Topic: Administration to Reveal Plans for Katrina Housing Transitio
yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/05/09 11:32 AM
that doesn't surprise me....all of these things make it hard for me to be agreeable to give out more money

adj4u's photo
Fri 06/05/09 11:34 AM

1,800 mobile homes to 3,400 families

are they duplexes or do they alternate days

or do they just live together

what what what what

no photo
Fri 06/05/09 11:53 AM
Edited by Unknow on Fri 06/05/09 12:08 PM
Need to move the trailers out of harms way not bring in more...I know, not everyone can afford it...Charley took out 37 trailer "PARKS"( Not trailers whole Parks) in Punta Gorda... Leveled them..Most older mobile homes are impossibale to insure..Do I want more brought in? IMO NO!

I "PAY" to have my home covered and carry flood insurance...

The MOBILE homes they bring in are not even the better built ones...Certainly fall way below hurricane codes!!!AND certainly cost alot to transport and set up!!!

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/05/09 12:01 PM
and that is exactly why (as sorry as I feel for them) I don't want more money going toward them. fix the problems before spending more money on what will keep happening

no photo
Fri 06/05/09 12:11 PM
If we get hit this year we are screwed..All theses empty homes with junk setting around!!! It wont be pretty for people who still own homes!!!!!

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/05/09 12:17 PM
we lived in the Phillipines when I was young and went through a typhoon (aptly named typhoon name) there is no way after that, that I would live near the coast and go through a hurricane.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 06/05/09 12:25 PM

Criminy! By all means, let hussein give the whole damned country to his bruthas, NOT! This is pathetic. I know too many people who were hit by those hurricanes, and not JUST Katrina. They rebuild and go on, but then they have backbones and aren't so lazy they just sit there with their hands out waiting for someone else to do all the work. Everyone knows which group is still sniveling about Katrina, and why they don't deserve any MORE help down there.

More ignorancy at it's best.

Katrina was a mess and the fact that there are still displaced families without permanent housing at this late date shows that Bush was an idiot. Obama shouldn't even have to be dealing with this.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 06/05/09 12:29 PM

what boogles my mind, as well, is not having flood insurance (some people). I know it's expensive, but it is what is needed if people live in a flood zone, especially on the coast or where a hurricane can damage the house

I am so with you with these sentiments.

Guess people just took it for granted as it had been sometime since last hurricane catastrophe that they adopt the wont happen to me attitude.

That is not true. Most of what went down when Katrina hit were the poor areas. They built these housing developments to house the poor on flood planesl. Not smart to begin with. We all know that even the lower middle class cannot afford flood insurance, there is no way in hell that the poor can.

If you are poor and someone tells you to move and all your people live either too far from you or right next door, where do you go?

franshade's photo
Fri 06/05/09 12:36 PM

what boogles my mind, as well, is not having flood insurance (some people). I know it's expensive, but it is what is needed if people live in a flood zone, especially on the coast or where a hurricane can damage the house

I am so with you with these sentiments.

Guess people just took it for granted as it had been sometime since last hurricane catastrophe that they adopt the wont happen to me attitude.

That is not true. Most of what went down when Katrina hit were the poor areas. They built these housing developments to house the poor on flood planesl. Not smart to begin with. We all know that even the lower middle class cannot afford flood insurance, there is no way in hell that the poor can.

If you are poor and someone tells you to move and all your people live either too far from you or right next door, where do you go?

Poor areas were hit granted, no one knew, no one is ever ready like with any catastrophe.

Now this is how I think, if I live in a flood zone, either I insure what's mine or I don't. I understand and know it's expensive, but at least I will be responsible for my own property.

Even those with means lost everything, so not following your comment if you are poor where do you go? Some people had family and friends to rely on, some people were helped by complete strangers opening their homes, some people just picked up and left.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 06/05/09 12:44 PM
Edited by Dragoness on Fri 06/05/09 12:45 PM

what boogles my mind, as well, is not having flood insurance (some people). I know it's expensive, but it is what is needed if people live in a flood zone, especially on the coast or where a hurricane can damage the house

I am so with you with these sentiments.

Guess people just took it for granted as it had been sometime since last hurricane catastrophe that they adopt the wont happen to me attitude.

That is not true. Most of what went down when Katrina hit were the poor areas. They built these housing developments to house the poor on flood planesl. Not smart to begin with. We all know that even the lower middle class cannot afford flood insurance, there is no way in hell that the poor can.

If you are poor and someone tells you to move and all your people live either too far from you or right next door, where do you go?

Poor areas were hit granted, no one knew, no one is ever ready like with any catastrophe.

Now this is how I think, if I live in a flood zone, either I insure what's mine or I don't. I understand and know it's expensive, but at least I will be responsible for my own property.

Even those with means lost everything, so not following your comment if you are poor where do you go? Some people had family and friends to rely on, some people were helped by complete strangers opening their homes, some people just picked up and left.

You cannot insure if you do not have the means, sorry to say but true. The people who were left there to suffer were the extremely poor who could not just up and leave.

I did not see an outpouring of people from all over the country telling folks, "come to my house, I will pay your way here and your way back and feed you and house you until it is over". Because that is what most of those people would have had to have to leave.

There is no fault on these victims whatsoever. They were just that complete and utter victims.

no photo
Fri 06/05/09 12:47 PM

If we get hit this year we are screwed..All theses empty homes with junk setting around!!! It wont be pretty for people who still own homes!!!!!

My gf told me she is worried as well abou forclosures just sitting there wasting away with junk that can become missles. She is forced to clean up around these homes and she shouldn't have to. Where the hell is the company or bank that owns them, what's there responsibility, after all they didn't bother working with the people while they were in them.

I have a forclosure in front of me and one on the side. Neither one has had the grass mowed. Each week I add something to the garbage to get rid of debri that was left behind.

If the state could put qualified people in those homes I think that would be a smart thing to do. As for mobile homes, why the heck don't they build them better so the have some value and can be sold after their use for pete sakes. And stop zoning for them where they are in harms way by the hurricanes we know full well will knock them down again.

I have no problem with them being given away, hell they most likely sat for years in some damn yard some where ....

I don't like waste myself, in fact hate it but we don't do the smart thing ahead of time, then wonder why we end up looking like morons after the fact.

franshade's photo
Fri 06/05/09 12:50 PM

what boogles my mind, as well, is not having flood insurance (some people). I know it's expensive, but it is what is needed if people live in a flood zone, especially on the coast or where a hurricane can damage the house

I am so with you with these sentiments.

Guess people just took it for granted as it had been sometime since last hurricane catastrophe that they adopt the wont happen to me attitude.

That is not true. Most of what went down when Katrina hit were the poor areas. They built these housing developments to house the poor on flood planesl. Not smart to begin with. We all know that even the lower middle class cannot afford flood insurance, there is no way in hell that the poor can.

If you are poor and someone tells you to move and all your people live either too far from you or right next door, where do you go?

Poor areas were hit granted, no one knew, no one is ever ready like with any catastrophe.

Now this is how I think, if I live in a flood zone, either I insure what's mine or I don't. I understand and know it's expensive, but at least I will be responsible for my own property.

Even those with means lost everything, so not following your comment if you are poor where do you go? Some people had family and friends to rely on, some people were helped by complete strangers opening their homes, some people just picked up and left.

You cannot insure if you do not have the means, sorry to say but true. The people who were left there to suffer were the extremely poor who could not just up and leave.

I did not see an outpouring of people from all over the country telling folks, "come to my house, I will pay your way here and your way back and feed you and house you until it is over". Because that is what most of those people would have had to have to leave.

There is no fault on these victims whatsoever. They were just that complete and utter victims.

I did see an outpouring of complete strangers open their home, and just to clarify I am not blaming anyone who is going thru any type of hardship due to this or any natural disaster.

I am sharing my opinion as you are. A lot of those homes were not public tenements they were private homes, which really doesn't mean much as all was lost.

I feel if you can own a home you should budget for insurance - again this is my opinion nothing more. As a renter, the owner of dwelling should have maintained insurance.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/05/09 12:55 PM
fran...I agree with you. many opened there homes (even in other states) as while as donated items.

no one (unless incarcerated) is forced to live there. it is well known that hurricanes will occur.

who should pay for it?? I don't mind helping out but not doing it all. if someone can't afford flood insurance...then don't live in the area...plain and simple. If I didn't have fire insurance and a fire happened...I wouldn't expect others to pay for it. Helping is one thing....but people have to help themselves as well

no photo
Fri 06/05/09 12:56 PM
I would only say here that the owner of the home they rent is not responsible for their belongings and their person in a situation like this. That is why there is renters insurance and it's not all that expensive, especially if you live in a place where it CAN and will happen.

The owner already has the responsiblity of paying their home's insurance and taxes and in many cases regular upkeep, though some landlords aren't all that responsible when it comes to upkeep, though it's understandable when more often than not the home gets trashed. They should not have to pay the tenents insurance that covers their belongings and their personal injuries. Unless you can convince me why they should.

franshade's photo
Fri 06/05/09 01:00 PM

I would only say here that the owner of the home they rent is not responsible for their belongings and their person in a situation like this. That is why there is renters insurance and it's not all that expensive, especially if you live in a place where it CAN and will happen.

The owner already has the responsiblity of paying their home's insurance and taxes and in many cases regular upkeep, though some landlords aren't all that responsible when it comes to upkeep, though it's understandable when more often than not the home gets trashed. They should not have to pay the tenents insurance that covers their belongings and their personal injuries. Unless you can convince me why they should.

Agree, should have clarified, I was referring to the owner's of property having flood insurance. Renter's should have renter's insurance for their personal belongings. jmo

Dragoness's photo
Fri 06/05/09 01:00 PM

what boogles my mind, as well, is not having flood insurance (some people). I know it's expensive, but it is what is needed if people live in a flood zone, especially on the coast or where a hurricane can damage the house

I am so with you with these sentiments.

Guess people just took it for granted as it had been sometime since last hurricane catastrophe that they adopt the wont happen to me attitude.

That is not true. Most of what went down when Katrina hit were the poor areas. They built these housing developments to house the poor on flood planesl. Not smart to begin with. We all know that even the lower middle class cannot afford flood insurance, there is no way in hell that the poor can.

If you are poor and someone tells you to move and all your people live either too far from you or right next door, where do you go?

Poor areas were hit granted, no one knew, no one is ever ready like with any catastrophe.

Now this is how I think, if I live in a flood zone, either I insure what's mine or I don't. I understand and know it's expensive, but at least I will be responsible for my own property.

Even those with means lost everything, so not following your comment if you are poor where do you go? Some people had family and friends to rely on, some people were helped by complete strangers opening their homes, some people just picked up and left.

You cannot insure if you do not have the means, sorry to say but true. The people who were left there to suffer were the extremely poor who could not just up and leave.

I did not see an outpouring of people from all over the country telling folks, "come to my house, I will pay your way here and your way back and feed you and house you until it is over". Because that is what most of those people would have had to have to leave.

There is no fault on these victims whatsoever. They were just that complete and utter victims.

I did see an outpouring of complete strangers open their home, and just to clarify I am not blaming anyone who is going thru any type of hardship due to this or any natural disaster.

I am sharing my opinion as you are. A lot of those homes were not public tenements they were private homes, which really doesn't mean much as all was lost.

I feel if you can own a home you should budget for insurance - again this is my opinion nothing more. As a renter, the owner of dwelling should have maintained insurance.

There are poor who cannot afford insurance. In the case of home owners, they may have inherited the home or something like that.

Those who were capable to leave, left, leaving only the extremely poor people to suffer. That is how it happened. What ifs and could have beens are no help.

This trailer situation was a disaster to begin with. Most of the trailers sat unused. Idiots at the upper levels did not even check to see if the trailers were zoned for before sending them to areas that could not utilize them.

Then after all of that if a storm of lessor strength than Katrina hits a bunch of trailers, it will be a total loss again.

This showed what an idiot Bush was all the way around. This housing issue should have been solved a long time ago. Obama should not even be dealing with it.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 06/05/09 01:04 PM

I would only say here that the owner of the home they rent is not responsible for their belongings and their person in a situation like this. That is why there is renters insurance and it's not all that expensive, especially if you live in a place where it CAN and will happen.

The owner already has the responsiblity of paying their home's insurance and taxes and in many cases regular upkeep, though some landlords aren't all that responsible when it comes to upkeep, though it's understandable when more often than not the home gets trashed. They should not have to pay the tenents insurance that covers their belongings and their personal injuries. Unless you can convince me why they should.

In flood planes the insurance is way way higher. Because it is a flood plane. Same in earthquake zones, tornado zones, etc... Insurance companies aren't stupid, they know when they can bilk people.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 06/05/09 01:06 PM
so if someone can't afford the insurance...don't live there. there are housing for the poor elsewhere. and people know that is a flood zone. they made the choice not to live somewhere else. who should pay for everything?

franshade's photo
Fri 06/05/09 01:10 PM

There are poor who cannot afford insurance. In the case of home owners, they may have inherited the home or something like that.

Those who were capable to leave, left, leaving only the extremely poor people to suffer. That is how it happened. What ifs and could have beens are no help.

This trailer situation was a disaster to begin with. Most of the trailers sat unused. Idiots at the upper levels did not even check to see if the trailers were zoned for before sending them to areas that could not utilize them.

Then after all of that if a storm of lessor strength than Katrina hits a bunch of trailers, it will be a total loss again.

This showed what an idiot Bush was all the way around. This housing issue should have been solved a long time ago. Obama should not even be dealing with it.

We can agree to disagree, while there were many displaced, left behind, chose to stay, couldnt leave, didnt want to leave, many were helped, many did receive help, many people did pull together.

I don't even blame Bush - this was a natural disaster and even he cant be held accountable for its happening.

Now for how he reacted, is anyone surprised (laugh) sorry couldn't help myself.

franshade's photo
Fri 06/05/09 01:11 PM

I would only say here that the owner of the home they rent is not responsible for their belongings and their person in a situation like this. That is why there is renters insurance and it's not all that expensive, especially if you live in a place where it CAN and will happen.

The owner already has the responsiblity of paying their home's insurance and taxes and in many cases regular upkeep, though some landlords aren't all that responsible when it comes to upkeep, though it's understandable when more often than not the home gets trashed. They should not have to pay the tenents insurance that covers their belongings and their personal injuries. Unless you can convince me why they should.

In flood planes the insurance is way way higher. Because it is a flood plane. Same in earthquake zones, tornado zones, etc... Insurance companies aren't stupid, they know when they can bilk people.

I still think it's a choice to live there. If you can't afford to live there sell and move on, no?