Topic: People are dumb...
Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 08/01/09 09:39 AM

I don't care how long they sit at a green. It's the ones running the reds that pi33 me off.


no photo
Sat 08/01/09 09:46 AM
You haven't seen bad driving and the rudest people in the nation until you visit Miami.

Miami was rated on CNN numerous times for both!

I truly believe most of the people who live here rode donkeys in their countries before coming here to sit in a car.

no photo
Sat 08/01/09 09:53 AM
obviously u were in the wrong - ur a woman driver! tongue2

redhead44613's photo
Sat 08/01/09 09:55 AM
OH I hated jug handles!! The one day I saw some out of stater try to make a left hand turn when he was not aloud, had to use the jug handle. I was soo glad to see he made it ok, could have been bad. People were honking at him, flying by. Thank god they were not hurt!

People really get on my nerves! They need to learn how to drive! I almost got ran off the road 3 times in Jersey. Because they were to lazy to look over their shoulder to see if anyone was there! One guy came soo close, if I didn't move over like I did, I might not be here now.

Yeah why stress the little things.... umm ok I'm sorry but if your to dumb to know your colors then don't drive! I hate sitting at lights, I am not going to let some dumb a-hole make me late! Drives around here are pretty bad, much like every state. No turn signal, slamming on breaks at the last min because we didn't see the light turn red! Oh then you have the people who drive 50 on the high way and will NOT move over.

I'm sorry but if you can't use your common sense while you drive then you should NOT be on the road, that is how people die or get hurt!

redhead44613's photo
Sat 08/01/09 09:59 AM

obviously u were in the wrong - ur a woman driver! tongue2
HEY... I have never been in an accident, did get 2 speeding tickets when I was 16. I was and learn.

I do what I have to do when I drive. Always signal before a turn, stop at red lights, go when light turns green. Do the speed limit, will not answer my phone or text while I drive, move over on the highway if someone comes up fast behind me. I am not going to risk my life or anyone else! I have seen way too many people die because they did not use common sense!

I have seen some bad male drivers tongue2

cueball47's photo
Sat 08/01/09 10:01 AM
Here's one that always bugs me, hopefully I'll describe it clearly: 2 way road, average speed around 40mph, light to moderate traffic, ahead a car is looking to exit a side street and go the opposite way. Totally routine nothing out of the ordinary until the guy in front of me decides to go from 40 to 0 on a state route (totally unexpected) so side street guy (on our right) can enter and go the opposite way. However, there's 5 or 6 cars coming the opposite way so side street guy can't go anyway. It would take less time if we were to pass side street guy and be out of his life for ever then it took to slow down and stop and wave him out when he couldn't go anyway because of the oncoming traffic. I see this or variations of it all the time. Moral: Being courteous to one car should not endanger another car. Assess the whole picture. Feedback?

papersmile's photo
Sat 08/01/09 10:03 AM
umm ok I'm sorry but if your to dumb to know your colors then don't drive!

my father is colour-blind, he can't tell the difference between red and green and needs to see what position is lit up before he can advance/stop.

chances are the fellow wasn't paying total attention. haven't you ever changed a CD at a light, or looked through your purse for a cigarette, changed the radio station, anything that took your concentration away for a few seconds?

i'd hardly refer to him as stupid and/or an a-hole.

frankly, i think it's people who get SO aggravated at other drivers that they lose their concentration in their fit of rage. and that same fit of rage lasts, it isn't just gone as quick as it came. they fester on about it.

i drive defensively, i always expect the worse and am mostly prepared. i might not be the fastest car on the road, but i'm one of the safest.

redhead44613's photo
Sat 08/01/09 10:06 AM
I hate when people do that. I understand he trying to be nice but you need to watch for other drivers! That's whats wrong with a lot of people on the road these days. Watch out for others, you just might save some ones life!

redhead44613's photo
Sat 08/01/09 10:08 AM

umm ok I'm sorry but if your to dumb to know your colors then don't drive!

my father is colour-blind, he can't tell the difference between red and green and needs to see what position is lit up before he can advance/stop.

chances are the fellow wasn't paying total attention. haven't you ever changed a CD at a light, or looked through your purse for a cigarette, changed the radio station, anything that took your concentration away for a few seconds?

i'd hardly refer to him as stupid and/or an a-hole.

frankly, i think it's people who get SO aggravated at other drivers that they lose their concentration in their fit of rage. and that same fit of rage lasts, it isn't just gone as quick as it came. they fester on about it.

i drive defensively, i always expect the worse and am mostly prepared. i might not be the fastest car on the road, but i'm one of the safest.

ok what does he do when its just a blinking light? how does he know if its red or green? I have seen blinking green lights before.

Ok once again... keep your eye on the light. When I am at a light and trying to do something I will look up ever couple of secs to make sure the light did not change. If you really need more time to fiddle around then pull over!

papersmile's photo
Sat 08/01/09 10:09 AM
Edited by papersmile on Sat 08/01/09 10:10 AM
ok what does he do when its just a blinking light? how does he know if its red or green? I have seen blinking green lights before.

the position of the lit light, whether it's on the top or the bottom.

redhead44613's photo
Sat 08/01/09 10:11 AM

ok what does he do when its just a blinking light? how does he know if its red or green? I have seen blinking green lights before.

the position of the lit light, whether it's on the top or the bottom.
I mean just the one light...its not the long box. a single box.

lionsbrew's photo
Sat 08/01/09 10:11 AM
I swear I bought a tomtom for the specific purpose of driving through New Jersey. There are bad drivers everywhere Pa,rant New York,and Delaware drivers aren't much better.

PacificStar48's photo
Sat 08/01/09 10:12 AM
Consideration is not a given. Focus is not always a given.

People are humans and sometimes they drive when they are tired, upset, lost, or frail.

Tail gateing and elderly driver and blinding them with your lights is pretty juvinile and dangerous because if you miss judge the and elderly persons reflexs you are likely to be eating their bumper and I pretty much guarantee you they are better insured and have a lawyer to make you very miserable.

Hugging the left line to dominate another driver is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Sooner or later that is going to get you killed. With the number of eyes in the sky it is also likely to get you stopped for driving under the influence which is pretty much guaranteed to take more time than being a considerate driver yourself even if someone else isn't.

It all comes down to the old axiom "Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right".

redhead44613's photo
Sat 08/01/09 10:13 AM

I swear I bought a tomtom for the specific purpose of driving through New Jersey. There are bad drivers everywhere Pa,rant New York,and Delaware drivers aren't much better.
I had to get one also. Had no clue where I was going half the time.

papersmile's photo
Sat 08/01/09 10:15 AM
I mean just the one light...its not the long box. a single box.

hmmmm, i'm not sure we have those in canada - i've never seen one.

he's driven a lot through america however but i'd guess mostly on the interstates, and would avoid major metropolises.

redhead44613's photo
Sat 08/01/09 10:16 AM

Consideration is not a given. Focus is not always a given.

People are humans and sometimes they drive when they are tired, upset, lost, or frail.

Tail gateing and elderly driver and blinding them with your lights is pretty juvinile and dangerous because if you miss judge the and elderly persons reflexs you are likely to be eating their bumper and I pretty much guarantee you they are better insured and have a lawyer to make you very miserable.

Hugging the left line to dominate another driver is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Sooner or later that is going to get you killed. With the number of eyes in the sky it is also likely to get you stopped for driving under the influence which is pretty much guaranteed to take more time than being a considerate driver yourself even if someone else isn't.

It all comes down to the old axiom "Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right".

they should be givens! If you are too tired to drive well then don't! Pull over and take a fast nap or something.
Who said anything bout drive under the influence?

All I am saying is people need to think before they drive!

redhead44613's photo
Sat 08/01/09 10:19 AM
Edited by redhead44613 on Sat 08/01/09 10:20 AM

I mean just the one light...its not the long box. a single box.

hmmmm, i'm not sure we have those in canada - i've never seen one.

he's driven a lot through america however but i'd guess mostly on the interstates, and would avoid major metropolises.
Really none in Canada? hmm. You should ask him about that. I do know sometimes they will have a stop sign if the blinking light is red but not all the time.

Glad he did not let his color blindness hold him back! drinker

cueball47's photo
Sat 08/01/09 10:19 AM
Okay, I'm starting to rant. Here's driving tip that can control another driver on the highway without his even knowing that you're aware of him. Dangerous situation: I'm cruising on a 3 or 4 lane hwy, say around 73 to 75 mph. Dopey approaches from behind in the next lane to the left then parks right on my rear left quarter and stays there. First broken rule: either pass or fall in behind, avoid cruising next to another vehicle, especially a truck(and by "next to" I mean within a few car lengths and on either side). Solution: I have found if I slowly (and by slowly i mean slooowwlly and casually, so as not to alarm any one) drift to the left side of my lane, Dopey next to me will pass. If I stay on the right side of my lane Dopey won't pass and will continue to be dopey.

This is a subtle little trick that you should experiment with that will get Dopey off your rear quarter, out of your blind spot, and out of your life. I guarantee it will work and Dopey won't even know it.

papersmile's photo
Sat 08/01/09 10:21 AM
Really none in Canada? hmm

maybe you'd google it for me and post a photo so that i know what you're talking about?

cueball47's photo
Sat 08/01/09 10:21 AM

umm ok I'm sorry but if your to dumb to know your colors then don't drive!

my father is colour-blind, he can't tell the difference between red and green and needs to see what position is lit up before he can advance/stop.

chances are the fellow wasn't paying total attention. haven't you ever changed a CD at a light, or looked through your purse for a cigarette, changed the radio station, anything that took your concentration away for a few seconds?

i'd hardly refer to him as stupid and/or an a-hole.

frankly, i think it's people who get SO aggravated at other drivers that they lose their concentration in their fit of rage. and that same fit of rage lasts, it isn't just gone as quick as it came. they fester on about it.

i drive defensively, i always expect the worse and am mostly prepared. i might not be the fastest car on the road, but i'm one of the safest.