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Topic: Weapons
no photo
Thu 05/31/07 03:12 PM
No, I suppose they are more conscious of what they are able to do, and
have the control to hold back. Otherwise I so think you'd never make it
to the black belt.

Oceans5555's photo
Thu 05/31/07 03:59 PM
That makes a lot of sense. The more mastery, the less belligerence.....

lulu24's photo
Thu 05/31/07 04:05 PM
and less of a need to prove one's self.

Oceans5555's photo
Thu 05/31/07 04:09 PM
Agreed, Lulu....I read somewhere that anger is caused by a fear of
losing something. Maybe if people had greater skills, they would fearing
losing less, and so not react with anger as much.

Jess642's photo
Thu 05/31/07 04:14 PM
Reading through the ideas that are floating around here...

And for all to look at the different perspectives offered...in an
intelligent and open way..is perhaps the very thing that we are all
striving for..

Peaceful dialogue, which may lead to peaceful designs...

If we take this tiny thread, and look at the diversity of personalities,
and cultures and countries, as a 'test case' of what these designs, or
the discussions of these designs, for a healthier humanity may look
like, I feel optimism, and the tiniest glimmer of possibility...

For in every culture, (and we do need to look at all of the different
cultures, and societies, globally, when discussing what is, and what
will work, what the impacts will be), to have intrinsic changes within
the habits and behaviours developed, we must be sensitive to the
traditions of these different cultures.

And that is a huge task!

However, rather than sink into a defeatist mindset, I looked at how,
there is a desire for many countries to follow the 'western ways', with
consumerism, and the fast growth of economies...and wondered...

If there is this desire to be competative, with western ways, (for eg,
China and it's rapid changes within it's country, and it's foray into
global trading on the economic markets)..then there is the possibility,
of making these changes within our societies, and it then onflowing to

When I looked at global, I got lost, so many cultural differences, so
many tradional ways, that all are unique to the different countries...

How to effect change, without forcing it upon others, as one nation to

Lead by example? Rather than having countries follow us into our errors,
follow us into our successes?


Oceans, you said..

What if a global movement began with women withholding moral approval
for those who fight?

What if they turned away from those who advocate


I see this as a wonderful, and potentially, huge impact...however to
have that implicated into reality, I see challenges..

And without causing an uproar...how many wives, daughters, mothers,
sisters, have been vehemantly against their menfolk going off to war?

Protested, and cajoled, begged their menfolk not to go?

And still they went...

The way I see it, there has been disempowerment with the patriarchal
ways of our societies..

And so...with that thought in mind...I asked myself why was it
ineffectual, why is it ineffectual?

Public support for the wars, and the turmoils within other countries,
has dwindled, globally...

(There are more countries, than just the US)

And still our menfolk go...is it economy, wages, income, that takes
these young men away, or is it the glory of war, of heroism?

The mindset programmed, conditioned, from birth, that men are warriors,
and defenders, and then re-inforced within their careers?

So where to start? To affect changes to these mindsets?

Is it within the family home, first and foremost?

That these young people are given good strong morals, and taught other
ways of managing

Then into society, with schooling, and then the sports world, the work

What is the current expectation of men and women? How are men perceived
in these modern times?

Have their roles changed?

Has women's roles changed?

kariZman's photo
Thu 05/31/07 04:42 PM
Give way as to conquer! the :tongue: is mightyer than the sword i try to
keep both edges sharpbigsmile

nusalor's photo
Thu 05/31/07 04:44 PM
There is so much greatness and poetry in this thread...


no photo
Fri 06/01/07 08:33 AM
There were women that fought Patriarchy. Tribes of Amazons, in Syria,
Thrace, Macedonia, and Africa, defended themselves from invasion, and
fought to preserve their Matriarchal religion and culture against the
onslaughts of the rising Sun God.

because we have been taught to see these as myths, we doubt their actual
existence, but the myth records the history of preliterate existence,
indeed isn't that also a basis for some of the arguments qualifying the
old testament?

anyway , my point being, we , as women are also capable of FEROCIOUS
capacity for protecting our domaine, we will use weapons, as many men
in this forum can attest to from their divorce stories !! lmao!!

we can get dirty, we are not afraid to be warriors and we have and I
have , taken up the sword to save our children.

but what we have HERE, is so far out of any direction any of us as a
humanity EVER wanted to see it go in.....

something equally extreme has to challenge it. and if we as women are
going to unite to challenge it, we have to look at the reality of what
we are up against...seriously. it's monstrous.

so where do we begin?

we can change the world....we have so we can do it again,

it is not about overcoming Patriarchy

it is about remembering OUR OWN POWERFUL ROLE as WOMEN AND MOTHERS and

we have all been born into conditioning of the 1900's....it has been an
amazingly successful parasite, the Media and the invention of
and movies.

we have been fed so many movies....so many dreams , horrors, fairytales,
and fantasies,we have been given access to worldwide communication and
this is what we do with it. reality tv shows and idols and britney and
paris, and marilyn monroe, and lana turner, and grace kelly, and .....

what does security look like ?

what have we as women allowed ourselves to be hypnotized into believing
was our genuine role here ???

just as any person will pull a child from an oncoming car
so should we pull them away from surrendering their brilliant minds to
the use of weapons. One's self defense resides within, there are many
roads to rome. We should be able to look and learn from these
and i mean we as a humanity...so just as we have been conditioned by so
much media over the decades, now we are using that very instrument to
reach eachother and exchange our ideas and find out that we have more
solidarity than we imagined and we are powered by that and it doesn't
seem so insurmountable, we ARE DOING IT, we are living it

but now i am asked to take a bigger step, step out of my comfort
zone..my security...here is where it gets tricky. how far will we take

i am personally involved in active protests, i would like to see a
global tuning of women from all over the world take 1 day to march .
wherever they were. All of us on 1 day together....who knows...

kariZman's photo
Fri 06/01/07 09:11 AM
a black belt kung fu man wacked me fair in the mouth a long time ago for
my impudence my mouth was bleeding somewatt so i filled my mouth with
blood and spat the blood in his face it scared the shhiitt out of him he
backed down and ran to the police to see were he stood he backed right
of and never bothered me again in fact he helped me as the years went on
he was my neighbour he drowned trying to save his son they both died he
was a shhiitthouse swimmer.and im rambling

no photo
Fri 06/01/07 11:45 AM
something to think about......

"The Blank Slate" ?

the"Ghost In The Machine" ?

or is the mind a system with many parts, then an inate desire is just
one component amoung others. Some faculties may endow us with greed or
lust or malice, but others may endow us with sympathy, foresight,self
respect, and a desire for respect from others, and an ability to learn
from others and process information..these are physical circuits
residing in the prefrontal cortex and other parts of the brain. they
have a genetic basis and an evolutionary history, no less than primal

our roles here are genetically determined thru the interaction between a
selfish process of evolution, and a law of complex systems.

this being so. i figure these wars and STRESS that have been taxed
onto the species , are serving to either balance some kind of population
control or weed out the violent ones that are attracted to that game.

but it's defective...and just in time for us to remove it with the new
developments in genetics. we do know that some genes will kill you.

so the more our natures recoil and protest all the corruption, the
better and more quickly we will regenerate healthier minds. when you put
the mind in conflict with it's nature for too long , finally the
tension releases to a dominant victor.
so we have a crossroad
if the mind is poisoned to the core of it's values and that defeats the
successful aim of self preservation , we will simply evolve more and
more sophisticated weapons for defense...all the way down the line ,
absorbing and becoming immune to a violent lifestyle that we could have
chosen to redirect , back there at the crossroad.

we have become desensitized by so many things and you have heard them
all...is this affecting how we evolve genetically? memetically?

why do we pump so much money into violent movies and games..get me going
about games.....subliminal programming, NLP, sophisticated advertising,
think tanks like Rand...

we as women have to from our kitchens boycott so many safe and
installed institutions ...and stop buying anything to do with violence
or war toys and really use the amazing force and intelligence that we
to redesign our cultural realities....to in every way possible call

we are at least their equals, and it's our turn now

to every man, and with all due respect


no photo
Fri 06/01/07 11:52 AM
flowerforyou Alexflowerforyou

You have my mind boggling with this world wide protest of yours already,
I doubt that I'll get any sleep for the next few weeks.

laugh laugh

no photo
Fri 06/01/07 12:02 PM
what else's a girl to do on a friday night and no date?

what ever we occupy our minds with we can create

hahahhahahaaa so it's as simple as 'change your mind! '

oh oh oh oh oh !!!

giggggggggggling in the cornerbigsmile

no photo
Fri 06/01/07 12:04 PM
I just wish mind changing was so simplegrumble grumble

How do you kick yourself in the butt????????

laugh laugh laugh

kidatheart70's photo
Fri 06/01/07 12:07 PM
I get the feeling the hardest part is actually believing it is that

Hi ladiesflowerforyou

no photo
Fri 06/01/07 12:16 PM
Hi Harryflowerforyou

Weekend for you yet???

RainbowTrout's photo
Fri 06/01/07 12:19 PM
The woman is mightier than the remote control, Alex. I have seen this
happen myself in the past. I can remember when my ex was busy cleaning
the house. She was a clean freak just like her mother. I can remember
her cleaning the house. She liked to keep a clean house. But this one
time the kids and I were watching this one interesting show. In she
comes storming asking, "Would it be too much to get some help around
here?" I and the kids could tell she was upset about something. She put
herself right in front of the television and turned it off. I thought,
'How sacrilrigious' coming front of the one eyed monster like that. And
she did the unthinkable. She turned the television off. I just kept
trying to click the remote control but nothing happened. So I said
outloud, "Well, kids I think we had better helped your mother until this
storm is over."laugh

kidatheart70's photo
Fri 06/01/07 12:21 PM
Yes it is. Doesn't make much difference though. Lots to do around

How's your evening?flowerforyou

no photo
Fri 06/01/07 12:22 PM

laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Fri 06/01/07 12:22 PM
I decided on a bottle of wine tonight, just so.

And I'm enjoying it.:tongue: happy :wink:

RainbowTrout's photo
Fri 06/01/07 12:29 PM
Yeah, invisible it was really a real opener for me at that time. I meant
thinking back to that time. Here was a device that was meant to make a
woman's life easier so she didn't have to get up and turn the channel
selector or the volume control. I thought why would a woman be so
against modern technology. It baffled me.laugh

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