Topic: Above the Law?
noblenan's photo
Fri 07/24/09 08:13 PM
I was pulled over the other day for the first time in probably 20 years. I knew not to reach for my driver's license and insurance verification from previous training. I think it was called Driver's Ed. whoa I did everything that the officer asked me to, when he asked me to, and the stop was not all that unpleasant. It ended well for me. It might have been different if the officer had started out being rude or hateful to me cause I can be a hot head when provoked. I suspect that one or the other began this incident with a poor attitude. The only ones that know that for sure are those that were there. I think President Obama was out of line when he publicly expressed his opinion without knowing all the facts. but, it was his opinion and he's human. I believe he has apologized and we all should move on. Hopefully, the officer and the professor can work this out amongst themselves and move on, too. flowerforyou


no photo
Fri 07/24/09 08:17 PM

Modela said, "Obama should not comment on local news, stick to the national news."

He didn't just step up and make a comment. The press asked him about the situation during his Presidential speech. He also said that he didn't know the whole story but based on what he knows....

Then simple very simple even a 6th grader can answer this:
I am so sorry I cannot comment on the issue because i do not have the facts and let's leave it that way. Or he can say: I will get back to you guys when I have the facts.

But instead he open his mouth and disrespect the police enforcement at Cambridge andt the entire police force in the country by saying they are "stupid for arresting his friend" that is uncalled for my friend... sorry, he make a fool of himself by saying so without the facts at hand.

Actually one person's words about a Cambridge police incident would not sway my opinion of the whole police force unless one thinks everyone is at the level of a 6th grader. I don't think you meant to assume that people can't figure this on our on their own. I think the police force are all pretty much grown men.

Both could have handled it differently. Live and learn, simple as that.

no photo
Fri 07/24/09 08:23 PM

Based only on what I have read, it would seem that the entire confrontation could have been avoided if the professor had showed his ID. The police were acting upon a neighbor's call that she saw some people breaking into a home. I would hope that if it were MY house, the police would ask for ID and not just take someone's word that they were the residents of the house! What if strangers HAD broken into the professor's home and told the police that they lived there and the police then left? I bet Obama would then say that their actions were stupid. Again, based on what I have read, the officers were acting by the book and Obama should not comment on local news, stick to the national news.

Obama should apologize to the officer and the police department for saying they acted stupidly without any clue about what happened. I notice that he didn't include the possibility that his friend could have done something less than stellar. There is ample evidence that the officer is not one to racially profile people or denigrate people because of their race. His boss (a black man) choose him to teach others how to avoid profiling people. The "victim" has made his living with an emphasis that white people are racist. The reports from those on the scene indicate that he was at best uncooperative and making racist claims. The house had previously been broken into.

If you read the report, it states that at no time did Gates show identification, although he was repeatedly asked for it. I challenge everyone to read it for themselves, and then attempt to claim that Gates was cooperating. -- All Gates had to do, is what EVERYONE is expected to do in this situation, SHOW HIS ID. If there is any accuracy in the report at all, he belligerently refused.

Now we're learning that the Honorable Professor uttered some disparaging remarks about the police officers mother. Where I come from, such comments can usually buy you an opportunity for dentures. It's not unusual for the public to scream for and demand that police officers be held to a higher standard of respect when going about their duties. Respect is a double edged sword and it swings both ways. An individual who is disruptive and argumentative during a confrontration wtih police is probably going to be dealt with in a manner fitting the display of temper. At this point at least were I officer Crowley I wouldn't offer an apology either. This isn't a case of black and/or white. It's a case of a home owner letting his alligator mouth overload his humming bird brain.

While I think according to the report he did over react, (if the report is accurate) did say that initially he did 'not' show idenditfication but then 'did' show id, so I don't know where you got that he did not at any time show id, because he did according to the report. While I agree that we should show respect on both sides, reacting to violence with violence, as per your denture remark, doesn't show restraint or character either.

I would have respected the cop more if he had continued to walk away and allowed the professor to act like the child. They both had an audience, so it was unlikly that they old man would have done much more than yell, making himself look foolish. The cop really didn't need to make his day worse by arresting him, in my opinion. I think if the cop had walked away it would have put him in a much better light.

As for Obama, he was asked about the incident inappropriately, when his focus was on health care, so to me they just wanted something to make a stink about and unfortunately Obama walked right in to that one.

Yes, he did show (work) University ID --> without home address listed on it... He showed the DL ID only after the altercation...

no photo
Fri 07/24/09 08:26 PM

Modela said, "Obama should not comment on local news, stick to the national news."

He didn't just step up and make a comment. The press asked him about the situation during his Presidential speech. He also said that he didn't know the whole story but based on what he knows....

Then simple very simple even a 6th grader can answer this:
I am so sorry I cannot comment on the issue because i do not have the facts and let's leave it that way. Or he can say: I will get back to you guys when I have the facts.

But instead he open his mouth and disrespect the police enforcement at Cambridge andt the entire police force in the country by saying they are "stupid for arresting his friend" that is uncalled for my friend... sorry, he make a fool of himself by saying so without the facts at hand.

Actually one person's words about a Cambridge police incident would not sway my opinion of the whole police force unless one thinks everyone is at the level of a 6th grader. I don't think you meant to assume that people can't figure this on our on their own. I think the police force are all pretty much grown men.

Both could have handled it differently. Live and learn, simple as that.

This statement is for Obama to the press and not the police or the so called victim

Winx's photo
Fri 07/24/09 08:27 PM

Modela said, "Obama should not comment on local news, stick to the national news."

He didn't just step up and make a comment. The press asked him about the situation during his Presidential speech. He also said that he didn't know the whole story but based on what he knows....

Then simple very simple even a 6th grader can answer this:
I am so sorry I cannot comment on the issue because i do not have the facts and let's leave it that way. Or he can say: I will get back to you guys when I have the facts.

But instead he open his mouth and disrespect the police enforcement at Cambridge andt the entire police force in the country by saying they are "stupid for arresting his friend" that is uncalled for my friend... sorry, he make a fool of himself by saying so without the facts at hand.

Well...people smarter then 6th graders would know that he wasn't talking about the entire police force in the country.

I saw him talking about it during his Presidential Conference. He was discussing health care the whole time and a reporter asked him about that situation. He gave his opinion about what he knew about that one situation. In no way would I have considered him to have been talking about all the police officers in the country. He very clearly spoke about that one situation.

no photo
Fri 07/24/09 08:28 PM

I was pulled over the other day for the first time in probably 20 years. I knew not to reach for my driver's license and insurance verification from previous training. I think it was called Driver's Ed. whoa I did everything that the officer asked me to, when he asked me to, and the stop was not all that unpleasant. It ended well for me. It might have been different if the officer had started out being rude or hateful to me cause I can be a hot head when provoked. I suspect that one or the other began this incident with a poor attitude. The only ones that know that for sure are those that were there. I think President Obama was out of line when he publicly expressed his opinion without knowing all the facts. but, it was his opinion and he's human. I believe he has apologized and we all should move on. Hopefully, the officer and the professor can work this out amongst themselves and move on, too. flowerforyou


I agree, just let it go, it's not like we don't have more important things to deal with. I would like to see us have some open dialog in this country about race, so we can end this kind of thing once and for all.

no photo
Fri 07/24/09 08:30 PM

Modela said, "Obama should not comment on local news, stick to the national news."

He didn't just step up and make a comment. The press asked him about the situation during his Presidential speech. He also said that he didn't know the whole story but based on what he knows....

Then simple very simple even a 6th grader can answer this:
I am so sorry I cannot comment on the issue because i do not have the facts and let's leave it that way. Or he can say: I will get back to you guys when I have the facts.

But instead he open his mouth and disrespect the police enforcement at Cambridge andt the entire police force in the country by saying they are "stupid for arresting his friend" that is uncalled for my friend... sorry, he make a fool of himself by saying so without the facts at hand.

Actually one person's words about a Cambridge police incident would not sway my opinion of the whole police force unless one thinks everyone is at the level of a 6th grader. I don't think you meant to assume that people can't figure this on our on their own. I think the police force are all pretty much grown men.

Both could have handled it differently. Live and learn, simple as that.

This statement is for Obama to the press and not the police or the so called victim

What statement are you referring to?

no photo
Fri 07/24/09 08:33 PM

Based only on what I have read, it would seem that the entire confrontation could have been avoided if the professor had showed his ID. The police were acting upon a neighbor's call that she saw some people breaking into a home. I would hope that if it were MY house, the police would ask for ID and not just take someone's word that they were the residents of the house! What if strangers HAD broken into the professor's home and told the police that they lived there and the police then left? I bet Obama would then say that their actions were stupid. Again, based on what I have read, the officers were acting by the book and Obama should not comment on local news, stick to the national news.

Obama should apologize to the officer and the police department for saying they acted stupidly without any clue about what happened. I notice that he didn't include the possibility that his friend could have done something less than stellar. There is ample evidence that the officer is not one to racially profile people or denigrate people because of their race. His boss (a black man) choose him to teach others how to avoid profiling people. The "victim" has made his living with an emphasis that white people are racist. The reports from those on the scene indicate that he was at best uncooperative and making racist claims. The house had previously been broken into.

If you read the report, it states that at no time did Gates show identification, although he was repeatedly asked for it. I challenge everyone to read it for themselves, and then attempt to claim that Gates was cooperating. -- All Gates had to do, is what EVERYONE is expected to do in this situation, SHOW HIS ID. If there is any accuracy in the report at all, he belligerently refused.

Now we're learning that the Honorable Professor uttered some disparaging remarks about the police officers mother. Where I come from, such comments can usually buy you an opportunity for dentures. It's not unusual for the public to scream for and demand that police officers be held to a higher standard of respect when going about their duties. Respect is a double edged sword and it swings both ways. An individual who is disruptive and argumentative during a confrontration wtih police is probably going to be dealt with in a manner fitting the display of temper. At this point at least were I officer Crowley I wouldn't offer an apology either. This isn't a case of black and/or white. It's a case of a home owner letting his alligator mouth overload his humming bird brain.

While I think according to the report he did over react, (if the report is accurate) did say that initially he did 'not' show idenditfication but then 'did' show id, so I don't know where you got that he did not at any time show id, because he did according to the report. While I agree that we should show respect on both sides, reacting to violence with violence, as per your denture remark, doesn't show restraint or character either.

I would have respected the cop more if he had continued to walk away and allowed the professor to act like the child. They both had an audience, so it was unlikly that they old man would have done much more than yell, making himself look foolish. The cop really didn't need to make his day worse by arresting him, in my opinion. I think if the cop had walked away it would have put him in a much better light.

As for Obama, he was asked about the incident inappropriately, when his focus was on health care, so to me they just wanted something to make a stink about and unfortunately Obama walked right in to that one.

Yes, he did show (work) University ID --> without home address listed on it... He showed the DL ID only after the altercation...

The prof gets as good as he gives!! If he wants to act like an arss hole, the he should be treated as such.

Like I said in an earlier post...the officer was following procedure as outlined by the laws of his state! Period!

The prof was asked(more than once)to calm down...but to no avail! So, the officer, in order to continue his job, was left with no other choice, but the one the prof left him with. It WAS the action of the prof, that got him arrested(and it was his choice to continue his verbal abuse)! I don't see why it's so hard for you people to's a plain as the nose on your face!whoa

no photo
Fri 07/24/09 08:38 PM

Based only on what I have read, it would seem that the entire confrontation could have been avoided if the professor had showed his ID. The police were acting upon a neighbor's call that she saw some people breaking into a home. I would hope that if it were MY house, the police would ask for ID and not just take someone's word that they were the residents of the house! What if strangers HAD broken into the professor's home and told the police that they lived there and the police then left? I bet Obama would then say that their actions were stupid. Again, based on what I have read, the officers were acting by the book and Obama should not comment on local news, stick to the national news.

Obama should apologize to the officer and the police department for saying they acted stupidly without any clue about what happened. I notice that he didn't include the possibility that his friend could have done something less than stellar. There is ample evidence that the officer is not one to racially profile people or denigrate people because of their race. His boss (a black man) choose him to teach others how to avoid profiling people. The "victim" has made his living with an emphasis that white people are racist. The reports from those on the scene indicate that he was at best uncooperative and making racist claims. The house had previously been broken into.

If you read the report, it states that at no time did Gates show identification, although he was repeatedly asked for it. I challenge everyone to read it for themselves, and then attempt to claim that Gates was cooperating. -- All Gates had to do, is what EVERYONE is expected to do in this situation, SHOW HIS ID. If there is any accuracy in the report at all, he belligerently refused.

Now we're learning that the Honorable Professor uttered some disparaging remarks about the police officers mother. Where I come from, such comments can usually buy you an opportunity for dentures. It's not unusual for the public to scream for and demand that police officers be held to a higher standard of respect when going about their duties. Respect is a double edged sword and it swings both ways. An individual who is disruptive and argumentative during a confrontration wtih police is probably going to be dealt with in a manner fitting the display of temper. At this point at least were I officer Crowley I wouldn't offer an apology either. This isn't a case of black and/or white. It's a case of a home owner letting his alligator mouth overload his humming bird brain.

While I think according to the report he did over react, (if the report is accurate) did say that initially he did 'not' show idenditfication but then 'did' show id, so I don't know where you got that he did not at any time show id, because he did according to the report. While I agree that we should show respect on both sides, reacting to violence with violence, as per your denture remark, doesn't show restraint or character either.

I would have respected the cop more if he had continued to walk away and allowed the professor to act like the child. They both had an audience, so it was unlikly that they old man would have done much more than yell, making himself look foolish. The cop really didn't need to make his day worse by arresting him, in my opinion. I think if the cop had walked away it would have put him in a much better light.

As for Obama, he was asked about the incident inappropriately, when his focus was on health care, so to me they just wanted something to make a stink about and unfortunately Obama walked right in to that one.

Yes, he did show (work) University ID --> without home address listed on it... He showed the DL ID only after the altercation...

The prof gets as good as he gives!! If he wants to act like an arss hole, the he should be treated as such.

Like I said in an earlier post...the officer was following procedure as outlined by the laws of his state! Period!

The prof was asked(more than once)to calm down...but to no avail! So, the officer, in order to continue his job, was left with no other choice, but the one the prof left him with. It WAS the action of the prof, that got him arrested(and it was his choice to continue his verbal abuse)! I don't see why it's so hard for you people to's a plain as the nose on your face!whoa

While your view is quite plain, my view is simply that you don't respond in kind to a screaming child. It only teaches the child that you also can not control yourself. I much would have prefered to see the officer rise above that and walk away as he was doing at first.

no photo
Fri 07/24/09 08:38 PM
Edited by Unknow on Fri 07/24/09 08:39 PM
Im curious about who reported the so called break in and why! Its easy to judge someone until it happens to YOU on YOUR property and home!!!!!!!

no photo
Fri 07/24/09 08:47 PM

Im curious about who reported the so called break in and why! Its easy to judge someone until it happens to YOU on YOUR property and home!!!!!!!

I agree, there's more than one way to look at this situation and hopefully learn from it too. The neigbhor I believe called it in.

no photo
Fri 07/24/09 08:49 PM
Edited by Modela on Fri 07/24/09 08:51 PM

Based only on what I have read, it would seem that the entire confrontation could have been avoided if the professor had showed his ID. The police were acting upon a neighbor's call that she saw some people breaking into a home. I would hope that if it were MY house, the police would ask for ID and not just take someone's word that they were the residents of the house! What if strangers HAD broken into the professor's home and told the police that they lived there and the police then left? I bet Obama would then say that their actions were stupid. Again, based on what I have read, the officers were acting by the book and Obama should not comment on local news, stick to the national news.

Obama should apologize to the officer and the police department for saying they acted stupidly without any clue about what happened. I notice that he didn't include the possibility that his friend could have done something less than stellar. There is ample evidence that the officer is not one to racially profile people or denigrate people because of their race. His boss (a black man) choose him to teach others how to avoid profiling people. The "victim" has made his living with an emphasis that white people are racist. The reports from those on the scene indicate that he was at best uncooperative and making racist claims. The house had previously been broken into.

If you read the report, it states that at no time did Gates show identification, although he was repeatedly asked for it. I challenge everyone to read it for themselves, and then attempt to claim that Gates was cooperating. -- All Gates had to do, is what EVERYONE is expected to do in this situation, SHOW HIS ID. If there is any accuracy in the report at all, he belligerently refused.

Now we're learning that the Honorable Professor uttered some disparaging remarks about the police officers mother. Where I come from, such comments can usually buy you an opportunity for dentures. It's not unusual for the public to scream for and demand that police officers be held to a higher standard of respect when going about their duties. Respect is a double edged sword and it swings both ways. An individual who is disruptive and argumentative during a confrontration wtih police is probably going to be dealt with in a manner fitting the display of temper. At this point at least were I officer Crowley I wouldn't offer an apology either. This isn't a case of black and/or white. It's a case of a home owner letting his alligator mouth overload his humming bird brain.

While I think according to the report he did over react, (if the report is accurate) did say that initially he did 'not' show idenditfication but then 'did' show id, so I don't know where you got that he did not at any time show id, because he did according to the report. While I agree that we should show respect on both sides, reacting to violence with violence, as per your denture remark, doesn't show restraint or character either.

I would have respected the cop more if he had continued to walk away and allowed the professor to act like the child. They both had an audience, so it was unlikly that they old man would have done much more than yell, making himself look foolish. The cop really didn't need to make his day worse by arresting him, in my opinion. I think if the cop had walked away it would have put him in a much better light.

As for Obama, he was asked about the incident inappropriately, when his focus was on health care, so to me they just wanted something to make a stink about and unfortunately Obama walked right in to that one.

Yes, he did show (work) University ID --> without home address listed on it... He showed the DL ID only after the altercation...

The prof gets as good as he gives!! If he wants to act like an arss hole, the he should be treated as such.

Like I said in an earlier post...the officer was following procedure as outlined by the laws of his state! Period!

The prof was asked(more than once)to calm down...but to no avail! So, the officer, in order to continue his job, was left with no other choice, but the one the prof left him with. It WAS the action of the prof, that got him arrested(and it was his choice to continue his verbal abuse)! I don't see why it's so hard for you people to's a plain as the nose on your face!whoa

While your view is quite plain, my view is simply that you don't respond in kind to a screaming child. It only teaches the child that you also can not control yourself. I much would have prefered to see the officer rise above that and walk away as he was doing at first.

I do not know if you've been in military or if you understand the protocol of a military/police profession. Walk away? I hope you are kidding...based on your statement here, you seems to not know what police are for and what they do to protect you and your neighborhood.

Now, I'm really curious who you are... pardon me for viewing your profile...

cabot's photo
Fri 07/24/09 08:50 PM

Im curious about who reported the so called break in and why! Its easy to judge someone until it happens to YOU on YOUR property and home!!!!!!!

I agree, there's more than one way to look at this situation and hopefully learn from it too. The neigbhor I believe called it in.

I learned alot from this.and looked at it from all angles. Read the officers report on Pretty much sums it up. I hope the neighbor does not call in a real break in on the Professors home. That would be justice.

Winx's photo
Fri 07/24/09 08:51 PM

Im curious about who reported the so called break in and why! Its easy to judge someone until it happens to YOU on YOUR property and home!!!!!!!

I agree, there's more than one way to look at this situation and hopefully learn from it too. The neigbhor I believe called it in.

It was white neighbor lady. She reported seeing two black men with backpacks breaking into a home. I wondered about the backpacks. lol

Winx's photo
Fri 07/24/09 08:55 PM

The prof gets as good as he gives!! If he wants to act like an arss hole, the he should be treated as such.

Like I said in an earlier post...the officer was following procedure as outlined by the laws of his state! Period!

The prof was asked(more than once)to calm down...but to no avail! So, the officer, in order to continue his job, was left with no other choice, but the one the prof left him with. It WAS the action of the prof, that got him arrested(and it was his choice to continue his verbal abuse)! I don't see why it's so hard for you people to's a plain as the nose on your face!whoa


I sure hope you don't mean that - If one acts like an a$$hole, they should be treated as such.

Police officers in my city are trained better then that. They take special classes so they know how to deal with the mentally ill. They take classes to learn how to deal with people on drugs too. The police officer isn't supposed to be acting like the person that they are confronting.

Winx's photo
Fri 07/24/09 08:56 PM

Im curious about who reported the so called break in and why! Its easy to judge someone until it happens to YOU on YOUR property and home!!!!!!!

I agree, there's more than one way to look at this situation and hopefully learn from it too. The neigbhor I believe called it in.

I learned alot from this.and looked at it from all angles. Read the officers report on Pretty much sums it up. I hope the neighbor does not call in a real break in on the Professors home. That would be justice.

Why would you wish something bad for someone?

no photo
Fri 07/24/09 08:58 PM
Edited by Modela on Fri 07/24/09 08:58 PM

Im curious about who reported the so called break in and why! Its easy to judge someone until it happens to YOU on YOUR property and home!!!!!!!

I agree, there's more than one way to look at this situation and hopefully learn from it too. The neigbhor I believe called it in.

It was white neighbor lady. She reported seeing two black men with backpacks breaking into a home. I wondered about the backpacks. lol

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
I wondered about the backpacks. lol

Oh man, you crack me up! Now, I can't be serious here anymore... Thank you for the good laugh tonite
Mwauaaaaaaaah, Modela.....rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

no photo
Fri 07/24/09 08:59 PM

Based only on what I have read, it would seem that the entire confrontation could have been avoided if the professor had showed his ID. The police were acting upon a neighbor's call that she saw some people breaking into a home. I would hope that if it were MY house, the police would ask for ID and not just take someone's word that they were the residents of the house! What if strangers HAD broken into the professor's home and told the police that they lived there and the police then left? I bet Obama would then say that their actions were stupid. Again, based on what I have read, the officers were acting by the book and Obama should not comment on local news, stick to the national news.

Obama should apologize to the officer and the police department for saying they acted stupidly without any clue about what happened. I notice that he didn't include the possibility that his friend could have done something less than stellar. There is ample evidence that the officer is not one to racially profile people or denigrate people because of their race. His boss (a black man) choose him to teach others how to avoid profiling people. The "victim" has made his living with an emphasis that white people are racist. The reports from those on the scene indicate that he was at best uncooperative and making racist claims. The house had previously been broken into.

If you read the report, it states that at no time did Gates show identification, although he was repeatedly asked for it. I challenge everyone to read it for themselves, and then attempt to claim that Gates was cooperating. -- All Gates had to do, is what EVERYONE is expected to do in this situation, SHOW HIS ID. If there is any accuracy in the report at all, he belligerently refused.

Now we're learning that the Honorable Professor uttered some disparaging remarks about the police officers mother. Where I come from, such comments can usually buy you an opportunity for dentures. It's not unusual for the public to scream for and demand that police officers be held to a higher standard of respect when going about their duties. Respect is a double edged sword and it swings both ways. An individual who is disruptive and argumentative during a confrontration wtih police is probably going to be dealt with in a manner fitting the display of temper. At this point at least were I officer Crowley I wouldn't offer an apology either. This isn't a case of black and/or white. It's a case of a home owner letting his alligator mouth overload his humming bird brain.

While I think according to the report he did over react, (if the report is accurate) did say that initially he did 'not' show idenditfication but then 'did' show id, so I don't know where you got that he did not at any time show id, because he did according to the report. While I agree that we should show respect on both sides, reacting to violence with violence, as per your denture remark, doesn't show restraint or character either.

I would have respected the cop more if he had continued to walk away and allowed the professor to act like the child. They both had an audience, so it was unlikly that they old man would have done much more than yell, making himself look foolish. The cop really didn't need to make his day worse by arresting him, in my opinion. I think if the cop had walked away it would have put him in a much better light.

As for Obama, he was asked about the incident inappropriately, when his focus was on health care, so to me they just wanted something to make a stink about and unfortunately Obama walked right in to that one.

Yes, he did show (work) University ID --> without home address listed on it... He showed the DL ID only after the altercation...

The prof gets as good as he gives!! If he wants to act like an arss hole, the he should be treated as such.

Like I said in an earlier post...the officer was following procedure as outlined by the laws of his state! Period!

The prof was asked(more than once)to calm down...but to no avail! So, the officer, in order to continue his job, was left with no other choice, but the one the prof left him with. It WAS the action of the prof, that got him arrested(and it was his choice to continue his verbal abuse)! I don't see why it's so hard for you people to's a plain as the nose on your face!whoa

While your view is quite plain, my view is simply that you don't respond in kind to a screaming child. It only teaches the child that you also can not control yourself. I much would have prefered to see the officer rise above that and walk away as he was doing at first.

I do not know if you've been in military or if you understand the protocol of a military/police profession. Walk away? I hope you are kidding...based on your statement here, you seems to not know what police are for and what they do to protect you and your neighborhood.

Now, I'm really curious who you are... pardon me for viewing your profile...

Well I am not sure my profile will be of much help to you but I can assure you I am very familiar with the profession of the police department and no I am absolutely not kidding. I have seen up close how different officers react to such incidents.

As for the military, most of the men in my family and extended family have been in the service.

no photo
Fri 07/24/09 09:00 PM

Im curious about who reported the so called break in and why! Its easy to judge someone until it happens to YOU on YOUR property and home!!!!!!!

I agree, there's more than one way to look at this situation and hopefully learn from it too. The neigbhor I believe called it in.

It was white neighbor lady. She reported seeing two black men with backpacks breaking into a home. I wondered about the backpacks. lol

No, it was the black neighbor lady. The prof house was robbed before.

no photo
Fri 07/24/09 09:03 PM

Im curious about who reported the so called break in and why! Its easy to judge someone until it happens to YOU on YOUR property and home!!!!!!!

I agree, there's more than one way to look at this situation and hopefully learn from it too. The neigbhor I believe called it in.

It was white neighbor lady. She reported seeing two black men with backpacks breaking into a home. I wondered about the backpacks. lol

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
I wondered about the backpacks. lol

Oh man, you crack me up! Now, I can't be serious here anymore... Thank you for the good laugh tonite
Mwauaaaaaaaah, Modela.....rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

I fail to see the humor, I wondered about the back packs myself. That's funny?