Topic: serious question? | |
I wouldn't stay with someone that would only want me when he was drunk or high. I actually enjoy being sober and remembering every last little touch.
i wish that i had been drunk more often with her. at least then my memories would be blurry instead of clear. they just won't go away. . . . |
I wouldn't stay with someone that would only want me when he was drunk or high. I actually enjoy being sober and remembering every last little touch.
i wish that i had been drunk more often with her. at least then my memories would be blurry instead of clear. they just won't go away. . . . And with weed, your memories wouldn't be blurry, they just wouldn't be there. Short term memory loss...what was I saying.? |
I wouldn't stay with someone that would only want me when he was drunk or high. I actually enjoy being sober and remembering every last little touch.
i wish that i had been drunk more often with her. at least then my memories would be blurry instead of clear. they just won't go away. . . . |
i cant spell do to mainly my lack of the understanding of the english language wich is a learnin disorder ive delt with since i started school. Solution. Use a browser with spell check like I do. When you see the red lines underneath your text right click and pick the appropriate word from the menu. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. ![]() |
No drug heads for me!! so does that mean that u ur self doesnt take any kind of drug. cuz most of ur prescribed drugs are a derivitive of cocane, or opeam. wich is commonly known as heriwen. so in all actualality most poeple out ther are majorly addicted to real drugs. majorly? no...there's a difference between taking some codeine after a root canal or for a torn muscle. i personally will not take any form of narcotic. i like feeling in control at all times. not to mention that they don't work much on me, either. first off i never sead im good, correct, or even a competent speller. sorry i cant spell my bad didnt know i was gettin graded. and im not tryin to say any ones right or wrong, just tryin to understand why poeple have ther opinions on both sides. and ther is a big dif between a plant and a man made substance put on the market to make a quick buck. plants dont care bout money (one of the bigest evils) i for one am GLAD you're interested in this as a discussion. you're young and have your whole life ahead of you. um, and i can spell. quite well, lol. hey, nightshade is a plant...want some? wats nightshade? mabe but im strickly pot, nothin else. and its a good one obviously. ha but realy ill b one for... dont plan on quitin. and realy just tryin to understand. |
I wouldn't stay with someone that would only want me when he was drunk or high. I actually enjoy being sober and remembering every last little touch.
i wish that i had been drunk more often with her. at least then my memories would be blurry instead of clear. they just won't go away. . . . . . . |
def agree with most of u. but pot doesnt define a person or ther personality. i would have to say in my own opinion most pot heads suck at life. and most only use for ther own personal wants. but then again just cuz most humans suck doesnt mean we all do.
but anything that makes a person "bad" or unfunctional is def a instent "next" in my books. |
Yeah, Id never date anyone who uses any kind of drug, including alcahol.
i blaze and i dont care if you do or not.
your decision. and no, it isnt acceptable at all... very very very common misconception. ![]() |
Nope, not for me. Wouldn't date anyone that did.
I wouldn't stay with someone that would only want me when he was drunk or high. I actually enjoy being sober and remembering every last little touch.
i wish that i had been drunk more often with her. at least then my memories would be blurry instead of clear. they just won't go away. . . . . . . |
this one ended up like i figed it would. meh still guna burn and still goin to look for a pot but realy
i was aiming more so for the resons why u wouldnt or would date a stoner. and not ur normal "pot heads suck" aditude. but more to the point of why. cuz not all of use r stuck to the couch by all the munchies that fell. i for instance own my own handyman bis and am doin better then most the poeple "that i know" that graded from college. and i injoy my life, well except the single part. |
Edited by
Wed 07/15/09 08:18 PM
I wouldn't stay with someone that would only want me when he was drunk or high. I actually enjoy being sober and remembering every last little touch.
i wish that i had been drunk more often with her. at least then my memories would be blurry instead of clear. they just won't go away. . . . . . . deal one of those blue flashy light things from men in black would do. . . . |
I wouldn't stay with someone that would only want me when he was drunk or high. I actually enjoy being sober and remembering every last little touch.
i wish that i had been drunk more often with her. at least then my memories would be blurry instead of clear. they just won't go away. . . . . . . deal one of those blue flashy light things from men in black would do. . . . ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I do it. I would prefer my mate to as well.
But I do it in moderation. And so should he. When I decide to have kids (because it WILL be planned) it won't happen during that period. But then I am Canadian, it's a different attitude here. (Mostly) |
so im starting to realize pot is not as accepible as i thought. so my question is how many of u realy care if or if not ur partner is a user (of pot)? this is not ment to offend or make any one uncomfortable. just lookin for real, honest feed back. I don't care, I do it a few times a week (of course this week I've been splurging)...just as long as they aren't that stoner type that starts spitting off about the rapture coming and that they can see Jesus in a tree. ![]() |
so im starting to realize pot is not as accepible as i thought. so my question is how many of u realy care if or if not ur partner is a user (of pot)? this is not ment to offend or make any one uncomfortable. just lookin for real, honest feed back. I don't care, I do it a few times a week (of course this week I've been splurging)...just as long as they aren't that stoner type that starts spitting off about the rapture coming and that they can see Jesus in a tree. ![]() AMEN and HALLELUJAH! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Jesus in a tree. ![]() wait wait wait... CAN they see jesus in a tree??? i might have to investigate... ![]() |
I do it. I would prefer my mate to as well. But I do it in moderation. And so should he. When I decide to have kids (because it WILL be planned) it won't happen during that period. But then I am Canadian, it's a different attitude here. (Mostly) Good take off hoser. Just kidding. Like I said before, Pot has it's uses. Same as alcohol. I remember when I was a kid and my grandpa broke his nose, they packed it with a drug. Come to find out, that drug was mostly cocaine. He never felt a thing in his nose for days and healed fine. And never used cocaine again. |
Depends on if they're active and successful at what they do or if they're a loser pot head.