AM
I have so many gripes about some drivers but here's one that happened just last night. On the freeway there was an accident and the slow lane was blocked by ambulances, fire trucks, police, people strewn about, oil spills, wrecked cars, etc. I see this ahead, as well as other drivers before me did and we start signaling to change lanes. You think the people in the 2nd lane would let people in?!?! That's when I roll my window down and put my arms out and say, "What do you want me to do here??" Grrrr.

no photo
Sat 08/01/09 11:22 AM
Edited by Moblodite on Sat 08/01/09 11:23 AM
I have a bumper sticker on the back of my Explorer that says..


So no matter why they are honking.. I just figure they are horny andlaugh need a good F**K

Just a joke

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 08/01/09 11:25 AM

:angry: well last night I pulled up to a green light and some A-Hole was just sitting there in his van, light is green!! We sit there for about 30secs, so I beep my horn. To let him know the light is green. So he finally goes and has the nerve to call me some nasty names. ok I'm sorry not my fault your dumb and didn't know the light was green...which means GO! :angry: grumble frustrated I will beep my horn at you if you do not go, sorry but that's what I do. Living in Jersey has done this for me, if you do not go in within 5sec of a light change you get beeped at!

You probably interrupted him getting a hummer!grumble

Some people are just stupid jerks bereft of any saving social graces.

Some of them make me wonder if killing them would be an act of mercy or not.

Then again, where there is good there will be evil. Where you have nice people there will always be choads.

Such is the duplicitous nature of life!drinker

no photo
Sat 08/01/09 11:26 AM
Edited by Moblodite on Sat 08/01/09 11:36 AM

Actually since I'm one that is not in a hurry if one tailgates me I slow down if they blow their horn at me I sit a little longer and laugh my *** off as they go by fuming.

Cause it amazes me how the littlest thing will get to some. If your that late then you were running late to begin with and just looking for someone else to take it out on.....whoa slaphead :laughing:

I seriously do have a sticker on my car that says "TAILGATER'S like it up the rear"
also one that says "how's my driving? call 1-800-eat-s**t"

The one that gets me really peeved...if we follow a car to closely on the highway.. we get a ticket. I am talking about 2 lanes each direction.
Then some butthead passes you and pulls over in front of you with just a car length or less of distance between us. even semi's do this a lot on HWY 63.
Not only is it really dangerous, but if a trooper happens to see you right on the other cars tail because he just pulled right in front of you.... guess who will get the ticket!!!

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 08/01/09 11:43 AM
Foreword facing machine guns (50 BMG) rear oil slick, spike droppers out the rear, and side throw flame throwers! Add a pair of heavy rockets out the back and you are easy for anything! Pesky ticket writing state troopers and rude drivers alike will take notice the first time you light someone up twisted Metal Style!