Topic: Weapons | |
*walks in....looks around....interesting, very
interesting....whistling.....hmmmmm...* |
Alex said...
Sun 06/03/07 10:52 AM "yeah, i don't know".... Zap said been thousands of years...exactly and now we are intelligent enough to cultivate an internal witness, that asks questions and looks at motives and chooses rather than runing on an auto pilot program that is slow, has viruses, is outdated, and is slowly deteriorating the motherboard.... ************************************************** From my understanding, OUTSIDE of my isolated sanctuary, and having spent many years in the inner city areas of all of our cities, (and NOT in the delectable shiny parts), amongst the homeless, and the mentally incapacitated, the poor, and the forgotten... Most of the Western world, the consumer world, the democratic, and affluent sectors of the world, do live in congested cities. There is an awareness of this war , and many others appearing to be an exercise in futility...just the change in tide, of public opinion exemplifies this. So there is something stirring, similar to what was occurring during the years around the Vietnam a different format, in a more hushed, and quiet rumbling way, but it is still happening. How to empower the masses again, how to give momentum to the rumblings of discontent, and to channel them in a positive direction? How to utilise these moments in history, to shape and effect change at it's core value system. We have an opportunity, arise, again, and although there is a dulling of motivation, of actually getting up and doing something about it...there has to be a way. Yes the voting booths, are one way, but who to choose? Does that not in itself, cause an almost resignation, within the morale of nations, when the selection for improving these countries we live in, is so grim? When the agendas, and the personal motivation, of these candidates, are their primary motivation, to stand for government? How to harness this discontent, this sense of hopelessness, and channel, encourage that word, that emotion hope, into an empowering experience? There appears to be a disempowerment, amongst many country's population, a sense of hopelessness, an apathy. How to turn that around, and find a common goal. September 11 galvanised a nation, (a unification) and whether that was a positive, or a negative, as a motivator, and the history books will show. How to galvanise these nations again, all of them, those that are a part of the coalition, and other countries, who watch, from a safe distance, with out using fear as a motivator? Can we learn from New Zealand, and Switzerland, and other countries similar? Can they be used as a part of the models required to adapt human behaviours, those countries that just get on with it, and do not pick up arms at the drop of a hat? |
Maybe someday jess, maybe someday.....
Hey you.. I left you a post, from the 'militant
feminist'... and good evening to you, Steve. |
OK, you want to galvanise the people, try drafting their ass.
Right now 1/2 of 1% serving in the armed forces doesnt do it! I keep hearing this 9/11 deeply affecting this Nation/ False, Give the press and politicians a reason for their agendas, I will go for that. I live here, you read it in the news. Jess, Im telling you most Americans are not afraid of terrorists. Most never skipped a step. It changed viewing habits on the TV, but only then until American Idol came on again. The Press sensationalizes it, better ratings. Politicians sensationalize it, something to drive their campaigns. The military sensationalizes it, they get to pratice using their new toys and increase their officer staff with combat expierience. The rest of the world sensationalizes it, really dont know why could be several reasons including American bashing. The average Joe in America views it as a distraction and nothing else. Most people I know, dont fear terrorism and never have. As a whole, most (the majority) have never even flown on an airplane. We are approaching 400 mill in population, 2,000 or so is terrible, but really, just a smiggen. Sure it pissed a lot of us off, but the average American was watching it on the TV as if it were a football game. Most would just as soon as nuked them just for fun. Terrible, all of this, but when you are the most powerful nation on the face of the Earth thats what happens. Who is going to attack us? who can? Who dares? Answer all three questions with nobody and you will be correct, and please dont say 9/11 was an attack, if it was then we really dont have anything to fear.(weak) |
Fanta, you are personalising my post, taking it onboard...
Stop for a second, and look at the propaganda, of the media, and the politicians, in many countries, then look at the opinion polls surrounding that time...and the propaganda attached to those opinion polls. I just read in another thread, it would take a "Pearl Harbour" experience, right before 9/11.... I speak for how it "appears", hoe we are 'fed' it to whom? By political machines, with their own agendas? I do not speak for the masses, the voting masses, other, than the display of support for this war in Iraq, 6 years ago, after a major event, in the US... What will it take for that same reaction? Without loss of life? |
A leader that can put forth an endeavor that will capture the attention
of the whole Nation!! The space race did that once, and a man named Kennedy! I think now we need a national effort geared toward alternative fuels. At present everyone is worried about oil, and they dont mind taking it by force. Take away that driving force, and motivate Americans with a National effort to be free of the dependence. Then, I think you will see a kinder gentler America. Until that happens, watch out world, because we are going to get what we need, and we are big enough, and bad enough to take it! What you see now is nothing, if they draft watch out. Kent State showed that they will enforce among us (citizens) what they want!! |
I wasn't aware this was a bash the US thread....I must have missed
something... Australia is a part of the coalition...Australian government leaders, are right there, in the pocket... I look at how Australian's reacted to the whole period of time surrounding 9/11, and what the public opinion was here, amongst the population.... and then look at other countries....including, but not singling out, the US... It is how I look at all things... Personally, then family, then community, then country, then, other countries, then globally. It is my nature to expand these ideas, to not sit, insular, but to look at things, as a part, then a part of the whole... |
Who the fukc are "they"? Are you implying the average citizen's opinion
doesn't matter? That the citizens are powerless? That sounds more like fascism than anything else. |
We need a good ole fashion ass whooping!!
but who can give it? This War, the real war, not the police action since. We took out one of the 5 largest militaries in the world. We lost 42 dead. Amazing, we should have just left the next day! **** em! No, we never should have went, but when we did anyway we should have just left! Let them worry about the aftermath! We couldnt do that though, they have the second largest oil reserve in the World, and we are by far the largest consumer. Take away our dependence on the Black Gold, and you will see a different America!!!! Now if we can just elect a leader with the vision to lead us there..... |
No kid at heart, Im implying you cant get three random americans to
agree on anything. Far from facist, I really dont understand wher that came from. During the last Presidential campaign, a reporter went to a mall (mississippi) and randomly stopped people and asked if they could name the candidates running in the primary. I believe they asked for three. No one could answer with three names. LMAO (sad) Most Americans have no idea who is running, and dam sure dont know what they stand for. Its shameful and when you look around at the politicians we have, all I can think of to say is we get what we asked for. A True representation of the people, complacency is very dangerous!! |
Sorry Fanta, I wasn't implying that anyone IS a facsist. The
idea that your votes don't matter (if people do vote) and "they" are going to do what "they" want is what I was reffering to. It's not much different here in Canada. I hear people whining about politicians doing this and that. When I ask if they voted and they say no I ask how they feel they have a right to whine. I hate to admit it but since I was old enough to vote (which I do), only three times has the person I voted for been elected municipally, provicially or federally. Often I find I'm voting for the candidate I dislike the least not the best leader. What's even more disturbing is that there seems to be almost no difference who gets in. "They" do seem to all sound the same and act the same. Are "they" really the ones in power or are "they" just puppets and face men. Please don't get the idea that I'm a conspiracy nut. I just find it extremely frustrating that there doesn't seem to be any real change when a different party takes over. Same BS and tow the party line. Blame the last guy that was in office. blah blah blah It would be nice to have one person worth voting in to office in my lifetime! Not the same old song and dance. |
We feel that pain here as well. I would for once like to see a true
leader step out of the pack! Unfortunately the political system here with lobbyist determining who gets the donations wont allow that to happen. If we could solve that problem then the professional politician would disappear, and true Americans would be able to run for office. Until then the dream that your child could grow up and be president is dead. I believe there are a couple of candadates in the race, who could overcome the two party politics, but they probably wont make it through the primaries. Lets face it, You can not get three Americans to agree on anything. We have an endless supply of blind sheep however! They vote on popularity and never read past the captions on the pictures. A book, ha, ha, ha,!!!! |
Yah, we have those packs of jackals running around here too.
This countries politics are so screwed up, I think (afraid) Giuliani
could win!! Now that's screwed up!!!! Hillary, LMAO, what a waste..... Ron Paul is a decoy, and John Edwards wont make a stand one way or the other on Immigration. People cant get past the fact that hes wealthy either. Like they all arent!!! Im begginning to think Bill Richardson is the best bet, but we will see.. Can he can the votes??? Everyone talks about a hillary, obama ticket, Id like to see a Richardson, Edwards ticket....Or Ron Paul run as an independent!!! Ahh dream on... |
oh Fanta....sometimes ya just take my breath away....!!!
leave me swoonin ! .... the US is like a child that got too much too soon. and then grabbed the bleach....well the jury is still out as to how much damage drinking bleach did ,.... lol and jess ...bashing and calling a spade a spade are a little different. i feel that fanta calls a spade a spade. with a few hearts thrown in for good measure... he checks his sources and has always represented his point of view with patience.... no one has to agree but one must give credit for the manner and accuracy of his posts. (unless it's opinion, then it is subjective) America never put on any brakes with the industrial revolution..just got greedier and greedier...manufactured the american dream and proceeded to market it to an innocent public...who just like the kids eating those crack laced poprocks...have no idea how damaging it actually is. well now we now we have to fix it...take away the poprocks and the extreme overindulgence IN consumer madness and PUT PROPORTION BACK IN PLACE. |
Medical breakthroughs, technical advances, and so on. Yes, it is
unfortunate that the rest of the world has had to suffer as a result. Enjoy your microwave popcorn while watching a movie on television. Hey! the phone is ringing! A few of the many benefits the rest of the world enjoys as a result of those evil American bastards. |
What is tv????????
Popcorn???????? And the telephone is a bl***dy nuisance at best. |
Okay, so they weren't necessarily good things? lol